Looking for Support/Motivation for Jillian workouts :)



  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member

    Chunkybun - 7 days to go is great - well done you :D Did you take measurements?

    I took measurements before, and after levels 1 and 2. Will post the final tally next Friday when I'm finished.

    I had a large weight drop from the onset, (9 pounds), but have maintained the same weight for the first week of level 3.

    I upped my dumbells this morning from 5 lbs to 8 lbs. So hoping this extra push will give me great results for my last week.

    I'm debating whether to do RI30 or NMTZ next.

    Great job on the mountain climbers! Those are my arch nemesis! I still can't make it through without a few 'toe taps'.
  • CealR
    CealR Posts: 33 Member
    Victory!!!! Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred complete! Even better, I managed to do it without taking any five second breathers, even the plank twists at the end! Level 3 starts on Monday!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Everyone :) How's the weekend going?

    Ceal - That's great, well done you. Such a good feeling when you know you are getting stronger :smile: Bring on Level 3 :bigsmile:

    Chunkybun - great job on upping the weights - i've never managed more than 3kg so far but hoping to keep increasing as i get stronger. Looking forward to reading your measurements on Friday - i'm sure they'll be fabulous :smile:

    TXRanchgirl - Totally agree about eating better = feeling better...I always have so much energy when i'm putting the right food into my body - makes me wonder why i ever eat the rubbish (but i still do! :embarassed: just a lot less of it now!)

    Hope everyone else is having a great weekend.

    Good here, still going on the same routine and doing well, although today was the first day in a while that i really didn't want to exercise :( We had a bit of a hike yesterday so my legs were a bit tired and general monthly things but.... i forced myself to get up and do it and feel so much better for it :happy: Out later to a farm/lambing event with the family so hopefully a bit more walking around/activity too.

    Hope you all have a great Sunday, Di :happy:
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Tomorrow (so long as the YouTube link works) in going to start ri 30
    I've had some results already from nmtz after only doing it handful of times, there was definite shape to my usual flat bottom in trousers yesterday...my only trouble with it is, it's too long.... I know I could break it up, but feel like trying something new. Wish me luck. :)
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    Week 2 is going good for me. I am on the second week of ripped in 30..those plank moves are a killer.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Everyone - Monday again already!

    Lucylou - good luck with RI30, as you know it is my favourite one - I just like prefer the three strength moves as opposed to the two in the shred. Hope it works for you. Know what you mean about NMTZ, i always feel like I've cheated if i don't do the whole thing!

    afitmom - Great job with week 2 - the plank moves are tough going aren't they?! I'm sure you'll get great results from them :smile:

    Good here, completed my workouts before 6am this morning, and thankfully a bit more energy and enthusiasm than yesterday! I'm halfway to my next weigh/measure and can definitely see more toning...just hope it translates into results!

    Hope everyone has a great start to the week, Di :happy:
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    That's some dedication finishing before six!!!

    I quite liked level one of ri 30, there were no horrible surprises, and the time went quickly enough... I'll worry about the killer plank moves next week! :)
  • sinrh
    sinrh Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! New here :)
    I'm 24, 5'3", and have about 30-40lbs to lose.

    I have a few JM DVDs. I'm almost finished with her 30 Day Slimdown which rotates 30DS, BFBM, NMTZ, and even doubles up on the workouts some days. It's been tough, but I only have 3 more days to go. Tomorrow looks like the toughest day out of the whole schedule. I took last week off because of soreness and migraines, but otherwise have stuck to the schedule the first 26 days straight. I've only lost 8 lbs, but have lost more inches. The scale can be so frustrating. I got stuck for a couple weeks, but started losing again when I took those extra rest days.

    I haven't decided what to do starting next week since I'll be done with the Slimdown. I'm debating whether to restart it with heavier weights. I was also looking at the Body Revolution. I have a few of her other DVDs (6w6p, es&s, and RI30), but I haven't tried them yet. I might try rotating those before I decide whether to restart the Slimdown.

    I liked the rotation of the Slimdown. I didn't get bored at all and the intensity goes up the further you get since you start doubling up workouts. I tried 30DS before by itself, but got bored around the time I started level 3. I definitely enjoyed it more rotating it with the other DVDs.

    I'll take measurements again in a few days after I finish this program.

    Here's the link to the Slimdown schedule :)

  • katrkels11
    katrkels11 Posts: 115 Member
    Hey everybody! I would love to join all of you! I have done the first level of 30ds many times but something always came up and I stopped before I could get to level 2. I am planning to start it up again and I will NOT stop this time!
  • erical78
    erical78 Posts: 11
    Hi everyone! Glad to find a group that loves Jillian's workouts. I have started and stopped the 30DS several times, but I am finally on Level 3 and will finish it this week! I didn't take measurements before I started, but I can tell my clothes are getting looser, and I'm done about 7 pounds. I think I will move on to RI30 after this.

    I'm always looking for new friends for motivation and support!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    That's some dedication finishing before six!!!

    I quite liked level one of ri 30, there were no horrible surprises, and the time went quickly enough... I'll worry about the killer plank moves next week! :)

    I really did not like level 3 for some reason..now level 4 was AWESOME! If you liked level 2, you;ll like level 4.

    I was up in weight yesterday..but my time of the month (joy..) and we ate out friday night..Chinese, so my sodium was probably thru the roof. did my shed n shred this weekend both days..also did some heavy duty cleaning yesterday..(when something is stressing or bothering you in your personal life, its amazing with what gusto you attack housework!)

