Fit For Future Families 2



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    It's not necessarily AF, but I'd be willing to bet it's hormone related spotting. My AF was messed up a couple months ago (almost 2 weeks late) and then last month it corrected itself (almost 2 weeks early). But for an entire week before AF started (which was also just one week after it ended), I spotted. Light pink, light brown, or clear with a little clotting (sorry to be so graphic, just wanted to confirm that it sounds similar to what you're experiencing).

    I think the entire situation with me was based on a weight-loss releated hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalances can DEFINITELY cause spotting. And messing with your BC can DEFINITELY cause a hormonal imbalance. :wink:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    You heard they were more potent after a while? I've heard the opposite. LOL I know when my husband goes for the tests it's very much a timing thing. He has to go with a batch that is older than 2 days and not older than 5 so they are mature and fresh....I know, I'm comparing to produce....not nice. But seriously, less than 2 days means they aren't at full strength and more than 5 they are past expiry. So if you want the best chances, go with BD'ing between those time frames and you'll have a full army.

    So according to my records, I'm set to start AF on Monday. I can't believe how irritated I was getting at everything this weekend. Starting with the dinner thing and moving on to several more. Either I'm less patient this weekend or everyone else is an idiot.....LOL I'm sure it's me.......isn't it? LOL So a week time frame is reasonable for me. The only thing I'm not sure about is I usually breakout during this time and there is nothing.

    As far as the cravings go, my friend came over with the junk food and I didn't touch anything until after she did (not in a weird, thank goodness you're cracking open the chips now give them to me, kind of way). She didn't even notice and I think I stayed within maintenance calories. Unfortunately, my guilt free weekend is threatening to spill into my week because these cravings SUCK!!!! On a plus side today hubbie and I had a lunch date at the mall. Instead of getting two full meals, we got a 2 meat combo with veggies and a starch - so it was like splitting one, but with more of the meat....gosh, I love Bourbon Chicken..... With my healthy breakfast and my moderate dinner, I'm still coming in way under calories today, but don't say it too loud. I might hear it and want to junk it up a little :wink:
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    For some reason i remember hearing that after long (Loooong) periods of after long deployments etc etc that it was more likley to get preggo...but i may have heard wrong. I'm not a sperm expert..nor do i want to be right now! I'm just trying to figure out my own body first! :laugh:

    I hear ya on the junk food. I'm already planning my "farewell meal" (everytime my husband leaves i have an alone night i rent girly movies and eat JUNK for one night and then batten down the hatches for WEEKS of nothing but healthy food). I'm kinda sad bc my goal of 135 is coming up this weeknd...and with my body freaking out i'm not sure i'm going to make it no matter how good i eat/exercise!

    Pam, I forgot to mention how apalled i was when i read about your cousin's request for you to take them out to dinner! The audacity! I couldn't believe it! I have a difficult time with people like that and i would have very planly told him what i thought.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    It's probably more easy to get preggo after long deployments because of the amount of activity going on, I would think.....LOL They say the #1 reason couples have trouble with conceiving is lack of sex.

    Glad I'm not the only one :D
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Alisa, it's probably just spotting from messing with your BC. They were trying to stabilize my migraines a few years ago and told me to skip the inactive week of pills. That just resulted in my having spotting every few days for several months. My body wanted to cycle. Also, implantation bleeding is extremely rare. Spotting after confirmed pregnancy, not rare. Implantation bleeding, rare. So I think the myth perpetuates because so many women want to convince themselves that it's a sign of pregnancy... I wouldn't worry, but I also wouldn't mess with your BC anymore. Your body wouldn't have had a chance to release ovulation chemicals if you kept using your hormones, you know?

    I was out of the office and away from the computer today. My CW is 137.6 which is way up from Saturday. Stupid body.

    Sorry about AF, Ivy.
  • Jennwith2ns
    Jennwith2ns Posts: 296 Member
    Good Afternoon :)

    Sperm will day after a few days.. I believe its around 4 days but I could be a little off. That's why they tell the men NOT to go more than 3 days without any release when TTC because you may not be dealing with as many as you think. So if they die after 4 days, and he goes 5 days before BD with you, then really you only have 1 good day of building them up, not 5 like you would think.

    We suffer from MFI so we can only BD every other day, and even then we only have about a 5% chance every month. Big fun!

    As far as weight loss for me, Im doing really good with keeping under my calories, but Im not losing very fast so I think I need to add workouts or something.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Had my annual today: good weight, good blood pressure....all positives. The PA asked what form of birth control we were using, and my reply was "living in two separate states.".... just silly, but where we're at right now.
  • ivygirl11
    ivygirl11 Posts: 59 Member
    It's probably more easy to get preggo after long deployments because of the amount of activity going on, I would think.....LOL They say the #1 reason couples have trouble with conceiving is lack of sex.

