Understanding obesity rather than weight loss



  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    my two cents..obesity is not a disease it is a symptom of something else aka - depression, anxiety, not giving an F and overeating, etc….

    you could of accomplished weight loss by just eating less and moving/working out more. You did not need surgery, pills, etc. Also, labeling foods "bad" aka sugar is "bad" and then restricting foods is what sets people up for a cycle of failure, which goes something like …restrict foods and works for a while; get cravings for said foods; binge on said foods; then have feelings of guilt about binging on said foods; then just want to give up…

    You said you gave up "sugar"…do you still eat fruit and carbs? Because both of those have sugar in them...

    Sorry, but obesity is a disease because some people are NATURALLY obese. They can't help it. They have something genetically wrong with them that made them obese.

    FALSE. Show me a person who can not lose fat by creating a calorie deficit and some exercise and I will believe you. Until then, no.

    So if you eat nothing at all you will be totally fine and can go years without eating and never lose any weight? Are you a wizard?

    Your ignorance is actually disgusting. I can eat at a deficit, exercise, and still not lose weight because of my endocrine diseases. My doctors even said weight loss for me will be impossible without medication.

    Get a new doctor.

    I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis. That means I am hypothyroid. According to you, I should have difficulty losing weight and I would be able to just blame my thyroid.

    Do I look like I have a weight problem?

    Just lucky.
  • alexandriax03
    alexandriax03 Posts: 289 Member
    Obesity is the result of behavior - it is absolutely NOT a disease.

    OP, I do applaud you for sharing your experience, even if it's different from my own. That said, you could have done this without pills or surgery. Most women can lose weight on around 1600 calories a day, which if you eat the right foods at the right times of the day you shouldn't be that hungry.

    Change your lifestyle - this should not result in starving yourself, and you don't have to work out for hours a day.

    You obviously aren't familiar with diseases of the endocrine system which cause obesity. Hence why obesity is a disease. Cushing's syndrome, thyroid malfunction or hyperfunction of the adrenal gland, insulinoma, tumors on the pituitary gland, carcinoid tumors, PCOS… just to name a few. People with these conditions suffer every day of their life with their weight. Do you know how difficult it is to lose weight with any of those diseases? The weight piles on no matter how much you exercise, what your diet is like, etc.

    How dare you tell the OP that she could have lost weight without surgery or medication. I think if she could have lost weight without undergoing life-threatening surgery and having to take pills every day of her life, that she would have taken that route instead. You don't know her whole life story. Some people NEED an appetite suppressant because their leptin/ghrelin levels are screwed up and don't tell the brain when they are full or when they are truly hungry. Instead they send mixed messages- the person always "feels" hungry… they never feel "full." There's nothing wrong with taking a pill to correct the hunger hormones in the brain.

    You named other diseases that contribute to obesity, not any evidence that obesity itself is a disease.

    Many of those diseases also contribute to laziness. Is laziness a disease?

    My point is that some people have certain diseases that make them obese. Their eating behaviors and exercise habits did not give them PCOS, carcinoid tumors, hypothyroidism. If you think those are caused by laziness, I'm sorry but you are an idiot and should really do your research before talking about something you clearly know nothing about.

    I'm an idiot with hypothyroid disease that didn't use it as an excuse and used a calorie deficit and exercise to lose the weight I accumulated.

    You're just one of the lucky ones who was able to lose weight through exercise and diet alone.

    No, it took hard work and persistence for a year. My results were slower and less dramatic than other people who put in equivalent effort. My diet had to be more finely tuned. It's insulting for you to call the results of my effort "luck". Frankly, it's more insulting than when you called me an idiot. There's no such thing as lucky weight loss with hypothyroid, there's consistency and hard work, or no results.

    I have two close friends who both have hypothyroid, PCOS, and insulin resistance. They've gained over 100 lbs from the conditions. They've been CONSISTENTLY trying to lose weight for years… they take Metformin… they have a dietician… they exercise daily for almost 2 hours every day… and they still can't lose more than 10 lbs. So no there isn't consistency and hard work or no results. Because they give their all and still have little to no results. Some just aren't as fortunate/don't have as much success when it comes to losing weight with those diseases.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Obesity is the result of behavior - it is absolutely NOT a disease.

    OP, I do applaud you for sharing your experience, even if it's different from my own. That said, you could have done this without pills or surgery. Most women can lose weight on around 1600 calories a day, which if you eat the right foods at the right times of the day you shouldn't be that hungry.

    Change your lifestyle - this should not result in starving yourself, and you don't have to work out for hours a day.

    You obviously aren't familiar with diseases of the endocrine system which cause obesity. Hence why obesity is a disease. Cushing's syndrome, thyroid malfunction or hyperfunction of the adrenal gland, insulinoma, tumors on the pituitary gland, carcinoid tumors, PCOS… just to name a few. People with these conditions suffer every day of their life with their weight. Do you know how difficult it is to lose weight with any of those diseases? The weight piles on no matter how much you exercise, what your diet is like, etc.

    How dare you tell the OP that she could have lost weight without surgery or medication. I think if she could have lost weight without undergoing life-threatening surgery and having to take pills every day of her life, that she would have taken that route instead. You don't know her whole life story. Some people NEED an appetite suppressant because their leptin/ghrelin levels are screwed up and don't tell the brain when they are full or when they are truly hungry. Instead they send mixed messages- the person always "feels" hungry… they never feel "full." There's nothing wrong with taking a pill to correct the hunger hormones in the brain.

    You named other diseases that contribute to obesity, not any evidence that obesity itself is a disease.

    Many of those diseases also contribute to laziness. Is laziness a disease?

    My point is that some people have certain diseases that make them obese. Their eating behaviors and exercise habits did not give them PCOS, carcinoid tumors, hypothyroidism. If you think those are caused by laziness, I'm sorry but you are an idiot and should really do your research before talking about something you clearly know nothing about.

    I'm an idiot with hypothyroid disease that didn't use it as an excuse and used a calorie deficit and exercise to lose the weight I accumulated.

    You're just one of the lucky ones who was able to lose weight through exercise and diet alone.

    No, it took hard work and persistence for a year. My results were slower and less dramatic than other people who put in equivalent effort. My diet had to be more finely tuned. It's insulting for you to call the results of my effort "luck". Frankly, it's more insulting than when you called me an idiot. There's no such thing as lucky weight loss with hypothyroid, there's consistency and hard work, or no results.

    I have two close friends who both have hypothyroid, PCOS, and insulin resistance. They've gained over 100 lbs from the conditions. They've been CONSISTENTLY trying to lose weight for years… they take Metformin… they have a dietician… they exercise daily for almost 2 hours every day… and they still can't lose more than 10 lbs. So no there isn't consistency and hard work or no results. Because they give their all and still have little to no results. Some just aren't as fortunate/don't have as much success when it comes to losing weight with those diseases.

    They are eating too much. It really is that simple.

    Pony up and do what you need to do instead of trying to drag others down who have already done it. You are just looking for excuses and excuses don't fly on a website where multiple people with endocrine disorders have been managing their weight quite well. :flowerforyou:
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Some people need to be a victim.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Some people need to be a victim.


    Understand that you are responsible for what you put in your gob and how you move. Then you can set yourself free.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    While I disagree that obesity is a disease, I thank you for sharing your thoughts and experience. I like how you say that this is what works for you but may not work for others. However, I don't believe it's appropriate to promote weight loss surgery or appetite suppressants.

    That said, I am very sensitive to processed sugar and used to think I was addicted because once I started eating cakes, cookies, etc. I felt like I lost control. I would get buzzed and then crash. Well, after studying nutrition, learning about portion control, learning about how different foods affect me, learning about my intolerance to lactose and soy, and learning about my caffeine sensitivity, I also learned something else.

    Losing weight is not about restricting foods, unless I am intolerant to them. It's about learning to have just a portion. I learned that the sensitivity to sugar was caused because I was making the choice to eat too darned much of it. So, here I am 36 pounds later and I have occasional sweets, but now I know when to stop because I make the choice to stop. I don't need to make my body feel bad, and I don't need to make myself fat. In fact, I am in the normal weight range for my height and frame for the first time in my life. I plan o. Keeping g it this way by doing exactly what I'm doing now: logging, eating to my TDEE, and exercising.
  • alexandriax03
    alexandriax03 Posts: 289 Member
    Obesity is the result of behavior - it is absolutely NOT a disease.

    OP, I do applaud you for sharing your experience, even if it's different from my own. That said, you could have done this without pills or surgery. Most women can lose weight on around 1600 calories a day, which if you eat the right foods at the right times of the day you shouldn't be that hungry.

    Change your lifestyle - this should not result in starving yourself, and you don't have to work out for hours a day.

