200+ (Week 45) Getting Fit For Fall!

It's the last week of our Getting Fir For Fall challenge! Let's step it up this week and make that final push!

Good luck everyone!

ETA: OOPS Meant for it to be Week 46, but I can't edit post titles. ACK!


  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Between dinner out, forgotten keys fiasco, and cell phone dying, the last two days have been a lost cause for logging. Will start over fresh tomorrow. With the exception of the dinner, haven't done too badly on other meals and exercise...I just don't have a record of it.
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    OMG!!! I have to tell everyone! I got the best news today. My husband finally got the promotion he has been trying to get for 5 years. Now all I need is for me to preggers. I actually was crying when he told me. I am so excited my stomach is doing flips. I am not sure if I can eat dinner tonight.

    I want to call everyone in the world and tell them!!!
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Fabulous news Mish! Congrats to your husband.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Mish- Thats fabulous!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Morning all! The scale was not as nice to me this morning as yesterday. I don't really know why as I have been exercising like a fiend and been eating quite well. So anyways, I am at 220 today for a one pound loss for the week (and I totally thought it would be 2 pounds...bummer). But I am pressing on and I KNOW I will break out of the 220's next week (feels like I've been here forever).

    Mish: Awesome news!! Congratulations.

    Sarah: what a crappy couple of days. Today is Friday, hopefully the weekend will turn things around for you. :flowerforyou:
  • stroynaya
    stroynaya Posts: 326 Member
    Totals for the week down 1.2 pounds and 2 inches. Not bad considering.

    Have a good holiday weekend everyone!
  • pinbotchick
    Flips and twirls for you Mish!!!! I hope everything works out great.

    Sarah - congrats on the loss!!!

    Amy - losing a pound is fabulous!! Next week you'll get into the two-teens!!!
  • pinbotchick
    Day 3 biking riding 60 min / 262 total min ex for the month. Tomorrow is a 10K (6 mile) running race. I'm getting excited to see how much better my time is in a race... I'm taking Sunday off of cardio and just plan to do a few stretches. Monday is the Bridge Walk. This should be a nice weekend.

    Mr. Scale and I are on the fritz. He says I'm up 2 more pounds. If it's not down by Monday, it's back to logging food!!! It's not TOM since that will be next weekend - EEEEEKKKK!!!! That's not good for me.

    TGIF and enjoy the long weekend!!!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Great job gals! Everyone is doing a fabulous job!

    Weighed in this morning at 183.8 (-0.2 for week). Whoop de freakin' do. Granted, I did have thai yesterday and grilled cheese, so I'm not totally perturbed by it, except for the fact that I can't seem to get out of this 4 pound-ish zone.

    This is the last week of our challenge, so my goal this week is to step it up every day... eat very well and get all my exercise in I want to for a final push for an actual loss this challenge and maybe kick start some movement on the scale again.

    Didn't start terribly well this morning with a stop at starbucks. Normally get a skinny vanilla latte, only 120ish calories for a grande, and it's pretty much just coming from the skim milk. But, pumpkin spice lattes are back, which i LOVE. Fall is coming! So I ordered one of them, but after looking up the nutritional info, even with the no whip and nonfat milk, it's still 100 calories more than the vanilla. SO, while I love them, I don't love them 100 calories more, so this will have to be a special treat this season.

    Anyways, my friend and ex-roomie is coming over tonight to watch/mock Eclipse and maybe watch last night's project runway was well. Should be a blast. I think we're doing dinner as well, but I'm going to try and keep it in line with the eating. If it's not raining later, I might try and get my second run in for the week. Friday is a rest day, but since I replaced one day with cross training instead, I'd like to get a second run in. We'll see.

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    bump...crazy morning,,,hopefully I'll have time this afternoon to get back on!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I stepped on the scale and was 218.6. I wanted to confirm it was an accurate weight, so I did it twice more. Then I was 219.6. Fine. I'll take it. Its a .2 loss from last week but I'm also dealing with tom so maybe next week will be better. I've done really well in logging all my food/exercise this week. I've found that I lose continuously if I log it all and I had fallen away from that.

    I'm so glad its finally Friday. The boyfriend will be coming tomorrow afternoonish and staying till Monday. :happy: I'm thinking we'll take lexi for a walk and then take her to the dog park one day. Probably go to the movies....hang out with the bff and her husband. They really like him too. :smile:

    But now I need to get to work.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Kendal- I sort of squeed a little bit when you mentioned your boyfriend. So happy for you! Have a great time! And if the scale was lower yesterday, it'll come back down as long as you keep up the good work with logging and everything

    My day is winding to an end. Plan to leaver early. I'm a bit perturbed that the reason why I had to split my day between the two clinics canceled her apt. Frustrating! I hate having to drive that extra mileage for no reason. Argh. Oh well.

    The weather is gorgeous outside. If it holds up, I think I'm going to try and get a run in before my friend comes over to dinner. I need to pick up the place a bit as well. It's great having company, cause it forces me to clean.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Got in my second "short" run for the week on my rest day. *twirls* Did 5.09 miles at a 11:53 pace. Pretty dang impressed with my time. As with my last evening run, running while actually awake, unlike my morning runs always helps, but my legs actually felt pretty tired today. Perhaps the Zumba did more yesterday than I thought (I barely broke a sweat at the very end of the 45min video). Also had just powerwalked home from work (not very far, but my legs were moving).

