What are your binge day calories?



  • kilsafari
    kilsafari Posts: 61
    I refer to them as "break" days when I can snack a little more than I usually do. I only do this on Sundays and I eat about 200 or so over what I eat during the rest of the week. Definitely not a "binge" but not really enough to count as what most people would call a cheat day.
  • ShutupndMovee257
    ShutupndMovee257 Posts: 316 Member
    are you sure you are referring to a binge day? I have a cheat day a week. On regular days I eat between 2900-3200 calories a day, I burn a lot! And on cheat days i take in upwards to 4500 calories. I burn probably 1200 calories a day so I need that many calories. even though I do taking a lot of calories, most of it is very clean food. A lot of protein.
  • xoNikki246
    No, I guess my real question is when you have a day (usually weekend for me) of overeating a bit, how high do you go?

    I usually just make room for what I want and fit it into my calorie allotment for the day….if I do go over it is usually about 200 to 300…

    I think you promote healthier lifestyle and choices if you take the foods you want and fit them into your calorie allotment..rather then having a weekly blow out…just my opinion...

    ^^^ I totally agree, this is my way of doing things too.
  • mjdjohnson06
    My binge day calories...eh they are under 1000. It's only beause of 'Aunt Flo'....ladies you know what I mean by HER? It's the only time I'm craving things I normally do NOT eat like a burger and dark chocolate. On a good note, I watch HOW much I have of certain things and I make sure that I take all my energy and put it to good use in a nice workout.
  • seanscott1972
    seanscott1972 Posts: 7 Member
    As a person who has a hard time controlling binge eating I put a lot of thought into my once a month cheat meal. I already have them planned for the next five months. Lobster Mac & Cheese with Garlic Bread drenched in garlic butter for May, An Amazing Burger and fresh cut fries (not fast food) for June, Seafood Poutine followed by battered fish tacos for July and Hot Wings and lots of beer at a rooftop bar for August.
    This month I went to a favorite Sunday Brunch Buffet and totally over did it, 3000 calories over did it. I counted all my calories because I still want to feel accountable for my gluttony. From this cheat I learnt I can’t control myself at a buffet. I felt full half way through the first plate but still managed to squeeze in one more plate plus an assortment of desserts and help my daughter finish her waffle and cupcake. I’ll be avoiding buffets and all-you-can-eat meals until I am at my goal or maybe forever.
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    I don't really have a binge day. Do you find that helps you to stay focused the rest of the time? I feel like if I did it would probably just make me less able to control it the other days. I agree that incorporating the foods you wanna eat into your balanced diet would just be easier. I sorta already do that.

    Sometimes I go over, can't be helped on certain occasions. But thats usually not by more than 200-400 or so. I kind of feel bad if I do it though.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I get insanely tired of people using terminology associated with serious illness and disorder as casual terminology for random diet choices.

    Binge eating is totally different than spiking.

    A binge episode equates to thousands of calories in one sitting for most of us that have suffered and dealt with the problem. Eating a bag of carrots is not a binge. Eating 200 calories over your daily is not a binge. In my eyes, even eating 1000 calories over your daily is not a binge.

    A binge is when you eat anything and everything you can. Say... You decide to have popcorn. While making the popcorn, you start grazing. Next thing you know, you have a huge bowl of popcorn, 5 pieces of toast with butter and jam, any kind of ice cream in the freezer, a block of cheese, a sleeve of crackers, last night's leftovers, you're drinking a half gallon of OJ but then think hey, that beer sounds good too, you eat half of this before sitting down, you eat the rest, then you go back, and you just can't stop until your stomach hurts or you're going to vomit or you've run out of food that doesn't require prep.

    During my last binge episode, I think I ate 2 pints of ice cream, crackers, cheese, a bag of Cheetos Puffcorn, 2 Monster energy drinks, vodka, half a roast, and later on I had chicken pieces with bread drenched in olive oil and parmesan. It's no joke, and you learn to not buy more than a couple days of groceries during trigger times.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Over 9000!

    Actually it's usually between 6000 and 8000. Enough to ruin a careful month of moderate calorie consumption.