    You obviously aren't familiar with diseases of the endocrine system which cause obesity. Hence why obesity is a disease. Cushing's syndrome, thyroid malfunction or hyperfunction of the adrenal gland, insulinoma, tumors on the pituitary gland, carcinoid tumors, PCOS… just to name a few. People with these conditions suffer every day of their life with their weight. Do you know how difficult it is to lose weight with any of those diseases? The weight piles on no matter how much you exercise, what your diet is like, etc.

    How dare you tell the OP that she could have lost weight without surgery or medication. I think if she could have lost weight without undergoing life-threatening surgery and having to take pills every day of her life, that she would have taken that route instead. You don't know her whole life story. Some people NEED an appetite suppressant because their leptin/ghrelin levels are screwed up and don't tell the brain when they are full or when they are truly hungry. Instead they send mixed messages- the person always "feels" hungry… they never feel "full." There's nothing wrong with taking a pill to correct the hunger hormones in the brain.

    You named other diseases that contribute to obesity, not any evidence that obesity itself is a disease.

    Many of those diseases also contribute to laziness. Is laziness a disease?

    My point is that some people have certain diseases that make them obese. Their eating behaviors and exercise habits did not give them PCOS, carcinoid tumors, hypothyroidism. If you think those are caused by laziness, I'm sorry but you are an idiot and should really do your research before talking about something you clearly know nothing about.

    I'm an idiot with hypothyroid disease that didn't use it as an excuse and used a calorie deficit and exercise to lose the weight I accumulated.

    You're just one of the lucky ones who was able to lose weight through exercise and diet alone.

    No, it took hard work and persistence for a year. My results were slower and less dramatic than other people who put in equivalent effort. My diet had to be more finely tuned. It's insulting for you to call the results of my effort "luck". Frankly, it's more insulting than when you called me an idiot. There's no such thing as lucky weight loss with hypothyroid, there's consistency and hard work, or no results.

    I have two close friends who both have hypothyroid, PCOS, and insulin resistance. They've gained over 100 lbs from the conditions. They've been CONSISTENTLY trying to lose weight for years… they take Metformin… they have a dietician… they exercise daily for almost 2 hours every day… and they still can't lose more than 10 lbs. So no there isn't consistency and hard work or no results. Because they give their all and still have little to no results. Some just aren't as fortunate/don't have as much success when it comes to losing weight with those diseases.

    They are eating too much. It really is that simple.

    Pony up and do what you need to do instead of trying to drag others down who have already done it. You are just looking for excuses and excuses don't fly on a website where multiple people with endocrine disorders have been managing their weight quite well. :flowerforyou:

    They eat 1500 calories a day. A meal plan from a dietician. And don't eat back their calories burned through exercise. So no, they actually don't eat too much. And considering both of them are nurse practitioners, I think they know what they are doing. No one's making excuses. I'm just stating how it is for some people. Count your blessings it isn't like that for you. :flowerforyou:
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Obesity is the result of behavior - it is absolutely NOT a disease.

    OP, I do applaud you for sharing your experience, even if it's different from my own. That said, you could have done this without pills or surgery. Most women can lose weight on around 1600 calories a day, which if you eat the right foods at the right times of the day you shouldn't be that hungry.

    Change your lifestyle - this should not result in starving yourself, and you don't have to work out for hours a day.

    You obviously aren't familiar with diseases of the endocrine system which cause obesity. Hence why obesity is a disease. Cushing's syndrome, thyroid malfunction or hyperfunction of the adrenal gland, insulinoma, tumors on the pituitary gland, carcinoid tumors, PCOS… just to name a few. People with these conditions suffer every day of their life with their weight. Do you know how difficult it is to lose weight with any of those diseases? The weight piles on no matter how much you exercise, what your diet is like, etc.

    How dare you tell the OP that she could have lost weight without surgery or medication. I think if she could have lost weight without undergoing life-threatening surgery and having to take pills every day of her life, that she would have taken that route instead. You don't know her whole life story. Some people NEED an appetite suppressant because their leptin/ghrelin levels are screwed up and don't tell the brain when they are full or when they are truly hungry. Instead they send mixed messages- the person always "feels" hungry… they never feel "full." There's nothing wrong with taking a pill to correct the hunger hormones in the brain.

    You named other diseases that contribute to obesity, not any evidence that obesity itself is a disease.

    Many of those diseases also contribute to laziness. Is laziness a disease?

    My point is that some people have certain diseases that make them obese. Their eating behaviors and exercise habits did not give them PCOS, carcinoid tumors, hypothyroidism. If you think those are caused by laziness, I'm sorry but you are an idiot and should really do your research before talking about something you clearly know nothing about.

    I'm an idiot with hypothyroid disease that didn't use it as an excuse and used a calorie deficit and exercise to lose the weight I accumulated.

    You're just one of the lucky ones who was able to lose weight through exercise and diet alone.

    No, it took hard work and persistence for a year. My results were slower and less dramatic than other people who put in equivalent effort. My diet had to be more finely tuned. It's insulting for you to call the results of my effort "luck". Frankly, it's more insulting than when you called me an idiot. There's no such thing as lucky weight loss with hypothyroid, there's consistency and hard work, or no results.

    I have two close friends who both have hypothyroid, PCOS, and insulin resistance. They've gained over 100 lbs from the conditions. They've been CONSISTENTLY trying to lose weight for years… they take Metformin… they have a dietician… they exercise daily for almost 2 hours every day… and they still can't lose more than 10 lbs. So no there isn't consistency and hard work or no results. Because they give their all and still have little to no results. Some just aren't as fortunate/don't have as much success when it comes to losing weight with those diseases.

    I'm sorry your friends haven't found the combination that works for them yet. They'll eventually figure it out if they keep at it. I'm sure they wouldn't be pleased to know that you're going around using them examples of people who will be fat forever because they're victims of their diseases. I have faith your friends can do it eventually. I know this because I "tried" for a long time before I figured it out. I'm not a victim, and your friends don't have to be, either.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Obesity is the result of behavior - it is absolutely NOT a disease.

    OP, I do applaud you for sharing your experience, even if it's different from my own. That said, you could have done this without pills or surgery. Most women can lose weight on around 1600 calories a day, which if you eat the right foods at the right times of the day you shouldn't be that hungry.

    Change your lifestyle - this should not result in starving yourself, and you don't have to work out for hours a day.

    You obviously aren't familiar with diseases of the endocrine system which cause obesity. Hence why obesity is a disease. Cushing's syndrome, thyroid malfunction or hyperfunction of the adrenal gland, insulinoma, tumors on the pituitary gland, carcinoid tumors, PCOS… just to name a few. People with these conditions suffer every day of their life with their weight. Do you know how difficult it is to lose weight with any of those diseases? The weight piles on no matter how much you exercise, what your diet is like, etc.

    How dare you tell the OP that she could have lost weight without surgery or medication. I think if she could have lost weight without undergoing life-threatening surgery and having to take pills every day of her life, that she would have taken that route instead. You don't know her whole life story. Some people NEED an appetite suppressant because their leptin/ghrelin levels are screwed up and don't tell the brain when they are full or when they are truly hungry. Instead they send mixed messages- the person always "feels" hungry… they never feel "full." There's nothing wrong with taking a pill to correct the hunger hormones in the brain.

    You named other diseases that contribute to obesity, not any evidence that obesity itself is a disease.

    Many of those diseases also contribute to laziness. Is laziness a disease?

    My point is that some people have certain diseases that make them obese. Their eating behaviors and exercise habits did not give them PCOS, carcinoid tumors, hypothyroidism. If you think those are caused by laziness, I'm sorry but you are an idiot and should really do your research before talking about something you clearly know nothing about.

    I'm an idiot with hypothyroid disease that didn't use it as an excuse and used a calorie deficit and exercise to lose the weight I accumulated.

    You're just one of the lucky ones who was able to lose weight through exercise and diet alone.

    No, it took hard work and persistence for a year. My results were slower and less dramatic than other people who put in equivalent effort. My diet had to be more finely tuned. It's insulting for you to call the results of my effort "luck". Frankly, it's more insulting than when you called me an idiot. There's no such thing as lucky weight loss with hypothyroid, there's consistency and hard work, or no results.

    I have two close friends who both have hypothyroid, PCOS, and insulin resistance. They've gained over 100 lbs from the conditions. They've been CONSISTENTLY trying to lose weight for years… they take Metformin… they have a dietician… they exercise daily for almost 2 hours every day… and they still can't lose more than 10 lbs. So no there isn't consistency and hard work or no results. Because they give their all and still have little to no results. Some just aren't as fortunate/don't have as much success when it comes to losing weight with those diseases.

    They are eating too much. It really is that simple.

