Planet Fitness removing squat racks? Aroo?



  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member

    This is the most judgemental and disgusting thing ever. So its ok for them to judge individuals in tank tops and drinking water?! WTF.

    and grunting, don't forget grunting. i take serious offence to this b/c on any given day in any given workout, I may or may not grunt. Like a lady of course.

    Its a sad day for America. Thank god I am Canadian...where planet fitness does not exist.
  • parys1
    parys1 Posts: 2,072 Member
    And what is with that colour scheme? That alone, would cause me to suffer an aneurysm. It looks like it's made for Teletubbies.
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    Yeah, PF is megalame.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    next they will say you can only do 12 reps or more because anything less that that is "bodybuilding"

    You joke, but this sounds entirely plausible to me.
  • michellerawrrr_72
    michellerawrrr_72 Posts: 14 Member
    We don't have any of these "gyms" in my area, but seriously?? No dead lifting? No squat racks? How is this place even considered a gym, people pay to go to this place? SMH
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Planet fitness and public transportation are excellent ideas for other people.
  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    We don't have any of these "gyms" in my area, but seriously?? No dead lifting? No squat racks? How is this place even considered a gym, people pay to go to this place? SMH

    its $10 a month. thats worth it for the free pizza, bagels and candy. :wink:
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I can't really think of anything I would actually do at a Planet Fitness. Maybe they have pull up bars?

    probably not as that might lead to grunting….

    I guess they have dumbbells…that only go up to 40# or something?

    Awesome. I could do some curls.

    But not in the squat rack.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Wouldn't the person calling someone a lunk because of their shirt or water bottle be the one who is judging?
  • michellerawrrr_72
    michellerawrrr_72 Posts: 14 Member
    We don't have any of these "gyms" in my area, but seriously?? No dead lifting? No squat racks? How is this place even considered a gym, people pay to go to this place? SMH

    its $10 a month. thats worth it for the free pizza, bagels and candy. :wink:

    who the hell wants pizza, bagels, and candy after a work out..oh wait its planet fitness so you are not really working out….just doing 5 million reps of one pound pink dumbbells...

    Craziest thing I have heard of in my life. I realize most of what's being said is a joke, but it's sad that newbies will fall prey to this crap.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    Wouldn't the person calling someone a lunk because of their shirt or water bottle be the one who is judging?

    Right?! Somehow the 10k/day CEO's missed the irony when they set up this policy.
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    In 4 years Planet Fitness is going to be a New York style pizza delivery joint.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Wouldn't the person calling someone a lunk because of their shirt or water bottle be the one who is judging?

    Right?! Somehow the 10k/day CEO's missed the irony when they set up this policy.

    Alternatively, they knew *exactly* what they were doing. Honestly, if it wasn't for their hypocrisy, I would barely know they existed...but now, if someone were to ask me if I knew of a gym where they wouldn't have to deal with a single "meat head", I'd tell them "Planet Fitness".

    And this place's entire business most globo based on people paying for a membership, but not using the facility.

    I seriously doubt that their policies are based on stupidity...(regardless of how stupid they seem to me).
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    yet another reason to not go to planet fitness ..what a joke….

    whats next…no deadlifting..oh wait…you can't do that either..

    On this trajectory it's only a matter of time before first the Olympic barbells and then the fixed barbells are gone. Then the dumbbells and benches.

    After that they'll start on the cardio machines until there is nothing but ellipticals left (that'll show those smug treadmill runners).

    Then they'll get rid of those too and be free to pursue their true business model - monthly pizza club subscription.

    maybe that is their master plan ..lure everyone in with pizza and slowly eliminate all the gym equipment….

    I'm going to open a pizza joint next door, and put a squat rack in the middle of the dining room.


    I will open a donut shop next store and put a deadlift station in it….
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Wouldn't the person calling someone a lunk because of their shirt or water bottle be the one who is judging?

    Right?! Somehow the 10k/day CEO's missed the irony when they set up this policy.

    Alternatively, they knew *exactly* what they were doing. Honestly, if it wasn't for their hypocrisy, I would barely know they existed...but now, if someone were to ask me if I knew of a gym where they wouldn't have to deal with a single "meat head", I'd tell them "Planet Fitness".

    And this place's entire business most globo based on people paying for a membership, but not using the facility.

    I seriously doubt that their policies are based on stupidity...(regardless of how stupid they seem to me).

    ^ This. They are very deliberately playing into fears, misconceptions and stereotypes. And then creating an atmosphere in which those misconceptions can never be challenged or reversed.

    Then they are systematically removing the equipment most commonly used by the most dedicated and consistent gym users - the lifters.

    Finally, they keep the price low enough that Joe Average will just keep paying it 'just in case', even though they never actually use the facility.

    It's very smart, and very cynical.
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member

    Yeah. I guess I don't belong there. I don't think they should be able to call themselves a gym without a squat rack.

    $10 a month would be amazing but it seems like there are too many drawbacks to working out there for a person who is serious about lifting weights...or even semi-serious. Goodness! :noway:
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    hmm didn't realize they were so bad...I'm glad I use the Y with the rest of the lunks.

    I had planned to join the Y with my daughter next month, but my bff bought me a PF membership for Christmas. Y'all are scarin' me!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    I don't see the problem here.

    People who want to use squat racks have lots of gym choices.

    People who don't want gyms with people who use racks have apparently only one choice. Why do you want to take that choice away from those people?


    Alienating a chunk of your potential customer base...why, exactly?
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    hmm didn't realize they were so bad...I'm glad I use the Y with the rest of the lunks.

    I had planned to join the Y with my daughter next month, but my bff bought me a PF membership for Christmas. Y'all are scarin' me!

    Be very afraid.
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Every business has a mission and has to find a way to achieve their goals. If they are looking for the beginner and being in a place where people are yelling on every lift and dropping weights everywhere it may detour those overweight people looking to start a change. I think back to the environment of my high school football days. We had our own weight room and I can see where some ladies would not want to be withing a mile of that place.

    I do not lift any longer as the last 2 times I was lifting I ended up with hernia surgery so the cost and convenience of the machines work for me. I never have bashed Gold's Gym, which was the spot for serious lifters, but I also would not have wanted to go there to lift as I feel like guys wanting to do serious work would look at me like "Dude, if that is all you are gonna lift go home and bench press your cat"

    Sorry if this is an unpopular post but I wish people would be more open minded and not so bashing over everything they do not like when there are options....