Why do we have to suffer? :'(



  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 728 Member
    It's not that life is just not fair to obese people. At 19, it's time to learn a life lesson that most people no matter their weight realize at this age: Life is not fair. It is full of struggle, oppression, and bad hands, just like it can also be full of happiness, luck, and silver linings. But, no. Life is not fair.
  • kieran9810
    kieran9810 Posts: 83 Member
    Some of the comments on this thread are horrible & to the people saying 'people are born with disabilities and you think you have it tough, are you unaware that MENTAL illness is a real thing? Everybody is different. If some of you spoke to me how you has spoke to this usee, I would of left the forum for good. Some people have no sympathy at all.

    But having said that, if you want to change your weight - start small. Reduce your calories and start walking maybe once or twice a week? I know it seems daunting at first but I'm around the same age and same weight as you and I've lost 11 pounds in 7 weeks and it's not as bad as you think. I think it's actually been quite easy to do and the sense of acheivement is over whelming!

    If you need to speak to somebody to just rant or need advice, feel free to add me :)
  • smkean
    smkean Posts: 132
    When I started, back in August on this (not my 'fresh start' account!) I was in the 90's, and I'm only 23 and I'm doing this weight loss because I am a single mother and it's for my child's benefit, as much for my own health and confidence.
    It's horrible that we look/feel like this, but I kept reminding myself, that I overindulged in pregnancy, and didn't stop for several years after. You will lose the weight if you work for it, it will be a decent learning curve for your health in the future. You got yourself into this situation, and YOU WILL get yourself out :)
    It can be done, there are hundreds of people on here that have!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Nobody is making you obese apart from you.
    Nobody is making you suffer apart from you.

    YOU are the one in charge of your life, not anyone else.
  • smkean
    smkean Posts: 132
    Also, just a point, this was posted under MOTIVATION AND SUPPORT. Tough love is fine, but being an *kitten* about things when the PERSON is just venting emotions and looking for a bit of support from other users who have been there is actually quite disgraceful.

    I'm pretty sure there isn't a single person on here who hasn't at one time or another had a tantrum over the way they look.

    Also, I have hypothyroidism, mine isn't stable so I can understand the frustration, but your dr should be able to help you. If your honestly not losing weight when you should and you have a thyroid issue, maybe it's not you? Get it checked/sorted and the weight will fall off with the right steps taken by you.

    Either support and motivate or find a different post to comment on!
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    ... as i am reading this "everybody hurts" by R.E.M is on the radio... kind of made me laugh...

    OP- work on you. things will get better.
  • LuvieCat
    LuvieCat Posts: 2 Member
    This is day one for me. I'm diabetic, I have sleep apnea, and have had both knees replaced. Action does help with overcoming the low times. I am fortunate in the sense that I don't suffer from depression, but life is short and you need to live each day to fullest - live in the moment :)

    I'm 58, just went to the dietician that recommended this site to me. There's some very good info here.

    Now is better than yesterday.
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    Hello MFP,
    I am really sad right now. I am crying. I was talking to my mom and suddenly I realized something... WHY? why do obese people have to suffer? Why?
    I cannot shop like "normal" people, cannot eat the food I like, cannot go to movies or go partying. No this is not a rant. I am sure you can understand my problems.. our problems. It is really disheartening that we cannot enjoy life as other people. I am still young, I am 19, and I weigh more than 100 Kg! I cannot perform normal activities like my friends do. Can't talk to girls. Can't talk to strangers -thanks low self esteem- or go to places. ITS JUST NOT FAIR!
    Life is not fair to us overweight people.
    I know this post will be buried after sometime... and I am somewhat sure nobody would read it given the sheer number of new posts on MFP but I really wanted to let out my feelings.
    Good night :'(:cry:

    Try focusing on the positive. You've lost 18 kg. That's no easy task but you did it. YOU did it. YOU made that achievement. And if you lost 18 already, you can lose another 18, and another 18 after that! Will it take time to reach your goals? Yes. But will it be worth the effort? YES!