    Pony up and do what you need to do instead of trying to drag others down who have already done it. You are just looking for excuses and excuses don't fly on a website where multiple people with endocrine disorders have been managing their weight quite well. :flowerforyou:

    They eat 1500 calories a day. A meal plan from a dietician. And don't eat back their calories burned through exercise. So no, they actually don't eat too much. And considering both of them are nurse practitioners, I think they know what they are doing. No one's making excuses. I'm just stating how it is for some people. Count your blessings it isn't like that for you. :flowerforyou:

    Unless you are following them around every day, counting everything they put into their mouths, you do not know how much they are eating. They may even by lying to themselves about how much they are eating.

    It is impossible to be in a TRUE calorie deficit and not lose weight. Maybe in Harry Potter's world, but not this world. If it were true, no one would die of starvation.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    They eat 1500 calories a day. A meal plan from a dietician. And don't eat back their calories burned through exercise. So no, they actually don't eat too much. And considering both of them are nurse practitioners, I think they know what they are doing. No one's making excuses. I'm just stating how it is for some people. Count your blessings it isn't like that for you. :flowerforyou:

    Count my blessings?? LOL!!! Don't patronize my accomplishments. I have worked extremely HARD to be slim and fit. I will be polite and refrain from calling you and your friends lazy, if you will refrain from calling myself and others here, 'lucky'. Deal?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    They eat 1500 calories a day. A meal plan from a dietician. And don't eat back their calories burned through exercise. So no, they actually don't eat too much. And considering both of them are nurse practitioners, I think they know what they are doing. No one's making excuses. I'm just stating how it is for some people. Count your blessings it isn't like that for you. :flowerforyou:

    Count my blessings?? LOL!!! Don't patronize my accomplishments. I have worked extremely HARD to be slim and fit. I will be polite and refrain from calling you and your friends lazy, if you will refrain from calling myself and others here, 'lucky'. Deal?

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Op I love your post!

    I think and have been saying for years that food addiction is real, especially sugar addiction. Just like people don't understand why a junkie can't quit shooting up or an alcoholic can't stop drinking; a sugar addict can't stop taking in all those sugary treats and drinks. It calls to you, begs you, shoots that message to you brain that it makes things better and causes that feel good response and you want more and more and more. That is what addiction is and that is what sugar does to me. I haven't had a sugary treat or drink since Christmas. My cravings are done, I feel better, I have no more headaches, mood swings and I getting more and more energy.

    IMO, food addiction is real, it's not an excuse. I think there should be treatment centers for food/sugar addicts just like drug and alcohol abuse.


    can someone find that stamp gif with that has the big words on it that says REJECTED

    this is biggest piece of nonsense I have seen in a while..and that is saying something...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    my two cents..obesity is not a disease it is a symptom of something else aka - depression, anxiety, not giving an F and overeating, etc….

    you could of accomplished weight loss by just eating less and moving/working out more. You did not need surgery, pills, etc. Also, labeling foods "bad" aka sugar is "bad" and then restricting foods is what sets people up for a cycle of failure, which goes something like …restrict foods and works for a while; get cravings for said foods; binge on said foods; then have feelings of guilt about binging on said foods; then just want to give up…

    You said you gave up "sugar"…do you still eat fruit and carbs? Because both of those have sugar in them...

    Sorry, but obesity is a disease because some people are NATURALLY obese. They can't help it. They have something genetically wrong with them that made them obese.

    Tell me more about natural obesity.

    yes, me too. I want to hear about these babies that are 300 pounds at birth….
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    my two cents..obesity is not a disease it is a symptom of something else aka - depression, anxiety, not giving an F and overeating, etc….

    you could of accomplished weight loss by just eating less and moving/working out more. You did not need surgery, pills, etc. Also, labeling foods "bad" aka sugar is "bad" and then restricting foods is what sets people up for a cycle of failure, which goes something like …restrict foods and works for a while; get cravings for said foods; binge on said foods; then have feelings of guilt about binging on said foods; then just want to give up…

    You said you gave up "sugar"…do you still eat fruit and carbs? Because both of those have sugar in them...

    Sorry, but obesity is a disease because some people are NATURALLY obese. They can't help it. They have something genetically wrong with them that made them obese.

    FALSE. Show me a person who can not lose fat by creating a calorie deficit and some exercise and I will believe you. Until then, no.


    then what are you doing on a calorie counting site?
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Some people need to be a victim.

    Agreed. And some people, in addition to being a victim, need to resort to calling others idiots to make themselves feel better in almost every single one of their posts.

    Not naming anybody specifically in this thread, but I'm sure you guys can figure it out.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Obesity is the result of behavior - it is absolutely NOT a disease.

    OP, I do applaud you for sharing your experience, even if it's different from my own. That said, you could have done this without pills or surgery. Most women can lose weight on around 1600 calories a day, which if you eat the right foods at the right times of the day you shouldn't be that hungry.

    Change your lifestyle - this should not result in starving yourself, and you don't have to work out for hours a day.

    You obviously aren't familiar with diseases of the endocrine system which cause obesity. Hence why obesity is a disease. Cushing's syndrome, thyroid malfunction or hyperfunction of the adrenal gland, insulinoma, tumors on the pituitary gland, carcinoid tumors, PCOS… just to name a few. People with these conditions suffer every day of their life with their weight. Do you know how difficult it is to lose weight with any of those diseases? The weight piles on no matter how much you exercise, what your diet is like, etc.

    How dare you tell the OP that she could have lost weight without surgery or medication. I think if she could have lost weight without undergoing life-threatening surgery and having to take pills every day of her life, that she would have taken that route instead. You don't know her whole life story. Some people NEED an appetite suppressant because their leptin/ghrelin levels are screwed up and don't tell the brain when they are full or when they are truly hungry. Instead they send mixed messages- the person always "feels" hungry… they never feel "full." There's nothing wrong with taking a pill to correct the hunger hormones in the brain.

    You named other diseases that contribute to obesity, not any evidence that obesity itself is a disease.

    Many of those diseases also contribute to laziness. Is laziness a disease?

    My point is that some people have certain diseases that make them obese. Their eating behaviors and exercise habits did not give them PCOS, carcinoid tumors, hypothyroidism. If you think those are caused by laziness, I'm sorry but you are an idiot and should really do your research before talking about something you clearly know nothing about.

    I'm an idiot with hypothyroid disease that didn't use it as an excuse and used a calorie deficit and exercise to lose the weight I accumulated.

    You're just one of the lucky ones who was able to lose weight through exercise and diet alone.

    really? LOL that is the worst response ever…
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Some people need to be a victim.

    Agreed. And some people, in addition to being a victim, need to resort to calling others idiots to make themselves feel better in almost every single one of their posts.

    Not naming anybody specifically in this thread, but I'm sure you guys can figure it out.

    It's good to recognize one's fault. Kudos to you and I hope you keep on with improving :smile:
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Op I love your post!

    I think and have been saying for years that food addiction is real, especially sugar addiction. Just like people don't understand why a junkie can't quit shooting up or an alcoholic can't stop drinking; a sugar addict can't stop taking in all those sugary treats and drinks. It calls to you, begs you, shoots that message to you brain that it makes things better and causes that feel good response and you want more and more and more. That is what addiction is and that is what sugar does to me. I haven't had a sugary treat or drink since Christmas. My cravings are done, I feel better, I have no more headaches, mood swings and I getting more and more energy.

    IMO, food addiction is real, it's not an excuse. I think there should be treatment centers for food/sugar addicts just like drug and alcohol abuse.


    can someone find that stamp gif with that has the big words on it that says REJECTED

    this is biggest piece of nonsense I have seen in a while..and that is saying something...

    I don't believe in the idea of "food addiction" either, but I do know that eating processed sugary foods like cupcakes will make me insanely hungry a few hours later. That's why I just avoid stuff like that altogether - it's not worth it.

    While fruit has sugar, it doesn't have the same effect, and I eat plenty of it.

    Just my experience, anyways...
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    The sugar addiction? really? do you eat fruit????? it has sugar.

    That's not fair. One piece of fruit does not lead to a 2nd or third.
    One slice of cake, brownie, cookie, cupcake, & soda, can in fact lead to a 2nd and 3rd serving with out realizing it.
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810

    No, it took hard work and persistence for a year. My results were slower and less dramatic than other people who put in equivalent effort. My diet had to be more finely tuned. It's insulting for you to call the results of my effort "luck". Frankly, it's more insulting than when you called me an idiot. There's no such thing as lucky weight loss with hypothyroid, there's consistency and hard work, or no results.

    I have two close friends who both have hypothyroid, PCOS, and insulin resistance. They've gained over 100 lbs from the conditions. They've been CONSISTENTLY trying to lose weight for years… they take Metformin… they have a dietician… they exercise daily for almost 2 hours every day… and they still can't lose more than 10 lbs. So no there isn't consistency and hard work or no results. Because they give their all and still have little to no results. Some just aren't as fortunate/don't have as much success when it comes to losing weight with those diseases.

    Except, the question is, did they become obese only after being diagnosed with medical conditions, or did they consume more calories than they burn driving up their bodyweight and create or contribute to these disorders?