    Good start to my last week of the challenge. I'm know I'm going out to dinner tonight, so this will definitely help me stay under/not terribly over my calories this evening.

    Hope everyone has a nice evening. Any big plans for the weekend?
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Great job Kristina!! thats FABULOUS!
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Today was the last week of my work's walking group for patients. I'll miss it, as it was a nice way to do something for the clinic and get my exercise out of the way for the day. I'll have to start thinking about what I'll do instead now. I will definitely be happy for the rec center to re-open on Tuesday. I missed it? Hard to believe I would ever say I would miss the gym, but I really did miss that option of going there instead of having to go outside or do something in my home.

    Nothing really on the schedule for today. I plan to avoid town like the plague, as it's football weekend. It might not be AS bad for me as it was before I moved, as I'm farther away from the stadium, but am close to one of the major highways people take to get to the stadium, so the main road by me might be ugly. Moral of the story: stay inside. I'll maybe have the game on in the background, catch up on some tv, and reading and such. Should be a nice weekend! The weather is glorious!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kristina - yeah. Football season. Sigh... My husband got up, showered, got coffee and turned on ESPN to listen to pregame commentators. And he is all put out because Gracie asked his help on something for a minute. We live outside of town so we can avoid the game crowd which is nice.

    Kendal - have fun with the boyfriend and friends.

    This has been a very long two weeks. While I am thankful to have family members who are willing to come to where we live to watch Gracie while she is out of school, we are also not used to having people in our house like this. And my MIL seems to be drinking like a damn fish during the day which doesn't make us too happy either. They are going to be here at least another week, possibly longer because their trailer needs to have an axle replaced and it won't get ordered at least until Tuesday. So yeah. Trying to remember to be thankful...

    Tomorrow, at least, is our hillbilly party and it should be fun! So I'd better get going and get cleaning!
  • makeitallsue
    makeitallsue Posts: 3,086 Member
    Wanted to share my results everyone...Kristina..You have really been improving on your time...Go you!!
    Lacey..Hugs with the Inlaws...mine hardly even ever visit...don't know how I would act if they stayed..... I forgot about your party..have fun!!

    I have to say I felt pretty strong this morning...and a little sad to know I was working with ShaunT for the last time (well...maybe I am just crazy enough that I am still looking to scoop the series up on ebay )

    I didn't weigh in this morning..I will do that tomorrow...I didn't want it to ruin my mood before working out.

    But...drum roll please, these are my results

    7-3-2010 fit test 1 // 9-4-2010 fit test 4

    Switch Kicks 33 // 77
    Power Jacks 49 // 54
    Power knees 76 // 112
    Power jumps 27 // 50
    Globe Jumps 6 rotations // 11 1/2 rotations
    Suicide Jumps 15 // 17...( these are killers..still tough!)
    Push up Jacks 17 // 33
    Low plank oblique 44 // 64

    I improved and overall very happy with these results...felt so good afterwards that I wanted to get a walk in...but ended up running

    Measurement wise Start // Finish

    Bust 38 5/8" // 371/4"
    Waist 40 1/8" // 36 7/8"
    hip 461/8" // 44 3/4"
    Thighs(quads) 22 5/8" // 22 3/8"
    Calf 16 3/8" // 15 1/2"
    biceps (flexed) 14 1/8" // 14 1/4" ( welcome to the gun show... )
    Tomorrow I will weigh in and take pictures .. inches are gone everywhere ..can't be to upset about that, huh?
    So I will remember that if the scale is mean to me tomorrow!
    Thanks for all the support everyone ...I pushed myself farther than I thought I could ever go..who knew...if you just keep pushing play and doing it...little results add up over time!
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Only dropped a half pound this week, but I made my goal. I wanted to be 190 by Labor Day and I am 190.5! YAY!!!

  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Mish thats great!!!

    Even though today's weight doesn't count as an official weigh in, I was 217.0 this morning. I weighed myself FOUR TIMES cause I didn't believe it. Thats a 2.6 drop from YESTERDAY. So now I'm going to have to try my hardest to maintain that for next week's weigh in.
  • akasullengal
    akasullengal Posts: 1,499 Member
    Deb- WOWSAS! :noway: That's some serious inches lost and your fit test results are fab. Keep that in mind when you weigh in... that's what I try to tell myself sometimes too when I don't see movement or not as much as I like. You're getting smaller and fitter, and that's really the big difference. That pound of muscle takes up less space than a pound of flab!

    Mish- way to go with the weight loss! And reaching your goal is FABULOUS! I did not reach my Labor Day goal, but it's so so great that you shot for it and made it. Yay!

    Kendal- fabulous! Don't you love it when there's a big chance on the scale like that? I'm crossing my fingers for you that it holds up for the week. My weight this morning on the scale was a pound down from yesterday, only 0.8 away from my lowest here so far, and that was AFTER going out to dinner last night. Gives me hope that if I keep my eating under control this weekend (b/c that's always the hardest time) and keep the exercise up, I should have a good final week. Rock on girly!