    You just have to take things little by little. Life is not easy for anyone, obese or not. Everyone struggles. You have to fight for what you want. You have to get up and get moving to achieve your goals. You just have to keep telling yourself, "Self, you can do it!" until you believe it and make it happen! Believe in yourself, you're worth it!
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Hello MFP,
    I am really sad right now. I am crying. I was talking to my mom and suddenly I realized something... WHY? why do obese people have to suffer? Why?
    I cannot shop like "normal" people, cannot eat the food I like, cannot go to movies or go partying. No this is not a rant. I am sure you can understand my problems.. our problems. It is really disheartening that we cannot enjoy life as other people. I am still young, I am 19, and I weigh more than 100 Kg! I cannot perform normal activities like my friends do. Can't talk to girls. Can't talk to strangers -thanks low self esteem- or go to places. ITS JUST NOT FAIR!
    Life is not fair to us overweight people.
    I know this post will be buried after sometime... and I am somewhat sure nobody would read it given the sheer number of new posts on MFP but I really wanted to let out my feelings.
    Good night :'(:cry:

    Okay I am going to refrain from a snarky response as you are obviously upset but at the same time I will be honest...
    I cannot shop like "normal" people
    If this is because of your size than you just have to develop a plan to lose weight and adhere to it...will provide links at end.
    If it is because of self-esteem or social anxiety I recommend some form of therapy and also exercise as I find this to be a very effective method of dealing with emotional issues.
    cannot eat the food I like

    Well yes you can if you develop self control particularly over portion sizes, because food is not inherently bad but diets can be...


    cannot go to movies or go partying

    You could if you wanted to but I reiterate this is a symptom of your low self-esteem and recommend taking the steps necessary to improve it.
    I am still young, I am 19, and I weigh more than 100 Kg! I cannot perform normal activities like my friends do. Can't talk to girls. Can't talk to strangers -thanks low self esteem- or go to places.
    You are still quite young and have plenty of time to change but the best time to start is now, yes you may have poor self esteem but you are not the only one. It may seem difficult at the moment to change but if you are committed nothing you have written about is unchangeable.
    Life is not fair to us overweight people.

    These comments make me think that you no doubt are suffering but have a small window to the vast amount of suffering occurring right now in the world, I get it you have low self esteem from being overweight, well do something about it...at least you have an opportunity to change your life many do not.


    Helpful links...



    Skinny people must have fast metabolisms right?

    Think again: http://youtu.be/eTr1JUvEiUU

    Still convinced your problem is a slow metabolism?

    You don't: http://youtu.be/KA9AdlhB18o

    OP I wish you the best of luck but you have to try and stop being a victim or as it says on my wall

    "Just another person trying to break free of a trap dug and designed by my own two hands."

    I learned I could live more than one life in a lifetime.

    “Oh sorry, I was taking life seriously.” ― Bill Hicks

    ETA: Could probably remove the word "can't" from you post and replace it with "won't".

    This to and also go to a doctor and talk to them.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    this has been a helpful thread. Sometimes I feel sorry for myself that I cannot eat like some of my skinny friends and relatives. But ya are right, life is not fair. This is the cards we were dealt. But we can work with it and with MFP people to support us and eat less we can do pretty good with our weight and get our self esteem back. Over Christmas I was dealing with negativity with hubby and me being alone over Christmas. We don't have much family and what we do we get with a week early. With a little problem solving and not be a victim, I know next year we plan to go to a ski resort. It is easy to get in the victim mentality but we don't have to. We can take responsibility to make our life better.
  • Dimpleschick55
    Dimpleschick55 Posts: 13 Member
    Here's more tough love for you because it sounds like you are having a pity party. All I have read is what you can't do. Well, I have celiac disease, I can't digest anything made with flour, I also can't eat anything I want or it will make me sick. Finding the food I can eat is sometimes challenging but I don't whine about it.

    We all know that you got the way you are because you ate too much food. I can understand that but what I don't understand is where your negative attitude came from. There has got to be some goodness in you. I am sure deep down inside you are a fun person, I'll bet you have pretty eyes or a great smile. You have got to think better of yourself, and when you do, other people will begin to notice. Why can't you talk to girls? Why do you describe yourself as not normal? Please stop this self-destructive talk you are engaging yourself in. Walk to the mirror right now…I mean do it now! Look at yourself and make a positive comment about yourself. Do it. Now write it down. Do it again tomorrow and write that down. By the end of the week you should have a nice list going about what is wonderful about you. Don't say you can't do it. Stand there in front of your mirror until you can.

    Now, I am going to tell you that I can relate to some of what you have said. You say it's unfair to be overweight. Well, I only have 10 pounds to lose. I have never been heavy and I don't want to weigh any more than I already do. I have medical issues that make those 10 pounds difficult to lose. I also am older--much older than you are and I don't like that my hair has started to turn gray…it's unfair. I don't like that I'm not as strong as I used to be, that's unfair too. I really, really don't like that I have some wrinkles and my skin isn't as firm as it once was but I am still me, and I'm not going to tell myself I'm not worth it just because my body has changed.