    My maintenance is less than 1500. I get virtually no exercise. So if I stick with MFP recommended 1200 calories a day, that's 2000 calories or so a week deficit. So when I go over 6000+ calories I can ruin almost a month.
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Over 9000!

    Actually it's usually between 6000 and 8000. Enough to ruin a careful month of moderate calorie consumption.


    My maintenance is less than 1500. I get virtually no exercise. So if I stick with MFP recommended 1200 calories a day, that's 2000 calories or so a week deficit. So when I go over 6000+ calories I can ruin almost a month.

    Sorry but... 8k calories isn't going to ruin a month.

    8000/31=258 calories per day

    If you're maintenance is just shy of 1500, and you're cutting to 1200, you are at most making all days a maintenance day... If calories really worked like that.

    If you at 8k on the 1st, it doesn't just sit around to the 31st. You do lose a large sum of it in your feces.

    However, even the least bit of physical exercise is going to completely offset that so... I'm not trying to give permission for an 8k binge. Moreso saying, the logic here is flawed.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Over 9000!

    Actually it's usually between 6000 and 8000. Enough to ruin a careful month of moderate calorie consumption.


    My maintenance is less than 1500. I get virtually no exercise. So if I stick with MFP recommended 1200 calories a day, that's 2000 calories or so a week deficit. So when I go over 6000+ calories I can ruin almost a month.

    Sorry but... 8k calories isn't going to ruin a month.

    8000/31=258 calories per day

    If you're maintenance is just shy of 1500, and you're cutting to 1200, you are at most making all days a maintenance day... If calories really worked like that.

    If you at 8k on the 1st, it doesn't just sit around to the 31st. You do lose a large sum of it in your feces.

    However, even the least bit of physical exercise is going to completely offset that so... I'm not trying to give permission for an 8k binge. Moreso saying, the logic here is flawed.

    I was calculating it by 28 days, a four week month. You are right, however, it is more like making every day maintenance than it is risking weight gain, but when I'm still trying to get rid of those famously hard to lose vanity pounds, it definitely sets me back. Of course, if I have two binge days in a month...
  • harrypotter22
    harrypotter22 Posts: 27 Member
    So on a nice binge day, how many calories do you consume?

    When I started MFP, it was 2800. Now that I'm better at this it's 2300.

    How about you?

    everyday is binge day for me lolol- so like 2,000. no jk that's normal and i'm just trying to maintain.
    i don't really have allowed binge days but when i am in the mood i can put away 2,500-5,000 calories.
  • C3001
    C3001 Posts: 28 Member
    If I'm really going all out -- meal, drinks, dessert, probably about 2500-3000 calories.

    When I was in college I probably went well over 3000 calories because of drinking. :smokin:

    This... It still happens once a week or so but I fit it into my weekly average. Typically, 500(ish) over maintenance.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    It varies. I won't set a limit, but I'll estimate beforehand to still make good choices
    Recently I went to a restaurant with a friend, and I had a 1,000 calorie meal. I went out with friends last night, and had drinks for under 400 calories. I was ok with the 1,000 calorie meal, because it balanced out with the rest of my week. And the drinks were awesome because it was a treat, and still stayed within my daily goal.

    I still try to stay within reason, though. If I go over 2,000, I don't lose sleep. But if I want to really go all out, I'll workout beforehand to give myself some extra wiggle room. I don't believe in "cheat" days. I believe in working foods I want into my day.

    Like the Twix bar I had this afternoon. :)
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    1700. Exactly the same as on any other day . I don't believe in cheat days, binge days, whatever you call it, it's not worth it.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    1700. Exactly the same as on any other day . I don't believe in cheat days, binge days, whatever you call it, it's not worth it.

    Amen to that! I regret my birthday binge day from 3 days ago (4200 calories), although most of it was totally worth it... at the time.
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    Nowadays any time I "binge" it's a little over 2,000 cals. Before I joined mfp, my binges were 1,200 cals in just the morning.
  • ygstzip
    ygstzip Posts: 13 Member
    Around 2300-2400 calories a day when I lose count of the calories. I want to eat more but this is the max of my stomach's limit. Usually even if it's the free day on the weekend, I am still count the calories. This weeks though, I didn't and I think this time I over do it with all the cake and crispy things. :(