Master Cleanse



  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I am not necessarily sure of what a "salt cleanse" is, I do have an educated opinion on this. The only safe salt to drink in such a way is himalayan salt or 100% sea salt. The chemicals in table salt however will have negative effects on your body. Research more on its effects. Also, I would suggest a fast for a limited time rather than a "cleanse" with something that may be harmful

    Lol. Magical salt.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member

    Don't do it, that's my advice.
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    So how are those doses of haterade going down today? Is there a calorie count to track?
    This is ridiculous. The cleanse, generally speaking, is no different than people using ACE, or SlimQuick, or whatever fad appetite suppresant is out right now. You still intake calories, up to and sometimes over 900 calories a day while cleansing. You are encouraged to NOT do any overly exerting exercises, and if at any point you feel wrong, to STOP. You could go 3 days, 7 days, 10 days. It's up to your body.
    The salt flush, as it seems to be a topic, is made with sea salt, which sea salt water is the same salinity as blood (google if you don't believe me), so your body does not process or absorb it, it literally flushes right out of your system. And takes everything that's blocking the way with it. It's a laxative, just like ex-lax, without the cramping. The point of MyFitnessPal boards is to encourage others. And for some people, the cleanse works, and works well. For some people, it doesn't, not in the slightest. It's all about listening to your body, and doing what you feel is best for YOU.
    I personally can't use any sort of diet pill, they always make me shaky and dizzy, and I've thrown up from them on occasion. And that's MY BODY, not YOURS. I listen to how I feel, not how YOU say I should feel. Everyone should be able to make their own decision on what works well for them, without the massive doses of haterade being thrown around. Maybe do some research before you spout off on what you think it's all about., maybe try supportive and informative answers not just calling people stupid.

    You're right, the cleanse is no different than fad appetite suppressants or diet pills, in that none of these things will lead to long-term weight loss and improved health. Why are these the only options you're willing to consider when they have been proven time and time again to be at best not effective in the long term, and at worst very damaging to the body?

    Also, the salt flush just seems illogical. Of course drinking salt water will be a laxative and will result in weight loss, you're DEHYDRATING yourself! By your logic I should just go out to the ocean and drink a bunch of sea salt water and my insides will be clean and shiny and poop-free. And then I will pass out and die from dehydration.

    The reason why there's so much "haterade" about these cleanses is because they are flat-out dangerous, and the veterans of this website who have learned from past experiences and have found long-term success through diet and exercise are not going to stand idly by while uneducated people advocate dangerous weight loss methods. If I said that I want to try the cocaine diet because it will really jump start my weight loss and I feel great doing when I'm on it, would you say "way to go"! I sincerely hope not.
  • vslnrunner
    vslnrunner Posts: 164 Member
    Salt flushes just sound nasty! Way to dehydrate yourself to move the scale.