I have a "Desk Job" anyone else?



  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    BTW...as if that wasn't bad enough, I have "2" desk jobs. One at the hospital in emergency communications and the other at a 911 facility in the next county east of where I live. ON A LIGHTER NOTE, the 911 facility is looking into getting a treadmil that dispatchers can put at their dispatch consoles while they are dispatching. I think I would be safer at the gym where I have rails for safety since one of my legs is fake ;-)
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Deskjob here. Mostly. I work from my computer desk at home or in my bed with my laptop. I write articles, occassionally build websites, recently started SE Analyzing for a big company, have another job that I also do from home, and am writing a book as well for publishing online. Getting away from a computer takes an effort now.

    I workout 6-8 hours a week. Cardio is walking/jogging and backpacking (30-60lbs in the pack depending on the day). I also have lifted weights lightly/moderately, but I've been slacking on the weights lately and need to pick it back up.

    Lost 20lbs in the past year. Sometimes it came off fast, other times it was a snails pace. Hardest part is just getting up and doing it, it gets much easier once I have my sneakers on and am moving. I enjoy it once I get myself ready, but I seem to have selective memory when it comes to that. I forget that I'll enjoy it, then am surprised all over again when it was the highlight of my day. :laugh:

    I eat pretty normal food, but lean more towards lean meats, eggs, vegetables, etc than I used to. My favorite breakfast is bacon, home fries w/ onions and eggs, usually hard boiled. Lunch is often soup & salad or high protein (think chicken breast with a yummy marinade and spinach salad on the side with some cheese on top) since I workout closer to noon most days and don't want anything really heavy. I still enjoy desserts and treats regularly, almost everyday sometimes. :happy:
  • lorelei68
    lorelei68 Posts: 30 Member
    I have a park my fanny at a desk job too. Its part of why my weight started to creep back up. That, coworkers that LOVED to eat (always bringing in the sweetsie stuff), slid back into the fast food circuit... woof!

    I work out in the early morning before work as I have too much going on most evenings, I drink a lot of water and tea (oh yes and the evil Diet Coke that I can't seem to give up!;), pack my breakfast/lunches and am baby stepping the coworkers to do the same. You can do this!

    Add me if you like... :flowerforyou:
  • bnm1979
    bnm1979 Posts: 52 Member
    Desk job! School secretary
    Y'all add me ????
    Mom of two beautiful girls, 6 & 2
    I have lost 60# in 8 months and maintained for 3 months
    Now looking to lose 20+ more and tone up!

    I ❤️ my ACE!
    30 day shred
  • bekkimaher
    bekkimaher Posts: 3 Member
    Big thanks for posting this question, I have the same problem too seems like I a fighting a losing battle. Glad to see so many different ideas from all of the people that have sucessfully lost weight and still hold a desk job. Thanks for all the great ideas everyone:happy:
  • TrekkerLauren
    I have a desk job too and work for a food company - its really hard as i have to organise taste panels but it can be done :)
    i find drinking water helps curb my appetite and stops me overeating - also just getting up every hour and having a quick walk helps!
  • xvprimetimevx
    Desk job here too. I make sure I get up every 30 minutes or so and walk around.
  • hrowell0636
    hrowell0636 Posts: 2 Member
    I have a desk job. I technically get a 30 minute lunch, but our office is so small, I rarely get to leave my desk. Someone has to get the phone. :)

    Diet plays a huge role, but there are ways to get a little extra movement in your day. Try to do 5-10 squats every time you go to the bathroom. Do a few wall push-ups through out the day when you have some privacy. Stand up and stretch, or even jog in place, for a couple of minutes every hour to keep your heart rate up.

    If you are able to get away from your desk for lunch or breaks, then take that time to go up and down a flight of stairs a few times or walk around your building or down the street and back. Getting some fresh air and sunlight makes a big difference, but can be difficult depending on the area and weather.
  • votkuhr
    votkuhr Posts: 276 Member
    I have a desk job too! Plus work requires/allows me to drink (a lot) and eat for business meetings. I let myself go and gained about 30 lbs ever since. I've lost about 22 lbs, and am gunning to lose another 10 more.

    Some examples of what it took:
    1. Eating in moderation. Learning to stop and knowing when to say "no".
    2. Consistency in exercise. From not doing ANY form of exercise, I've jumped to running about 3 times a week - and enjoying it!
    3. Doing little things that burn calories:
    I take the stairs up and down floors instead of using the lift.
    Walking to a lunch spot that's a little further out than usual.
    4. Lots of fitspiration in my head.

