

  • brendaks62
    brendaks62 Posts: 20 Member
    well its both motivating and comforting to catch up on all the reading here. i am a newbie here and motivation is what i need.

    I think i am wanting results too fast. i know slow and steady wins the race as they say. i quess my age, the weather, blah blah blah all makes a difference on my body

    After reading over some posts, i reevaluated what i was eating and how much i was eating. i have began walking again and watching what i eat more closely but i guess not close enough. nothing seems to be changing. i thought i was logging correct amounts but i was quessing instead of actually measuring amounts.

    oh well, i am determined to keep on keepin on. the cold cold Ohio weather is not my cup of tea at all and doesn't help but i am hopeful this time to lose what i want to lose. i know others have more to lose than me, but i have been trying to lose the same 30 pounds or so for years.

    back to the old grind tomorrow and back to work.
    night all
    Brenda in freezing cold Ohio
  • kayms13
    kayms13 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm back with MFP again. Had some success a couple years ago with it, then foot surgery, gained most of the weight back, so trying again. Logging my food really works--I just have to do the work! My biggest motivation came from having my cholesterol checked a couple months ago and found it's higher than it was a few years back. Trying to avoid medication if possible, so I've got 6 months to show improvement. I often scan thru the posts here, and find inspiration from your comments. I probably won't post often, but thanks for being here!

    Kay in cold, windy Wisconsin
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Carol, boy, you sure have had aone busy day. How wonderful that you got all those supplies and didn't even spend the $500

    Heather - oh no, you were right unfortunately. How it hurts. I'm so so sorry for the family

    Did an hour of pilates on the Wii. For some reason, my stomach doesn't feel real good today.Tomorrow I'm planning to do more of that bellydance DVD and then take the extremepump class.

    Anamika - to me, in one sense it's good when people make inidividual replies. There are things that I miss even when I'm not skimming

    Gloria - one time I took an aerobics class and then took a yoga class (the schedule just worked out so that I could) I vowed never again to do something like that. I got too sweaty in the aerobics class and then I was, literally, shivering in the yoga class. Now to take yoga BEFORE an aerobics class, that I could handle. But not after. Congrats that you can do it. Before your yoga class, are you at least able to change your clothes? I would probably take the yoga class after an aerobics class if I had time to change my clothes

    Joyce - so sorry you weren't feeling well but so glad you are going to church this evening. It's so very easy to get out of a habit when you first start, so it's good that you're going.

    Meg - It was my turn to serve communion at church last night too! What kind of spices does your daughter use on her roasted chicken? How does she put the spices (in the bird, on the skin?) That must have been absolutely something about your parents refrig.

    Vicki - GET IN THAT CLOSET!!!!! Poor people need those clothes! You don't Wonder how a 1X would fit you? Maybe go into a store and try one on.

    Brenda - yup, gueestimating will do ya in all the time. Welcome

    kay - post as often as you can, it really does help. Welcome back!

    Well, this morning I was feeling "yukky", so I laid down, still felt yukky then went to the bathroom. Looks like I'm getting my period AGAIN. Well. tomorrow I'm going to call the insurance co. about the reclast and then I'll call the MD because this isn't normal. I'm feeling better, but still crampy.

    Michele in NC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Made it into the 40's today!!!! AND sun!!! One more nice one, then Tues. a high of 25. UGH!

    Linda's obit was in the paper today, very cold and basic; she was soooooo much more.........no mention of her public school teaching career, folkdancing with the international group and the colonial English dance group, or the fact that she was a certified master gardener........nothing.......so sad. I'm sure that many people who knew her certainly did not realize it was her from what was in the paper; her name is not that unusual.

    Took a pizza and a container of ham and bean soup and went over to Gwen's tonight; she provided the salad.........we watched the 60 minutes report on Jay Leno, she's a fan of his too. Have the Grammy's on now, paying very little attention...........except, of course, when Bruno Mars is on! I'm supposed to pick Gwen up tomorrow for a luncheon of the exercise group if she's feeling up to it.

    janehadji........If you are unable to enlist your father's dr., you could either call your Co. DMV directly to report your concerns, or enlist local police to help get him off the road. The numbness in his feet and inability to feel the pedals is very much a cause for concern............and should be a major cause for concern by his dr as far as driving goes........if the dr. knows this and isn't acting, maybe one of his other specialists (if he has any) would help..........it's my understanding that a call or letter from any dr. should result in a re-evaluation ordered by the DMV.

    Sylvia........That pork chop sounded wonderful.........made me hungry when I read it.