    So life is unfair for everyone on different levels, but it's still your life, my life, someone else's life. Please start to treat yourself kindly. Go talk to a counselor, a nutritionist, a fitness trainer. Take some small steps in improving yourself, but most of all, DON"T GIVE UP and don't give into that voice that is telling you that you can't. And keep in touch so all of us can know how you are doing. I would like to see your list of all the great thing you discovered about you.
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 775 Member
    why do obese people have to suffer? Why?
    I cannot shop like "normal" people,
    * I shop like other people do, just a different department
    cannot eat the food I like,
    * I can eat anything I want, just in moderation

    cannot go to movies or go partying.
    * I go to the movies often, I am not much into partying but that is my lifestlye

    it is really disheartening that we cannot enjoy life as other people.
    * I enjoy my life quite fine ..

    I may be obese but that doesn't stop me from enjoying life and talking to people .. I work as a cashier and training in customer service, I talk to strangers 5 days a week .. you sound like you have self esteem issues and you need to work on that, but don't put all overweight people in the same category .. I was once young and shy too, but I made a point to just put myself out there .. I was 19 when i moved out into my own place and I made a point, to speak to everyone I saw .. I am now 34, it gets easier but it takes work
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Finding the food I can eat is sometimes challenging but I don't whine about it.

    You really should though. Gluten free pizza just isn't the same.

    (Betcha that you have, too.)
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I suffer from hypothyroidism, and get treatment for that and depression. Both are very much manageable and don't have to stop you from living a great life.

    First of all, I'd seek counseling and get treatmemnt for your depression if you haven't already. It's hard to move with that big fat monkey on your back, I know. What's more, you have to decide ENOUGH is ENOUGH. You DON'T have to be obese. You have your whole life ahead of you and you CAN enjoy life.
  • happydaze71
    happydaze71 Posts: 339 Member
    I am not replying to be mean, I have been obese and I have suffered for it. At least when you are obese you can lose weight, and improve your lot in life.
    There are people who are missing limbs or who have non curable cancer, there are all sorts of situations in life that are awful and unfair.
    But by defending your weight and saying that everything is cruel to overweight people is acting like you have a disability - you don't.
    You have the opportunity to change.
    Get your depression sorted and I really do wish you all the best.
  • mailaki
    mailaki Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the kind responses. I did not expect so many helpful replies honestly. Now that I am feeling better, let me clear some things up.

    - I currently weigh 291 lbs. My peak weight was 343 lbs about 18 months ago.

    - Its easy to say "stop eating and get off your butt." You have to understand something, I did not eat to obesity! I was an overweight kid all my childhood. Of course I looked chubby, and had trouble running. Do you seriously think my parents would have let me overeat? My diet was strictly controlled since I can remember - no sweets, no oily food, no fast food. Its not my parents fault, they just wanted me to have a healthy life. But even with all these measures, I still kept growing in size. I then joined a gym when I was 12. You cannot imagine how hard it was for a 12 year me to go to a place I doesn't want to go in the first place because
    1) At this age I was supposed to play and enjoy carelessly. None of my friends went to gyms!
    2) The fellow gym-goers teased me stared at me. They hadn't seen such a fat kid before, I think.

    Still the gym didn't work. To top all this, I was always ridiculed in school. And as you grow older, you clearly notice how everybody treats you differently cuz you are obese. They wont start conversation with you. They behave differently with you. Most of the people just ignore your existence. People stare at you in public. You hear them laugh when the pass you. The list is endless...
    Do you think after all this, I did not try?

    - I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 18. I started taking meds immediately. As you can see, I have lost 50 pounds. Losing 50 pounds doesn't just happen. I'm sure you people know how hard it is- you have to be dedicated, control your diet, exercise regularly, never slip.

    - Some of you have pointed out life isn't fair to everyone. I can understand about people born with diseases, terminal illness, or those who are differently-abled.
    But you have to understand, obese people face problems ON TOP OF the problems "normal" people do. Normal people don't have risk of diabetes, cardiac failure. Their knees don't hurt. They don't find daily simple tasks/maneuvers like climbing a flight of staircase exhausting. We do.

    - Also I am 19. I am sure I have no Idea or any experience about the hardships that people face when they grow up.

    But thanks for such wonderful responses. I might be suffering from depression, I don't know for sure. And I have decided to shed 66 pounds this year.

    And happy new year to you!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I did not eat to obesity!

    Obesity comes from eating too much food and not burning enough calories. That is a simple (and actually fair) truth. There is no way around it. I think the sooner you come to that realization, you will also realize that YOU can control what and how much you choose to eat in order to get healthy, and you will feel less helpless.

    You can eat too much of even the healthiest of food, so not being able to eat sweets growing up means that you ate too much of the healthy stuff.