    You can do it too! :) You want it so bad that you'll work on it and get it in the end!
  • TravelinChiGal
    TravelinChiGal Posts: 216 Member
    I am a desk jockey as well! And work for a company where my job is to develop new bakeware & taste test recipes on packaging... Challenging? Yes. Have I been able to lose weight? Yep! I just stick with it, make sure I have a balanced diet, and get my workout done in the AM before leaving for work. I try to get up to walk around as much as possible, but some days it just doesn't happen. Keep at it, and the weight will come off! Feel free to add me for support - I can always use it, too!

  • pgatony1
    I sit at a desk for 8 hours a day and have been for the last 11 years. It is a challenge to get the right amount of excercise when doing this. The good thing about where I work it has a full workout facility with trainers available to assist with fitness that helps with weight loss. Drinking lots of water at my desk also helps.
  • lynnmarie96
    lynnmarie96 Posts: 25 Member
    I spend my day sitting at school, but I make sure I do a 1-2 hour workout when I get home etc.
    Good luck with your weight loss. x x x
  • firepxy
    firepxy Posts: 13
    I have a desk job, and luckily I can stand up and walk back and forth (pace) while doing my job. As long as you get up and do things before and after work, not just sit and watch tv or something, you can loose, but watch what you are eating for sure too.
  • JoeyD86
    I have 2 jobs and they are both very sedentary. I pack my lunches so I am not tempted to eat out, and I work out in the evening right before I make dinner. The building where I work is 4 stories tall, so I will take occasional breaks and walk up the stairs and down the halls. I also live nearby so I walk to work unless the weather is really bad. While it is a bit harder to lose than when I had a job on my feet, it is still doable.
  • StillLisa106
    I hear you! I have a desk job, 1.5 hour ride on a commuter bus (each way), I am just starting out and I have twice as much to lose as you do. I just bought a bike to exercise at home. I'm just starting also.
  • Ncocci26
    See if you can do your work standing up for stretches of time. I have done this and it was great for overall health. You can also request that your employer provide a standing-up work station, if that is possible. those are available in the market.

    one of the women I work with has a treadmill desk. it is the coolest thing. her computer and phone are on a large tray (where the treadmill's monitors usually are) and there are rails she can hold onto. She walks all day long on this thing while she is working. Albeit not very fast but she is moving all day. It really is one of the coolest things I have ever seen...

    That is super cool!!!
  • bmittica57
    I to have a desk job, and I have been struggling lately with my weight especially since I started menopause..I have tried WW a couple of times and find that just to be a social event. Reading some of your posts has given me encouragement....it's hard but I am determined to make this work.
  • Julie2990
    Julie2990 Posts: 3 Member
    I too have a desk job and I'm so swamped my good intentions of taking a walk during lunch don't seem to become reality. I have to get up super early and get my workout in in the morning. Makes me feel better knowing it's out of the way and nothing can interefere. I always pack my own lunch to ensure it is healthy. Good luck. You can do this.
  • Ncocci26
    I have a job where I spend most of my day at my desk. I am starting my weight loss journey at the most busy time of the year possible. Anyone else out there find a way to make it work for them? I am looking to lost 50 pounds by this summer before my 5 year class reunion. & If I do lose it I will be smaller then when I graduated :)

    Feel free to add me & hopefully make it through the journey!

    I have a desk job too in a small office. Instead of intercomming over the phone to someone in another office to ask a question, I am trying to make sure I get up and go to their office and ask, gets me up and moving a little more than I would.
    I too am trying to loose 50 lbs by June before I go out west to see my half brother that I have not seen for 14 years and have only talked to on facebook! Good luck and if you find anything that helps you at your desk please pass it on to me!! :)
  • jackjackattck
    jackjackattck Posts: 117 Member
    I have a desk job too, followed by school in the evenings. At first, it was really hard to find a routine that has stuck, since I work from 6:30 - 3 PM and go to school until about 6:30 PM. I am working on a Master's degree while I am also a full time engineer, so the stress levels are very high. I would plan to work out in the evenings, but by the time I would get home at 7 PM I would be too zonked to do anything!

    Started a new routine last week, and it has worked wonders so far! I am up at 4 AM to begin my workout. I don't like leaving the house that early, but I have DVD's and free weights that I use at home. At first it was difficult, but I am a little over a week in and my body is already adjusting to the new time. When I leave for work I also have a full days worth of food packed with me. Lunch, dinner, and quite a few healthy snacks. Snacks are a huge key! When I am getting famished or tired, the first thing I would want to do is hit the vending machine for a soda or candy, but having pre-packed snacks in a cooler by my desk has been a life saver. When you are sitting at a computer most of the day, it is SO easy to "mindlessly snack" and eat way more than you would expect to. So pack your cooler with the right healthy snacks that you can have to satisfy both the boredom munching and the hunger!

    I park in the back of the parking lot, and I also get up as often as I can and walk around at work. So many people now days would rather email or phone others because it is more convenient. Whenever I get the chance, I prefer to walk upstairs or to a coworkers desk rather than email or call them.

    Good luck!=]