CNN article: 10 Reasons To Give Up Diet Soda



  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    Diet Soda makes me eat out of control
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    How about "10 Reasons To Give Up CNN" ?
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member

    Oh yeah, lets give a BLOG a cute little important sounding name and every one believe it. RME

    Funny thing is, most people refuse to believe all that crap is bad for you until something bad happens to them.

    I have an auto immune disease, if I drink a diet soda my pain levels go from a 3 to an 8. No one can convince me that that crap is not bad for you when it gives me pain.

    But of course if all you people are worried about is the way you look, carry on.

    yes but you have a disease. just because it hurts you with your disease doesn't mean that it's bad for everyone else who dont have that disease.

    i mean c'mon by your logic doing cardio workouts or any workouts that raise your heart rate are bad for everyone just because people with cogenital heart issues can't do it.

    likewise it doesn't mean that it isn't :-) I think this is horses for courses again (a bit like much of the debate on MFP where there is an artificial dichotomy) . Like SS said, Cheese gives me migraine - is cheese bad - yes it is for me and many other people, likewise it isn't bad form many other people to :-). I think the important thing to do is work out what is good for ourselves and realize that because something is good/bad for us it doesn't mean it is good/bad for someone else.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    How about "10 Reasons To Give Up CNN" ?

    It would be difficult to fit it all into just 10 :-)
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    *disregards post*

  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    How about "10 Reasons To Give Up CNN" ?

    It would be difficult to fit it all into just 10 :-)

    Okay, how about ten reasons just for this hour of the day?
  • GeminiBridget
    GeminiBridget Posts: 99 Member
    I don't drink sodas period. They are all bad for our bodies, regular and diet.

    Not really.

    Yes, really. lol But hey, DO YOU! ;)
  • GeminiBridget
    GeminiBridget Posts: 99 Member
    I don't drink sodas period. They are all bad for our bodies, regular and diet.

    You're pretty.:flowerforyou:

    Thanks! Congrats on your progress thus far!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    When I started Plexus Slim it totallllllly helped me kick drinking soda completely. The thought of it, or any sweets really, honestly makes me sick to my stomach. [snipped contact info]

    Indeed, the thought of spamming MFP forums trying to sell Plexus Slim makes me sick to my stomach.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I don't drink sodas period. They are all bad for our bodies, regular and diet.

    You're pretty.:flowerforyou:

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I won't be drinking it in excess, but I won't be giving it up, either.

    This and there was just an article the other day that says you would have to drink about 20 a day for the adverse effects to start.

    Plus just because it effects some people with headaches and other problems that means I shouldn't be allowed to drink it even though it has no effect on me?

    (not directed at the OP) If people have a problem drinking diet soda then they should stop. Leave the rest of us alone who enjoy it with no problems.

    ^This. I have to definitely stop before 20 b/c my headaches are sensitive to it. But to other things with artifical sweeteners as well. I have to limit my daily splenda and etc. That does NOT mean I'd go around telling other ppl this or any other reason to quit drinking it. I hate when I see someone shamed while eating or drinking something they enjoy. It's like not even cool. If this guy and I were at a party and he were having his 4th diet coke in a row and I were only partaking of one with rum b/c of splenda and maybe I'd had a skinny latte earlier with artificial sweetener, I'd feel no need to divulge my problems on him,....I'd keep my lip zipped b/c my headaches are MY problem NOT his. Enjoy your diet cokes, dude.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I'm fairly certain that the fizzy part is messing with my tooth enamel and the brown coloring stains them. Plus, it would be a lot better for the environment and my finances if I stopped. But, I'm an addict.

    Well when I drink Fizzy perrier or pelligrino it does nothing harmful to my tooth enamel? Also eating Brown chocolate does not seem to stain my teeth? The environment hasn't returned my call yet but I know my finances would suffer b/c I'd just exchange diet soda for those horribly expensive starbuckses. :wink:
  • hobbit_mom
    hobbit_mom Posts: 9 Member
    When I was at a very low point in my life, I heard that drinking diet soda can kill you. I decided that was the answer. Sadly, I'm still here.

    Seriously the best quote I have read In a long time. You need to put this on a t-shirt. You'd make a fortune (I'd buy it).
  • Jinxy10236
    Well, I know I feel 100% better since I haven't had any for 3 months.:happy:
  • kamyers1289
    kamyers1289 Posts: 129 Member
    I'm giving up soda for one reason, and that is my teeth. I have bad enamel with my teeth, wherein it is very thin and very susceptible to acid attacks. And soda is so so so acidic. I'll take the other benefits as they come, but my dentist said I pretty much had to give up soda if I want to keep my teeth. =/
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    I'm giving up soda for one reason, and that is my teeth. I have bad enamel with my teeth, wherein it is very thin and very susceptible to acid attacks. And soda is so so so acidic. I'll take the other benefits as they come, but my dentist said I pretty much had to give up soda if I want to keep my teeth. =/

    ^ Totally reasonable. Along with many other foods, phosphoric acid and citric acid are added to diet soft drinks.
  • LAW_714
    LAW_714 Posts: 258
    I had given up diet soda a little two years ago and I have not looked back.


    I'm not telling anyone else to do it. It's purely a personal choice. But I was shocked at how easy it was.

    At the time that I did it, it was just sort of a personal experiment and nothing more. I honestly didn't think I could do it. I drank several a day and thought it would be virtually impossible for me to truly give up drinking them daily. Too my amazement, it actually turned out to be very easy. I was shocked. Never expected I could go off cold turkey and...just not miss them. However, that turned out to be the case. The number of diet (and non-diet) sodas that I've had in last three years could be counted on one hand, and I haven't felt deprived. Who knew that I'd find them to be superfluous.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    This is all crap...nowhere is it even mentioned the true and number 1 reason to giving up diet is frackin' nasty.
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    I gave up diet pop for one of the reasons listed: the headaches.

    I used to drink Diet Coke/Pepsi at a mimimum of once a day and got headaches 3-4x per week including at least 1 migraine. Since I gave it up over a year ago I've had maybe 3 headaches and not a single migraine.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    "Artificial sweeteners trigger insulin, which sends your body into fat storage mode and leads to weight gain,"

    That's in the CNN article. I wonder how my body has survived being in fat storage mode its whole adult life? I wonder if I could eat twice as many calories without diet soda?

    Why haven't they invented something that puts my car in 'gas storage mode' and lets it run on nothing?