About to quit!



  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    Have you been doing measurements? How is your stamina? Do you have less jiggle? Weight is not the only thing......
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Don't take the advice to eat more, try logging and weighing more.

    I think I missed like 2 days this month.

    You are one who told me at 1500-1800 ( bad days) I eat too much..

    If I eat on a bad day, 1800 calories.. spend 2 hrs at the gym, burn 1000.. that means I net 800. Is this accurate or am I missing something. Would this be healthy? I'm not trying out for any body building comps. I am just an average grl who used to be 280 lbs. Lost 100 lbs on her own terms.. and now Is having a really difffcult time while switching up my routine.

    Well, we've already established that your logging is lax. So quit sweating the hypotheticals, log accurately and continue your journey. I think you already know that you need to meet your NET calorie requirements.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Don't take the advice to eat more, try logging and weighing more.

    I think I missed like 2 days this month.

    You are one who told me at 1500-1800 ( bad days) I eat too much..

    If I eat on a bad day, 1800 calories.. spend 2 hrs at the gym, burn 1000.. that means I net 800. Is this accurate or am I missing something. Would this be healthy? I'm not trying out for any body building comps. I am just an average grl who used to be 280 lbs. Lost 100 lbs on her own terms.. and now Is having a really difffcult time while switching up my routine.

    Well, we've already established that your logging is lax. So quit sweating the hypotheticals, log accurately and continue your journey. I think you already know that you need to meet your NET calorie requirements.


    (Sorry, I think OP is has received all the quality advice possible. Bring on the gifs.)
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Don't take the advice to eat more, try logging and weighing more.

    I think I missed like 2 days this month.

    You are one who told me at 1500-1800 ( bad days) I eat too much..

    If I eat on a bad day, 1800 calories.. spend 2 hrs at the gym, burn 1000.. that means I net 800. Is this accurate or am I missing something. Would this be healthy? I'm not trying out for any body building comps. I am just an average grl who used to be 280 lbs. Lost 100 lbs on her own terms.. and now Is having a really difffcult time while switching up my routine.

    Well, we've already established that your logging is lax. So quit sweating the hypotheticals, log accurately and continue your journey. I think you already know that you need to meet your NET calorie requirements.

    I feel like I am not being listened to. It isn't a hypothetical.. this is HOW IT IS right now for me.

    Like I said I maybe have missed two days. I dont miss whole weeks.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    If you ask for help but don't listen to anyone's advice, my advice is to #JSF!

    Forgive my ignorance - Jedi Star Fighter? What is this JSF?

    I was thinking JavaServer Faces. *shrugs* :ohwell:
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Don't take the advice to eat more, try logging and weighing more.

    I think I missed like 2 days this month.

    You are one who told me at 1500-1800 ( bad days) I eat too much..

    If I eat on a bad day, 1800 calories.. spend 2 hrs at the gym, burn 1000.. that means I net 800. Is this accurate or am I missing something. Would this be healthy? I'm not trying out for any body building comps. I am just an average grl who used to be 280 lbs. Lost 100 lbs on her own terms.. and now Is having a really difffcult time while switching up my routine.

    Well, we've already established that your logging is lax. So quit sweating the hypotheticals, log accurately and continue your journey. I think you already know that you need to meet your NET calorie requirements.


    (Sorry, I think OP is has received all the quality advice possible. Bring on the gifs.)

    Alright guess I am done here too..

    thanks everyone. Have a wonderful day.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Don't take the advice to eat more, try logging and weighing more.

    I think I missed like 2 days this month.

    You are one who told me at 1500-1800 ( bad days) I eat too much..

    If I eat on a bad day, 1800 calories.. spend 2 hrs at the gym, burn 1000.. that means I net 800. Is this accurate or am I missing something. Would this be healthy? I'm not trying out for any body building comps. I am just an average grl who used to be 280 lbs. Lost 100 lbs on her own terms.. and now Is having a really difffcult time while switching up my routine.

    Well, we've already established that your logging is lax. So quit sweating the hypotheticals, log accurately and continue your journey. I think you already know that you need to meet your NET calorie requirements.

    I feel like I am not being listened to. It isn't a hypothetical.. this is HOW IT IS right now for me.

    Like I said I maybe have missed two days. I dont miss whole weeks.

    Like I said weight solids and measure liquids. You are probably eating way more than you think you are and burning less than you think you are.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Don't take the advice to eat more, try logging and weighing more.

    I think I missed like 2 days this month.

    You are one who told me at 1500-1800 ( bad days) I eat too much..

    If I eat on a bad day, 1800 calories.. spend 2 hrs at the gym, burn 1000.. that means I net 800. Is this accurate or am I missing something. Would this be healthy? I'm not trying out for any body building comps. I am just an average grl who used to be 280 lbs. Lost 100 lbs on her own terms.. and now Is having a really difffcult time while switching up my routine.

    Well, we've already established that your logging is lax. So quit sweating the hypotheticals, log accurately and continue your journey. I think you already know that you need to meet your NET calorie requirements.

    I feel like I am not being listened to. It isn't a hypothetical.. this is HOW IT IS right now for me.

