What are your binge day calories?



  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    3500-4000 calories
  • Rebekah718
    Rebekah718 Posts: 134 Member
    I try to plan a day like my daughters Birthday I know we will go out to eat and I might have some treat but I try to stick to only once a week.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Since I started, the worst has been 2800. My TDEE is 2000 or so.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    No, I guess my real question is when you have a day (usually weekend for me) of overeating a bit, how high do you go?

    My weekends can get up in the 4,000 calorie range (pretty sure that's what this past Friday came in at :laugh: ). But I don't consider that binging because I eat in a high/low calorie pattern (carried over from my weight loss days of doing alternate day IF). I have higher calorie weekends and then my week days are usually lower calories. It all evens out and I'm maintaining really well :smile:

    ETA: So for example-
    Friday-4,000 calories
    Saturday-2,500 calories
    Sunday-2,500 calories
    Monday-1,500 calories
    Tuesday-2,500 calories
    Wednesday-1,500 calories
    =14,500 calories.
    ~ My maintenance calories for 6 days is between 13,500-15,000 calories (depending if I get in all my work outs)

    Now, I just do the math in my head, so there's a bit of wiggle room in there with the numbers, but you get the idea :smile: I will say Friday was a bit higher calories than my normal weekend higher calorie days-had BK for lunch, local pizza place for supper, a deep fried hot fudge sundae to finish the night up, plus a few other things earlier in the day, like a 500 sweet potato breakfast. It was a fun day :bigsmile:

    I do this sort of thing too. It's worked for 10 years! I never gain more than a couple pounds a year (usually the holidays) then I'll just tighten the belt and lose them. During football season I easily have 5000 calorie days.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I don't do binges anymore, but sometimes I've eaten 200 over my goal, once about 600-700, but not more than that. I just make sure I meet my calorie goal by the end of the week, which might mean creating more of a calorei deficit on another day. This is done through eating less or adding a bit more exercise.

    Bingeing is such a trigger for me to go back to old behavior that helped me gain 30 pounds of the 70 pounds I'd lost several years ago.
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    I don't have designated binge days, but even I give in to food sometimes, despite having managed to sort my life out and maintain my weight.

    Before I started to lose weight, a good day was 2,000 calories (but I was very sedentary) and a bad day was more like 5,000 calories.

    Now, I would consider even 2,500 as a bad day unless I've exercised.
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member
    Threw a girl's night last night so I guess last night was my calorie spike. I hit about 3500 calories, I think (I logged about 3k but I some parts of last night are just down the memory hole). That's about 1500 over burn for the day. Took a nice chunk out of my weekly deficit!

    I haven't done that in months, though, so whatever.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    No, I guess my real question is when you have a day (usually weekend for me) of overeating a bit, how high do you go?

    My weekends can get up in the 4,000 calorie range (pretty sure that's what this past Friday came in at :laugh: ). But I don't consider that binging because I eat in a high/low calorie pattern (carried over from my weight loss days of doing alternate day IF). I have higher calorie weekends and then my week days are usually lower calories. It all evens out and I'm maintaining really well :smile:

    ETA: So for example-
    Friday-4,000 calories
    Saturday-2,500 calories
    Sunday-2,500 calories
    Monday-1,500 calories
    Tuesday-2,500 calories
    Wednesday-1,500 calories
    =14,500 calories.
    ~ My maintenance calories for 6 days is between 13,500-15,000 calories (depending if I get in all my work outs)

    Now, I just do the math in my head, so there's a bit of wiggle room in there with the numbers, but you get the idea :smile: I will say Friday was a bit higher calories than my normal weekend higher calorie days-had BK for lunch, local pizza place for supper, a deep fried hot fudge sundae to finish the night up, plus a few other things earlier in the day, like a 500 sweet potato breakfast. It was a fun day :bigsmile:

    Holy crap, we are like twins. We have very similar eating patterns!

    I never have a binge day, and I don't even understand the concept of binging. Binging is having absolutely zero control of you body, and what goes in your mouth. If you are committed to this lifestyle, binging will not bring you results.

    Now, a higher calorie day that's planned in advance? Of course - that's a different story. I always eat more on the weekends because I am what with friends, parties, etc. The key is to find a livable, sustainable pattern and stick with it.
  • Frittycat
    Frittycat Posts: 51 Member
    I logged my binge day on Saturday and ate almost 5,000 calories. I am not going to lie -- it was wonderful to enjoy lots of carbs and sugar again, and to eat what I wanted. I love bread and pastries especially, but I cannot keep them in the house for this very reason. I have some work to do this week, though!
  • Nightdust
    Nightdust Posts: 171 Member
    Mine today was 2,318. Normal is 1800 or less a day. I'm starting to think having the weekends off are a bad idea. I don't go way overboard but it's hard to get back on track.
  • missyont
    I don't binge eat but some days I have 2500 and don't work out so I guess that would be my binge day :p That's usually in wine. ( errr the EXTRA cals ) ;)
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    5000 ISH
  • celtbell3
    celtbell3 Posts: 738 Member
    On days where I eat more than usual (traveling, harder workout, special occasion) I will typically eat up to about 2500 calories.
  • Americannabis
    I don't purposely have a "binge day", but on days where I do overeat, I usually have a (willing to say maximum, here) total of 3,000 calories or so - plenty of that is usually the fault of pizza, my biggest vice aside from Doritos and ice cream.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    I don't really "binge" per-say. A high calorie day for me is about ~2000-2200.
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    my binges is normally 3500- 3800 calories a pound and a little over i dont pick a cheat day or binge day it just happens ..
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    My last 'binge' day was 2600 calories but I was really hungry (damn hormones). Not sure it counts.

    My worst day since I started was my anniversary 3 weeks ago - around 4200 calories, because I had a 3200 calorie dinner. My birthday is in 2 days, so we'll see how that turns out.
  • Corsetopia
    Corsetopia Posts: 307 Member
    I do a reward meal on Thursdays, log it, and it puts me over anywhere from 500-1000 calories depending on where we go eat.
  • beastmode_kitty
    beastmode_kitty Posts: 844 Member
    I wouldn't call it binge days. I usually have a treat meal. I follow Ashley Conrad's Clutch Transformation and in her guide it says when having a cheat meal, to have it about 500-700 calories more than what you'd consume for that day. So for me it would be about 2500 calories on a cheat meal day.
  • MickeyCastello
    I don't log my Friday cheat days, but I do keep it under some kind of control. I'd guess about 2300 - 2500 calories.