    Meg.........Wow; you can keep those wind chills........the lasagna would have been something I would love!!!

    Jane............Hope your friend Thelma gets all the therapy she needs...........stroke recovery is long and slow, but it does happen...maybe not perfect but able to have a life worth living.

    Joyce...........I had ear muffs and loved them; went missing when dd was home.....................

    Dee Dee...........Missed that sunrise but saw a gorgeous pink sunset on my way over to Gwen's tonight.

    Heather..........Glad your party went well. Wow, you were really spot on with that child; early intervention is supposed to be best and it sounds like they recognized it early on...........a heartbreaking thing to accept.

    Gloria..........May your week go smoothly with the least possible amount of stress; you have a huge load to carry.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :drinker: the day got away from me and here it is bedtime so I'm just checking in.

    :flowerforyou: I didn't log food and exercise yesterday and enjoyed the break but it feels better to be more accountable.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington where the sky is clear and the stars are shining

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ...18,000 steps today ----

    “All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking."
    - Friedrich Nietzsche
  • AnswerintheSky
    Hello Wonderful Women!

    Almost beddie-bye time but I wanted to reply to a couple of your questions:

    :huh: Katla - Omega 3, 6, and 9 are fatty acids that play an important role as nutrients in the body.

    :noway: DeeDee - I'm still waiting to hear from the BBB and from my Visa company for next steps.

    Good-night all. Sleep well. Have a marvellous Monday!

    Anne, Vancouver area, BC, Canada
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Grrr. Wrote a huge post and then lost it all because my computer crashed. Will try again when I get back from seeing the doctor.

    Love to all
    Amanda x
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    morning ladies~
    having my lemon water and going into work at 11 am,
    Sean is home~praise the Lord and resting, he still has the pancreatitis so he has to eat small meals,and start doing things really slow.
    Jean bless her heart is exsausted getting him home, running to the grocery store,going to cook dinner and then to work for the next 3 days,she will drive her moms car,I just hope that Jean's parent's dont push Sean to much, he has done soooo much for both of them...

    I didnt get to the gym:grumble: but will race walk this morning,going to try and do that in the house.. I slept a whole bunch last night ,I was really tired.
    my new phone will come today,so will have to get that all set up tonight.. and charge it..
    I am always one step behind with all the technology..I did whip up a dozen blueberry muffins and dropped half off to my next door neighbor that just moved in,I think we will become fast friends
    I hope everyone in the states here is staying warm this weather is horrible:huh:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Good morning!
    The sun is shining at the moment and I am expecting a supermarket delivery.

    Margaret - DH supports Watford because he lived there for a long time. He goes to all the home games - an hour and three quarter drive each way to North London. He is also keen on Manchester United.
    I support Arsenal, mainly because of my boys. I lived there for 40 years and my youngest actually lived in a flat on the concourse until v recently.

    Gloria - best wishes for your mum's op tomorrow. :flowerforyou:

    Michele and Amanda - hope you get some sensible responses from your doctors. I always have to tell mine what's wrong with me!:tongue:

    Today I'm going to research our holiday insurance and have a preliminary look at accommodation in NYC. Baby steps. The insurance is complicated by DH'S anxiety meds etc. so I want to be sure I have checked it out before I ring them.

    We are trying to arrange another get together with "the girls", my old school friends. It's not my turn to organise it so things are progressing very slowly. Looks like a trip to Scotland in March is on the cards, perhaps including Edinburgh. But as I am not bossing everyone no one can make a decision.:laugh: I will have to apply my new found meditation and lovingkindness skills and not let the perfect be the enemy of the good! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! :wink:

    Trying out our new toaster for lunch. Someone mentioned a small counter top grill/oven. I have always wanted one of those as the grill on our oven is at knee height! Haven't really got the space though. They are very popular in France. I fondly remember our old eye level grill on our old cooker. I used to grill everything then, now I so rarely do as it is a pain bending down all the time.

    Must get the toaster out of the box!

    Love Heather in Hampshire UK
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Where did the weekend go:huh: ??? Seems like it`s over almost before it began:sad: ! I admit I played all weekend, no housecleaning at all, means I get to do that during the week, in bits and pieces:frown: !

    Amanda:smile: Good luck at the Dr.:flowerforyou: !

    Alison:smile: Glad Sean is home:flowerforyou: !

    Meg:smile: I had forgotten about Benny hiding his diapers:laugh: ! Glad you finished the questions!!! Stay warm!

