Looking for Support/Motivation for Jillian workouts :)



  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    She uses sideplanks in the Extreme Shed N Shred..my arm would want to give out too when I first started..do the modifyer (knee down) and work up to the full sideplank..Thats what I did..now I do the fullout sideplank..it DOES burn, but I love feeling my core muscles being worked like that.
  • sinrh
    sinrh Posts: 11 Member
    I have trouble with the side planks also. I just put my knee down when it gets to be too much.

    I have 3 days left of the Slimdown. I didn't work out yesterday as planned because I woke up sore and my ankle in particular was bothering me. I didn't want to aggravate it further with all the jumping and kicking in BFBM. I might take today off too since it's STILL bothering me. It's weird cuz I never had ankle problems in the first 27 days. Maybe my form in my lunges after a week off wasn't right or something...or 85 minutes of Jillian was just too much. lol. If it's still sore tomorrow I'll just save day 28 for last and continue onto days 29 and 30. I really just don't want to jump on a sore ankle. I want to be done by Saturday for sure. This last week is killing me.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Just a quickie from me this morning as i'm running a bit late! Welcome to everyone joining :smile: Great to have so many of us working together to achieve our goals :happy:

    Good early workout again here, interesting to see a few people doubling up on workouts ... I'm wondering if i might try to do that as an April challenge? I *think* I have enough energy for an extra set in the evening! :bigsmile:

    Hope you all have a great day :happy: Di
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    So, I was short on time this week, so instead of the BFBM/NMTZ rotation I've had going, I decided to start RI30 since its a shorter workout. Is it just me, or is Jillian a bit mean to her assistants in Level 1? I'm not liking her change in attitude, after the first day I muted her because I was so put off by it. I like the workout, still torching the calories on my HRM and I can do everything without the modifier, which makes me feel like I've accomplished something. Thank God for the mute button or else I don't know if I could stick with this for 30 days!

    Never thought I'd say this, but I miss BFBM and the old Jillian. Thankfully my schedule next week calms down a bit so I should have more time to do my last week of NMTZ/BFBM rotation before going back for more RI30.
  • clareyoung80
    clareyoung80 Posts: 177 Member
    L2 RI30 makes me laugh, at one point Jillian says "You bought the DVD, you FOOL! You have to do it!"

    I don't think I noticed her being more mean than usual - but she does get at her assistants a lot! And she is particuarly vocal in these ones (not seen level 3 or 4 yet).

    L2 is hard, but I always find it OK for a few days until I build up the strength to actually do the exercises full-pelt. Then it's impossible. I found that with 30 Day Shred.

    I'm getting back into exercise after a long hiatus (where I put on 20lbs again). So it's Jillian for a good few months. After RI30, it's the good old BFBM/NMTZ. Then 6 week 6 pack, Killer buns and thighs. Then...I think that's it for a bit, and I move onto Bob Harper.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    LOL clareyoung80..yes, she says it during that killer 2 minutes of cardio in plank..I found her to be amusing in level 2..level 3 she seemed alittle less vocal..level 4 shes back to her amusing self. she really picks on Basheara, but "B" seems like she can handle it..;)

    I admit, I modify some of the stuff in level 2 ripped...in the abs..I add sideplanks and russian twists..I also will add weights to the cardio portions at times.

    I pushed thru my level 2 ripped this morning..but I struggled..body is saying "REST"..I ran yesterday afternoon too..been doubling up and going to bed super late (midnight) so I need to give myself a rest day I think..tomorrow will do it. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • sarajo16
    sarajo16 Posts: 142 Member
    I may dust out my collection of JM dvds and join in! Its been nearly 2 years since I did them but loved them at the time. I was addicted and had great results with all of them. I think I might go back to basics and start again with 30DS. I used to alternate between this and 6W6P.
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    This is a random post, but I have a copy of killer buns and thighs that I'm never going to use,I just can't balance enough for it, and that's due to a medical condition that isn't going to change.
    If anyone in UK wants it,I'm happy to post to a work address or something (I wouldn't give my address out to random stranger on internet).... let me know.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    I managed to finish level 1 of Ripped in 30 and have done day 1 of level 2. Really enjoyed it.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303

    I managed to finish level 1 of Ripped in 30 and have done day 1 of level 2. Really enjoyed it.

    Congrats! you will have a good core work in level 2! (at least I do!)

    I am on a rest day..as promised..this is big, mentally, as alot of times I wake up and just do my video..in prep, I fooled myself and set my alarm later..so I wouldnt possibly have the time to workout, make breakfast, feed critters, get kid to his friends and make it to work on time..I feel pretty good..and even went to bed pushing midnight again. my core was aching yesterday afternoon, as were my upper arms.

    I have a potluck tonight to go too..Im being UBER careful about anything I put in my body today..since I have no extra calories to give up. :) made what looks like a DELISH pudding fruit salad for the potluck tonight..a teeny bit of fat free cool whip, a can of unsweetened coconut milk, sugar free vanilla pudding and a smidge of vanilla..mixed with tropical fruit. cant wait to try it!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member

    I managed to finish level 1 of Ripped in 30 and have done day 1 of level 2. Really enjoyed it.