    Looking at bikinis last night online..put my mind back on track. I function better when I have a GOAL to work towards..goal is rocking my victorias secret Beach sexy bikini this summer!
  • CealR
    CealR Posts: 33 Member
    I started Level 3 of the 30DS! Considering that I always stopped before after finishing Level 1, I'm feeling pretty proud of myself! That said…I found the jump squats! *gives Jillian a nasty look through the TV* Also, the pile hops are pure pain, but considering that I've always been sensitive about my inner thighs (going back to childhood), part of me is thinking, "Oooh, do I get to look like a ballet dancer now?"

    Okay, okay, gonna finish my water, hop in a shower and head off to my first day of my new job!
  • ElisaGutierrez26
    i am currently on ripped in 30 week 2 day 1 and boy its tough i really liked week 1 better
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Good Morning fellow Jillian-ers! How is everyone this fine Tuesday?

    Welcome to everyone joining us on our Jillian journey :happy: great support in this thread :smile:

    Elisa - welcome :D I always find week 2 quite a jump from week 1 of the RI30 - great results though!

    Ceal - Great job on getting to level 3 :happy: I'm sure you'll be swan laking in no time :wink: Good luck with the new job :smile:

    TXRanchgirl - Great goal, I'm sure you'll be rocking your bikini body in no time :D TOTM sucks though! I quite often refuse to weigh or measure when the witch is in town!

    Erical78 - welcome :D great job with the 30DS and excellent that you are down 7lbs :happy: RI30 is a great one to move on to - hope you enjoy it :D

    katrkels11 - Welcome :D Lots of great support here for all of Jillian's workouts - when do you plan to start? :happy:

    Sinrh - welcome :D Sounds like you have been doing great with the slimdown - thanks for the link. I must admit i find doing the same thing for 30 days straight a bit dull, but haven't yet doubled up workouts - one of the main reasons i like Jillian is i know i can manage 25 mins once a day and the results still seem pretty good :D Hope you have great success with your measurements :happy:

    lucylou - glad you enjoyed level 1 of the RI30 :happy: Yes finishing before six surprised me too! But i was energised after it was done and didn't feel as bad as i expected to later in the evening!

    AFM - Another early one today, definitely prefer to get the workout done and not worry about fitting it in later - although getting out of bed was tough :laugh: DH ordered some heavier weights (still only 4kg but heavier than we've had to date) and i'm hoping to use them on some of the bicep/row and tricep if i can manage moves - anything to get rid of those bingo wings!

    Hope you are all having a great start to Tuesday :happy: Di
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    DLD53-that is EXACTLY how I feel! some mornings (like today) it was a pinch hard to motivate myself to get up early..but Im glad Ive got it out of the way..Im less likley to make excuses for not doing it!

    Yesterday I was going to run with my kiddo (on spring break and he still needs to keep up his fitness for track) but I got stuck late at work..so after supper and chores, with the house to myself, I decided to treat myself to alittle ripped in 30..holy hell was I feeling it! level 2..2 minutes of cardio in plank..yeeoch! Felt a huge burn in my core. havent done a double work in awhile (did shed n shred in the morning) and usually its doubling up with yoga..

    Did ripped level 2 again this morning..boy what a burn! I may go for a run this evening while kiddo is at soccer.
    and down to 115.8 this morning!
  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    Hello all....I'm new to not just JM but to strength training in any form. I started this journey a year ago with diet, in May started running and ran until 10days ago when I decided to start getting stronger :) I just finished level 1 (I'm guessing 10 days level 1, 10 days level 2, and 10 days level 3??) of 30DS and after reading the boards seems like today I should do some pics and measurements and then get on with Level 2. I have read people say they hated 30DS and/or had no results and I can't imagine......my arms in particular are getting more sculpted (I can't believe I have arm muscles) and I had never tried a push up in my life so I see it ALL as amazing results so I don't know. Level 2 up today and we'll see what it has to bring huh?
  • aleefeld76
    aleefeld76 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started Revolution last night, alternating it with half-marathon training (race is Oct 11), and pairing it with slow flow or yin yoga.

    Was a good first session, looking forward to completing the program and seeing the results!
  • karmaheart
    karmaheart Posts: 75 Member
    I love JM videos, but I can never get past the first half of L1. I am currently doing 6 week 6 pack. I'm hoping that the more I do this the further I can go. Any advice?
  • lizziefoster0128
    lizziefoster0128 Posts: 6 Member
    I love JM videos, but I can never get past the first half of L1. I am currently doing 6 week 6 pack. I'm hoping that the more I do this the further I can go. Any advice?

    I am also doing the 6 week 6 pack karma and those side planks legit make me want to die... They really hurt my arm/leg to where I can't really do them. So I'm thinking of making it through either RI30 or 30DS (or at least getting past level one) and then adding the 6 week back in so I have some arm strength or whatever to get through it.

    I'm going to Mexico for vacation here in about 6 weeks so I really need to crack down and get serious! I would love any help and support! :)
  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    Only 3 days left of 30DS. I was feeling a bit down as the scale has not budged since level 2, so I cheated and took some early measurements..... thighs are still melting away! Final results to be posted Friday.

    @lizzie - maybe playing some mariachi music while working out would get you motivated for Mexico! Haha!