What do you eat for breakfast?



  • Jenni129
    Jenni129 Posts: 692 Member
    When I'm in a hurry I fry a whole egg, flop it on a piece of plain toast and go!
  • hardworker92
    personally I love 100% steel cut rolled oats with half a large sliced red apple plus a tbs of 100% almond butter - filling and healthy :D
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    Oatmeal or raisin bran, depending on the day. Is your breakfast filling you or does it leave you hungry? If it fills you, it's enough, as long as you eat enough throughout the day to get enough calories.
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I have to get up around 5:50am to get ready for work every week day, so I usually take a bar with me since it's easy and somewhat nutritious. My favorites are the Pro Bar meal replacement bars, Double Chocolate and Peanut Butter are my 2 favorites.

    On weekends I typically make a breakfast smoothie with fruit, almond milk, and protein powder or meal replacement powder with a hard boiled egg or two.
  • vinny76063
    vinny76063 Posts: 133 Member
    8oz egg whites & 1 Cup oatmeal
  • res18exk
    res18exk Posts: 2 Member
    3 eggs, corn tortilla and salsa. its very satisfying....:-) But tomorrow I think I will try it with egg whites only.
  • aaronengineer
    aaronengineer Posts: 6 Member
    I would encourage you to watch the movie Fat Head. It talks about different things that might help or hinder you as you seek your health goals. Personally I have 3 eggs, two pieces of bacon, and a large glass of water. That comes in at about 500 calories, is low in carbs and high in protein. At lunch I'll have a Shakeology shake and frozen fruit that comes in at about 350 calories. It is higher in carbs, but it comes from fruit and vegetables and not starchy stuff. Dinner will be a salad and some protein, sometimes chicken breast sometimes meatloaf.
  • smelius22
    smelius22 Posts: 334 Member
    Every Sunday I make egg cups for the week.

    I use a large muffin tin (that has 6 molds instead of 12), crack an egg into each mold, divide 1/2 a tube of breakfast sausage among them, divide a whole diced tomato among them, and bake at 350 for 10 minutes..

    They can then be divided into sandwich bags and frozen or refrigerated so I can quickly grab one on the way to work and nuke it when I get there.

    You can add whatever you want to them to make them just how you like. The way I prepare mine makes each cup just 163 cals!
  • res18exk
    res18exk Posts: 2 Member
    I like that idea. sounds filling! I will have to try it...:-)
  • aaronengineer
    aaronengineer Posts: 6 Member
    Have you tried making your own bars in the morning? 1/2 c dried fruit, 1/2 c nuts, and whatever flavoring you like. If you use dried apples you might add some cinnamon and nutmeg for a fall feeling, or some lemon or lime to lighten it up.
    I used to make my shakes with protein powder, chia seeds, and fruit until I discovered Shakeology. That gives me more energy and a feeling of full than the Muscle Milk was providing.
  • jess135177
    jess135177 Posts: 186 Member
    Today I had a homemade breakfast sandwich

    1 egg, 1 egg white, 2 slices of bacon, 1 slice of pepper jack cheese on a 100 calorie English muffin. 403 calories and delicious!
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    i had half cup of oatmeal mixed with homemade whole berry cranberry sauce and a homemade greek yogurt based blueberry muffin with walnuts, glass of oj and coffee.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    4 egg whites, 1 normal egg, spinach, onions a bowl of cereal (high protein/fiber) and soy milk... Meal times don't really matter as long as your body gets the needed calories for your activity. Being Hungry isn't the only indicator your body needs food.. you can never feel hungry and really be undereating.

    Do you save the yolks for cookies?
  • peaceenharmonyy
    i usually have 2 fried eggs and some fruit or 2 fried eggs spinach and strawberries
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    Carrot Smoothie, love my bright orange shake =)

    Carrots (2 peeled and cut)
    Mango - had some leftover and thought...why not!
    half a banana
  • evanblove
    evanblove Posts: 82 Member
    I do smoothies for breakfast. Today's consisted of
    85 G Mango
    .5 cup almond milk
    1 cup spinach (I don't really measure it, I just stuff the blender cup with it)
    4 oz sweet potato (baked)
    smallish banana (today's was 118 g)
    All for 279 cal.
  • czechwolf52
    czechwolf52 Posts: 194 Member
    Most days my breakfast is under 200 calories. It's normally eggs, toast, slim fast, or a small portion of leftovers. I'm not a big breakfast fan and I'm not very hungry in the morning, so I just eat enough to feel satisfied until lunch. Today I woke up at 930 so all I had was a fiber one brownie, then after shoveling some snow I got a VERY rare coffee from starbucks. It's no problem if breakfast isn't your biggest meal of the day, as long as you get enough calories while staying under your goal you'll be fine.
  • Shreddingitnow
    Egg wraps!
  • dlcoaching
    dlcoaching Posts: 218 Member
    How do you cook 100% steel cut oats ? Does it need to be soaked first ?
  • sillyvalentine
    sillyvalentine Posts: 460 Member
    1 or 2 packets of Quaker Apple and Cinnamon instant oatmeal.