Team UK - September10



  • Good Luck Christine, did you have a good holiday?

    Welcome Daisy, thanks for finding us and i think 4 lbs is a good first month goal for you. Good Luck and keep us posted.

    Queenmedusa this giving up smoking is not fun but i have got through 5 days now. I was almost climbing the walls last night but i kept focused and still haven't had one.

    Well i have hit day 75 of the diet now and things are slowing down a little but i have 15 days left and i really want to get to 10 stone in that time. Have a week off work from the 25th so am going to go shopping for new clothes as everything i have is far to big now. After my week off the hard work will continue as i will need to tone up and loss those final bits of fat. Xmas will be the final goal but more about that when i get to 10.

    Have a great weekend everyone

    See you next week

  • ChristineKirk
    ChristineKirk Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks James, holiday was great.

    Your doing really well, it seems a long way off to get anywhere near target for me at the moment.
  • How does this team UK post work ? Just curious. And is it ok to be part of the team even if I'm not British born (blush),.. My granny was Welsh if that helps. And I live here up in sunny Warrington :o)
  • bumping for later!
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    How does this team UK post work ? Just curious. And is it ok to be part of the team even if I'm not British born (blush),.. My granny was Welsh if that helps. And I live here up in sunny Warrington :o)

    Hiya :smile: Well you don't need to be British - just live over here! We're kind of a support community for MPF members. We try to post a target at the start of the month and then encourage and support each other throughout the month. You're more than welcome to join us! :flowerforyou:

    I haven't lost this week which is kind of disappointing as I've been exercising hard and eating well. Got fingers crossed that things will turn around next week.

    James - you're doing great without the smokes so keep loving your body. You know it makes sense :bigsmile:

    Hope everybody's having a great weekend and looking forward to a wonderful week x
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Maintained my weight again this week. Think I'm going to change my calorie goal back to maintenance, haven't lost anything in the 2 weeks since I shifted back to slight deficit. Doesn't seem to make any difference whether I eat 1200, 1400 or 1600 calories a day at the moment. My body seems to have reached a level it's happy with and I'm fairly happy with it too so I'm going chill out for a bit, if I feel like eating all 1600 calories then fine, if not that's fine too, as long as I don't start putting on weight I'm happy :happy:
  • I know how you feel i've lost 1 lb in 3 weeks. doesn't matter what i do. Going have to start eating more and excersising more to shift the last 5 lbs i'm thinking. Funny thing is every time i loss 21 lbs my body plateaus. Happend last year as well.

    A few weeks of eating more should kick start things again i think.

    Your doing well hun, just sometime our bodies need time to readjust again. my tip would be eat normal for a few weeks then cut your calories again. And see if that works. You might gain 1-2 lbs but hopefully will work in the long term. That's what i'm going to do.

    Maintained my weight again this week. Think I'm going to change my calorie goal back to maintenance, haven't lost anything in the 2 weeks since I shifted back to slight deficit. Doesn't seem to make any difference whether I eat 1200, 1400 or 1600 calories a day at the moment. My body seems to have reached a level it's happy with and I'm fairly happy with it too so I'm going chill out for a bit, if I feel like eating all 1600 calories then fine, if not that's fine too, as long as I don't start putting on weight I'm happy :happy:
  • Hi Everyone,

    I'm not doing so well at the moment, food-wise, but have stepped up my workouts at the gym and trying to be more motivated. I have been under a lot of added stress and haven't stopped stuffing my face with chocolate, wine, crisps etc. and I don't really care whilst I'm doing it. However, I can now jog for 15 minutes on the treadmill non-stop, which is a huge achievement for me as I couldn't run for 15 seconds a few months ago, and I am rowing and cycling! Trying to get back on track with my diet and will stop buying anything remotely unhealthy again. Good luck everyone :)
  • Hi all,

    I am really struggling atm. I'm back at work now (special needs teacher) and have loads of paper work to do which means sitting in front of my computer each evening trying to work as fast as I can!

    I have also hurt my back really bad - last Tuesday I couldn't walk and ended up in tears at work - not like me. I do suffer with a bad back but it usually comes and goes, this time it has been over a week. So, my newly found exercise regime has had to be put on hold for a while.

