Fit For Future Families 2



  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Ivygirl - let me know if you figure out how!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    H_82 - I heard that it’s not sweet potatoes that are good for fertility but rather actual wild yams, they apparently help trigger the release of egg(s) which is also why their associated with producing twins.

    JennyBoBenny – I was shocked to see that I was considered obese at the beginning of my weight loss journey! I must have checked it out from over 10 different sources before I believed it. I knew I was overweight but to have been a couple pounds into the obese category is what really set me into action mode. Curves could be wrong about you, but I don’t think anyone realizes what an actual heathy weight is.

    Kiffypooh – Yes vegetable broth is basically simmered vegetables, we kept the veggies in there for about 4hours and just kept the broth for our recipe. We would have used a slow cooker but ours isn’t large enough for how much we wanted to make. It turned out well and way healthier than had we used canned or powdered stuff.
    BTW wow your gym is expensive! My gym is $30per month (Canadian) and that includes childcare section, but I have to admit that the childcare section looks more like a closet it’s so small and there’s rarely kids there.

    Ivygirl11 – I know the feeling of wanting to stop mid workout because it burns too much, its one of the reasons I go to classes at the gym, I feel silly walking out mid class. Try your video out again tonight and push through it, you’ll be surprised at how proud of yourself you are. You’ll feel on top of the world, just think if you can do this while on AF then you can do it anytime!
  • Jennwith2ns
    Jennwith2ns Posts: 296 Member
    Excited about Curves tonight! Its my second night with the trainer watching me to make sure Im using the machines right. 1 more of this then I get to do it on my own for the entire 30 minutes.
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    abeare - I thought sweet potatoes were yams (or in the yam family anyways).
  • kateepie
    Hi All,

    Just joined myfitnesspal in the hope it will keep me motivated. We're hoping to start trying for a family soon and I want to lose a good 20lb or so before I get pregnant as I know I will end up putting even more on!

    Can someone reveal some of the acronyms you guys are using please? Not sure what BC is or AF...


    Katie x
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    kateepie - Welcome! I'm in the same boat as you...looking to lose approx. 20lbs.
    BC = birth control
    AF = Aunt Flo
  • kateepie
    Thanks H_82 all makes sense now :-)

    Katie x
  • anewJess
    abeare - I thought sweet potatoes were yams (or in the yam family anyways).

    I know this wasn't directed at me, but I thought I'd reply anyway because I actually just read about this in The Daniel Fast by Susan Gregory. She mentions as a bit of a side note that sweet potatoes and yams are not actually related, but I forget the two different families she said that they are from respectively. I believe she also said that yams tend to be sweeter and that you can generally substitute one for the other, although if you are speaking in terms of fertility, you may not be able to substitute and get the same effect, but I am not an expert in that. :smile:

    I found this Library of Congress website:
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Either way... I'm a fan of sweet potatoes ;)
  • anewJess
    I'm getting to be a fan too! I was always afraid to try them as a kid because they were orange and weird-looking at Thanksgiving dinner (or whenever I saw them), but after trying some sweet potato fries at a restaurant a few months ago, I decided to give them more of a chance. DH said he isn't crazy about them, but maybe I can get him to like them too. :tongue:
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    The only way I ever saw them as a kid was when they were all mashed up, usually w/ marshmellows on top - and I never really tried them. Now I just make it like a regular baked potato...or make fries out of them (so good!). DH even liked them right away!
  • anewJess
    Yesterday was not so hot with food choices, and I went way over my calories. I'd like to blame on it AF spotting since Monday and some measly cramps, but I should probably just own up to being irresponsible. I've had worse days attributed to AF, so I shouldn't have wussed out on making good choices. Oddly enough, I also had an amazing workout yesterday that left me completely pumped up and excited by the end. It was exciting to see myself making progress on the machine that I struggle with the most and then reaching or exceeding my goals for every muscle group. (I've never been able to do that with every muscle group in the same workout; there's usually at least one that I don't quite hit the mark with.) I also got some cleaning done and didn't take a nap in the afternoon (my downfall), so aside from food, I had a good day, lol.

    Today AF is kicking it up a notch and the cramps are a bit worse, but I've already taken some ibuprofen in hopes that this won't ruin my workout later. :glasses:

    I know this might be coming a bit after the fact, but I'd like to weigh in on the issue of too much TTC talk and people leaving. I don't want to see anyone leave because they think they have talked too much about TTC. I have been very thankful to find this group where I can be an observer on issues involving TTC, even if I don't have something to say or a question to ask because DH and I aren't actively trying right now. However, I know we will someday, and I like learning about these things now so that I can be aware in the future. It is also very freeing to be able to talk about things like AF and O because those things play a part in the bigger picture of weight loss as a woman, and here I don't have to worry about tip-toeing around them. Personally, I'm not big into message boards, so I don't have other websites that I can turn to, and I'm not even involved anywhere else on MFP because I like this group so much. I think everyone has discussed this issue very respectfully and honestly, and I appreciate that. Maybe this group isn't for everyone if they feel they can't give to or gain from the other people, but I really like everyone that has been posting so far and would hate to lose any of them. :flowerforyou:
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    I'm not even involved anywhere else on MFP because I like this group so much.

    Jess - I'm the same, except i creep the preggo page. I like watching all of their progress updates and I chime in everynow and again to answer questions for the new mom's since i've had a baby before. i love both, but my :heart: belongs to this board first!

    I just want to gloat for a second...yesterday was a COMPLETE succuss! I wore my HRM (heart rate monitor) to Zumba last night...I generally average about 400-600 calories per night depending on the routines the instructor chooses, if i keep moving the whole class w/o stopping and how hard i push myself. Last night...I burned 700CALORIES!! I couldn't believe it! (although i FELT like i had burned that much!) we did a lot of routines with jumping and stuff so i know my heart rate was up Up UP!

    Food was an absolute success! I am proud of myself bc even though I had planned to drink a whole cup of milk AND a whole peice of cheese cake (since i had burned so much and ate so well the rest of the day I had TONS of extra calories) I only drank half a cup and a small piece of cheese cake (maybe 3/4 of a "portion"). I drank 11...yess 11 glasses of water! It normally is an accomplishment to get to 9! So 11 I was pretty impressed with myself! :tongue:

    Today, I am making good food choices too! I brough a tuna salad (made with cottage cheese vs mayo) and instead of bread or crackers i brought sheets of lettuce to make a wrap, a half of an avacado (I told you i would start eating them more! :laugh: ) and dinner is a pork and potato dish in the crock pot that ended up being less than 300calories a serving!

    P has soccer practice tonight and i think i am going to walk laps around the soccer field just to get a little extra cardio in. Tomorrow is my weigh in to meet my goal of 135....I was at 136.6 this i think it's possible if i keep my water up and food choices good!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    AlisaToth - I creep on the preggo board all the time! I love the gas over there too!

    Great job with the HRM yesterday! I'm really excited to see what mine will say next week! I can't wait to go back!

    I just had the most amazing lunch! I overslept this morning, so I bought a salad and chickpea salad and mixed the 2 together (couldn't finish it all), along with a cup of skim milk. Then I had 8 M&Ms. I feel completely, wholly satisfied.

    Does anyone feel like they get renewed focus after a real good workout? I'm wondering if that's what's happening to me. Or if it will dissipate later this week.
  • anewJess
    Alisa & Jalara - you're both doing awesome and inspiring me to go home and eat a salad! I'm so hungry, and it sounds so good! :laugh:

    And I love that you both creep on the preggo board! I love that this is a safe place to admit to creeping. :tongue:
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Jalara - I get SUPER motivated after a good work out...and a lot of times the motivation that i feel is what i use to motivate me TO work out...if that makes sense? Like when i feel lazy i think..."you KNOW how good you feel about yourself afterwards so just suck it up!"

    I realize i just posted something...but i had to share this: My husband's best friend from college and his wife just had a baby last month, and she hasn't been posting that many pics on FB bc they decided to keep his online exposure to a minimum. They live in New Orleans so obviously we won't be seeing them anytime soon! So I emailed her to tell her congrats and that i loved the pics she posted and can't wait to see more. She said that she is not opposed to emailing pics (can you tell she's a proud momma!) so i gave her my email address...I just got the email of the pictures...he is THE most adorable little thing i have ever seen (comparitivly to my own child of course) my heart MELTED and I honestly started to tear up looking at the pictures! Ahhh!! I need to find someone's baby to steal and play with for a few hours to just kick this baby fever for the next few months! It reminds me of a "Scrubs" episode i saw where they were making fun of women who get all emotional around infants..and throughout the whole episode everytime a baby was around all the women's uterus's glowed....I feel like my uterus is GLOWING!!!
  • bethlumino
    Hi Everyone, I also love this group, i have just been reading all the posts and decided to finally become involved! I am 31 married, mother of two, (10 year old boy & 1 year old girl) I had a devastating miscarriage at 18 weeks, back in April, so i am just now losing weight and ttc. I started my first round of clomid monday so hopefully good news this month! I would like to be below 200 by halloween and I would love love love to have a nice healthy pregnancy. All of my pregnancies in the past i have ate horrible and gained tons of weight so i am hoping this site will help me to stay motivated!!!!!!!!!!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Kateepie Welcome, and don’t worry about knowing the abbreviations, I still haven’t figured out some :tongue:

    H_82 – In regards to what Jess posted about yams and sweet potatoes not actually being in the same family, I didn’t realize that either. I had actually heard that it is a specific wild yam found most often in Africa and the Philippines that has these fertility benefits.
    Either way, I agree they’re yummy!

    Congrats on your day yesterday Alisa. It’s so nice to have those types of days, it gets you motivated to keep going. And Yes Jalara those days ARE motivating.

    I’ve been doing pretty good myself, I think I’ve gone over my calorie intake everyday but not by more than 100 each day plus I’m working out everyday (expect for downpour Tuesday). I was worried about going to my moms party this Sunday knowing all the “bad” food there but last night after being inspired from here I thought of bringing some homemade chips (baked pita) with guacamole (gotta love those avocados). I just need to find a way to get a workout in on Saturday, maybe I can just consider the running around organizing her surprise 50th a workout in itself!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Welcome Bethlumino! You'll be able to find support for both TTC and your weight loss journey on this thread!