Looking for Support/Motivation for Jillian workouts :)



  • elosquirrel
    elosquirrel Posts: 9 Member
    I workout barefoot too - glad I'm not the only weirdo. :wink:
  • elosquirrel
    elosquirrel Posts: 9 Member
    I'm jumping in here too! Love me my Jillian - I'm rotating between JMBR, 30DS, RI30 and NMTZ/BFBM. I love them all, what can I say. :laugh:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning peeps!! Started my day off right with workout 3!! Just finished a nice healthy breackfast of Greek yogurt, blueberries and walnuts!!! I am ready for my day!!

    I am really liking doing all the JMBR workouts again -- shows me how far I have come. I think balance and core strength is something that I needed improvement on and I have done that.

    I have done Jiliian's workout barefooted but most of the time I do wear my shoes, especially now with my new ones!!!

    Sounds like everyone is doing great!!! I think it's great we are all doing our own thing with Jillian but support and motivate each other. Can't wait to try some of the other DVD's that some of you guys love and have results with.

    Have a happy healthy day!!!
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    Hi Folks! Been awhile since I posted on the thread, but I am still Jillian-ing away my wobbly bits! Finished Day 5 L3 of 30DS this morning, only 5 more days to go, and I'm already planning of my next Jillian workout! Think I'm going to move on to her Slim in 30 combination of 30DS, NMTZ, and BFBM. I found it on MFP right before I started 30DS and it looks like an interesting way to incorporate all three workouts into a regular rotation. Anybody else tried that or do you just rotate DVDs based on what you feel like doing? I like having 30-day workout plans because then I feel like I am constantly working towards a new fitness goal!

    Keep up the good work!

    ETA: Day 5 of L3, I wish I finished all L3 days already!
  • rwieber
    rwieber Posts: 188 Member
    New here! I'm using 30 DS.....level 2 day 2 today ....my arms are killing me! I wear shoes and use 3-5 lb weights. I only started getting back into working out about 2 weeks ago. Feels good. Just trying to keep it up-I am NOT a morning person but need to get up at 5 if I want to get my workout in! Happy Thursday :-)
  • SeeAmandaRun
    SeeAmandaRun Posts: 55 Member
    I'm jumping in! I did 30DS in November and really liked it and saw improvements. December/January kind of just flew by with the holidays and OT at both jobs. Now it's mid February and I keep wanting to start the RI30, but it seems so daunting. I really want to tone up and get stronger/better in shape and I know Jillian's DVDs are great...I just got to do it!
  • sandee516
    sandee516 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi RWeiber! This is a great message board for motivation! Good for you for getting back to working out!! Keep us updated on your progress!
  • sandee516
    sandee516 Posts: 30 Member
    I can figure out where to go to find out the topics that I've posted in, but is there a way in settings that will alert you when someone replies on a thread?
  • sandee516
    sandee516 Posts: 30 Member
    SeeAmandaRun - I'm doing RI30 (for the 2nd time start to finish) I really, really like it. I've done P90X, Taebo, Bob Harper's workouts, Pilates - - but I just love Jillian's workouts. It's only 20-25 minutes. And there is a modifier in the workouts. You will love how you start to feel even in the second week! Good luck!!
  • TXRanchGirl
    glad the know Im not weird! LOL my LR is carpeted..so I have a pinch of a cushion..
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Afternoon everyone :smile: T.G.I.F

    How are you all doing?

    Sandee - I've not found an alert yet, that would be helpful! How are you enjoying your RI30?

    Hi SeeAmandaRun - Welcome :) Lots of great Jillian support here...we are all doing different things but supporting the awesome workout that Jillian gives us. RI30 is my favourite one and i'm currently doing that along with 30DS and NMTZ. As Sandee said just jump in - you can always use the modification if you need to and having done the 30DS you'll be stronger and fitter in no time :)

    How is everyone else doing?

    Good here - didn't get to post yesterday as it was super busy here, but i completed RI30 L1 and have done the same today. Planning L3 30DSD + 2 NMTZ circuits for my two weekend days as i have a bit more time :) Not having a rest day this week - i'm going to see how i go, but so far feeling good :D

    Have a great Friday everyone :happy: Di
  • sandee516
    sandee516 Posts: 30 Member
    Good Morning Di,

    I'm doing well!! I'm almost finished with Week 2 of JM RI30 (tomorrow is last day of Week 2). I think I am doing pretty well with keeping within my calories for the day. I really want to find a HR monitor with calorie burner on it so I can accurately account for my workouts. No of any that are reasonably priced?

    Also - I want everyone on here to know that YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE! I see lots of posts of people saying, "I failed". Please don't say that. Life happens. Celebrations happen. Disappointments happen... and within all of that, people use food. But if you "indulge" (not "fail") - choose better the very next time you are faced with a meal choice, that's all! Let's this be a No Fail Zone :)

    Also, I promise you that even on those days you do not feel like exercising, even a 5 or 10 minute walk will give you a boost!

    HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY EVERYONE! Stay Positive :smile:
  • klb0809
    klb0809 Posts: 91 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day everyone.

    I have 2 more days of RI30 and I am so excited that I finally am going to complete one of Jillian's workouts. This last level is the hardest workout I've ever done but I feel so great afterwards. Can't say I've lost a ton of weight but I can tell I've lost quite a bit of inches. I will pick up a tape measure when I go out this weekend.

    How are you all doing?
  • denisejones123
    denisejones123 Posts: 9 Member
    Wooow... I Gonna say ri30 level 1 was tough but day 5 was fine.. :/
    I'm still debating if I should do 5 or 6 days?!
    The 3rd circuit I can't do it with 2kg :( feel like a wimp!
  • giacm90
    giacm90 Posts: 1 Member
    First time poster! I love Jillian and have 6 or 7 of her DVD's. I start every year on New Year's Day and keep it up until go on vacation at the end of February but this year I'm going to keep it going and want to try Body Revolution when I get back.

    I started level 3 of RI30 Wednesday night and thought it was killer. I thought level 2 was bad but 3 is worse for me! I could barely get through it and had to rest a lot. I am jumping around though and alternating her DVD's (between RI30, NMTZ, 30DS, Extreme Shed and Shred, etc.). Last night I did NMTZ and tonight I'm going to go back to RI30 and plan to add in some extra cardio.

    I have been happy with my results so far this time although I've only lost 5 pounds. Like many others I've lost inches and I can see a huge difference in the mirror and my pants are getting loose which is great. I've lost over 2 inches in my waist (waist and belly are my trouble areas), an inch in my chest and an inch in my thighs. My arms are the same but more defined and muscular.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Good Morning Everyone :)

    How is the weekend going for you all?

    Hi glacm90 - welcome to the thread :smile: Sounds like you have a great Jillian plan and some brilliant results...it is so great to have clothes get loose :happy:

    denisejones - I always figure that anything i can do with Jillian is better than nothing (even sitting watching the DVDs!!) and as you continue your strength will increase and before you know it you'll be doing all the harder moves with heavier weights! I have so far to go to get to that stage but when i think that my first experience with Jillian (30DS) i couldn't even manage half the jumping jacks in the warm up i know i've come a long way :D Regarding how many days to do it ... again i judge it on how i feel. I never do less than five days out of seven but if i need those two rest days i do :D

    klb0809 - wow that is awesome that you are so close to completing RI30 :) Such a fabulous achievement and great that the inches are coming off. Hope the tape measure shows how hard you've worked :happy:

    Sandee - thanks for the kind, positive words - always good to remember we are all human and one small indulgence doesn't define us - in my experience as long as you keep on getting back to healthy habits all is good :D Not sure about the HRM - have you tried e-Bay? I got my Polar FT7 from there ages ago and it does the job :D

    Not quite the weekend i envisaged here, felt really out of whack yesterday (after a very bad night of storms and literally an hour of sleep) so took a rest day. Back on it this morning already, but i stuck to what i know i can manage and did my favourite RI30 L1. Happy just to have done something! We are on a week's break here this week so should be able to ramp it up a bit this week, I might dip into L3 and 4 of RI30 with some NMTZ but see how i go. Love the flexibility of having lots of Jillian to choose from!

    In NSV news, i tried on a pair of capri pants this morning that in September gave me quite the muffin top, but today no such muffin - hooray :D Shame it isn't warm enough to wear them :laugh:

    Wishing you all a great weekend, Di :happy:
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Everyone :) Monday again!

    Good start here, I completed RI30 L2 and managed more of the advanced moves/higher weights that i did last time :happy: Hoping to L3 tomorrow then 4 on Weds then see what mood takes me!

    Hope you are all having a great start to the week :happy: Di
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    I started Body Revolution and did weeks 1 and 2. But for xyz reasons didn't continue... This was in January. I haven't done anything but cardio in 3 weeks now :frown:
    I am thinking of continuing BR from today (Monday is always a good day to start), but I can't decide whether to continue from week 3 or restart from the beginning. What should I do?
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good morning Jillian peeps!!!

    Glad everyone is doing great!! You guys are getting me excited to start RI 30. That will be March 3rd!!!

    GreeniceFlores, I encourage you to continue BR. I think its a great program and have completed the 90 days and in the middle of just doing a workout a day to finish up the month. It's fun to see how for I have gotten!!
    I think if you have already done weeks one and two just review it for a week and move on. Each phase builds on the one before it...
    I have not lost alot of weight but I am at a good weight I didn't expect to. I have gain strength and core balance. The bets thing about it is no more muffin top!!! My skinny jeans fit so good!!! I have more definition and tone!! You will love the results!!!

    Keep up the good work everyone!!
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    Good morning Jillian peeps!!!

    Glad everyone is doing great!! You guys are getting me excited to start RI 30. That will be March 3rd!!!

    GreeniceFlores, I encourage you to continue BR. I think its a great program and have completed the 90 days and in the middle of just doing a workout a day to finish up the month. It's fun to see how for I have gotten!!
    I think if you have already done weeks one and two just review it for a week and move on. Each phase builds on the one before it...
    I have not lost alot of weight but I am at a good weight I didn't expect to. I have gain strength and core balance. The bets thing about it is no more muffin top!!! My skinny jeans fit so good!!! I have more definition and tone!! You will love the results!!!

    Keep up the good work everyone!!

    Thanks, Lobster888. Then I'll give this week to weeks 1 and 2, and continue with week 3 from next Monday. Great to hear it's helped you that much! I hope I see results too, especially increased strength and the beginnings of some sort of tone and definition.