    No more time this morning:sad: ! Have a great day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! Brrrrrrrrr! It's cold outside! We had 63 degrees yesterday and won't break 20 today. I finished the kid's scarves and dropped them off so they could wear them to school this morning. They seemed happy with them. My oldest GD said when she wears it she will feel me hugging her and keeping her warm. She is so sweet. I used bulky baby yarn because it was so soft, and thick.

    Well, the crisis is over at last. The extra weight has gone away and this morning the scale said I am two tenths below where I was before the gain.

    I got into the studio some on Saturday and some on Sunday and threw pots on the wheel! It was the first time in a year! It was only a few pots. Two teapots, two teacups and saucers and a fairly big bowl, but I was pretty happy. At least I haven't completely forgotten how. Hubby came up there and lifted the bag of clay out of the box for me. It's 25 pounds and he doesn't want me to lift that much yet. Such a worry wart! I didn't tell him that I work a lot harder than that when I'm at the wheel, bearing down on even 10 pounds of clay. Usually I'm really sore in my inner thighs after throwing when I haven't done it in a while, like I've been doing the splits, but not today. Maybe my leg presses are paying off! Later today I need to go up there and trim those pots and throw a few more. It's such fun! I've missed it terribly.

    My son got a letter last week saying that his ex wife is suing for joint custody. The court date is Feb 3rd or something, so it's really soon. It threw us for a loop. He can't afford a lawyer so hubby says we will pay for it. I'm hoping they can get it postponed for a little while. We are going to try to get the kids involved in activities, like Girl Scouts and things at the Y. They already have therapy set up here. They need those activities anyway, but it will be better in court too, if they are doing stuff like that here, so she shouldn't take them away from their activities. It scares me for her to have ANY contact at all, though. She is the person the term "bat **** crazy" was made for. She shot somebody, after all. And her dad, who she lives now with, has a closet full of guns. And she and her new husband were making and selling meth with the kids right there in the house! And they left three little kids alone while the went to shoot a guy who owed them money for drugs and hot arrested! She pulled the trigger! So a judge would have to be stupid to give her any custody, right? The lawyer I spoke to on the phone Friday said at most she would try to limit her to supervised visitation. Anyway, it's a little extra stress for everybody till we find out what is going to happen. I'm terrified, actually.

    Well, enough rambling. I'm off. Have a great day, wherever you are.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,904 Member
    Quick check in. I skimmed the posts because I am at work and really don't have a lot of time to read everything as I would like.

    Whoever asked about Jillian Michaels and Curves, it is a workout designed just for Curves and is timed for the circuit machines there.

    Alison, so glad your DB is home. Hope he can stick with the plan!

    Well, MFP has messed up my calorie goal! It says I have 215,000 calories to use today! LOL. I sent an email to tech support.

    Rita from CT
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon.another snow day,so it`s game day for Violet and me.Chutes and ladders so far.
    They are doing palative care for Thelma.So we wait.
    Hugs to all
    jane (freezzing IL)
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Good morning to everyone,
    Welcome newcomers, those returning, and those who just like to read our posts.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Drinking water.:drinker:

    Sylvia prayers for your family as you go through this difficult time with your son and his ex-wife. I hope the children needs come first.:heart::flowerforyou:

    Heather DH is a fan of Jay DeMerit guess he used to play for Watford. Now he plays for Vancouver. I agree with yanniejannie about intervention for a child with autism. The earlier the better. There is wonderful support out there.

    Alison agree about the weather. Brutal. They closed schools here again. I have lived here over 30 years. Back in 1996 they closed school once. This is the fourth time they have cancelled schools this year.

    Amanda x I have had that happen to me too.

    Michele agree with you about individual posts. Sometimes when I skim I miss things or misinterpret what is being said. Individual posts help clarify. Glad you are getting into the doctor. I know you have posted about this before.

    Anne agree about the omegas. I take a liquid fish oil and I notice if I miss a dose.

    Katla have you seen a nutritionist about MS. There was an article in our paper this weekend about a woman who had back pain for years and was just about to go in for surgery when she went to a nutritionist. With the changes she made to her diet the back pain went away. I know MS is not the exactly the same thing. Might be helpful.

    Jeri our eagle population has come back too. A magnificent bird to behold.

    Teal I look and feel exactly like that cartoon today. :laugh: Trying to stay warm.

    Joyce sounds like good meal planning.

