Anyone go to Planet Fitness

Just looking to see if anyone goes to Planet Fitness either on a daily basis or every other day and what kind of workout do you do while there please feel free to add me as a friend


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if it is one of the ones that frowns on deadlifts other compound movements, and/or lifting heavy I would avoid it like the plague...
  • Shannon_PAC
    I go, but only for cardio. I have a personal trainer with his own gym for strength training.

    But many of the Planet Fitness gyms do frown on certain things like deadlifts. And if (gasp) you drop your weights, they might even sound off the "lunk alarm" which is really quite ridiculous. I've only seen it happen once.
  • bheathfit
    bheathfit Posts: 451 Member
    Hmmm. Don't know much about PF myself. I like nice equipment, so I'm not a fan of dropping weights either. If some jack-wagon sounded a "lunk alarm" at the gym I go to, they would likely have 2-3 very nice gentlemen stuff them into the tractor tire that we throw around and roll them outside for a "time out"... :noway:

    I'm just sayin'... :tongue:
  • Shannon_PAC
    Hmmm. Don't know much about PF myself. I like nice equipment, so I'm not a fan of dropping weights either. If some jack-wagon sounded a "lunk alarm" at the gym I go to, they would likely have 2-3 very nice gentlemen stuff them into the tractor tire that we throw around and roll them outside for a "time out"... :noway:

    I'm just sayin'... :tongue:

    This is funny.

    The one time I saw the lunk alarm sounded, it was this little manager dude who pulled it on this huge ripped guy for dropping his weights. I didn't see it all, but I don't think the guy intentionally dropped his weights. But I heard this argument happening and looked over at the David vs Goliath situation. It was quite a sight. The lady on the elliptical next to me unplugged her headphones so she could hear what was happening. Everyone was staring. Man, you don't want that lunk alarm pulled on you! ;) The big dude promised not to drop his weights again. But then did something else to tick off little man and got kicked out.
  • Shannon_PAC
    By the way, sorry to hijack your thread. Planet Fitness is cheap and mostly clean. It's good for someone starting off, I think. They have a circuit area, machines, free weights, and tons of cardio equipment including treadmills, bikes, ellipticals, and Arc trainers. Like I said, I just do cardio. But I know of some people who did like their machines when they were first starting off, because they couldn't afford a personal trainer and wanted to take the safer route with the machines. From my understanding now, though, they do have someone who will set you up on a program for no cost with a membership.
  • SuperWhoLock24601
    SuperWhoLock24601 Posts: 245 Member
    Couldn't wrap my head around the pizza or the lunk alarm.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Couldn't wrap my head around the pizza or the lunk alarm.

    They have bagels and cream cheese too!
  • Newnameishardtofind
    Newnameishardtofind Posts: 867 Member
    skip the pizza and just workout Great deal at $10 a month
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member

    mine is better than many of the ones described by people here though.
  • Moe0112
    Moe0112 Posts: 123 Member
    Couldn't wrap my head around the pizza or the lunk alarm.

