Looking for Support/Motivation for Jillian workouts :)



  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    My dog thinks he’s Jillian Michaels…
    My Siberian Husky Tater may LOOK soft and furry, but he has the soul of Jillian Michaels. Every morning at 0500 its “Are you going to take me out, or are you doing to be sorry you didn’t take me out?” so it’s a brisk a 3 mile walk. Even though I climb 19 stairs daily walking up to public transit, after work, Tater wants to “Play ball! Play ball! Play ball!” until I kick the soccer ball around with him. He gets REALLY EXCITED when I do high intensity internal training, because he knows that during the rest periods, I will throw the ball around for him. Every night I can’t go to sleep before another 3 mile walk. On the weekends its 4 hours at the dog park with me throwing the ball, and Tater only bringing it half way back. He KNOWS I need those toe touches! If I don’t do it fast enough, Tater barks at me. My friend took pity on me because he didn’t want Tater yelling at me, so he starting throwing the ball for him and now Tater barks at him too. I guess that I shouldn’t complain though, because it’s working. I lost 7 pounds in the past two weeks. Tater’s my FURsonal trainer!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Everyone :) Happy Thursday - honestly don't know where the weeks go!

    shutterflutte - welcome :) Great job with RI30 - I find the plank circuit in L2 really tough on the shoulders and arms too! Good job the results speak for themselves :smile:

    rweiber - Brilliant job, nearly at L3 is awesome and it is great that you are feeling stronger and leaner :happy: I have much the same conversation with myself in the mornings - and if i don't do it for any reason I keep looking at the clock and thinking if you'd just done it when you got up you be done and showered by now! Keep up the good work :smile:

    Lucylou - I use my HRM for logging NMTZ but i've heard lots of mixed messages that your heart rate during strength exercise will over estimate the burn :ohwell: How does everyone else do it?

    TXRanchgirl - thanks for the sympathy :smile: I totally get what you're saying with it not really being tiredness sometimes - so hard to know what's best! Yes, lateral jumps and burpees sound about as evil as it gets! I hear you with the 'rear' - because i don't have to look at it i sometimes forget how much work mine needs! :laugh:

    klb0809 - thanks too for the tiredness sympathy :smile: I didn't work out yesterday but maybe next time i'll at least start and try to push through and see how i go :D Well done you with the 30DS, i find once you get past day 3 it gets better :D Lobster 888 completed Body Revolution a few weeks ago i think, she posted her results ...
    Hi DLD53, I will be happy to share my results. I have lost about 6 pounds and 1 inch from my waist. I lowered my body fat % (according to my scale - that although may not be accurate I have used it as a base/starting point for the last year) by almost 4% and took me from the healthy range to the fit range. But my best results for me is my jeans fit so much better, even my "skinny" jeans, no more muffin top!
    On the physical side, I am stronger and more tone. 90 days is a long time. I have actually throw in some extra days when I didn't feel I have a workout down. I kept doing it before I moved on. I started on 11/18. If I missed I day I just extended the week into the next. Also in I walk about three days a week during this whole time and in January I started back at the gym two days a week. I take a yoga and a step class. My diet has always been somewhat clean - just an healthy eater but I stepped it up a notch during this time.

    My motivation for all this is I am turning the big 50 this month.

    Have a happy healthy day!

    Well...I had a better night last night so completed RI30 again with the heavier weights today. A bit of rest made the flys a bit better, but i still can't get them as high as i'd like! Feeling good and i definitely missed Jillian yesterday! Now i know i must be crazy :laugh:

    Hope you all have a great Thursday :happy: Di
  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member

    fe_nyx - sorry to hear about your twinge - hopefully a day of rest will sort it out and you can get back to it when you feel able :) Personally i find most of the Jillian workouts complement each other - BFBM and MNTZ are supposed to go together i think, but i always feel guilty if i can't finish them and an hour is just too long for me on a regular workout day. I like mixing up 30DS and RI30 as they both have the same 3-2-1 system but generally i think the best workouts are the ones you enjoy and don't mind going back to!

    Cool thank you. I might give them a try next. Have you heard much about Extreme Shed and Shred?
    I didn't have a rest day yesterday, woke up feeling fine so did my work out, only to twinge something on the other side. Definite rest day today (apart from the walk down to drop off library books for the kids, but that doesn't count...). I had a look at RI30 week 3 this morning, I thought the warm up looked a bit odd, not the usual stuff I've done in the past. And some of the moves look like they might just kill me, I'm excited to give them a try. Sucker for punishment I think lol
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Good Morning Everyone :)

    fe_nxy - great that you felt well yesterday but i'm sorry you twinged on the other side! Hope the rest day works today :smile: I haven't got Extreme Shred and Shed, it will be my next one to buy i think - I've definitely heard good things and the amazon reviews speak of good results which is great. I totally hear you with RI30 Level 3 - it is the only one of Jillian's workouts i don't really like :( I find a lot of the moves really tough and getting the form right is more difficult for me - but then i suppose it is supposed to challenge you right?! Brilliant that you are enthusiastic to start your punishment :wink:

    How is everyone else doing? Hope you are all getting on well :smile:

    Well i am very annoyed today. Ill again :sad: Can't seem to get into a rhythm as every few days i'm either ill or tired! Throat feels like there's a golf ball back there and i'm aching all over with hot flushes and chills :( Really hoping another day of rest will get rid of it enough to get back to doing something tomorrow - I will not be beaten!

    Hope you all have a great Friday :happy: Di
  • I have a fur trainer too! my Aussie sits on her bed and watches me..but my BC, Fletcher, is right there..usually under my feet..while I workout. if I accidently touch him, he goes all goofy and starts chasing his tail and barking..during cooldown he will get as close as he can to me while Im on my back, stretching..and being the OCD border collie he is, licks me..LOL
    My dog thinks he’s Jillian Michaels…
    My Siberian Husky Tater may LOOK soft and furry, but he has the soul of Jillian Michaels. Every morning at 0500 its “Are you going to take me out, or are you doing to be sorry you didn’t take me out?” so it’s a brisk a 3 mile walk. Even though I climb 19 stairs daily walking up to public transit, after work, Tater wants to “Play ball! Play ball! Play ball!” until I kick the soccer ball around with him. He gets REALLY EXCITED when I do high intensity internal training, because he knows that during the rest periods, I will throw the ball around for him. Every night I can’t go to sleep before another 3 mile walk. On the weekends its 4 hours at the dog park with me throwing the ball, and Tater only bringing it half way back. He KNOWS I need those toe touches! If I don’t do it fast enough, Tater barks at me. My friend took pity on me because he didn’t want Tater yelling at me, so he starting throwing the ball for him and now Tater barks at him too. I guess that I shouldn’t complain though, because it’s working. I lost 7 pounds in the past two weeks. Tater’s my FURsonal trainer!
  • fe_nyx
    fe_nyx Posts: 84 Member
    I didn't like RI30 week 3 this morning at all, in fact I got half way through and stopped. I just didn't feel like it was working for me cos I spent more time trying to work out how to do the moves than actually doing them. So I did the cardio from T25 instead. I think tomorrow I will try week 4 and see how I get on and if that works better for me I might just do 2 weeks of that instead. I think after this I will sit down and try and work out a schedule to include Extreme Shed and Shred, 6 weeks 6 pack and Killer Buns and Thighs. Or maybe I will try that 30 day schedule I've seen round here with NMTZ, BFBM and 30DS. See how I feel and see what works with time and juggling the kids
  • pelswick74
    pelswick74 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi there. I too am turning the big 40 this summer! And this summer I am going on a vacation and a family reunion! So I'd like to feel really good about myself and join in on whatever activities that they have planned!

    I too have started the Jillian workout videos! Slowly but surely! I'm kind of limited, since I'm recovering from ankle surgery in December. I've started physical therapy and am getting stronger each day. I can't wait for my foot to heal, so I can start walking again and losing more weight. My weight loss process has been really slow, since I can't walk without my crutches. But I'll get there! I've been on Medifast since January, and so far so good!!!

    The more support the merrier! Let's support each other on this health journey!!! Nothing like good, positive support!!!

    Pier :)
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Good Morning Everyone :happy: Hope you are all having a happy healthy weekend :smile:

    pier - Congrats on your impending significant birthday :happy: Great that you have such good motiviation for your holiday - I am exactly the same! Sorry about your ankle, but sounds like you have a great plan for getting stronger and all progress, even slow, is still great progress :D Hope you can find good motivation here with us :happy:

    fe_nyx - RI30 L3 is a really odd one i think. Totally agree that you spend a lot of the time trying to work out the moves and a lot less time actually doing them! If you feel more benefit from doing L4 then you should totally go for that. I've also heard very good things about the 30 schedule that's going round too :D Hope you can find something that works for you and more importantly that you enjoy :D

    Hope everyone else is doing well and having a great weekend.

    On my 3rd day of not doing today and feeling a bit down about it :( I am starting to feel better though so i think i'm going to push it and try a litlte of something tomorrow. Don't want to make myself worse and have to end up taking more time off, but don't want to lose the momentum i've built up. I'm also going to try the 30 day plank challenge just before bed each night. Starts at 20 seconds on day one and ends up with 5 minutes at day 30. I think i can manage 1 minute at the moment so i'll start there and try to build up to the 5 mins (or more if i can manage) by the end of the month!

    Have a great day everyone :happy: Di
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Don't feel bad about it, just test up and get better...pushing yourself when ill almost always prolongs the injury.
    Get better soon.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Don't feel bad about it, just test up and get better...pushing yourself when ill almost always prolongs the injury.
    Get better soon.

    Thanks :) I really don't want to be out of the exercise loop for any longer than necessary! Here's to rest and recuperation making all things better :happy: Hope you are having a great day :smile: Di
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    So far so good...

    I FINALLY did nmtz...it was harder than I was expecting,more than a little sweaty by the end,but didn't feel as long as I thought it was.
    Going to try and do it a few times a week,but we will see.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Everyone - Monday again! Where do the weekends go? :sad:

    Great Job with NMTZ Lucylou - it is a tough workout, i find it especially so because i expect it to end after about 25 mins like the shred and rip but it doesn't!! I really feel that it works though :D Did you enjoy it?

    Hope eveyone else had a great weekend and is doing well :D

    Bit better here, still struggling with a sore throat but thankfully the chills have gone! I was determined to do something today so have managed a modified RI30 and will hopefully feel up to doing the same later so will be almost like a full workout. I did start my plank challenge too - 1 min completed last night, will up it by 10 seconds daily so should hit 5 mins before the end of March :D

    Wishing you all a great start to the week :happy: Di
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Morning Everyone - Monday again! Where do the weekends go? :sad:

    Great Job with NMTZ Lucylou - it is a tough workout, i find it especially so because i expect it to end after about 25 mins like the shred and rip but it doesn't!! I really feel that it works though :D Did you enjoy it?

    Hope eveyone else had a great weekend and is doing well :D

    Bit better here, still struggling with a sore throat but thankfully the chills have gone! I was determined to do something today so have managed a modified RI30 and will hopefully feel up to doing the same later so will be almost like a full workout. I did start my plank challenge too - 1 min completed last night, will up it by 10 seconds daily so should hit 5 mins before the end of March :D

    Wishing you all a great start to the week :happy: Di

    I'm not sure enjoy is the right word, but I'm sore today, in a good way, so that's encouraging.

    Glad you're feeling better.
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Oh just out of interest...I've read that jm herself says 150lb person burns 300 calories doing nmtz .
    Just as a figure to work from.
  • Melissa6392herbalife
    Melissa6392herbalife Posts: 10 Member
    I LOVE jillians dvds!!
    My favorite is 6 week 6 pack.
    Its amazing.
    I'm turning the big 3-0 this year and I'm ready to ring it in by being in the best shape of my life!
    Who says the 30's and 40's + can't be sexy :)
  • fitphoenix
    fitphoenix Posts: 9,673 Member
    Have you heard much about Extreme Shed and Shred?