    Limit TV/computer
    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee.:drinker:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Brenda: Success is all about portion control, and for some, staying away from trigger foods. I’d recommend measuring your food. We bought a digital scale for not too much money and it has really helped us. Measuring cups were an awkward way to serve food, so we also bought some measured dishers from a restaurant supply place. The other thing to remember is that success isn’t “quick and easy.” It takes time. Welcome to a great group.:flowerforyou:

    Kay in windy WI: Stop by whenever you like.:flowerforyou:

    Michele: I also miss things people say even when I’m not skimming sometimes. Then I read someone else’s reply and it makes sense.:ohwell:

    Yanniejannie: Linda has at least one good friend who remembers her. The whole situation seems very sad. So many people become isolated in old age that it is probably not all that uncommon, unfortunately.:flowerforyou:

    Anne, Vancouver BC area: Thanks for the clarification. I guess I just needed context. I know about the Omega fatty acids, and do my best to get enough of them. “Omega” can also be a biblical reference.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: I hope your doctor visit is productive. Let us know what you find out.:flowerforyou:

    Alison: Blueberry muffins will make a great welcome gift for your new neighbor.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Enjoy your new toaster.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Congratulations on a good time throwing pots. It is a skill I was never able to master. :noway: In a 13 week course, I never managed to center my clay on the wheel. :blushing: That was decades ago, and I’ve never taken another pottery course.:flowerforyou:

    Margaret: We have not been to a nutritionist, but DH's MS doctor has given some support. There isn't a magic cure there, or he would have said. DH does take more calcium and D3 based on the doctor's advice.:flowerforyou:

    I woke up to a beautiful sunrise this morning. Our place faces east and the sunrises are often glorious. You see a late afternoon view on my ticker that catches some sunset reflection on the trees. Back in the day, my romantic soul hoped for a sunset view. We had dinner with friends who had a sunset view and it was so hot and bright that the windows had to be covered. I developed some opinions that night that influenced me from then on. But sunsets at the beach don’t seem to have that intense and painful aspect. I wonder why the beach is so different. Maybe the long distance to the horizon makes the difference. I miss the beach and want to be there for a visit, soon.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Yanniejannie - could you write a short piece, as a friend of Linda, for the local paper.? Ring and ask them.

    Love Heather x x x
  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    I have the day off because our school kids were in a basketball tournament all weekend and get a rest day today. I have lots to do, but am still sitting here with the computer...a luxury on a Monday.

    My ds called yesterday to tell us that a motorcycle plowed full speed into his truck yesterday. The guy just didn't see him waiting to turn left into a driveway. Ds saw him coming and tried to move over, but with on-coming traffic he could only do so much. Ds, (pregnant) dil, and gs are all okay. The guy on the motorcycle is in the hospital but expected to recover. Scary.

    Sylvia, I will be praying for your grandchildren. I hope you have a sensible judge!

    I wish all a happy, productive, lighter week. Prayers for all the family and job concerns too.

    Eileen in cloudy...but sort of warm...San Diego

    BTW I won't drink coffee either. Can't even stand the smell that is so comforting to others. Oh, well.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Hi all,

    Doing the quick skim because, LUCKY ME, another "cold day" for Aaron and it looks like he'll be home through Wednesday. This morning I decided it was time to do some home schooling on these days. It's just too much time off and too much of an adjustment for them to go back for a day here and there. We started with gym :laugh: (I got to add on to my treadmill time from earlier) and did some math and writing. I had to give him a lunch/video game break so I could get some stuff done of my own. Just trying my best to roll with the punches.

    I'm going to have to go out and drop a lip balm order at the post office. Too cold to put it in the mailbox.

    In spite of these "bumps" in my road I am going to try my hardest to stay focused on my goals for the week....one day at a time.

    I never had a problem transitioning from Zumba to yoga. The Zumba instructor kept the room very cold so I was never gross sweaty and the yoga instructor came in and shut the A/C right off. I loved the yoga after because of how peaceful I always left feeling. Wouldn't have worked that way if reversed.

    Wish I had $120 to burn on T25. I'm very curious and interested.

    Well, "lunch break" is over...better go log.

    Enjoy your days and be your best! xo-G
  • KABH74
    KABH74 Posts: 27 Member
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Bump for later.

    Can't believe it's Monday - what happened to me catching up at the weekend???? :noway: :noway:

    Waiting for the third thing to go wrong, first the freezer, then on Friday the gas fire refused to work, - having to wrap up in a quilt on an evening :ohwell: :ohwell: what's next?

    Back to work tomorrow, but I will try to pop in :smile:

    Take care
    Viv in York UK still raining :frown: