TOPIC: 200+ (Week 45) Getting Fit For Fall!



  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Victoria- I'm amazed by your running prowess! 9 miles?? I still can't even imagine that. How did it go? Were you hurting at all? I'm seriously impressed with the distances you've been running

    I still plan on doing my long run tomorrow. The schedule is for 8, but I was debating running 7 again, as I have some wiggle room with repeating weeks (haven't done so yet). I haven't planned out my route yet, but I think what I'll do is map out both, and go for the 7, and if I'm feeling up for it still, do the extra mile. We'll see. Even though 9 is only a bit farther, it seems SO long.

    And y'all are right about dress #4. i NEVER wear anything that form fitting, and if you all think it looks good on me, I'm leaning towards it. After I get all underarmored up (wasn't in the picture), and have the cardigan on, I'll see how I feel. I also don't want to be uber conscientious of my body through the entire thing, so we'll see.

    About to paint my toenails, and my hair's up in hot rollers (I don't know why I bother, as the curls fall out in about 20 min every time I try). Will try and take some pictures!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kristina - have a blast tonight!!! As far as the run, I had mild soreness (not anything that I'd call pain) on the ant /lat hip area. I did stretch for about 10 min when I got home but haven't used the foam roller yet today. I've been sore in this same area after running 7 and 8 miles but the soreness is gone by the next morning. I did take some Excedrin - my fav pill of choice for pain (must be the caffeine)... Right now there's no soreness. I plan to soak in the hot tub tonight. Thanks for asking. I have decided that I need to eat more before these longer runs - a single banana was not enough. I went through 6.5 cups of water on the run. I may have to buy even more bottles for the water belt or learn to conserve the water more.

    By the way my chili turned out great!!! I've already had 2 bowls today. My company claims they will be here sometime tonight. I called at 11 this morning and they weren't even packed and the drive is 8 hours. A client lent me a sign that says "Unattended Children Will Be Sold as Slaves"... I have to get it hung up before they get here with 5 kids from 1 to 12 in age... My poor kitties... Who knows how long they are staying "A few days"... I love my friend but she is not the most organized person that I know.

    I'm off to do some paperwork. Month end stuff sucks!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    had a busy busy day....hopefully being active most of the day will cancel out the bad food. haven't logged food since I left for my camping trip last week. I need to go grocery shopping. I am very tired

    that is all

  • shamrock677
    hello, my name is Sarah, I am new to this group. I hope you all dont mind me jumping in and joining you.
    I am down another two pounds this week which feels great. I have had such struggles losing here and there but as soon as I stuck to a strict daily calorie goal, I seem to be having some luck.
    my goal is to lose a total of about 65 pounds. I am down 9 so far. I know I can do it.
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Welcome Sarah:flowerforyou: Jump in and post away. These gals have been a life saver for me. Counting cal seems almost too easy doesn't it!!! We look forward to getting to know you!!!

    Mom and I got in our prep walk of 6 miles today. We are sooo ready for walking the bridge next weekend. I really can't wait. Plus my hometown is having a 10K race next Sat. I'm already signed up and raring to go.

    My future company called about 6 last night saying they would arrive Sunday. I haven't heard from them yet so who knows if they'll really make it. The house is clean and the hot tub is ready... We'll see.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Well, I have had better weekends. DH is in the Air Force and their finance office is a little screwed up. We are still trying to get his pay squared away since moving here back in April (they pay for some things, reimburse for some things and you're on your own for the rest of it). Anyways, we thought we were finally all done with it when I got his pay stub for this coming month and apparently the Air Force overpaid him for 2 months of rent in April & May and so they took $2800 out of his pay this month. That's a humongous chunk of change for us to not have this month so I've been scrambling around trying to figure out how to make our car payment and rent and other bills with a hell of a lot less money than normal. So I've been in the dumps and haven't exercised or logged my food. It's a lame excuse. I know. Maybe telling you gals about it will straighten me up. I KNOW Gabe going back to school will help keep me on the straight & narrow. I have my school days planned out. At about 7 AM, me & the dog are gonna walk Gabe to the bus stop at the end of our street and then keep going for a happy (and blessedly whine-free) walk in the woods. After returning and breakfasting and all that, I plan on doing my brand-spanking-new Bridge to 10K program. I'm so excited to graduate the C25K and move on to further distances. These further distances will be too much for my dog (Sofie is a 97 pound Bernese Mountain Dog) seeing as they aren't really runners so now I'm breaking up the exercise to walk with her and then run on my own! So I promise - i'm getting my act together. I just spent the weekend wallowing in self-pity. I'm done now.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Amy- having a weekend to be down is completely acceptable. We are all human. Whats important is that you pick yourself up and keep going, which is sounds like you already plan to do.

    I ate crap yesterday all day and it showed up on the scale today. I don't think I will hit another 10 pounds lost by October. But I have enough time to lose at least 5. I'm getting my head back in the game.

    I'm becoming increasing stressed about money. In a couple months my savings will be wiped out and I don't know what I'm going to do after that. I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. Its terrifying. :frown:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Victoria I too have had a craving for chili. I'll have to make it soon since heaven knows fall is upon me.

    Amy wow I would about die if they did that to me. Jeffs work overpaid him recently by about $200 and then took it out 6 wks later. I freaked out, and it wasnt even all that much money

    Kristina I hooe you wore that dress!

    Kendal can you get a roommate??

    I am baking a roasted garlic chicken lasagna right now with fresh roasted toms, peter pan squash, onions and of course a ton of garlic clove. It smells amazing! We are just eating what we wAnt when we want today.

    Yesterady was one of the longest and most aggravating in recent memory. My daughter was a complete hellion and yeah. It made it a long day and then my mil really really pissed me off and then my husband. Today they are staying at their camp and we are enjoying a nice quiet day. I think it is what gracie needed too. She isn't as used to this set of grandparents and they've kind of drug her all over the place and the mil can be highstrung. So yeah.
    Its nice to have them visit but also nice for a day of quiet.

    Well that lasagna has got to be about done! Talk to you tomorrow!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Kristina...Way late to chime in, but for some reason I just love the polka dots...and I'm usually not a dot to see a photo....sounded like you were going with the leg showing number 1....or the form fitting number 4...they both looked great!!

    AMY...OMG OMG OMgpsh!!! I would freak out poor thing!

    Lacey...your posts always make me hungry!! LOL

    I'm up a pound this week girls...ugh! But TOM is any time now, hubby workout with me today...starting my last week of insanity and we also got a 3 mile run in...felt really I will just wait another week before I go whining...who knows...maybe I'll drop 6 1/2 pounds in one week...................................................NOT..................................................LOL, but I would so love it if I could pull that off....

    ok, snap out of my fantasy there....I must need to
    Victoria...maybe your friend got wind of your, just teasing...hope you have a nice visit...again, proud of you and Your Mom...great weekend coming up!!!!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Morning all! Thanks for the kind words last night. I needed it. Today was shaping up to be a crap day too. It's the first day of school for Gabe and the bus was supposed to get him at 6:57. We were out there at 6:50 and by 7:20 I decided that if I didn't drive him to school myself right then, he'd be late. So I put the dog back in the house & drug the kid to the car. I sat through the ever-so-fun morning traffic to get to the base's gate almost on time. Then the security police decided they just HAD to search the car in front of me (they do it randomly but it always seems to be timed with when I need to get somewhere quickly). I finally got the kid to school (10 minutes late) and came home. Me & Sofie combined her walk and my run (since she didn't get the walk I was planning on as I had to drive the kid to school) and we both did the first day of the Bridge to 10K program. It. Was. Awesome. It alternated between 10 minute runs w/ 1 minute walk 4 times plus the 5 min warm-up & cool down (so it was about 53 minutes of mostly running). And I didn't die. I felt GOOD! I worked off the frustration of the money thing and the no bus thing and I felt powerful & fit. I loved it. My dog...not-so-much. She was dragging the last mile so I'm gonna have to leave her at home for these new & improved runs. Then I came home to an email that DH is going to a 3 month long class in Washington DC...starting the 20th....of SEPT. <sigh> Mondays suck.

    Debra: Last week of rock!!! Don't worry about the pound. TOM is a pain in the @ss. It'll come off.

    Lacey: You dinner sounds fabulous!

    Kendal: I hear you on the money worries. I think Lacey's idea of a roommate is a good one. I wouldn't have survived the first year after moving out of home without my roommate (we were poor together but the rent always got paid).

    I hope you ladies have a better day than me! :flowerforyou:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Morning gang!!! My friends are here and we've been having fun. Took them to the waterfall 6 miles from me and we had fun swimming in the bubbles. Then soaked in the hot tub. This morning my regular biking friend freaked out when a bear ran across the road. It was HUGE!!! now I've got to get ready for work.

    Amy - here's a (((((((big hug)))))). You need it the money thing sucks. The bus sucks. At least you got your run on!!! Why would they send you husband to Germany then right away send him back home??? That seems pretty stupid.

    Deb - my heart goes out to you and that scale. I just don't get why it won't move for you. At least your in great shape.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Man, I don't update for a day, and it feels like AGES since I've commented. Can't go too long without talking to you all!

    Amy- WTF. So not right on so many levels. You definitely have reasons to be not pleased. But I am happy that you did such a great job with your running, and that you felt good doing it. Yay!

    Victoria- have a great time with your friends!

    Sorry about the lack of posting post-wedding. I did end up going with *drum roll* #4- the tighter one. Once I had my shorter cardigan on me, I didn't feel as self conscious and was happy I went with it. The wedding was nice... not terribly exciting, but it was great to see the bride looking fantastic. Her daughter (the flower girl) had an absolute MELTDOWN right before the service started. The reception was nice, but not as rambunctious as I thought it was going to be. Got back to my place a little after 11, but didn't get to bed right away.

    I had decided to allow myself to sleep in a bit yesterday, because I've found that if I get up early both days of the weekend (and haven't gone to bed super early the night before), I start off my week sleep deprived and am just super cranky the entire week. So, last weekend, I allowed it, but was still up before 9 and out the door to run not long after. Yesterday I slept in under after 10am, and it was already nasty hot out. WTF is up with the hot weather again this week. I am not cool with it. It was in the low 90s yesterday and it's supposed to be it again today and through most of the week. I HATE it. So, the point is, I did not get my run in yesterday. I'm totes sabotaging any chance of being ready for a super long run. And with the gym being closed this week again through the hot weather, I'm having a hard time staying motivated working out at home.

    I downloaded some Zumba videos, so I might give them a try this week. My short runs increase to 5 miles this week. Fun fun! Long run is 8 miles, which I really don't feel prepared for yet.

    Pub trivia probably again tonight... this time with the ex-roomies. Should be great to catch up. Should not be great for the scale. I haven't weighed myself in a few days because I know with TOM in full force, it's just going to be depressing. I've eaten RELATIVELY decent the past few days. Definitely could have been better though.

    Hope everyone has a good start to their week!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!

    Had a craving for Hot Wings this weekend so I ordered some. They were the nastiest tasting wings I ever had. Both hubby and I had one and sent the rest back. I guess it wasn't mean to be.

    Went Apple Picking this weekend with the family and had a blast. The farm is about an hour and a half away, so it was a nice country drive. Now I have some awesome fresh right off the tree apples.
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Just a little bump so we don't lose our thread!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I keep telling myself that no one will want to move into a house thats up for sale but I put an ad on craigslist for a roommate anyway. I need help. Something's gotta give. I will search for other "roommate wanted" type websites and post there as well. I didn't mention in the posting that the house is for sale...I figure thats something to mention if I meet someone in real life. I also just mentioned this in my status on facebook....see if anyone knows anyone who's looking for a place to live.

    maybe this will work
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Kendal - are near a college? Maybe you could post an ad there. A grad student would be great. Do you have room for 2 roommates? If you could take 2 people and the rent was low enough, I bet they wouldn't care about the sale. You can get 30 day move out after closing written into any house offers you accept. That gives everyone time to find new digs. Good luck.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    There are several colleges within 15-20 minutes. (actually, there are probably 5-6 universities and 3 or 4 community colleges around). A serious grad student qould probably be ideal for me right now. I techinically have 2 rooms open, but the way I have it listed is an optional shared office space for the two of us. The rooms aren't completely bare and I wouldn't know where to move the odds and ends if I tried to get 2 roommates. The best case scenario is that if the house sells, me and the roommate could find a townhouse/condo/apartment together somewhere.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    The roommate option is a nice one. I found my roomies through an online ad and it worked out fantastically well. A lot of universities will have specific roommate finders... troll the websites and see if they allow non-students to post ads. That could be a good resource.

    The day has gone by pretty quickly.. just another hour or so here then can go home. I did walk to and from work twice today, as I went home for lunch, so that's a nice little calorie burner- not a ton though. Will probably do some hand weights tonight as well. Will be over my calories tonight, but not a total travesty. Trivia should be a blast, as always. The hardest part will be not eating anything at home before I leave... I don't get there until 7:30... and it's a good 2.5-3 hours at home to kill with no snacking. Got to be strong!

    ETA: I got another, "have you lost weight?" comment at work today, which was lovely. Especially considering I've been in the same five pound window for the past 2 month. God, I'm so frustrated over that... so it's nice to have a compliment.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Evening ladies! The day definitely turned around after the complete wreck of a morning. I kept my calories in check and even added some pushups and situps in the evening (Doing that 200 situp and 100 pushup program). We got everything straightened out with Gabe's bus driver and he will be here in the morning so I don't have to repeat my mad dash from this morning. My legs are starting to feel a bit achy from the run this morning but in a good way.

    Kristina: I LOVE the "have you lost weight?" comments. I've actually only gotten 2 but they were both within 24 hours of each other & they made me happy.

    Kendal: I'd definitely try for a grad student as a roommate. They'd probably be cool with moving when the house sells. Good luck on the roommate search.

    I hope everyone is having a great day!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    My sister's friend sent me a message on facebook that she might know a girl looking for a place. That'd be great. I don't know what it would feel like to NOT stress about money for once. It seems like thats all my life has been the past 3 years (when I was with Joey, he would spend spend spend and I would stress stress stress). Just gotta pray that God will send the right person.