Looking for Support/Motivation for Jillian workouts :)



  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Good Afternoon Everyone :D

    Lobster - great that you had a good b-day weekend - I was lucky enough to visit Nashville once, it was great :D So sorry you've been ill though - I hope i didn't infect you :wink: Great that you know yourself well enough to still do what you can and stop when you know your body needs to :smile:

    CealR - welcome to the group :D Lots of support and motiviation here. Great job with the Shred, day 5 L2 is no mean feat - and BFBM is a tough workout, great that you finished it all :happy: Hope things start moving with the weight loss for you soon, but sometimes it just takes a little time doesn't it?! I am always eternally annoyed by the scale if i've been doing all the right things all week and haven't lost! Are you following any kind of particular plan?

    klb0809 - Brilliant that you have been doing the advanced 30DS - got to love not being able to fully function the day after Jillian! Good luck with your book, do let us know if it works for you :D

    Waving hello to everyone else - hope you are all having a great day :)

    Good here, my throat still slightly sore but nothing that would stop me from working out now. Sadly i've passed it to DH so he's on a forced break! Completed 1min 30 of my plank challenge last night - it was my back that was hurting more than anything - wonder if i'm doing it wrong? Still doing Jillian RI30 but i'm really enjoying the 30 Day fat burn videos on youtube's BeFit channel - just nice to shake it up a bit. Also i had a lovely NSV - went into town to get some clothes for my holiday and ended up with capri pants and strappy tops in a UK size 10 :D Really happy with that - i'd like them to be a bit less 'fitted' fby the time we go but am so happy to be able to fit into them at all :D Great motiviation - when i feel the need to eat i'll just put them on and hopefully that will stop the urge!

    Hope you are all doing well, I really appreciate all the support and motivation from you guys - makes all the difference :happy: Di
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Hey everyone, we all getting ready for weekend?
    Can't believe how quick Friday comes around.

    I did third go of nmtz...I thought it might get easier...it's harder!! My muscles are tired from last two times (need to buy smaller weights though,3kg too heavy to start)
    I've twice got to the superman's now and just wanted to lay face down and not carry on.....

    Hope everyone else is doing good. :)
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Morning peeps!! The weekend is almost here! I did my level one of RI30. I am glad I did level this week, getting over this cold has been tough, don't think I could have done anything harder... It will be on to level 2 on Monday!! My next few week are going to be super busy...we have a big family wedding with lots of festivities...sort of a family reunion. I have to make sure I keep up with workout because there will be extra temptation in the food and treats...and I have rock my new dress!!! So I am going to try real hard to have fun but be reasonable.

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!!
  • klb0809
    klb0809 Posts: 91 Member
    Hey everyone:

    Ceal- Welcome to our wonderful group

    Lobster- I am glad you're feeling better and I know you will look great in your dress at the wedding especially doing RI30.

    Lucyloutoo- I love her supermans especially the ones with the weight in RI30. I had the nerve to only use 5lb weight doing it. I could crack a nut with my abs after that lol

    DLD53- Sorry you're feeling under the weather but I see you're still going strong and moving into smaller sizes are always proof that hard work pays off. Don't worry those snug capris will be falling off of you in no time.

    As for me I am slowly getting through 30shred but tonight I will start level 2 so I am excited about that as well. I did read most of the Strong Curves book and tried the test exercises and boy do my glutes burn. They are tough but if they make my glutes stronger while curving what is essentially my back and make my body leaner, I can get through the pain.

    Well I am off Happy Jillianing everyone.
  • stellaluna431
    stellaluna431 Posts: 35 Member
    Hope it's okay if I join you guys :)

    I'm on day three of BR (doing the 7-day kickstart). I started it once before and didn't make it through, but I'm in a different place now and am determined to finish it. This group might be exactly what I need for accountability. I've done 30DS many, many times and JM is definitely my favorite trainer. It's good to find a group that loves her too.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    my update-last two days Ive been running back and forth with my sheep to our ranch expo..long days and I come home whooped. Ive still done my ESNS each morning...level 1(45 minutes)...this morning I almost puked. I was beyond exhausted, have a touch of a tummy issue going on and pushed thru the work anyway..probably not the best move. :(

    my tummy issue is directly stemming from some food choices yesterday..boneless buffalo wings for lunch..and then a splurge on raw almonds at 8:30PM. DH and I got into a small spat..these splurges seem to directly relate to if Im super stressed or upset about something..Im hoping by understanding my triggers Ill be better able to get a handle on it.

    Also going to start reading JM's "master your metabloism"
  • kwiatrtdy
    kwiatrtdy Posts: 383 Member
    I really like Jillian workouts :) I have 3 on the go at once atm just because doing the same thing day-in, day-out would just drive me up the wall. I do a combination of 6W6P, 30DS and RI30, only problem is that I don't have all of the workouts for 6W6P and 30DS so I might need to swap them for something a bit harder as I get better at them.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I hope you don't mind if I join. I have done Ripped in 30 and 30ds before. I am starting Ripped in 30 now.

