Ladies, when your aunt is visiting, how do you deal?

If you are watching your calories---how do you stop yourself from eating chocolate or giving in to comfort foods while the aunt is in town? ;-) ***and its times 1000 when she's coming and toddlers live in your home...might as well just bathe in chocolate!

I am so good until a couple days before she arrives and I find myself wanting all things comfort--pasta, chips, sweets, salt---and then I feel awful for giving in and defeated :- / (not to mention that the bloat from it all doesn't help my appearance visually).


  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    It's a good thing I've seen that episode of The IT Crowd or I'd have no idea what you were on about lol.

    I've never experienced cravings myself while on my period, but if I did I'd probably just try to work them into my calorie count for the day. Nothing wrong with eating pasta, chips and sweets, I eat things like that all the time and stay at my calorie goal.

    This has also been linked on these forums a few times: I've never tried it myself but you could give it a go and see if it helps. Apparently "Red meats (especially organ meats), seafood, leafy vegetables, root vegetables" are particularly good for pre-menstrual cravings.
  • Charlottesometimes23
    If I understand your post, you are saying that you overeat just before your aunt arrives and also during her visit. Do you overeat beforehand due to stress or something else?

    When I have visitors, within my daily allowance I try to allow one big meal per day so that I can enjoy a nice meal with my visitors each day, even if it includes dessert and chocolates. I will eat lighter meals for the remainder of the day to compensate. I try to avoid telling my visitors that I'm watching my weight because they usually say that I don't need to lose weight...blah blah...which is true simply because of the fact that I DO watch what I eat....(sigh)

    I tend to keep food that I'm more likely to overeat when I'm stressed out of the house. I adore chocolate and if there is a big block in the house, I will overindulge and blow my calories for the day. If I buy a packet of mini chocolates, I can moderate better.
  • westendcurls
    westendcurls Posts: 252 Member
    Let yourself have some of the things your craving, dont fight it. Just try to keep it with in your calories. Dont even think about the bloat it will drop right back off, you know that.
  • BiscuitH11
    This post has me cracking up! I understand what you are talking about.....but I don't have an answer. I guess the more calories you eat, the more calories you need to burn! I have also read a few posts that say they get stuck right before and during, but after they notice a significant drop in weight loss. I don't have any experience though, I just had a baby and my Aunt hasn't been back yet! :)
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    Tell your aunt you hate her and never want to see her again. Problem solved. :smokin:
  • auntiemsgr8
    auntiemsgr8 Posts: 483 Member
    Funny, I guess I am so old I knew what you were talking about before even clicking on your post. Who hasn't heard of Aunt Flo?? And not the waitress from the tv show "Alice".

    I can't help you much with your problem as I don't get cravings. At least not that they are recognized as such.

    I eat all the things you mentioned on a fairly regular basis and be sure to include them in my calorie count for the day. I have had cookies every day this week and have been under goal every day. And lost weight too.

    I would just eat a small amount and see if that satisfies you. Some days it may and some maybe not.

    Can you save up for additional calories a couple days before you know the cravings will hit so you still maintain? Then maybe do the same the couple of days after and you should be good. And possibly throw in a little extra exercise to help too??
  • Stefanny91
    Stefanny91 Posts: 223 Member
    Tell your aunt you hate her and never want to see her again. Problem solved. :smokin:

    Love it, I pretty much did this, my pill stops my periods completely haven't had one in about 3 years which you can imagine is awesome.

    my only issues is every time I start exercising if I haven't done it in a while I get a "break through bleed" I was having a little read about this the other day to make sure it was normal. And I read that when you exercise your body craves more carbs to keep up which releases a certain chemical which starts your period. ............. I'm not sure where I'm going with this or if its even related to your question. I just thought I would add to the conversation
  • Naomi0504
    Naomi0504 Posts: 964 Member
    I eat that stuff anyway when I'm craving it badly. I don't go overboard, but I do eat it.
  • michable
    michable Posts: 312 Member
    I have found my symptoms greatly reduced since starting on a low-dose, combined contraceptive pill. I don't know if that is an option for you, but it was definitely a noticeable difference for me - no more over-eating before my visit, no more cramps or bloating, the mood-related symptoms decreased, and the actual "visit" very short and light. I know it's not for everyone, but for me, it was fantastic!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    these posts kill me because it has me thinking some people have no control over their actions .

    anyway i do the same as any other day, if it fits in my calorie goals and i want it then i eat it if it doesnt then i dont. i dont use any particular day of the month as an excuse
  • peaceenharmonyy
    apples and bananas have been helping me lately... or i spread a tablespoon of trader joes cookie butter on them.
  • Lns25
    Lns25 Posts: 130 Member

    How hard is it for people to say I crave all kinds of crap when I have my period?? Don't know why 'period' is such a tabu word!?

    I really struggle with salads, low carb etc when I'm due for my period. I usually want something heavy, filled with pasta/potatoes. I just do my best to keep it all in check.

    I always hold fluid around that time anyway, so it takes a week or so to get the scales back to where they should be.
  • bbg_daryl
    bbg_daryl Posts: 150 Member
    I'm just laughing at how many people don't know that you're not talking about an actual aunt.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I ate 800 calories worth of chocolate for breakfast one day last week (it's in my diary). I was only going to have one, and then my brain took a hike, and the next thing I knew there were 7 pieces gone. I couldn't figure out what the heck just happened, then I checked my calendar and realized what was up. I made sure to log it and make up for it over the next few days. I normally have better control, but then I don't normally have an entire box of chocolates at my desk. I keep flavored decaf teas at work for those times, since caffeine causes cramping.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
  • Anens630
    Anens630 Posts: 54 Member
    LOL, I'm glad everyone understands my lingo.

    I find that my hormones go crazy right before and not only am I irritated easily, but I also find nothing NOTHING will give me comfort other than junk food---and I know its b/c of my period but I seriously feel like its a drug--its all I think about until I can give in to something---but since I try and tell myself not to eat this stuff, I nibble here and there--but at the end of the day, its probably ten times more calories vs. just driving to McDonalds and getting a #1 and "treating myself" for becoming a walking tampon for the next 7 days. KWIM?
  • Foodiethinking
    Foodiethinking Posts: 240 Member
    Maybe move away from losing weight on the heaviest days and instead focus on maintaining?

    If you want a biscuit, then have a biscuit but take one and put the packet back in the cupboard, instead of propped up on the arm of the couch like I'm sure we've all done. If you want to indulge in pasta but are concerned, then weigh your portions and stick to tomato-based sauces, have a salad on the side, plenty of vegetables to go with. You could try substitutions, for example use turkey mince instead of beef? Use a smaller amount of strong cheese to top a lasagne instead of extra milder cheese,

    There are adjustments you can make and as long as they are fitting into your MFP statistics, you're fine. By denying yourself, you're more likely to binge, give in or give up. Unfortunately periods are long term like weight-loss, so let the two go hand in hand with small alterations and I'm sure you'll be fine. Good luck! :)
  • TycoRC
    TycoRC Posts: 4
    i generally just give in and eat what I'm craving i try ti save calories before hand to reduce the hit and little bit of exercise if i can be bothered, i find if i give in to my craving when they start they are usually satisfied as i used to hold off an off and then splurge and eat double, works for me
  • SweeDecadence92
    SweeDecadence92 Posts: 218 Member
    Period. Menstruation. Satans satanical falls of blood....but aunt?

    I recognize that its a craving and I just don't eat the junk. How hard can it be?
  • CaliforniaAJ
    CaliforniaAJ Posts: 196 Member
    I had an IUD and didn't have a period for 5 years. I had it removed 18 months ago, and WOW did I suffer. Every cycle it's like I am having 5 years worth of suffering.

    Some days I feel so sick I cannot hardly stand, and sit on the sofa drinking hot water and lemon.

    The days I can get about, I hit the gym hard. I found that not only does this relieve stress and stops me killing someone, the endorphins I get from working out make me feel amazing.

    I used to be a total chocaholic. Now I'm a (somewhat overweight, but working on it) gym rat.

    So to cope with my cravings, I EXERCISE!