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The official nightshift thread....



  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited February 2016
    Here is one I see a lot on the forums:


    This is why I do not sweat the fact that I am still almost 15 pounds overweight and despite my lifting and running I am not losing a pound. I might stay overweight for a long while because I am working at changing the overall composition of my body. I look better in photos, my clothes fit better/more loosely, and I'm losing inches.

    More importantly, I can overhead press 55 pounds like it's nothing, dead lift 135 pounds, and bench press 75 pounds without much effort. I don't care so much about what my body looks like right now, although it IS looking PRETTY fabulous, I care about what it is capable of and what it can do. Right now, it can do all that AND run a 10:24 mile. I cannot WAIT to see what it is doing in a year!
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    edited February 2016
    That is what my fiance and I have discussed. My legs are super muscle-y (years spent squatting as a catcher!) no matter how chubby I am. I'm a strong chick even when I don't work out so I know my muscle weight is a factor. My fiance is the same way. Well, he is not overweight at all but he "is". He and I both have had docs comment on how we didn't look how they expected us to look when they saw our H/W on our chart before seeing us...assumed we'd be fat..(or fatter)! I was told "I wear my weight well" by a doc...lol...that was when I was 200ish.
  • moya_bleh
    moya_bleh Posts: 1,375 Member
    8:40am here in the UK. Where are all you guys from? I could have done with your company a few hours ago as I've been awake all night with a nasty infection!
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    That is what my fiance and I have discussed. My legs are super muscle-y (years spent squatting as a catcher!) no matter how chubby I am. I'm a strong chick even when I don't work out so I know my muscle weight is a factor. My fiance is the same way. Well, he is not overweight at all but he "is". He and I both have had docs comment on how we didn't look how they expected us to look when they saw our H/W on our chart before seeing us...assumed we'd be fat..(or fatter)! I was told "I wear my weight well" by a doc...lol...that was when I was 200ish.

    SSP was apparently discussing this with a buddy of his while he is in Houston and that's how the new profile picture actually came to be.

    He said his friend can't believe I'm actually in the 160's because I don't look it at all. :smiley:
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    How tall are you?
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    How tall are you?

  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    According to the BMI I'm obese. I rode the Huckelberry 100 (100 miles) and the Koocanusa (82 miles) a month apart. Does that sound like an obese guy? I admit I'm overweight, but I don't think I would call it obese. The BMI is a measurement for average bodies. And how many people are average? Body fat is a better measure.
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    My fiance rides his bike like a madman. He was a BMX kid so he street rides now but he goes full force. He's in damn good shape...but he is right in the middle of the overweight category. When I was riding, I'd do 10 miles easily and did a good 20+ a time or two...obese...hmph....

    Thouuuggghhhh my body fat is probably still gonna call me overweight, rightfully so but not obese...
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    Just found some e-mails from my boss to his boss saying I quit "mostly over paychecks". Wrong. Already had a job offer prior to that debacle. Also the regional manager sounded a bit snarky asking if "they control the weather". He asked why my fiance isn't qutting.

    On a good note, my boss asked checks to be sent out on Wednesdays (from NE to IA) instead of Thursdays...so you're welcome guys...hopefully it works out for ya. At least something positive came outta this...
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    moya_bleh wrote: »
    8:40am here in the UK. Where are all you guys from? I could have done with your company a few hours ago as I've been awake all night with a nasty infection!

    Midwest 'murica... :/

  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited February 2016

    So I was supposed to be at the Smithville Campus with PSO Fernandez tonight. However, beginning of the shift, we get a phone call from PSO Gerwick(Miss Magic-Thyroid-Pill) and she has a migraine.
    I've had migraines before. They suck. Like SUPER suck. I can't move without being nauseous, light goes straight through to sear into the back of my skull, and most times a pin dropping on carpet is too much noise.
    How she made it to work, is beyond me. How she only gets migraines on Tuesdays or Sundays(her scheduled days off are Friday and Saturday) is beyond me. But she has FMLA and that means when she gets a migraine she basically gets to go/stay home without repercussions.

    So, while I initially showed up to work at Smithville, I ended up driving back to Bastrop to finish out this shift. Yay.

    The bright side:
    - I get to be on the forums now as much as I want. :grin:
    - I get better vending machines which means HUMMUS with carrots. :smiley:
    - I get more calls for service today. :blush:

    Seriously though, I don't like worthless people. She earns and burns her PTO and now she gets to call in sick whenever claiming 'migraine' status.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Thank goodness none of my staff are like that. Most would be at work if they had Ebola. We have to send them home to keep them from being contagious to others, but if we needed them, they would work hard, right next to the bathroom or garbage can. :smile:
  • ladymeldrum82
    ladymeldrum82 Posts: 51 Member
    Night-shifter for life here :) I tell my family & friends to blame the Portuguese in me- totally on Portugal time, even though I've lived in the Western U.S. all my life...
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    edited February 2016
    Thank goodness none of my staff are like that. Most would be at work if they had Ebola. We have to send them home to keep them from being contagious to others, but if we needed them, they would work hard, right next to the bathroom or garbage can. :smile:

    I am like that and I have worked right next to the garbage can, making it through the shift. Hell my last job, I came to work with strep...until the regional manager(who was one to not 'let us' take sick days) came in, saw me, and told me to go see a doctor.

    He was an *kitten*. One of the greatest satisfactions of my life was sending my resignation e-mail knowing full well the only other person who could run that office was resigning at the same time. :naughty:
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    Night-shifter for life here :) I tell my family & friends to blame the Portuguese in me- totally on Portugal time, even though I've lived in the Western U.S. all my life...

    That's funny. :smile: I tell my family it's why I would never go to bed as a kid.
  • sufferlandrian
    sufferlandrian Posts: 8,244 Member
    @lilaclovebird - that's because you're one bad *kitten* Mother would don't take no crap off nobody! :smile:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    The great thing about my line of work is that the schedule is super consistent and stable. The bad thing is, it's really hard to get time off. I've work with the flu, with food poisoning, on prescription pain meds more than once, when I was so tired I was afraid to drive home, etc.
  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member
    my job is so non-taxing, both physically and mentally most of the time, that the only real difference between taking a sick day and coming in to work would be horizontal status versus sitting upright.

    and frankly, if i got inventive, i could probably eradicate that difference as well.

    so it'd be kinda pointless for me to take PTO or not come in and stick one of my co-workers with having to stick around, just so i could do nothing at home instead of doing damn near nothing here.

    having said that, this might be my favorite "day gig" ever. as long as there's coverage if something goes haywire, they're happy...and i have a ton of freedom.

    plus...i'm literally the only one on the entire floor of the building after 5:30pm or so.

  • hamptontom
    hamptontom Posts: 536 Member

    So I was supposed to be at the Smithville Campus with PSO Fernandez tonight. However, beginning of the shift, we get a phone call from PSO Gerwick(Miss Magic-Thyroid-Pill) and she has a migraine.

    Seriously though, I don't like worthless people. She earns and burns her PTO and now she gets to call in sick whenever claiming 'migraine' status.

    maybe those migraines are brought about by her magic thyroid pills? :)

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    @lilaclovebird -I'm super jealous of your OHP. It took me 6 months last time I was lifting to go from the sissy bar to the regular Olympic bar. I can DL like nobody's business, tho.