What book(s) are you currently reading?



  • HDHogger
    HDHogger Posts: 764
    learn how to become a billionaire in ten easy steps
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Manuscript found in Accra by Paulo Coelho..

    No idea why, he always leaves me slightly unsatisfied.
  • ravegee
    ravegee Posts: 999 Member
    Hope Flames by Jaci Burton
  • BigBrunette
    BigBrunette Posts: 1,543 Member
    Stitches by Anne Lamott
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    I just finished Dirty Streets of Heaven ( Bobby Dollar #1) by Tad Williams. I've got Guilty Pleasures by Laurel K. Hamilton and A Girl's Guide to Vampires by Katie McAlister on my currently reading list, although I don't know if I'm going to bother finishing them.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    The 4 books I currently have to read are:

    Impossible Odds by Jessica Buchanan and Erik Landermalm (my dad gave it to me. About a rescue of a woman by the Navy Seal Team Six).

    The Harbinger by Jonathan Kahn (my grandfather gave it to me to read.

    Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan

    The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom (Along the lines of The Help)
  • horsewhisper91
    horsewhisper91 Posts: 456 Member
    Unfortunately....text books for all my classes. Not leisure reading this time of the year.
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Stephanie plum no 19
  • I just finished reading Oogy the dog only a family could love...brilliant book about a rescued staffie dog that had his face torn apart as he was used as bait for dog fighting but a family and a veterinary team saw him rescued him and didnt give up on him. He was as good for the family as they were for him. Have a read.

  • Sartajsingh85
    Sartajsingh85 Posts: 24 Member
    Sex at Dawn by christopher Ryan !!!!!!
  • I just finished "20k Leagues Under the Sea" by Jules Verne (it was okay), about to finish "Me Talk Pretty One Day" by David Sedaris (great!), and now I'm just starting "The Prince of Foxes" by Samuel Shellabargers (still too early to tell).
  • I recently finished re-reading Interview With The Vampire and I'm about 1/2 way through The Vampire Lestat. The Vampire Chronicles are some of my favorites and I've read all the books many times.
  • "sister outsider" by audrey lorde and "a clash of kings " by george rr martin
    the first one is about feminism and the seconde one is science fiction .Both really good
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,236 MFP Moderator
    I'm reading A Game of Thrones by George RR Martin. :)
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    In for all the books...............
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    lone survivor
  • scrapalooza
    scrapalooza Posts: 335 Member
    Reading John Sanford series right now.
  • Don't laugh too hard at my rubbish reading material but here it goes,
    I'm on book 3 of The Mortal Instruments - City of Glass, MacRevie by Kresly Cole, Twice Tempted bu Jeanine Frost, and Up from the Grave is next in my kindle also by frost....
  • obrientp
    obrientp Posts: 546 Member
    Reading John Sanford series right now.

    Me too. I started with the first of the Prey series. Now I'm up to Naked Prey.
  • bbubb1
    bbubb1 Posts: 63 Member
    The Outlander!!!!