    Like I said I maybe have missed two days. I dont miss whole weeks.

    Umm...so you are a special snowflake? Seriously, you asked your questions and got excellent advice. Get a scale, and start logging consistently, and accurately estimate your calories burned. What more is there to say? You are making it more difficult for yourself than it needs to be.

    I agree, it is time for you to embark on your gurney. Bye bye!
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Alright guess I am done here too..

    thanks everyone. Have a wonderful day.

    Sorry (genuinely), didn't mean to be an *kitten* about it.

    It's just a lot of people here hearing hoofbeats and looking for zebras.

    Your body takes calories and uses them to fuel your movement and bodily functions. When more energy is present than is required, the excess is stored as fat. When less energy is present than is required, the shortage is taken from fat stores or muscle catabolism. Ergo what's more likely - that you're eating more/burning less than you think, or that you somehow have the wrong mix of macros, or are in 'starvation mode' (where seemingly your body is magically synthesizing energy to fuel those work outs while holding on to fat stores? Does that make even one ounce of common sense?), or are magically building muscle at a rate much faster than even pro bodybuilders can?

    I'm not chastising you here. More a pop at the other posters, to be honest. Just trying to prompt a thought process from which you can assess the advice given.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    "Add heavy compound lifts. They have made a HUGE difference for me. My weight hasn't changed a whole lot but man have I lost inches and I have never looked better. "

    Can you explain compound lifts? I used to be all cardio, lifting and weights are all new to me. New World lol.

    Okay, so instead of doing isolation exercises where you just work the one muscle, compound lifts work a bunch of muscles/joints at the same time, so you get more bang for your buck and a full body workout. You use free weights which I think is way more effective than using machines. I used to do a bunch of isolation exercises years ago when I was doing the Body For Life program and saw some changes, but I have seen great changes doing these basic compound lifts:

    Bench press
    Bent over rows
    Upright rows
    Overhead press

    There are different varieties on these lifts so what I did was I went on YouTube and watched lots of videos when I first started. There are some great videos on there by experts that show you the proper form/way to do these.

    Another good site is www.bodybuilding.com
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Don't take the advice to eat more, try logging and weighing more.

    I think I missed like 2 days this month.

    You are one who told me at 1500-1800 ( bad days) I eat too much..

    If I eat on a bad day, 1800 calories.. spend 2 hrs at the gym, burn 1000.. that means I net 800. Is this accurate or am I missing something. Would this be healthy? I'm not trying out for any body building comps. I am just an average grl who used to be 280 lbs. Lost 100 lbs on her own terms.. and now Is having a really difffcult time while switching up my routine.

    Well, we've already established that your logging is lax. So quit sweating the hypotheticals, log accurately and continue your journey. I think you already know that you need to meet your NET calorie requirements.

    I'm sorry, but I think I missed something... she has missed two days out of the last 30 (give or take). How is a log ratio of 28/30 (93%) lax?

    If she were to come in and say... I'm netting 800 calories a day and am still gaining... half the people here would scream "starvation mode"!

    If she is weighing her food and logging accurately - which she says she IS (and I refuse to call her a liar)... then that's not the problem.

    She may be taking in more than she is burning... but even still 1700 cals a day is not a bad amount for the average woman who is exercising to consume. Hell. I don't exercise every day and still consume close to 2000 cals a day.

    She has indicated she has just started a super intense workout, so some of the gain may be water weight.
    Hell, if she has an electronic scale, it could be the scale too!
    Or TOM.

    There could be a NUMBER of reasons why she has gained some weight.
    She has been listening to everyone, and she isn't arguing with you... she is trying to make sure that you understand what it is she is saying. I agree... I don't think people are hearing her.

    That said... she has gotten some really good advice and there isn't probably anything new to be said here that will help more.

    Oh.. and btw... look at her profile pic. She looks freaking hot right now... it could be possible that she doesn't NEED to lose another 35
  • foxivan
    foxivan Posts: 2 Member
    Addi n some weight training. Any professional will tell you that the more muscle you build, the faster the fat will burn! If your doing all cardio and no weight training, you could even be damaging your muscle! Gotta get in those weight training days!
  • christinemadden0223
    christinemadden0223 Posts: 175 Member
    Before this comes off as a mean or joking comment, my friend had this happen so I am being dead serious... if you are doing nothing that should make you gain and still gaining in 2 months, have you taken a preg test? My friend was still having monthly bleeding for 2 months but was pregnant...
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Addi n some weight training. Any professional will tell you that the more muscle you build, the faster the fat will burn! If your doing all cardio and no weight training, you could even be damaging your muscle! Gotta get in those weight training days!

    It's not possible to build muscle while eating at a calorie deficit.
  • The issue is WHAT your eating, not how much. Cut out the processed boxed additive stuff and go for fresh, organic and lean. I eat Paleo, which is hard for most because its so restrictive, but most of the time people dont read lables!! that the BIGGEST issue...sometimes "healthy" stuff has more additive sugar and other ingredients that you cant even pronounce than just plain old ice cream and cake! Read your lables and go FRESH. Fruits, veggies and lean protein. you can use as many spices you can get your hands on to flavor!
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Don't take the advice to eat more, try logging and weighing more.