    These are all things we have learned and will be happy to help you with once you decide to take your life and health back into your own hands.
  • Hello MFP,
    I am really sad right now. I am crying. I was talking to my mom and suddenly I realized something... WHY? why do obese people have to suffer? Why?
    I cannot shop like "normal" people, cannot eat the food I like, cannot go to movies or go partying. No this is not a rant. I am sure you can understand my problems.. our problems. It is really disheartening that we cannot enjoy life as other people. I am still young, I am 19, and I weigh more than 100 Kg! I cannot perform normal activities like my friends do. Can't talk to girls. Can't talk to strangers -thanks low self esteem- or go to places. ITS JUST NOT FAIR!
    Life is not fair to us overweight people.
    I know this post will be buried after sometime... and I am somewhat sure nobody would read it given the sheer number of new posts on MFP but I really wanted to let out my feelings.
    Good night :'(:cry:

    This actually makes me want to cry! My sister is obese and seeing how sad and sedentary she is is extremely depressing. I really feel where you're coming from and I understand how hard it must be getting by in an extremely vain, shallow and fat hating society! Hugs!
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    Thanks for the kind responses. I did not expect so many helpful replies honestly. Now that I am feeling better, let me clear some things up.

    - I currently weigh 291 lbs. My peak weight was 343 lbs about 18 months ago.

    - Its easy to say "stop eating and get off your butt." You have to understand something, I did not eat to obesity! I was an overweight kid all my childhood. Of course I looked chubby, and had trouble running. Do you seriously think my parents would have let me overeat? My diet was strictly controlled since I can remember - no sweets, no oily food, no fast food. Its not my parents fault, they just wanted me to have a healthy life. But even with all these measures, I still kept growing in size. I then joined a gym when I was 12. You cannot imagine how hard it was for a 12 year me to go to a place I doesn't want to go in the first place because
    1) At this age I was supposed to play and enjoy carelessly. None of my friends went to gyms!
    2) The fellow gym-goers teased me stared at me. They hadn't seen such a fat kid before, I think.

    as has been said, you didnt catch a case of the obesity. its not a communicable disease. now, are there certain predispositions that help add to your putting the pounds on...yes. but you really do control what you eat and how much.

    as far as getting teased at the gym, sorry but those folks are idiots. most people who see someone who is either out of shape or obese trying to make a change find it admirable. at least those who know how to be a grownup.
    Still the gym didn't work. To top all this, I was always ridiculed in school. And as you grow older, you clearly notice how everybody treats you differently cuz you are obese. They wont start conversation with you. They behave differently with you. Most of the people just ignore your existence. People stare at you in public. You hear them laugh when the pass you. The list is endless...
    Do you think after all this, I did not try?

    I am not going to say you didnt try but it seems like you gave up to easily. now i am basing this without having full knowledge of every minute detail of your existence i admit.
    - I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism when I was 18. I started taking meds immediately. As you can see, I have lost 50 pounds. Losing 50 pounds doesn't just happen. I'm sure you people know how hard it is- you have to be dedicated, control your diet, exercise regularly, never slip.

    - Some of you have pointed out life isn't fair to everyone. I can understand about people born with diseases, terminal illness, or those who are differently-abled.
    But you have to understand, obese people face problems ON TOP OF the problems "normal" people do. Normal people don't have risk of diabetes, cardiac failure. Their knees don't hurt. They don't find daily simple tasks/maneuvers like climbing a flight of staircase exhausting. We do.

    I hate to break it to you, but skinny people have all those problems too. the human body is a machine that needs to be fed regularly with good foods in order for it to run its most efficient. people get diabetes who look extremely healthy, its just bad genetics. people have sore knees or ankles and its not due to being over weight.. stairs suck in general whether your over weight or skinny.
    - Also I am 19. I am sure I have no Idea or any experience about the hardships that people face when they grow up.

    But thanks for such wonderful responses. I might be suffering from depression, I don't know for sure. And I have decided to shed 66 pounds this year.

    And happy new year to you!

    let me say this, i think youre on the right track but you are still looking for something to blame, something that is not at all your fault as if there is a little obese devil who kisses you at night when you are sleeping to make you overweight. losing weight is not an easy process in terms of oops one week later its all good. it takes time, patience and a strong resolve to make the necessary changes in your life to get healthier. you may see it as the world is stacked against you but once you peel back the "reasons" for being overweight you will see they all have one thing in common.

    You. but the nice thing is you can make the change. and it will pay off. if you stick to it.
  • emilyisbonkers
    emilyisbonkers Posts: 373 Member
    one thing I do know is that you can't accept responsibility for it, you will find it a lot harder to fix