    Glad I'm not the only one :D

    Hah apparently thats not our problem lol. My dr said we were having too much sex. you know what they say "too much of a good thing can be bad" lol. Cant i just find a happy medium ;)
  • ivygirl11
    ivygirl11 Posts: 59 Member
    AF has been INSANE this time. Which makes sense because i Dr told me if you ovulate your period more then likely will be full blown (like when i was a teenager), he said its when you dont ovulate that your periods are kind of light and come and go... So i kind of expected it to be bad, but its been a long time since i remember having a "normal" period. So its definitely not been pleasant.

    Also i called my nurse but it was after hours so i left a message. Maybe i can get an answer here faster. So if day 21 falls on a sunday can you go in the next day (day 22) for the progesterone test? Its kind of good that AF was a little late because that means i can get the blood test done the day after we get home from our cruise... So thats good...
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    We suffer from MFI so we can only BD every other day, and even then we only have about a 5% chance every month. Big fun!

    Yep - so do we. Actually, on the papers from the surgery it says severe (My DH thought it said sever....LOL "What did they sever?") At less than an average of 4M, it's next to 0%...coupled with my's less than 0%.....NEVER SAY NEVER is our motto :)

    Ivy....sorry it's so rotten!!! People don't believe how bad it can get. I sympathize completely.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hey all -

    I missed check in yesterday because I didn't want to do it. There I said it. I'm not good at losing weight, I don't like seeing my failure over and over again all the time. So I weighed in and saw I was back to 221 and I didn't want to share. So there you go. I'm sharing again. Argh!

    I'm very exciting to be BDing soon (8 weeks away!). There is a fountain of knowledge on here, and so many kind people to share and explain things.

    With that said, I wanted to (gently) remind everyone that this is also a weight loss support group.

    The reason I'm bringing this up is that I've got messages from 2 people this weekend, who have left our little group, because they were here for weight loss support, and found we don't talk about that all too often anymore. Instead of discussing goals, progress, rough days and helpful tips, more often there aee 2-3 pages in a row about Oing, temping, BDing, 2ww, etc.

    I'm on board with helping each other through this life transition, but can we try to remember why we're here? Many aren't actively TTC quite yet.

    I just wanted to drop aquick note to "nudge" everyone :flowerforyou: I hope no one minds!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Don’t worry about the number jalara, you are right to reiterate that this was supposed to be a weight loss support group, but even more so than that this is a thread on creating and sustaining healthy choices for our future families. So forget about the number for a moment and focus on what you’ve been doing to and want to do to in order to get that healthy lifestyle.

    I’ll start: My weigh in yesterday was a little wonky as any of you that read the post would know, but I re-weighed in this morning at 157.6 lbs, I lost 3.5 lbs last week. It is always nice to know that my working out 5 days for an hour each day, not to mention the half hour walk there and back to the gym last week paid off. I’ve stuck to my calories for the most part. I went a bit over on the weekend, but at least out of the entire extra, none were empty calories.
    My goals this week are to watch my calories, drink lots of water, and once again go to the gym 5 times this week. I’ve been also trying to watch what types of food I’m eating, I’m trying to eat as little processed foods as possible (my DH actually made me homemade vegetable broth for our quinoa recipe on Sunday to make sure I wasn’t going over my sodium levels by getting canned or powdered broth), I’m also trying to eat a healthy snack every 2 hours and trying to comply with the fruit and veggie intake.

    What else are other people doing in order to stay healthy?
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    I really don't want to upset anyone! I'm sorry if I do, I just want this to be a place where everonoe can come who hve the same goals.
  • Jennwith2ns
    Jennwith2ns Posts: 296 Member
    I think that was put very fairly and gently :) I'm just glad to have found a place to talk about both, and these are both on my mind constantly!

    I GAINED 1/2 a lb between yesterday and today so I am trying to switch it up a little bit today. I am going to add workouts and change WHAT I'm eating, not just how much. I stay under my calories every single day, but sometimes I eat really unhealthy things. Im not saying I wont ever do that, but I just want to eat "mostly" healthy foods :)

