Team UK - September10

Ok another month has passed and time to set new goals everyone.

I hit target for August so this month the aim is to get to 10 stone which is only 6lbs but that was the BIG target i set 2 months ago.

I have decided i will reset targets after that, maybe 1 more stone. It seems as 9 stone is my natural wieght. Who would have thought it would be that low

Anyway looking forward to seeing your Targets and results from last month



  • Morrianna
    I'm joining you all this month.

    I joined MFP on the 16th of august and I've lost 7lb since then. My goal is to lose 2lb a week anything over that is a bonus.
    I have a lot of weight to lose but my start has been better than I hoped.
  • Dietexpert
    Hi everyone,

    I've lost my way these last couple of weeks and have been eating rubbish and not going to the gym. I've not been able to get out as my son is autistic and he has been truly awful just recently. I have been feeling very ill with stress and just not had much of a break. Well, I've had no break really as my husband has been working long hours and there's no-one else to help out.

    Anyway, I have set my goal to start again as soon as he is back at school next Monday and will get back into the routine of logging all my meals and going to the gym regularly. I was doing so well as well but I just don't cope with stress at all anymore and always end up falling into a big black hole of despair and stuffing my face! I don't have many incentives either, which doesn't help, as I can never go out anywhere so looking nice isn't much of an issue for me anymore. Doesn't matter what you look like when you have to stay in with a child with special needs! The exercise does help a bit with the stress though and saves me punching anyone in the face (joke)!

    Have regained 6lbs and will work hard to get that and more off.

    Good luck everyone and keep smiling :)
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    The months seem to be flying by...

    Well, I was a very good girl all throughout August :smile: I've been happy with my weightloss and now have just over a stone to go :happy:
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hi all

    Just checking in. I reached my goal in August and now resetting a new one. Have decided to go for another 7lbs this month which will take me down the halfway mark of my overall goal. Should be easier to stick to my plan this month as there are fewer birthdays so less cakey temptation! Hopefully I'll be able to get back exercising properly over the next week but easy does it.

    Hope everyone else is feeling optimistic for September. Planning is the key!

    Hugs x
  • MairiK
    MairiK Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all,

    I only started in August and my goal then was just to get started, I've lost 4lbs so far. My goal for September is 6lb anything over that will be a bonus.
    Good luck for September everyone. xx
  • TMLS
    TMLS Posts: 125 Member
    My first proper goal on this page - to lose 9lbs in September, just as I have in June, July and August. I took my weight as the day started as my first reading, and had a good day on today's weight - but with a daily weight I'd expect it to be back up again tomorrow. Bloody Wii. ;)
  • emc2003
    Hi all,

    I lost 3 1/2 lbs in August, but only joined mid-month so I think that was pretty good for me.

    My goal for September is 5lb - anything over that is a bonus. I went back to work today (boooo!) but looking forward to getting back into a routine of eating my food instead of 'helping' my children! I have had 6 weeks off (Special Needs teacher) and I really need to motivate myself to do some exercise on an evening, instead of getting trapped into sitting on my bottom doing my school work.

    Have a good month, everyone!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Well I did OK with my August goals at least I managed to find this new thread before the month is half over :happy:

    I maintained my weight despite pigging out for my birthday and having some time off work, there's been a bit too much junk and alcohol creeping in though despite my goal to keep an eye on it. (well I guess I did keep an eye on it as I merrily ate it!)

    Back to a positive I've done pretty good at the gym, mixing extra cardio in with the strength training and I'm looking a bit more toned.

    I've changed my calorie goal back to a slight deficit so I would like to lose another couple of pounds in September but won't beat myself up if I don't. Otherwise my goals are:

    No fast food/takeaways
    be good with the alcohol - aim for 1 bottle of wine a week stretched over the weekend evenings and that's it.
    focus on toning my abs
    Maybe, just maybe start running on treadmill, managed 2 minutes the other day, just need to see how my knackered back holds up.

    Good luck to everyone in September :smile:
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    I'm going to stay in touch this month i promise!
    how are you all?
    Well i'm on day 3 of the detox (Just finished) and i've got a good feeling about it!
    I'm going to do a bit of gentle exercise with it tomorrow and see how it goes.

    I can't believe in just over 2 weeks i'm leaving home and moving into my own flat!
    Off to Leeds University and I am so excited!
    It's going to be hard not to revert to cheap and easy noodles but i'm going to cycle everywhere so hopefully i won't put on the fresher lbs!

    Anyone up to anything special this month?
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Hi everyone! :) I've been missing in action for about 7 months. I wish I could report said action was all exercise but unfortuanately there was a fair bit of eating :ohwell: ).

    I'm going to stay this time and September's goal is to get back to where I was by losing 8 pounds.

    Here's hoping we all achieve our goals this month :drinker:
  • nessaj
    nessaj Posts: 74 Member
    So my goal was to lose 30lbs by Christmas.... I started on MFP around 25th July and since then I've lost about 12lb so think I should be on target for my 30lb loss. I've just been on holiday to Chicago for a week - I stayed with my best friend so we were healthier than we would have been had we been eating out for every meal but I didn't calorie count and definitely didn't stay at 1200 calories. I also didn't manage to do much exercise (one trip to the gym and a couple of times swimming). Happily I only put on .5lb over the week and have managed to shift that already since I've been back with getting back to my 1200 calories and gym sessions.

    Hope everyone is doing well
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Bumping for later xxx
  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    So I managed to put on 7 pounds over my birthday week! I didn't count calories, but I'm pretty sure I didn't eat that much more than usual! I've been counting for about 18m,onths now, so you'd think I'd have a pretty good idea.

    Goals for this month are to shifty the seven extra pounds and to do all my training for the half marathon in October.

    Take care everyone x
  • Plantpot
    Plantpot Posts: 105 Member
    Just a little bump for later!! Mad busy at the mo with wedding plans...... 8 days to go!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaargggghhh!!!!
  • leannemr
    Hi All

    I didn't post in August due to being manic at work then out of the country for a lovely all inclusive cruise! With that and the Bank Holiday plus a couple of weeks off I managed to put a couple of pounds back on. I have my Rosemary Conley post bank holiday weigh in tonight so am hoping for a maintain so that I can work on getting the gained 2lbs back off plus the final 5lbs I want to shed.
    I bought the 30 day Shred DVD recently but haven't taken the cellophane off yet! I also have social events on for the next 6 weekends on the trot, including a girls weekend to Edinburgh, so I am going to have to be extra good in the week to be able to sustain a bit (but hopefully not a lot!) of indulgence at the weekends. goals for September are:-

    1. Lose 1lb per week.
    2. Take the cellophane off the Shred DVD, insert into DVD player and partake!
    3. Try on my size 10 christmas dress to see if it's starting to look any better then the over stuffed sausage I looked like in it 2 months ago.

    Have a great month everyone x
  • leannemr
    Just a little bump for later!! Mad busy at the mo with wedding plans...... 8 days to go!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaargggghhh!!!!

    Woo hoo - how exciting??!! How are the plans going?
  • carolineralph
    Hi Hope its ok to join

    I have just started and have lost 12lbs - my goal for the month is another 7lbs

    Am trying to plan for a wedding next weekend so I dont ruin all my good work

    good luck all
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Hi all. I managed to lose 2lbs last month and only 4lb to go to target now! I would like to lose another 2lb this month, but its really hard to say as I plateaued for ages before losing last months weight. So target this month is stay the same or lose some.

    So typical though, when I went on holiday and did'nt have any mfp contact or count calories I lost weight in August!
  • James501
    Just a little bump for later!! Mad busy at the mo with wedding plans...... 8 days to go!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaargggghhh!!!!

    OMG soooooooooo exciting. it's come round so quick. All the best for the big day if we don't chat before then.

    James x

    PS we all want see pics of the BIG day
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Hi Hope its ok to join

    I have just started and have lost 12lbs - my goal for the month is another 7lbs

    Am trying to plan for a wedding next weekend so I dont ruin all my good work

    good luck all

    Of course, welcome :smile:

    Diets and weddings don't go well together. If there's dancing you could really go for it and burn off the calories whilst keeping the wedding party entertained at the same time :laugh: