TOPIC: 200+ (Week 45) Getting Fit For Fall!

Another week in our challenge is coming to a close! I hope everyone had a great week. Lots of travel this week among the group and a lot of jealousy coming from me!

Would love to hear how everyone did over the week and see if there was any movement on the scale, loosening of clothes, or exercise goals met!


  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Just a quick check in for today. Eating was not on par for where I like to be on a day before weigh-in. Co-workers ordered pizza for lunch. Boo! Hiss! How can people do this to me? On a good note, we had our employee celebration and there were klondike bars for everyone, and I refrained! *twirls* that was a toughie!

    And, I knew I needed to do some exercise today. It's normally a running day, but as I'm off a day in training. I got home about an hour later from work than normal, and the rec center is closed these two weeks, so I was perusing the exercise on demand and it just wasn't doing it for me, so I decided what the hell? It's actually nice outside for once in the evening and I think bearable to run. I usually take a day off between my runs, but as my last one was early yesterday morning, I thought I had recovered enough. So popped in the iPod and got moving... and moving I did. I thought I was keeping up a good pace and didn't feel like I was slowing down very much, but I'm horrible with actually being able to predict how fast I'm going. I clocked in my 4.5 miles in 52 min... a 11:33 pace! :noway: Kristina's mind has been blown. That is insanely fast for me, and at that distance? Very much so. Think about it this way... my 4.5 miler yesterday took me 8 minutes longer!!

    Anywho, very pleased with the run and it puts me in a better mood. Perhaps actually being awake when one is running can help improve his/her time! Didn't know I had it in me.

    So yeah, the scale might not be great tomorrow, but I'm happy overall with my week. Pretty exhausted and that was another reason why I decided in the end to run tonight, because I know when my alarm went off at 5:15 tomorrow, I would find some excuse to get out of it. Now I know I've checked off both runs for the week, and will just do some other form of exercise tomorrow.

    *hugs and kisses to all my superheroes!*
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! I stepped on the scale this AM and it was at 221! So I lost all the vacation pounds plus about 0.8 pounds extra (AND it's my TOM) so I am super stoked. When I was talking to my mom on Skype yesterday, she mentioned that I look like I've been losing weight and that the shirt I was wearing is baggy on me. It's the first, "are you losing weight?" comment I have heard so I'm pretty stoked about that too. Yay!!

    Kristina: Good job shunning the Klondike bar! And your run is amazing!!! I have found that I have more speed and endurance when I exercise at night but as I usually exercise in the morning, I tend to forget that fact until I randomly do some exercise at night and then I blow myself away. You ROCK!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Can't sleep so I'd thought I'd check in. Late night at work and DH talked me into going out for ribs (*face palm*). Not the thing to do before weigh-in. Part of my trouble was bro saw our car at the bar and stopped in so the beer flowed.

    Twirls for Kendal!!! New "official" boyfriend - YEAH!!!

    Kristina - WOWSA!!! Sweet run - I'm in awe of you "speed demon"!!!!

    Amy - nice job on the weight loss!!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    bumpity bump....

    Kristina....Yahoo, way to know yourself that run in and look at you go...great time!!!!

    Amy....great job coming back so strong after vacation!!!

    Victoria...I made ribs for my son the other day and goodness I ate like a mad woman too,, and it was probably 8 pm...I made the decision after that night more eating after football games...but it's hard!

    I'll probably report my stuff Sunday...sure to hope a pound or so leaves this week!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    akasullengal ~ Good job side stepping the klondike. That's a tough one for me too. BWT, do we have standings for the current challenge?

    anvy1221 ~ Awesome that you lost all the vaca pounds. It's great that you have the added bonus of losing an additional .8lbs too.

    pinbotchick ~ I can't resist ribs. As many people on here that have told me, today is a new day.

    Ok, Happy Friday everyone. I am so damn tired this morning. Stayed up late because my son son waking up for who knows why. Then he woke up at about 3am again...Ugh. Today is going to be rough. Off to see the dermatologist at 10am. My son has such sensitive skin. I am looking forward to this weeks weigh in though. I do not think I will make my Labor Day goal, but I am excited that I should be very close. Probably within a pound of my goal.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning ladies.

    Not pleased with my weigh in this morning, but not surprised: 184.0 (maintain from last week)

    I think I actually did lose weight, but it's that special time of the month any day now. On Wednesday, I was three pounds less, so I think that's more my true weight, because I could not have gained 3 real pounds in that short a bit of time with exercising and my eating. Sure, there was the late night going out to dinner on Wed. and pizza yesterday, but I think it's mostly hormonal at this point. I just need to keep at it and by next Friday, if I start my TOM when I think, I should be on the downward trend again. TOM sucks... in many ways, but like I put these extra 3-4 pounds on and they are there for like a week! Argh! Anyways, feel pretty good this morning despite the scale!fail. It's super depressing to know I weigh MORE this morning than I did at the beginning of the challenge. It's been a struggle this summer with the scale. *grumbles*

    Hope others have better luck!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    not feelin it this week. I will start over on Monday.

    weigh in at 219.8 this week. Down .8 from last week but still up from my lowest a couple weeks ago.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Bumping for later. Have a good weekend girls if I don't find you all 'till Monday!
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Only lost one pound this week. I think I must have lost the weight in my feet :laugh: because midweek all my comfy broken in shoes started trying to give me blisters. A little disappointed in the weight loss since I started off so well, but from previous efforts am also not too surprised. I tend to lose in plateaus and cliff dives, not steady gradual declines.

    Kendal--congrats on the "official" boyfriend.

    Amy--way to go on the looser fitting clothes

    Kristina--hopefully next week you will see a big loss once TOM is no longer an issue

    That's all for today. Woke up at 3 am this morning and couldn't get back to sleep, so now my body thinks it's bedtime. :yawn:
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    hoping you gals will check this thread before late tomorrow. I dont you know if you remember, but I have a wedding to go to tomorrow, and I'm struggling to figure out what to wear. I'd like your advice. Let me know what you think. Let's hope the pictures show up as they should.

    disclaimer: I was about to go to bed when I took these, so I'm no where near styled or anything. Plus, I'm uber bloated at the moment... great for a dressy event, eh? ugh.

    option 1: purple dress. I think it's cute. I also think it makes my hips look big.

    option 2: polka dot halter. I think this dress is super fun. is it wedding appropriate? I'm not sure if I could totally pull it off, or if I'd stick out in the crowd either.

    option 3: basic empire black dress. super comfy. hugs the girls up top, loose on the bottom. But I think it's pretty boring.

    option 4: black "skinny" dress. so i bought this a few weeks back hoping I'd lose a few more pounds, which I haven't really.. I think it makes me look a bit smaller, but it is pretty tight on me. I'm sure if I'd be super comfortable in it. Would probably wear a short grey dressy cardigan on top

    I need advice asap!! Wedding is a 4 tomorrow!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kristina - my first vote is for shiny black dress!!! 2nd vote for polka dot dress.

    Sarah - congrats on the pound loss!!! A pound a week is AWESOME!!!

    Lacey and everyone have acgreat weekend!!!

    Kendal - vacation and scales don't mix. Have fun at your work function tomorrow.

    I skipped ex and made some kick as chili tonight (10 pounds meat as base)... 9 mile run on for AM (eeeeekkkkkk)...
  • Utahbeth
    Utahbeth Posts: 68
    My vote is for #4 first, and #1 second. They seem to define your waist more than the other two dresses.

    I have two trips back to back this month and next. Just got back from the 1st one, and gained 2 pounds, and off to the next one on Tuesday. I do not have high hopes for my next weigh in. I'm still pretty new to MFP, how do you guys stay motivated?
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kristina: I like the purple one. I don't think it makes your hips look big, it's just an A-line cut. If'n you don't like that one, I'd go with the last one with a cardigan (I think the cardigan might hide the fact that it's a bit tight- it doesn't LOOK tight in the pics but your said it feels tight). Have fun!!! You look great.

    Beth: I stay motivated by coming back here and talking with the Superpals! They are great motivation. (BTW, I LOVE your quote. Pulp Fiction is awesome)

    Victoria: 9 miles!!!! You. Are. Amazing.

    Sara: Don't be bummed about a one pound loss. I did really well for the first month and then planted myself at the same weight for 6 weeks (which irritated me to NO END!!!) But I did start losing again.

    I'm glad it's Saturday. The weather has cooled down to Autumny cold and I'm hoping winter doesn't set in here too soon. We're getting the short one ready for school starting on Monday (he's in SECOND grade, how did that happen?!?!? Wasn't he, like, 3 a minute ago?) so he's been kinda mopey. I'm not though. I'm looking forward to getting back to my morning runs/walks with the dog without the added whining of a kid complaining about going up hills or asking when we're going to be done. Have a great day Superpals!
  • shariguymon
    shariguymon Posts: 245 Member
    My vote is for option 4 with a second choice of option 1. I think option 4 is the most flattering and would look great with the dressy cartigan you mentioned. Looking quite sassy,even in the winding down phase! anxiously awaiting seeing you in option 4 with all the fine details.........Know that you will look spectacular! Have fun at the wedding!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Thanks for the speedy input ladies! REALLY appreciate your thoughts. I'm horrid at picking outfits. I think #2 and #3 are out. The most voted one here and with some other friends is the purple dress, with the smaller black one in second. I think my plan at this point is to try #4 on (w/ some spanx) and a cardigan and see how I'm feeling. This morning I'm feeling gynormous (TOM started right on time. fun fun... nothing like having my two heaviest days be ones that I'm at a wedding and have to run my long run), so we'll see. I think I'll probably end up wearing #1, because I feel more comfortable in it. Maybe #4 for next dress up event. hmm. *ponders*
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    akasullengal ~ I vote for # 4. I think it looks the best on you.

    Good morning everyone. I did not think I would make my goal by Labor Day (weigh 190), but from what I lost this week it is definately possible. Weighed in this morning with a pleasant surprise. I lost 2lbs this week for a total of 47lbs lost.

    How did did everyone else do this week?

    SW: 238lbs
    CW: 191lbs
    WL: 2lbs
    TWL: 47lbs
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Mish- way to go with the 2 pounds!!! that's fabulous! :drinker:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I might be too late, but Kristina #4 then #1 are my pics. Both look great on you!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Amy, I too am ready for my kid to get back to school too. I don't want summer to end weather wise, but it's already happened so I have no choice. Gracie needs more structure at school then what the summer camp weeks offered. Plus naps again.
    We hsve to go this weekend and buy all the requested school supplies. Which for a preschooler is about $150 plus. I guess that's what wwe get for putting her in a tiny private school.

    But yeah......yeay school!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    WTG Mish!!! You area fat burning machine!!!

    Kristina - ask yourself if dress 4 is really to tight or does it just show more of you than you're used to. It was hard for me to get used to more form fitting clothes. Go with your gut - you want to have fun tonight. Good luck on tomorrows run.

    Got my 9 mile run in - yeah!!! I am up a pound this week to 183.5. My eating has been for crude.