    Thank you. I didn't understand that either.
  • mister_universe
    mister_universe Posts: 6,664 Member
    I've gained about 30 pounds of muscle using two that are local to me. While they would not be my first choice if there were better alternatives, trust me when I say you can achieve results there unless you are in that 1-2% that are looking to lift VERY heavy or do some very specific training.
  • lauriearnish
    lauriearnish Posts: 2 Member
    Just got a membership for myself and my husband. We've been looking at gym options for a while now and given our budget and the fact that our daughter can come with us for free is a major plus. It's not a high-end gym, but as mentioned it's a good place to start out.
  • hotlipsliz
    I go to PF and I like it alright. It's cheap, the hours are convenient and I can make do with the equipment they have on hand right now; mostly dumbbells and cable machines but I can substitute dumbbells for some of the barbbell exercises. In the near future I would like to check out other gyms in the area because my PF has Smith machines but they do not have a proper rack for me to do squats but much more than $10 per month does not fit my budget right now. I am aware that some PFs get their panties in a wad over people doing deadlifts and whatnot but some of the regulars at my do them and nobody says anything. Yes we do have a "lunk alarm"(so effin stupid if you ask me) but I've never heard it go off and I don't even think it's hooked up. I don't really get the bagel and pizza nights but I also don't participate and nobody is gonna hold a gun to your head and force pizza down your throat. Of course they have cardio machines galore as well as nautilus type weight machines and a "30 minute circuit". As I said, it works for me right now but I can see myself eventually growing out of it, hopefully I won't be so damn broke when that happens lol!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I go there a few days a week, usually 3ish. I do cardio for 30-45mins and weights. I do a plan similar to the one I had a trainer there help me with, have one of them help you out with a plan :)
  • MotivateU2day
    MotivateU2day Posts: 9 Member
    I just started going to PF because of my new work schedule which has me traveling on a routine basis...I also belong to a local gym called Giant Fitness. Its pretty funny, I go to my local gym when i am home to get a "hard core" workout in and when i am traveling i go to PF to at least get something in. The gym serves its purpose for me. A few issues i have with the gym are that the barbel weights only go up to 60lbs, dumbells only go up to 75lbs and they have NO stepper machines! But most are open 24hrs and for the black card membership its only 21 bucks which gives you access to any of their facilites nationwide, its free to bring a friend and you also get free usage of the message chairs (lol) among other amenities.

    PF is definitely not my first choice of gyms to go to but since i'm traveling a lot more often now the choice was a no brainer for me...

    most are open 24hrs...
    its only 20 bucks a month for blackcard membership and 10 bucks for regular...
    so many locations nationwide...

    I guess the most important thing here is to get your workout in consistently and by any means necessary regardless of what gym you belong to. Good luck with your workouts folks!

    Feel free to friend me! I'm always looking for positive people to exchange support and advice with along the way.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    I go to Planet Fitness and I even *kind of* lift there. it is the only thing in budget for me currently so I make it work.

    it is probably one of the best places you can find for cardio. I have never had to wait for a treadmill, ever, even at the busiest times. if that's what you're interested in then it's great. however, I do see people sometimes waiting for ellipticals or stationary bikes, but I don't use those so it doesn't affect me.

    I use the dumbbells provided there for this routine: I have gotten warned for doing SLDLs before but I haven't set off the lunk alarm... yet. PF is not bad at all - mine is always clean, the staff is nice, and I can't complain about any of the equipment. for $10 a month I am very happy with it.
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    We go to our local one.... my husband is a "no cardio" kinda guy whereas I'll elliptical, arc and treadmill in addition, however we have different goals right now. The staff is really nice and locker rooms are clean. So is the gym but I see a lot of people not wiping down their areas which totally grosses me out, so we pretty much clean ahead of working out and then when we're done. Hubby has gotten a couple delays waiting for equipment this week but per staff it's been way crowded with folks off work so we'll see how it starts to thin out. But for cardio there's plenty of machines so no wait there!

    The non-franchised gyms here keep dying so it was PF or going farther from the house and basically dropping a car payment sum to join the Y.
  • iNkedFiTmama
    iNkedFiTmama Posts: 277 Member
    skip the pizza and just workout Great deal at $10 a month

    Agreed. I lift there and I'm not gonna be using heavier than the weight sets they have any time soon (I think up to 60lb dumbells and they have more 45s than I can squat at the moment lol) so I'll take cheap for now and ignore the other crap.
  • velocityc6
    velocityc6 Posts: 2,137 Member
    My wife and I have been members at the local PF for around 3 years. The first couple of years probably made it on average 3 days a week. Since committing to my weight loss goal I average 5 days a week. I alternate days between treadmill and 30 minute circuit. The one we use is very clean and the only waits I've had have all been in Jan./Feb. I hate Pizza night it is crazy busy but a lot of members offset the $10 membership on those nights :0.
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    I go to PF 5 days a week. Works for me.