    I am going to get back to it this week. Good luck everyone!

  • psmith64
    psmith64 Posts: 102 Member
    Noting for later - now I have my weight loss head back on, it will be good to keep in touch with UK'ers !!!

  • Hi All

    My plans for 1lb per week was completely blown out of the water at the weekend when I managed to fall over in my 4in heels and damage my ankle ligaments!! The Doctor in A&E also burst my bubble as he could see the pleased look on my face when he told me there were no broken bones i.e no plaster cast and then said "Ligament damage is often worse than a broken bone, it can take months to heal". So I asked him about exercise and he told me to put it out of my mind for "several months"!!! Aaargh! I was just going to join a Zumba class this month too and had really got back into my circuit training. with only 3lbs to go I am hoping to try and keep the 8lbs off I have already lost since I cannot exercise! Exercise was my get out of jail card when I'd overdosed on takeaways and wine at the weekends!!! Now I will have to be extra good to make sure I don't undo all the hard work.
    My 30 Day Shred DVD which I purchased a fortnight ago will have to stay put for a while longer :o(

    So my goal for the next two months is to stick at my weight! If I can get exercising by November/December then I aim to shift those last pesky 3lbs by Xmas!!

    Hope you're all doing better than me ;-) !! xxx
  • kaskanataliaanna
    kaskanataliaanna Posts: 23 Member
    :) Glad I found this UK thread :) Hope everyone is ok and doing well getting rid of excess weight :flowerforyou:
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    Well i don't know how I have done it. I haven't given food a thought for 2 weeks since I went to france and ate like a pig. Still went down the gym a few times but nothing like I had been before. Still managed to lose 2kgs on the scales today. Result. Im in the mood for putting my diet right again from tomorrow.

    how's everyone else doing, it's been over a week since I clocked in last.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member

    It's been a very, very long time since I posted on the UK thread, MIA to borrow the phrase.

    I let depression get to me and my weight has yo-yo'd. I'm not entirely sure that I'm back on track yet, so I'm taking a one-day-at-a-time approach.

    It's definitely good to see more Brits on here, and it's good to see both familiar and new folks. . Anyhoo, can't promise to post regularly, but I do mean to complete my food diary regularly.

    So untill next time, take care all
  • queenmedusa
    queenmedusa Posts: 247 Member
    Hi everyone

    Well it sounds like we're all having a bit of a hard time being motivated right now and the lack of posts in the last week probably reflects that. Hoping everyone finds the will to get back on track soon and, for those who haven't lost the will but just the time and ability, I hope your circumstances improve and allow you to come back to us :smile:

    This week has been pretty good although I managed to put my knee out a little doing the 30 Day Shred on Tuesday. Wednesday and yesterday were fairly exercise free as a result :yawn: which was disappointing but I did a low impact workout this morning and feel much better for it. The sun is shining here in Somerset which always helps and I'll be going for a long walk into town this afternoon for my appt at the hairdressers which will help keep the metabolism going when it would otherwise be tempting to sit in the garden! Weigh in tomorrow which is a little daunting after last week so have got fingers crossed.

    Hope to hear some good news stories from you all in the near future :flowerforyou:
  • next week is my goal date so i will hope for the mirracle loss of 6lbs in 8 days but i accept i have done well to lose 21 lbs in 12 weeks. After my holiday will go about toning up mission before xmas.

    Keep up the good work people, everyone is being very quiet this month. I think we are all having a tough September think it's because it's getting cold again. Keep believing everyone.
  • I didn't even realise there was a UK thread ( I am incredibly blonde)!

    I have been a member here for a while but started my programme proper 3 weeks ago. So far I have lost 20lbs. I have a long way to go as yet xxx
  • nikkijennings
    nikkijennings Posts: 130 Member
    Bought my first size 14 dress in 11 years today..... yippeeeeeeee!!!!!!
  • Awwww that's fantastic Nikki! Well done you xxx
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Bought my first size 14 dress in 11 years today..... yippeeeeeeee!!!!!!

    It's a great feeling isn't it. I've made it back into the size I was around that time ago too, didn't think it would ever happen.
    Are you going anywhere special? If not you should to celebrate and show off your dress!
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