    I just finished day 2 of ripped in 30. I like that video better than 30ds. I definitely get a better workout. But I love all of her videos. I always do 45 mins of cardio before I do her videos to get max burn for that day.

    My main goal is all about inches right now..after losing all my weight. I would like to lose 10 more..but I am more concerned on how my clothes fit.
  • stellaluna431
    stellaluna431 Posts: 35 Member
    I hope you don't mind if I join. I have done Ripped in 30 and 30ds before. I am starting Ripped in 30 now.

    I just finished day 2 of ripped in 30. I like that video better than 30ds. I definitely get a better workout. But I love all of her videos. I always do 45 mins of cardio before I do her videos to get max burn for that day.

    My main goal is all about inches right now..after losing all my weight. I would like to lose 10 more..but I am more concerned on how my clothes fit.

    My main goal is inches too. This morning while we were eating breakfast, I told my husband that I don't care if I lose zero pounds as long as I lose some inches. I'm sure on BR I'll lose both- especially since I'm following the meal plan- but I won't be disappointed if the scale doesn't move/doesn't move quickly.

    I think after BR I'm going to try 21 Day Fix, and maybe mix it up with some RI30. I've never done Ripped before, and I've been hearing good things. Might have to pick it up next time I'm at Target :)
  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    I finished level 2 of 30Ds yesterday. My husband came into the room after I finished recording my measurements and he was impressed with the results.

    Most notably was 1" off chest. 1" off belly and 1" off each thigh.

    I love how its changing my whole body and making me feel stronger and fitter too.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Everyone :) Hope you are all enjoying a great weekend :smile:

    Welcome to everyone joining us on our Jillian journey :happy:

    chunkybun - excellent results :happy: Well done to you.

    stellaluna - RI30 is a great workout - for me it gets a bit insane at L3, but the results are great. Sounds like you have a great fitness plan :smile:

    momto2boyz - wow! 45 mins of cardio *before* Jillian - that's awesome! Glad you are enjoying RI30 - it is my favourite one. I'm sure the inches will start falling off soon :happy:

    TxRanchgirl - hope you are feeling better, and you can find the triggers to understand a bit better :smile: Do let me know what you think of Master your Metabolism - always good to have more knowledge :happy:

    klb0809 - thanks for the kind words :smile: how did you find level 2? Hope enjoyable but challenging :happy: Great that the strong curves book is working for you - extra burn is great :happy:

    lobster - well done on working through - illness is a tough call isn't it?! Your next few weeks sound like tons of fun, hope everything goes well and i'm sure you will absolutely rock your dress :happy:

    lucylou - great job with third round of NMTZ :happy: 3kg is some weight to keep up for the whole 50 mins! I find i need different weights for different exercises which isn't always achievable as by the time i've switched them over half the exercise is done! know what you mean about the Superman - it would be so much easier just to lie there and go to sleep :wink:

    Hope everyone else is doing well and having a great weekend.

    Good here - still doing my three things...Jillian then a 30 day fat burn 10 min (they've recently posted a calendar so i might try to follow that too) and the plank challenge. Also our weather is fabulous this weekend so we went for a 2hour walk yesterday and are planning the same today - only gentle as the children like to stop and start but it's all good :happy:

    Di :smile:
  • CealR
    CealR Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for the welcome! This is the first time I've ever straight up counted calories, so right now my goal is to simply be at or under my calorie count each day and taking it one day at a time. I'm going to weigh myself after two weeks of that and consistent exercise (I ended up taking a bit of a break from the Shred over the weekend, replacing it with a decent amount of walking as I was touring a new part of Japan this weekend), and see how I'm doing. If the scale still isn't moving, then I'll start tweaking my nutrition and calorie count goals. One thing I am learning about myself, though, is that 1200 calories is extremely difficult for me and I think it's partially mental, knowing that it's at the low end of the calorie spectrum - the moment I up it to 1400 or so, with about 25 minutes of circuit training (which is how I'm logging the Shred), physically and psychologically I don't suddenly want to scarf down everything in sight.
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Everyone seems to be doing so well...I think it's great so many concentrating on inches not scales, people can become a slave to the scale, and it can be erratic!!!

    I bought myself some 1kg heavyweights (they didn't have 2) and used them in parts of nmtz today, only in about three moves though, so pleased with that, one of which was the surrender (if that's the right name)
    Still left me exhausted but was much easier today, maybe the fact I hadn't done a ten hour working day first.

    Hope you've all got lovely weather today,in my part of UK it's gorgeous....so I'm closing the curtains and watching modern family. :)
  • lamorticello
    I would love to join this group. I started Jillian's Body Revolution workout (not the diet) last Sunday. I tried this last year but never finished all of the workouts. I am 46, 137 lbs, and 32% body (by scale). Workouts 1 and 2 were challenging for me but not as tough as they were when I started last year. I really want to lower my body fat and increase muscle so I can feel good in my clothes and a bathing suit. As for my diet I have been eating healthy/almost all natural food just too much of it. I am not trying to go too low with calories because that only seems to lead to me becoming thinner but with too much body fat. I have lowered my calories to 1600 and have decided that slow change will hopefully lead to better results. I am trying to increase my protein intake and decrease my fat intake. This is my first time trying out online social support. I think this is a good idea as my husband just ate a brownie for breakfast!
  • denisejones123
    denisejones123 Posts: 9 Member
    Morning everyone :)
    I've finished RI30 loved week 4 after getting the hang of it!
    I'm thinking killer buns and thighs anyone tried it???
    Thanx for the feed back on the HBM gonna order one 2day :)

    Anyone doing 2 DVD a day of Jillian? I'm thinking maybe as I'm going away again in 2 week
    And want that extra boost!

    Hope you all have a lovely day the sun is out ere at last glad to see it after all the rain we had!!!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    so far liking MAster your Metabolism..interesting reading about Jillian's history and fitness journey. Had a cheaty day saturday night..:(

    My DH is used to eating late..I prefer to eat early..(dinner wise)..I need to probably figure this out..self sabotaging in the evening because I am DYING by the time DH is ready to eat...

    I did the full 60 minutes yesterday of ESNS..felt great...really been pushing my boundries each time. I saw "Hard body" at walmart this weekend too..thinking Im going to move to that next..anyone done that?
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Level two for ripped in 30...only problem was my dvd was slow to stopping in some place throughout the whole workout!! Tried cleaning it but didn't help. I may have to get a new one... I may have to substitute a different workout. : (

    Anyway - I hope everyone else had a better workout this morning!!! LOL

    Have a happy healthy day!!!
  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    Level 3 - 30 day shred was awesome! Super tough, but the time just flew, I couldn't believe it, I actually thought "Holy crap, she's doing the cool down already!"
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Level two for ripped in 30...only problem was my dvd was slow to stopping in some place throughout the whole workout!! Tried cleaning it but didn't help. I may have to get a new one... I may have to substitute a different workout. : (

    Anyway - I hope everyone else had a better workout this morning!!! LOL

    Have a happy healthy day!!!

    Don't quote me, as I am notoriously unreliable, but I think it's on YouTube.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Everyone :)

    Chunkybun - I love it when that happens - i remember one round of the shred i was convinced i had another set to do but it was the end! Great to be so involved :D

    Lobster - Sorry about your DVD - not sure about anywhere else but i think only level 1 is available on YouTube in the UK. I recommended it to a friend and she couldn't get past Level 1 without buying it! Hope you can find it somewhere :smile:

    TxRanchgirl - Sorry your eating times aren't working - sometimes it is really hard to fit a healthy lifestyle into 'real life'! We do two sittings here, i eat with the children around 4pm and DH eats on his own at 7 when he gets in. Not ideal but necessary for us and we make sure we eat as a family on weekends. Great job on ESNS, so good when you finish feeling strong. I've not tried Hardbody - let us know what you think if you decide to give it a go :smile: Glad you are enjoying the book.

    Denisejones- great job finishing RI30 and even better that you enjoyed it :D I've not done KBAT but i've heard good things :D I have once done 2 Jillians (one in the morning and one at night) for about 2 weeks before a special occasion - i didn't lose any weight but i think i toned up a little more :smile: Hope you enjoyed the sun - *so* nice to see it!

    lamorticello - welcome :smile: There is lots of great support here, we are all just trying our best to workout and eat well :happy: Great job with BR - there are a few on here working through that one with great results :D I too am concentrating on bodyfat % which isn't going down as fast as i'd like but is at least moving in the right direction! Brownies for breakfast - sounds like something my DH would do!

    lucylou - totally agree about the scale - i find it so demotivating if i feel i've done well and it doesn't agree! Great job with NMTZ - those surrenders are tough! Hope you enjoyed modern family :happy:

    Ceal - sounds like you have a good plan. Two weeks is a good time to have a first weigh in and I agree that with Jillian (or any workout) 1200 is quite low. I'm sure you'll have your ideal calorie and workout plan very soon. And what a great way to burn off extra calories, walking round Japan :happy:

    Hello to everyone else, hope your Jillian journey is going well :D

    Good here, nothing new to report - just continuing with Jillian, the extra Fat Burn Youtube workout and planking. I'm over 2 mins now which is great :D

    Have a happy, healthy day everyone :happy: Di