    I think I missed like 2 days this month.

    You are one who told me at 1500-1800 ( bad days) I eat too much..

    If I eat on a bad day, 1800 calories.. spend 2 hrs at the gym, burn 1000.. that means I net 800. Is this accurate or am I missing something. Would this be healthy? I'm not trying out for any body building comps. I am just an average grl who used to be 280 lbs. Lost 100 lbs on her own terms.. and now Is having a really difffcult time while switching up my routine.

    Well, we've already established that your logging is lax. So quit sweating the hypotheticals, log accurately and continue your journey. I think you already know that you need to meet your NET calorie requirements.

    I feel like I am not being listened to. It isn't a hypothetical.. this is HOW IT IS right now for me.

    Like I said I maybe have missed two days. I dont miss whole weeks.

    Umm...so you are a special snowflake? Seriously, you asked your questions and got excellent advice. Get a scale, and start logging consistently, and accurately estimate your calories burned. What more is there to say? You are making it more difficult for yourself than it needs to be.

    I agree, it is time for you to embark on your gurney. Bye bye!

    You know, Im not being nasty or rude.. lol But thank you anyway.

    as for Gurney? Not sure I understand why you are even saying that.

    I have had plenty of success. I again and gain will state how I have already lost 100 lbs. I was a very big girl. I will gladly take advice ( which is why I posted) since I have reached a point where I am obviously lost.. But I also just wanted to be sure people were understanding me.. I wasn't getting nasty.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Oh.. and btw... look at her profile pic. She looks freaking hot right now... it could be possible that she doesn't NEED to lose another 35

    ^^ Agree with this! OP *does* smokin' :smokin:
  • Bumdrahp
    Bumdrahp Posts: 1,314 Member
    Don't take the advice to eat more, try logging and weighing more.

    I think I missed like 2 days this month.

    You are one who told me at 1500-1800 ( bad days) I eat too much..

    If I eat on a bad day, 1800 calories.. spend 2 hrs at the gym, burn 1000.. that means I net 800. Is this accurate or am I missing something. Would this be healthy? I'm not trying out for any body building comps. I am just an average grl who used to be 280 lbs. Lost 100 lbs on her own terms.. and now Is having a really difffcult time while switching up my routine.

    Well, we've already established that your logging is lax. So quit sweating the hypotheticals, log accurately and continue your journey. I think you already know that you need to meet your NET calorie requirements.

    I'm sorry, but I think I missed something... she has missed two days out of the last 30 (give or take). How is a log ratio of 28/30 (93%) lax?

    If she were to come in and say... I'm netting 800 calories a day and am still gaining... half the people here would scream "starvation mode"!

    If she is weighing her food and logging accurately - which she says she IS (and I refuse to call her a liar)... then that's not the problem.

    She may be taking in more than she is burning... but even still 1700 cals a day is not a bad amount for the average woman who is exercising to consume. Hell. I don't exercise every day and still consume close to 2000 cals a day.

    She has indicated she has just started a super intense workout, so some of the gain may be water weight.
    Hell, if she has an electronic scale, it could be the scale too!
    Or TOM.

    There could be a NUMBER of reasons why she has gained some weight.
    She has been listening to everyone, and she isn't arguing with you... she is trying to make sure that you understand what it is she is saying. I agree... I don't think people are hearing her.

    That said... she has gotten some really good advice and there isn't probably anything new to be said here that will help more.

    Oh.. and btw... look at her profile pic. She looks freaking hot right now... it could be possible that she doesn't NEED to lose another 35

    I can;t tell you how much I appreciate this post.

    If I was to come off nasty to anyone I do apologize, though I don;t think I did.

    Yes I do need to lose the next 35 ( ty kindly however ;) ) But I guess I was just looking for some tidbits and advice ( which I did get, and ty to all who have given it)

    Thank you again and again everyone for the tips. I will be sure to implement some of from here on out.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Addi n some weight training. Any professional will tell you that the more muscle you build, the faster the fat will burn! If your doing all cardio and no weight training, you could even be damaging your muscle! Gotta get in those weight training days!

    It's not possible to build muscle while eating at a calorie deficit.

    Yes, but by not strength training a larger % of the weight loss will come from lean muscle, meaning less muscle at your goal weight = burning less cals at your goal weight.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    The issue is WHAT your eating, not how much. Cut out the processed boxed additive stuff and go for fresh, organic and lean. I eat Paleo, which is hard for most because its so restrictive, but most of the time people dont read lables!! that the BIGGEST issue...sometimes "healthy" stuff has more additive sugar and other ingredients that you cant even pronounce than just plain old ice cream and cake! Read your lables and go FRESH. Fruits, veggies and lean protein. you can use as many spices you can get your hands on to flavor!

    of course the issue is how much. You can eat the healthiest food on the planet, and if you are eating more calories than you are burning, you will still gain weight. You can eat the most processed crap on the planet, and if you are eating fewer calories than you are burning, you will still lose weight. That doesn't mean that you will be healthy and you won't have high cholesterol or be pre-diabetic, but you will lose weight.