Intense chocolate and icecream cravings, anyone?



  • nytrifisoul
    nytrifisoul Posts: 500 Member
    Edys slow churned chocolate ice cream. 1/3 the calories, 1/2 the fat and only 100 cal per serving. Very rich chocolate flavor. Would compare it to a lighter version of Haagen-Daz. Especially if you have a deep freeze freezer to keep it in.
  • WhoIsAmber
    WhoIsAmber Posts: 161 Member
    2 ingredient chocolate ice "cream."

    2 frozen bananas
    1 tbsp cocoa powder.

    Break up bananas and put into blender with cocoa powder. Pulse a few times to get it going and then blend until smooth. Add some protein powder instead of cocoa powder, if you want, dunno how that'll taste though.


    Just eat some ice cream. Make it fit in your day. You'll be fine.
    I actually like the taste of this, otherwise I wouldn't have suggested it.
  • benefiting
    benefiting Posts: 795 Member
    I recently upped my calorie intake to gain a few healthy pounds and I want to do this healthily. However, after eating some icecream and chocolate over the weekend, I just haven't been able to stop! Everyday I start out eating really well, but find myself caving around 4pm due to chocolate and/or icecream cravings. Even after having a snack, I still have that longing urge to eat either one, or both together! It's really odd because I usually have great self control, and during the spring/summer I had no desire to eat these things, and never had a problem sticking to a healthy range of foods. Now it seems like no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to stay away from this stuff. Does anyone have any ideas as to why this would be? I try to keep them out of the house as much as possible, and I do allow myself treats, but I really don't want to be having icecream 2-3 times a day. Also, any tips to satisfy these cravings with other stuff would be great! Thanks. :)

    Don't worry I've been in the same situation and 1.5 months later and I'm still struggling saying no to junk food but I'm starting to eat better now. I think one of the best ways is try to fight the urge and not have it around for you to eat. I heard waiting 5 minutes, going for a walk or distracting your mind helps. How about you buy some greek yougurt and put some mango or banana in it? It's sweet enough to maybe cure your craving. :)

    this is thep problem with labeling foods "junk" and then restricting yourself….it leads to cravings, which then leads to bingeing on said foods, which leads to calorie blow outs, which lead to feelings of gulit and depression..

    why not just make rooms or the foods you want and maintain a calorie deficit…?

    the 80/20 rule is a good one to follow…80% healthy, 20% whatever you wants...

    I'm not saying you can't have it but when it's becoming an addiction you need to learn to say no so you don't basically eat crap all day.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Oh shoot! It's dress up as karen walker day? how did I miss that? was this sovi's doing?
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Op as for you. I'd probably guess you might want to look at your macro's. to gain weight as muscle you need a certain amount of protien. There is a group here called eat train progress that can help you find those goals for yourself. the lifting books you were recommended will help as well.

    perhaps unreliable workout schedules means you should not factor workouts you can't count on into a tdee goal but use MFP settings instead and then just eat back cals. If you're positive your shedule will reach a stasis and that this week or two of no workouts is a temporary fluke it shouldn't hurt too much over the long haul.

    i think renewed workouts and successed toward your goal will go a long way toward lowering your "cravings" and increasing your "will power" as it's commonly called. I love chocolate AND ice cream and have a relatively easy time moderating it to small amounts per day that fit my macro's. I do notice however that whenever my "plan" for weight loss is fudged with in one way or another I fall prey to urges to eat "whatever" in the way of excess carbs to my macros. That might be what you're doing. Just saying DGAF b/c ONE part of your overall plan is not working. I think if you had a cal goal that included your current inactivity you might not feel like all is lost and throwing caution to the wind as far as your diet.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Now OFF to find a karen walker avi.
  • lebbyloses
    lebbyloses Posts: 133 Member
    I just tonight discovered Pro Yo. It comes in tubes, like you'd get from an ice cream truck, which means it takes a while to eat. It's frozen yogurt, and it tastes...ok. I mean, I'd rather have chubby hubby, but thus was good too. And it has 160 calories and 20 grams of protein per tube. I had it as dessert tonight, promising myself that if the sugar made me hungry, as sometimes happens, I would just go over my calories on veggies later. But it's been a couple hours and I am actually quite sated. I think it's all the protein. I had Dutch chocolate, which was, as I said, ok. But there are other flavors too.
  • Brushing my teeth whenever I have a craving often helps.