Team UK - September10



  • sim247
    sim247 Posts: 354
    Good evening all,

    Just loving this sunny weather!

    Well, I lost 3lbs last month but that only put me back to where I started before I joined mfp. Hopefully this month I can lose a few pounds. My weight loss has slowed down of late, and it is really annoying me how I keep to my calories and exercise almost every day and yet I still can't lose the lbs!!!!!

    Anyways....enough of my moaning, looking forward to seeing how everyone else is doing :smile:
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Just a little bump for later!! Mad busy at the mo with wedding plans...... 8 days to go!!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaargggghhh!!!!

    You must be so frantic and excited right now! Good luck for the day x

    I had a naughty one as cakes and pastries turned up to work yet again today (that's 6 cake days in 9 work days!) Have managed to resist all week but today really got to me and I had a couple of doughnuts. Worked out when I got home though and have burnt the cals. Gonna work out hard again tomorrow before weigh in on Saturday. Hope everyone else is doing well today x
  • Well, I lost 9lbs in my first month here so I think I'll set myself 5 lbs to lose before September is out, that way I'll be halfway to my goal.

    Sadly, two weeks of travelling on business stand between me and that goal - I hate to think what's going to happen to my lovely routines when I'm forced to eat out every night.

    We shall see!
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Feeling really bloated the night before weigh in. Haven't done as much exercise as planned - went to visit my family as my sis and her kids were going back home this afternoon but mum got me to do a 'quick' favour for her which took over 3hrs. Have been tired ever since and haven't got the energy to work out. Hope some weight magically disappears while I'm asleep so that I feel thinner by weigh in tomorrow!
  • beckiboo
    beckiboo Posts: 32 Member
    Hi everyone

    I've been MIA for a couple of weeks - baby is being seriously hard work! She's started sleeping a bit better now (only 2-3 wakings instead of 6-8!) so hopefully I'll get back on track. That said, I met my goal for August and lost an extra lb too! I'm officially a healthy BMI for the first time in over a year!

    My goal for September is to lose 5lbs.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Hi everyone.

    Only joined 2 weeks ago and with the bank holiday in between I kinda put on weight :laugh: but I know its just water so am leaving it till next week to log an 'official' weight :wink:

    September is a great month to diet, I think? As it starts to get colder I always feel more in the mood to exercise, even if its just to cheer myself up :bigsmile:

    I'm pretty useless at reaching goals as I always say I'll lose 8 lbs and end up losing 4lbs. So this month I'll keep my goals generic:

    1. to exercise 5 days per week
    2. to walk for an hour 2x per week
    3. to drink alcohol only 2 weekends out of 4
    4. to not get depressed about number 3 :laugh:

    Good luck everyone :flowerforyou:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi everyone :drinker:

    August was a bad months for me, :grumble: (although I'm glad I didn't put any weight on). I seemed to lose direction/focus and didn't log the calories as often as I should have.

    :drinker: Here's hoping September is a better month. Congrats to those who have lost. I think I have lost 1lb but weighed in first thing this morning, and always like it to be "lost" for a few days before I change my ticker.

    Good Luck everyone for a happy healthy September :wink:
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    I think I have lost 1lb but weighed in first thing this morning, and always like it to be "lost" for a few days before I change my ticker.

    Lol. I change mine at the first sniff of a loss :smile:
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member

    3. to drink alcohol only 2 weekends out of 4
    4. to not get depressed about number 3 :laugh:

    That's impressive. Unfortunately I've found that if I have to do something that consists primarily of the word Die, then a glass of wine a day is necessary for maintenance of sanity :drinker:
  • nikkijennings
    nikkijennings Posts: 130 Member
    Hi all!!!
    My husband and I joined a couple of days ago and are doing this in conjunction with Diet Chef.
    We are both loving it (and both need it!!! About 15 stone to lose between us!!!!! ;-) I'll be glad of the phone app when I'm at work tomorrow!!!!

    We'll keep you updated (and thanks to those who asked us to join here and added us both already!!! (hubby is jennidc)
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    haha the French food was far too good to diet. I ate sooooo much cheese, baguette, steaks n frites I almost popped twice. Still had plenty of good healthy stuff too.

    Start again from tomorrow.
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hi everyone

    Good to see some more newbies (and some 'oldies' who are trying to get back on track). I fell off the horse a bit at the weekend - managed to eat a family bag of Twiglets before I went out for the night and then drank far too many empty cals - wasn't planning on drinking at all but then when I did I went for the worst possible options.

    I ordered a copy of Jillians' "30 Day Shred" which arrived today so I'll be giving that a go tomorrow night as I'm off to my dance class in a while. Also got a heart rate monitor so will have myself plugged in for the class as I want an accurate reading of how many cals I'm burning. Got fingers firmly crossed for this week as I'm aiming to tone up and feel better before I go to London on the 18th - hate going to the city when I'm feeling chubby.

    Hope you're all having a good day.
  • Gah... I seem to have put a pound back on, or at least I'm carrying that much water after a fairly bad weekend...

    Oh well. Could be a lot worse!

    Now to see what two weeks of travel do to my waistline... ;o)
  • Hi, I've only just joined MFP so have no weight loss to report as yet but hopefully with the help of this place it will start to come off. Now that my daughter has gone back to school I have the morning and afternoon school-runs to do (walking uphill there and downhill back) which will help as it's about a 15-20 minute walk either way, I am also returning to my nurse training so that will keep me active again. Eating-wise there are no specific diets planned, just plain old healthy eating, I was naughty this morning and treated myself to a caramel macchiato though.
  • bumping for later!
  • hey everyone hope your good.
    Had a mental few days but did manage to lose 1 lb last week so 5 more to go.
    I have given up smoking as of Sunday, it aint easy but i will beat it. My mood swings are great though making myself laugh thinking back at the end of the day on how i am overreacting.

    How is everyone? got any plans this week?
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Good luck with the non-smoking James. Have been there myself - had my last smoke in Feb last year and it's the first time I've quit and not missed it at all. Really think the smoking ban has helped as there's no temptation there in terms of smoking in pubs / clubs cos you just can't! Thankfully my close friends and family are non-smokers too so :smile: I know you have amazing willpower so am sure you'll do just fine.

    Day 1 of the 30 Day Shred went great and am looking forward to staying on track for the rest of the week. Rock n roll! :drinker:
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm a bit late checking in this month! Well, I was super happy at the end of last month to, after 3 months, have finally made it to 15lbs lost but then I went to France for 4 days and came back 8lbs heavier! That's more than half of what I'd lost!!

    Sooo angry! I didn't eat perfectly while I was there but I did eat reasonably well and walked loads... like climbing the 300 stair hill at least once every day not to mention the several hours I spent walking on 2 occasions where I was lost haha

    Oh well... breathe... I'm trying not to let it throw me off too badly. Between jobs now which is always the hardest for me food-wise but unlike usually, I'm actually looking forward to some time off so trying not to stress too much about finding a new job just yet.

    Take care everyone

    Dotti x
  • Hi

    I have just joined but thought it can only help to have a goal even if it is a few days too late. I am moving house in a couple of weeks and I have two big work projects which are wrecking my routine so I think a goal of 4 lbs is realistic.

    Off to plan my meals!
  • ChristineKirk
    ChristineKirk Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, got back from holiday on Sunday gained 3.5lbs, managed to lose 1.5lbs of that so far, target for the rest of this month is to get below 200lbs, so need to lose 2.5lbs for that, hoping to get down to 195lbs. Fingers crossed.
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