    So I took the day off (haha) and I just had my pre-workout banana. I will be doing my turbo jam in about 20 minutes then see how my day goes after working out in the morning before work. I heard it boosts your metabolism a lot, so I want to try it out.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Kuddos to you Jennwith2ns, I wish I could workout in the mornings! I’ve tried on many occasions and will possibly try many more. I heard that it boost your metabolism too! I just wish that when 5:30am rolled around I didn’t hit snooze instead of getting up and at least do 20minutes of yoga! Best of luck with the morning workouts!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Jennwith2ns - which Turbo Jam are you doing? I never got bast the intro disk!
  • Mellie13
    Thanks for the reminder. I agree that it was put very nicely (probably nicer than I would have put it)! Well, I weighed myself this morning and almost started crying!! It was 147!!!! I hope that is a temporary water weight thing, but my eating has not been so hot and I have not worked out at all!! But, Dh and I are going for our 5K+ walk this evening and I am not going to let him get out of it! My goals are to start diligantly logging my food again and to work out at least 3 times a week. Even those goals seem very challenging right now!!
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
    Thanks for this jalara, it's so great to hear what everyone else is experiencing with their attempts at TTC, but, I didn't have much to say on the topic, so I became a silent observer.
    It is important to discuss temping, BDing, etc., however, it wasn't necessarily helping me with the weight loss aspect....

    anyway....someone (pmaria maybe?) had suggested Alphabet dating, is anyone still doing that?
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Jalara- I too think you put it very politely and I don't think anyone should be offended, you're just doing your job as "thread creator" by reminding us of why we are here! I agree with abeare in that i am glad I can come and talk about both! I am sad that we lost some people! Hopefully they will contiue to follow and find that they CAN find both weight loss support AND TTC support. I think for some (myself included) being only 6-8lbs from my goal it's harder for me to focus on the weight loss and all i can think about is TTC (although after the whole spotting thing and convincing myself that it was implantation bleeding I think i should "mentally" cool off with the TTC thinking for a while :laugh: ) Which is kind of ironic bc since i AM so close to my goal I should be more focused than ever!

    Also, don't worry too much about what you see on the scale. I too had a BAD weigh in this week and didn't want to share..but i think i ended up sharing anyway. After a sodium PACKED weekend + my cycle COMPLETELY freaking out on me I tipped the scale back at 139...I weighed myself again today and was down to 138.2 so it's gradually coming down. I did bad with Sodium again yesterday (ate left over KFC for dinner....) but today i think i've got it under control!

    I took "P" (my son) and Bruno (our dog) for a 1/2 mile walk last night. It felt nice, it was fun to watch P ride his bike along side (and nice that i didn't have to walk at a snail's pace waiting for him to keep up) I think we might make that a daily thing, after dinner we can walk to the mailbox which is about a 10th of a mile from the house and if you make the complete loop around the block it's a 1/2 mile.

    In other news, my husband is sticking around for another 2 weeks! It's nice bc he's be home longer, but sucky bc he'll still be gone for a month when he does leave. Which will put his return VERY close to Thanksgiving week...and I just bought plane tickets to OH for Thanksgiving to visit HIS family...He better be home in time! HaHa Silly Military, always changing stuff at the last minute! But he's happy bc we didn't get nearly as much stuff done around the house as we wanted while he was guess where I'll be all the yard....
  • anewJess
    I'm a bit on the same page as Jalara with not wanting to weigh in yesterday. :ohwell: I weighed in at Curves on Saturday for the weight-loss challenge and came in at 178.5 (meaning I did not have to pay $1!). Yesterday I was 179, and today I'm 180. My weekend involved a bit of cheating going over on calories (most likely, because I was cheating so much that I wasn't keeping track too much!). Yesterday was alright, but we had pizza for dinner because that's our football tradition (we only watch our favorite team, so don't worry, we don't have pizza every Sunday, Monday, and Thursday, lol). I tried not to eat too much, and I didn't get pepperoni on it like I usually do, but it still probably didn't help. I know that my eating habits aren't spectacular, but they have been improving since Labor Day when I started to count calories and work out, so I'm wondering if I am having so much trouble losing weight because of hormones. I get so frustrated because there are so many variables when it comes to weight loss, and I can't figure out what my problem is (or problems are). If some of it is hormones, hopefully I'll have some relief soon as it seems that AF is arriving. If I'm reading things right, today will be spotting with it being full force tomorrow, lol. That would be right on schedule with O'ing on the 15th and not being pregnant. I feel more relieved than I thought I would (I thought I'd be disappointed) because the not knowing is so difficult. It's just nice to have an idea of what is going on.

    DH and I need to sit down and work on a meal plan and get some commons goals for eating. I think it would do us both some good. I'm doing well with working out at least 4 times a week, but I'd love to incorporate something else like yoga, if I can find a good time and the motivation! I also don't think I drink enough water or get enough sleep, but incorporating more of both seems easier said than done sometimes. It's difficult to feel like so much in my life needs a good overhaul. I want to take small steps, but I get overwhelmed with the big picture and I tend to shut down. I guess I'm already taking small steps, but I don't feel like I'm getting anywhere. Even some small results would be motivating!