    Congrats! you will have a good core work in level 2! (at least I do!)

    I am on a rest day..as promised..this is big, mentally, as alot of times I wake up and just do my video..in prep, I fooled myself and set my alarm later..so I wouldnt possibly have the time to workout, make breakfast, feed critters, get kid to his friends and make it to work on time..I feel pretty good..and even went to bed pushing midnight again. my core was aching yesterday afternoon, as were my upper arms.

    I have a potluck tonight to go too..Im being UBER careful about anything I put in my body today..since I have no extra calories to give up. :) made what looks like a DELISH pudding fruit salad for the potluck tonight..a teeny bit of fat free cool whip, a can of unsweetened coconut milk, sugar free vanilla pudding and a smidge of vanilla..mixed with tropical fruit. cant wait to try it!

    I did level 1 & level 2 together yest but was going slow on level 2 trying to learn the moves! I can feel my legs today but rest of me seems ok at the mo. Will see how it goes tonight. I wish I had your motivation to do it. I really enjoy it when I do it though so need to just get on with it! lol
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    You people are not making me look forward to level two!!!

    Day 2 of ri 30,I swear I'm going to launch my weight into the tv by the end of the 7 days (by accident)
    Other than that it was good.

    I'm liking the idea of doubling up , I find it hard to motivate myself in the eve though...and still trying to run most mornings...might switch workouts around when my favourite dj leaves next week and won't keep me company on early morning run.
  • klb0809
    klb0809 Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone sorry I've been MIA I guess I am eating my words that 30 day shred is easier than RI30. I am struggling. Level 1 was easy level 2 is killing me so I haven't been doing it consistently. I am going to push through and finish it. I hope everyone is doing well. I see we have a lot of new people.... Welcome. Well I am off Happy Jillianing.
  • beautifullyblessed16
    beautifullyblessed16 Posts: 180 Member
    I am on week 4 in RI30 and have two more days left. I will wrap it up on Tuesday (I do her workouts every other day with HIIT workouts on the off days) and will move on to the 30DS by April 1st. Not sure if I am going to do the program every other day like I have been doing with RI30 or just push through and do it every day with 1-2 days of rest each week. I do plan to do each level for 10 days. I completed the 30DS before with great results. I do vaguely remember the pain of level 2. Hopefully all the planks I have been enduring throughout RI30 will help prepare me a little better for level 2 in the 30DS.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Level 2 of 30DS was the hardest for me..funny level 2 of Ripped is hardest for me too..I wonder if thats a common theme in these videos..easier level 1..HARD level 2?

    Rest day did me good, I got up and was able to blow thru my Ripped level 2 with no fatigue. the first set really works me hard. I usually modify the second set's leg lifts..I do the brazilian Ju Jit Su move from Extreme Shed..I cant remember the name of it..its a constant squat from side to side.

    during the second set of abs I do side planks, both sides. on the third set of abs I do russian twists the full minute. I Since my core is my "problem area"..I really wanted to up the ante and challenge myself.
  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    Finished 30 Day Shred this Morning!

    Weight: -12 pounds!!!
    Arms: -.5" / .75"
    Chest: -2" (boo!)
    Belly: -1.25"
    Hips: -2.25"
    Thighs: -2" /-1.75" (woohoo!)
    Calves: -.5" / .75"

    I'm 1/4" lopsided it appears!
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    Finished 30 Day Shred this Morning!

    Weight: -12 pounds!!!
    Arms: -.5" / .75"
    Chest: -2" (boo!)
    Belly: -1.25"
    Hips: -2.25"
    Thighs: -2" /-1.75" (woohoo!)
    Calves: -.5" / .75"

    I'm 1/4" lopsided it appears!

    Fantastic results!!!
    Well done you!

    Dare I ask what now? :)
  • CealR
    CealR Posts: 33 Member
    chunkybun, congratulations on finishing!

    Unfortunately, my own progress is a little disappointing today. I just downloaded The Walk (it's made by the same people who did Zombies!Run) and since I love to walk, I've been doing that for a few days and took a few days off from Jillian. And boy did I notice it in my workout today! I handled the pile jumps the first day without resting, despite feeling like my legs were on fire, but today I was checking out all over the place, doing her 5 second rest to the point where despite the video going for 25 minutes, I shortened my exercise time in my log to 20, just to account for the lack of effort.

    I know days like today happen and the only thing to do is to try harder tomorrow, but still. At the moment I'm glad that JM can't see me through my computer screen, because she would have been yelling at me today.
  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    Started No More Trouble Zones this morning. Going to do 3x a week and 2 days cardio.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Aaaargh! Just wrote a long reply only to lose it :sad:

    So the *very* condensed version...

    chunkybun - great results - well done to you indeed and thanks for sharing :D

    Hope everyone else is doing well - since the start of the thread we've been supporting and motivating for nearly three months now - well done us :happy:

    Miserable here sadly, DS shared his flu/cough combo with the entire household so no workouts for 3 days. Really annoyed as i was so happy with the level of fitness and strength i had reached - so hope it doesn't all disappear if i have to take a few more days :sad: But i am struggling to move at all right now, let alone do Jillian!

    Hope you are all having a great start to the week, Di :happy: