need help from FORMER SMOKERS!



    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,472 Member
    when you want it bad enough, it happens.
    If i can do it, so can u.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I switched to the gum because a pack is $7 out here, now. and then one night, when there was a tornado, I was drinking and drinking and drinking, and talking on the phone to my friend back home in california. I popped a fresh piece of the gum in my mouth and chewed it up, then in my drunken stupor, I spit it out. so I grabbed another fresh piece, and chewed that up. which gave my tongue a chemical burn. and then I didn't want the gum anymore.

    I quit eight months ago. I still want them from time to time. but I've come so far, at this point, it would be stupid to go back, now. and I can breathe a lot better, so I can workout and run harder. *flexes* ;)

    just like anything else, it's not going to happen until you want it to. best of luck! :)
  • jenn26point2
    jenn26point2 Posts: 429 Member
    I started smoking early in high school. In 2004, after 9-10 years of smoking, I quit. I think I used the patch... no scratch that. I used Welbutrin/Zyban. Then I started smoking again the following year when my husband proposed to me and the wedding planning got to be too much. But I quit again, again using Zyban/Welbutrin. That time, the Welbutrin turned me into a raging b*tch. (I've heard this about anti-depressants for people who don't need them) so I stopped using it and went on by myself, using sheer willfull force. This was hard b/c I was in the Army at the time and everyone around me smoked. In 2007, I got called for deployment, 3 months post-partum with my first child. I started smoking yet again. I later quit using Chantix, only to start up again, and again quit with Chantix. In 2008, December 27th, actually, I had my very last cigarette. I had just finally had enough. I was done. My husband hated it. I was keeping it a secret from my dad, but I know he knew. I was slowly killing myself and I had just had enough. After I reached that point, it became easy. No need for drugs or aids or anything like that. Just went without.

    If you truly want to quit, it just happens and it happens easily.
  • BokBagok
    BokBagok Posts: 345
    Go to and read everything they have. Then watch the videos. It was instrumental in helping me quit cold turkey after 20+ years two years ago. It's all about the headspace.
  • AHack3
    AHack3 Posts: 173 Member
    I had tried to quit a few times before I was successful. I used the patches to quit, I stayed on them longer then the directions said, I stepped down when I felt I was ready. I even a the last step cut the patches in 1/2 for a while until I felt like I could go with none. I know they don't recommend it, but that's what I did. I did smoke one cigarette 6 months in, but that was my last one. My husband and I both quit New Years 2004 , he used the gum with great success, he says he's been quit longer than me because I had that one 6 months in. I started smoking when I was in 8th grade, I had smoke for 21 years and I smoked at least a pack a day the whole time towards the end I was up to sometimes 3 packs a day. Good luck to you , you can do it!
  • mrsbloveleigh
    mrsbloveleigh Posts: 12 Member
    I did it with an ecigg, eciggs can be a little stronger then real ciggs at first. If you ever go down that road again I can point you to the good ones.

    Yes, I quit with ecigs too. It took a while, but I kept stepping down on the nicotine in the liquid. Some brands can be really harsh. I ordered all my stuff online from e-liquid emporium.

    I tried cold turkey and everything else, but the ecigs were the only thing that worked for me.
  • Patzycakes
    Patzycakes Posts: 175 Member
    I went with an ecig. Not one of the ones you get at the 7-11 next to the regular cigs, but a nice one with adjustable voltages so I can control how much of a burn i get with it . It works for me.

    I tried cold turkey, I tried the gum. But I felt very much like you do when you try and quit. S*#T get ugly quick. lol.
  • WontShareChocolate
    COLD TURKEY I replaced every cigarette with workouts even at work I ended up doing push ups, crunches, planks anything to take the craving away I ended up doing a lot of yoga at home as well. Pretty soon I didn't even think about cigarettes especially after your nose becomes sensitive enough again to smell them ugh lol