    Popping in to share that I just started it last week and did a week of Level 1, the full workout (L1+L2) on Sunday, and am now doing L2 for a week this week.

    I've been really enjoying it, though it definitely has some challenging moves! (I almost managed to do the flippy-push-up things in L2 without falling over this morning, just as an example!) It has moves from a lot of different influences (even more than usual) which is part of what makes it fun: cardio, bodyweight training, plyometrics, yoga, kickboxing, martial arts, etc. Rather than being a 3-2-1 system, it's generally 30-ish seconds of each move--mostly alternating between a cardio move and something else--and each circuit repeats the move twice. (So you're not doing 30 seconds of one and then a minute of a combined move, for example.) So if there's anything you can't stand, it doesn't go on for that long! Modifiers are decent, and adding weights/range of motion works for making anything harder.

    I would definitely recommend adding it to your collection!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Everyone :) Sorry i didn't get a chance to post yesterday...

    fitphoenix - thanks for the input, that's a great review of ESNS. Glad you are enjoying it, it will be the next one added to my collection i think :smile:

    melissa - Here's to the fabulous and fit forties and thirties indeed :D Do you have a specific goal/plan for your 'big' birthday?

    lucylou - ahhh, yes the *sore* - I always try to embrace it....but quite often feel like i'm ninety just trying to accomplish general everyday tasks! I like to hope it means i've worked harder/something different though! Thanks for the burn info re: NMTZ - i guess my HRM isn't quite right then as it says i burn 305 and i'm just under 140 - i don't really understand the HRM in relation to strength training as i've heard it doesn't give the right results?!

    How is everyone else doing? Hope things are going well as we reach mid-week :smile:

    Ok here, throat still sore (but then i work with children so i'm pretty much talking all day!) but i'm pushing through with the workouts. I've found a youtube channel called BeFit (anyone heard of it?) and i'm supplementing Jillian with a 30 day fat burn (10 minute) workout which i'm enjoying. Also continuing my plank challenge and completed 1min20 yesterday. 91 days to my holiday from today, so i'm going to make up 3x30 day workouts to get me to the big day :happy: Any thoughts or suggestions happily received :smile:

    Hope you all have a great day :happy: Di
  • klb0809
    klb0809 Posts: 91 Member
    Morning everyone I hope all is well. It is nice to hear our furbabies are working out with us. I hope you feel better to those under the weather and welcome to any newbies. For the past few days I've been doing the advanced version of 30shred and I can barely walk so I took last night off but I will be back on it today. I did order the book stong curves so I want to also try that while doing Jillian. Once I read the book and get started I will let you guys know how that is going
  • CealR
    CealR Posts: 33 Member
    Hello, everyone! I'm new here, but I've been doing the 30DS and I completed Day 5 of Level 2 yesterday. Today I decided to try BFBM for the first time…I just said "oh no," to the mobiles at the beginning of the very last circuit and took a 30 second rest, but other than that, I got through it, with a few modifications! My workout partner has been really flaky about doing it with me, so I'm hoping to find some more support here. No major change in my body weight since I started, which is why I joined this site to begin with - as much as I wish I could, there's no way to cheat the mathematics of calorie counting...
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hello everyone, I am still here, just haven't posted too much. Had a wonderful mini B-day vacation in Nashville, came home and celebrated with friends and family. Then came down with a cold over the weekend. (stayed in for Mardi Gras : ( !

    I have manage to do a few workouts. I started my ripped on 30 on Monday so I am back on track. We did alot walking in Nashville and a little dancing. I kept my eating in check also. It's habit now. The rest of the week I did a mix match of dvd'sand walking.

    Looks like everyone is doing good. DLD maybe I got what you had LOL my thoat is killing me and it hurts my chest when I cough!!! Otherwise I don't feel too bad LOL. Trying not to push it but I always feel a little better after I exercise. I do know when to quit.

    Have a happy healthy day!!!