

  • Karen_LM
    Karen_LM Posts: 61 Member
    The homemade whole-grain i used to have time to bake weekly!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    They affect the chemical receptors in the brain the same way that cocaine does.

    Yeah, Im pretty sure that this is NOT true.

    From the second page:

    "In 2007, researchers at the University of Bordeaux, France, reported that when rats were allowed to choose between a calorie-free sweetener and intravenous cocaine, 94 percent preferred the sugar substitute. The researchers concluded that "intense sweetness can surpass cocaine reward. . . . The supranormal stimulation of these receptors by sugar-rich diets, such as those now widely available in modern societies, would generate a supranormal reward signal in the brain, with the potential to override self-control mechanisms and thus to lead to addiction." Nicole Avena, an expert in behavioral neuroscience at the University of Florida in Gainesville, has spent many hours analyzing the behavior of rats enticed into sucking up sugar. She says that feeding on sugar can, like snorting coke, lead to bingeing, withdrawal, and craving. It does this by lighting up the same circuitry within the brain triggered by cocaine and amphetamines, the dopamine center."
    Oh, please, you can't trust anything those wacky Gators* say!

    *UF class of '97, with honors :wink:
    Seminoles. National Champs.


    (OK, so I'm actually a Miami fan because of Jim Kelly and am not from Florida, but I do live in Tallahassee now, so I lay some claim.)
  • arl1286
    arl1286 Posts: 276 Member
    Pumpernickel all day erryday
  • aliceclutz90
    aliceclutz90 Posts: 151 Member
    Ciabatta! Or a nice cheesy roll from the bakery.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    They affect the chemical receptors in the brain the same way that cocaine does.

    Yeah, Im pretty sure that this is NOT true.

    From the second page:

    "In 2007, researchers at the University of Bordeaux, France, reported that when rats were allowed to choose between a calorie-free sweetener and intravenous cocaine, 94 percent preferred the sugar substitute. The researchers concluded that "intense sweetness can surpass cocaine reward. . . . The supranormal stimulation of these receptors by sugar-rich diets, such as those now widely available in modern societies, would generate a supranormal reward signal in the brain, with the potential to override self-control mechanisms and thus to lead to addiction." Nicole Avena, an expert in behavioral neuroscience at the University of Florida in Gainesville, has spent many hours analyzing the behavior of rats enticed into sucking up sugar. She says that feeding on sugar can, like snorting coke, lead to bingeing, withdrawal, and craving. It does this by lighting up the same circuitry within the brain triggered by cocaine and amphetamines, the dopamine center."
    Oh, please, you can't trust anything those wacky Gators* say!

    *UF class of '97, with honors :wink:
    Seminoles. National Champs.


    (OK, so I'm actually a Miami fan because of Jim Kelly and am not from Florida, but I do live in Tallahassee now, so I lay some claim.)
    Don't care; not a sports fan. Also not from Florida, but It does amuse me to think of the backwoods swamp-*kitten*-end-of-nowhere UF cranking out serious research.

    I also don't recall having any really delicious bread during my three years there. I haz a sad now. :cry:
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    But I thought Gainesville was a rock city?
  • Riemersma4
    Riemersma4 Posts: 400 Member
    Liquid bread....

    India Pale Ale

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