Ready for the New Year Resolution's gym attack?



  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    I always join our gym come January and February but it isn't because I am a is because it is too damn cold to exercise outside and I need to go somewhere warm without ice and snow to get my runs and walks done. It keeps me on track. So if I make it more crowded, oh well. I am there to better myself. I have done a mighty fine job overall.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    And this is why I have spent the money to set up a home gym.

    That's an amazing investment.
    It is. When my gym gets too crowded, I can just turn around and go home. The disadvantage of a home gym is space and it makes my workout longer since I have to make adjustments.

    Exactly, I have to get everything out & set it up. The only thing that is ready to go at all times is my elliptical machine, I've had it for 7 years & it's still going strong. I can honestly say I've gotten my money's worth out of it.

    I took over our garage which luckily is heated so I don't have any excuses in the winter. Gave me plenty of room and made us get rid of some of the junk we'd been collecting over the years.

    That's where I would love to set up a little mini gym. But my Husband has one of those cars that "He is going to fix up one day" taking up the whole garage :sad: One day I will finally convince him to get rid of it.
    Pro tip: That car will never get fixed and will sit at least a decade:wink:
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Mine's been's a combination of some newbies added to the people who usually run outside, since its so cold gym has a 30 minute time limit on each machine that's enforced especially when it's busy. Our classes are usually fuller, but many do not stay for the long haul sadly. I do try to encourage the newbies. I more worry about those who overdo it initially. My gym called 911 6 times last January!
  • Runner5AbelTownship
    Runner5AbelTownship Posts: 243 Member
    Gee, and here I was dreaming of gaining some strangers respect....

    I can't stand that ****. The idea of gauging someone's commitment and deeming them worthy of one's unsolicited respect is balls blowing. Too bad the machines don't have a ego as well as a weight limit.
  • Primeval_Princess
    And this is why I have spent the money to set up a home gym.

    That's an amazing investment.
    It is. When my gym gets too crowded, I can just turn around and go home. The disadvantage of a home gym is space and it makes my workout longer since I have to make adjustments.

    Exactly, I have to get everything out & set it up. The only thing that is ready to go at all times is my elliptical machine, I've had it for 7 years & it's still going strong. I can honestly say I've gotten my money's worth out of it.

    I took over our garage which luckily is heated so I don't have any excuses in the winter. Gave me plenty of room and made us get rid of some of the junk we'd been collecting over the years.

    That's where I would love to set up a little mini gym. But my Husband has one of those cars that "He is going to fix up one day" taking up the whole garage :sad: One day I will finally convince him to get rid of it.
    Pro tip: That car will never get fixed and will sit at least a decade:wink:

    truth! :laugh:
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    i was the first to sign up at my new gym when it opened in Nov. i was numero uno Y solamente for the first month and a half. while this is on the one hand AWESOME for me (because i am in introverted loner with low-grade social anxiety who likes to pretend to be invisible) it also means there's no one around to fill up kickboxing classes. more peeps means more perks. so despite myself, i hope to see more joiners.

    bemoaning newbs is like complaining about children: everyone was one, once. why b!tch?
  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    i too am a low grade social misfit who likes to be invisible...

    but this year i`m going to take a newbie under my wing and make them HURT!!! thus being totally helpful to the person, practicing my social skills and also loving the laughs at otherpeoples DOMS
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Why are people complaining about a busy gyms in january? I'm happy for all the people trying to become healthier and I will meet them with a smile and a helping hand.

    I'm very happy for people who want to be healthier in the new year. People like that I don't consider to new year resolutioners, I consider them to be people making a real lifestyle change. There is a huge difference.

    And how can you tell them appart? Everyone new in the gym today will be resolutioners trying to make a lifestyle change. Some will suceed and others will struggle and quit. They are still trying so be nice.

    By the people who are trying & the people who are just sitting on the machines playing on their phones for 15 mins. Nobody becomes an expert overnight. I respect people who put in the effort 100%.

    Those new people are not the only ones on their phones. Sometimes it is those that have been going for a long time. In the apt gym that I went to for a while there was a guy that went every day...usually for 1 1/2 half. Of that 1 1/2 hours he was on the phone...sometimes sitting on the equipment...leaving his things laying on a treadmill...etc...etc. There was one trainer...she spent most of her time talking at the top of her lungs...not about fitness...or working with a client...but about her personal life.

    It works both or not...some people are just inconsiderate of others.
  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    Thing is if we have enough time to realise that someone is talking at the top of their voice we prob aren't working hard enough :)
  • Runner5AbelTownship
    Runner5AbelTownship Posts: 243 Member
    Thing is if we have enough time to realise that someone is talking at the top of their voice we prob aren't working hard enough :)

    Generally someone like that is speaking for an audience. They want to be heard. You hear them.

    I wear headphones.
  • Ant_the_old_keith_lemon
    Ah I see, do you change your track, surf the web or have a chat with your gym buddy?

    I personally sit there staring at people looking like I've just killed myself on the previous set, at the point it take a few mins to get over the previous set, all I am concerned about is me, myself and I
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Thing is if we have enough time to realise that someone is talking at the top of their voice we prob aren't working hard enough :)

    Really? Exercising hard is supposed to make us deaf?

    I guess I wasn't working hard enough then.

    Thank for that bit of information.
  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    This is one thng I don't miss. I can't afford a gym right now even a cheap one, and I often lament the fact... but nope I do not miss that first few weeks of the year.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I go to the gym (I only go 2 days a week) and do my thing and leave. I don't worry about what other people are doing!! JS
  • Runner5AbelTownship
    Runner5AbelTownship Posts: 243 Member
    Ah I see, do you change your track, surf the web or have a chat with your gym buddy?

    I personally sit there staring at people looking like I've just killed myself on the previous set, at the point it take a few mins to get over the previous set, all I am concerned about is me, myself and I

    If you have the energy to stare at people you aren't working hard enough. See how that works?
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Thing is if we have enough time to realise that someone is talking at the top of their voice we prob aren't working hard enough :)

    Generally someone like that is speaking for an audience. They want to be heard. You hear them.

    I wear headphones.

    I had mine on...even with the volume turned up the person drowned out what I was listening to.