Unconditional Support Group



  • profjan6
    Where is everyone? I would really like to keep this thing going.
    Bugaboo, how'd the CT go?
    How is everyone else doing this week? The weather is beautiful here today so maybe I'll get out and walk before work.
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    Where is everyone? I would really like to keep this thing going.
    Bugaboo, how'd the CT go?
    How is everyone else doing this week? The weather is beautiful here today so maybe I'll get out and walk before work.

    Speaking for myself, its been a crappy week (work related) and my eating has not been the best. I'm a stress eater! I"m taking a vacation day tomorrow, my brother and I are going camping and horse back riding. Hopefully this will relieve some work related stress and get my head back on straight! I hate when I let work/stress sabotage my hard earned wt loss results! Looking in my journal, I see a vicicous cycle, ....*sigh*
  • sincereme
    My week hasn't been too bad but I have some days similar to yours work related... I have decided to get an MP3 player and shut out all the noise and bad language here at work. That really gets me down and I just need to be able to make it disappear for those long 8 hrs that I am here.

    As far as my eating, I have been making better choices but I do have a couple of slip Ups. Not getting discouraged though. I feel good eating better!!!!

    Today was a dreadful morning though. I went to bed last night with a migraine and was hoping it went away during sleep but it didn't. It got worst. Plus I had a Echo to be done so all that just hit me all together. Feeling a tad better now.

    Now that you have spotted that cycle its a great time to change it up!! Enjoy your vacation!!!! Hope it gets better for you next week!!:bigsmile:
    Where is everyone? I would really like to keep this thing going.
    Bugaboo, how'd the CT go?
    How is everyone else doing this week? The weather is beautiful here today so maybe I'll get out and walk before work.

    Speaking for myself, its been a crappy week (work related) and my eating has not been the best. I'm a stress eater! I"m taking a vacation day tomorrow, my brother and I are going camping and horse back riding. Hopefully this will relieve some work related stress and get my head back on straight! I hate when I let work/stress sabotage my hard earned wt loss results! Looking in my journal, I see a vicicous cycle, ....*sigh*
  • profjan6
    sincereme, sorry it has been a bad week. a vacation day sounds great. hope you enjoy and get the stresses out! camping is great....i'm afraid to ride a horse, though! always seemed like such a beautiful thing to do, but i just can't get up there! let us know how you feel when you get back!
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    sincereme I hope you feel better soon!

    projan6-my time with my horse is precious! Its my best stress relief. Hope you're having a great day!
  • debidoodle
    I'm pretty new to MFP and I just found this thread. But I have to say ....
    ... low-stick-a-banana-in-your-ear-and-jump-on-one-foot......

    I want to try this one!

    And also, I agree. Different things work for different people. I want to be supportive of everyone no matter how they are working out the losing. Because in the end, all that matters is that we lose and get healthier!

  • profjan6
    Hi Debi, Hi everyone else...wishing you all a great weekend! Hopefully this weekend will be good for the food/exercise/motivation.....last weekend I didn't do so great. Well, its behind us now, so time to move ahead. So far today has been good. Will get to the exercising a little later on. Why is that always so hard to do????
  • debidoodle
    I don't know profjan6 ... but i agree, it totally is. i'm going to get on my Wii fit this weekend if its the last thing i ever do!!!
  • profjan6
    How do you like the Wii? Debi, you lost so much weight you surely are doing something right! Wow, I am definitely impressed.
  • BN10tional

    OK So now we have a little group.......what the heck do we do now?

    Should we have weigh ins and goals or whatever......or should we just hang out and BS?


    Hi everyone - just got started with MFP this week and I'm still finding my way around...Saw the first post and read the whole string...Sounds like a really great group to be a part of. How would you all feel if a guy joined in too?...I have some thoughts relative to the quote above.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    The more the merrier! It seems that we just kinda hang out and BS...
  • patkendall
    Well I agree, and just to clarify, I don't consider it bashing when someone ASKS for opinions and gets them. I consider it bashing and preaching when someone is just looking for support, not asking opinions, and they get dumped on.

    yea if you ASK for an opionion thats a different story BUT I still think responders should be respectful in voicing their opinions

    A bit about my on going weight loss journey...I've learned the 5-6 meals a day is NOT for me. I've also learned I don't HAVE to eat breakfast!! *gasp* I have digestive disorders and if I force myself to eat when I"'m not hungry, it triggers tummy problems. So I"m done listening to the so called "experts". Trial and error is what its all about until we find what works and what we can live with.

    Many days I don't eat breakfast, and guess what...my blood sugar doesn't get all out of wack, I"m not starving later in the day, my energy is FINE. Other mornings I may be hungry, if I am then I"ll eat. Lately its been so much easier for me to stay on track by just listening to my body and using common sense. Yeah losing wt is gonna be a slow process for me (at the moment anyway) but thats ok too. I"m not beating myself up these days and peace of mind is priceless!
  • patkendall
    not sure what I just did, but I think what connie48 says about listening to your body rather than following all the diet "experts" shows a lot of wisdom...I'm sticking to my calorie goal each day, but when I eat depends on how I feel...thanks Buggaboo73 for starting this thread!
  • profjan6
    Hope everyone is doing ok! The weekend was great, and I did pretty well sticking to my plan. I should have exercised more. It was so beautiful out, but I ended up just hanging out on the deck enjoying the weather instead of walking or moving around more. The weather is incredible! Planning on doing a solid walk today before work. I planned my meals for the next few days. This really seems to help me a lot. What about the rest of you?
  • sincereme
    :flowerforyou: Hey everyone,

    Just checking in. Not so good weekend. We celebrated hubby's bday and I ate bad things...lol..Actually the cheesecake bites did me in...uggg..not good!

    Not letting this discourage me though, just dusting myself off and moving forward.

    I hope everyone had a great weekend!!!
  • debidoodle
    Hi Everybody!

    My weekend was alright. I took a 2 mile walk on Saturday morning. I timed myself, so I knew how long I was gone and used that to figure out how fast I was going and it came out to about 3.5 miles an hour. I felt pretty good about my walk, I sweated and pushed myself and everything. When I got home, I entered it into MFP and just about cried when I saw that it was only 201 calories that I had burned! Has anyone else felt like that?!

    I also scared myself the other day. I was starving but didn't want to eat anything because I was afraid of what the scale would say the next morning. I gave myself a little pep talk after that and told myself that if I am hungry, I need to eat something. If that means that I lose .5 lbs that week - or even just stay the same one week - that is OK. I'm a little embarrassed to admit this to anyone, but I wanted to say it out loud in case anyone else has felt like that - so you know you aren't alone!

    Hang in there everyone!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Happy Monday.... or is that a contradiction in terms? Weekend went well, under on cals. Not much exercise unless you count jumping up and down and yelling at the TV during the football games. It's all good.
  • Connie48
    Connie48 Posts: 190 Member
    I had a great weekend of camping and horse back riding with my brother! Even though I had a few beers I did not gain wt! I had protien shakes, fruit, grilled burgers on whole grain buns most of what we ate was pretty healthy. Plus riding burns calories, it takes endurance to stay on a horse for several hrs a day. You use all your muscles! I do have to go to the grocery tonight though, the cubbards are a bit bare!
  • sincereme
    I hope everyone is good. Well, I am ok. It's been a hard few days. My sister is in the hospital. Underwent a blood transfusion on monday. Blood levels went up but then went down again. Doctors can't find the reason why so they must do more testing. She is also throwing up everything she eats. Please keep her in your prayers!!!
  • profjan6
    Sincere - hope your sister is ok. Hang in there and take care of yourself, as well.
    Connie, glad the weekend was such a hit! Sounds so relaxing and carefree. Lots of exercise, too. Great combination.
    Hope everyone else is doing ok so far this week. I'm ok, just still dealing with my employment issues. Sometimes I just get cranky about it and then I want to eat bad things. I must stay focused and know that won't help anything. Enjoy Wednesday. Friday isn't far behind!