No fast food!!



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    "what was your reason"

    I doesn't taste very good, which makes it a poor value.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    What was your reason?
    Did you notice any changes?
    Do you occasionally eat fast food if so what do you get?

    I'm considering giving it up for good. Not only will it save me money but can help with my fatty food cravings too!
    i try to avoid it but for other reasons beyond weight loss (allergic to wheat). last year jan-aug 2012 i lost a little over 30 pounds and would occasionally eat it when i had no other food in the house and had a crapload of calories to eat and would prepare myself to be glutened.

    what i will get is bacon egg & cheese mcgriddles, BK fries, popeye's chicken, wingstop wings, in & out burger,
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I didn't go out for fast food regularly even when I was heavier. It's expensive and in some cases, gross.

    I do still have it once in a while...but I'd much rather go out for sushi :love:
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I don't like the idea of giving up anything completely(unless it's drugs or some harmful addiction - hmm. is mcdonalds harmful? it could be I guess. anyways lol)

    I think everything in moderation is fine. If you walk by mcdonalds and get cravings, then get it again and again, your body wants it. Go have a meal.

    As much as I enjoy eating clean now, I have my limits as to how many chicken breasts/ lean beef/ broccoli/brown rice/steel oatmeal I can eat. I'm not a body builder or a competetive athlete anymore... Don't need to be single digit body fat.

    Here to live life and be relatively fit and healthy!

    I am a bodybuilder and my diet during prep doesn't sound like what you's the same as I eat now, just with slightly reduced macros. I couldn't diet on the food you mentioned, it's boring and unnecessary!

    I kind of disagree with getting mcd's because you crave it and your body "wants" it. Your body doesn't need it - it needs nutrients. Which it is unlikely to get from maccas. If you give in to your cravings and make nutrient poor choices, it's likely that you'll still crave and make more nutrient poor choices. Unless you have the willpower to stop, it can easily lead to overeating...
  • just_Jennie1
    just_Jennie1 Posts: 1,233
    I rarely eat fast food. The ONLY time I will stop at a McDonalds or Wendy's and get a burger and fries is when it's late at night and I'm drunk.

    I DO go to McDonalds for their coffee though. They have awesome coffee.

    When I do indulge in fast food I feel like absolute rubbish the next day and my body tells me that it's not happy in not the best way.
  • SomeNights246
    SomeNights246 Posts: 807 Member
    I don't think you have to give it up entirely. I gave it up for the most part, but I was consuming a LOT of it. Some days my entire day consisted of fast food, and I was inactive. So, the weight was piling on fast. It never filled me up, either. I felt like I could eat two double cheeseburgers and still be hungry. Which led to overeating. That's why I decided to give it up.

    Since I was eating SO much of it, I noticed changes right away. In not only weight, but energy level. My get up and go was back, and I felt like I could actually DO things again. It was amazing.

    This isn't to say I've given it up completely. Sometimes I'll indulge. I stick to the 'lighter' meals. I don't mind some of the wraps, and I love some of the salads (I always make sure I get one that's actually lighter, as a lot of them are the same as eating a burger, really...). I try to stay away from burgers. I don't even like the taste anymore now that I've given them up. I don't know if Subway counts as fast food, but I do admit that I LOVE their salads.

    Anyway. I don't eat fast food much at all anymore. I'd rather stay in and cook or have something like Olive Garden.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I've never particularly been a huge fan of fast food...I ate a bit more of it before I started all of this good livin' but rarely eat it now...basically has to be the only option. Mostly I just don't really like the food so it's really not worth it to me...and I have to eat a ton of it to feel remotely satiated so I had a hard time hitting my calorie goals when I was eating more fast food.

    I like pizza though...but I don't really consider that fast food...
  • WhisperAnne
    I never eat fast food. I haven't in 7 years. Before I quit the fast food habit I was eating out up to 4 days a week and feeling sick and sluggish because of it.

    I don't even crave fast food anymore, it's honestly disgusting to me now.
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    In a bigger city there are many more choices than just McDonald's or the other top 5.
    I eat fast food, but I don't consider it "fast food", if that makes sense.
    For instance Chipotle. It's just as fast, if not faster, than Wendy's, but IMO healthier.
    Not at all saying it is the best choice.