Eat before a workout?



  • joan23_us
    joan23_us Posts: 263 Member
    IMHO meal timing is over-rated, although there are text and studies about the anabolic window, and the effect of feeding before and after an exercise, at the end of the day, different people have different preferences. Like the other guy said, listen to your 'own body'. If you can train hard on a fasted state in the morning so be it, I think the most important thing is CONSISTENCY, track your macronutrients, hit your numbers as close as possible, interpret and adjust according to your 'personal results' weekly or monthly, do the hard work, give yourself TIME and be patient, a little bit of science and knowledge goes a long way. Dont get caught up with too much science, if you are new to tracking macros focus yourself first on getting efficient at it, exercise regularly based on your comfortable lifestyle and you will be surprise with what you can achieve without worrying too much about the science behind, unless you are planning to compete in a bodybuilding show then all this science is just an added stress to an stressful journey of fatloss as it is.... GOOD LUCK...
  • ZeKiplinatell
    Good Article. Bookmarked. Thanks for providing a study that sources their work. I'll definitely go over this more in depth later. Thanks for lookin' out.

    It still seems that many of the "correct" things to do are inconclusive, and results seem to scatter either way.
    When it comes down to it... one should do what works best for them. As a few others have already mentioned, just pay attention to your body and adjust accordingly.
  • ZeKiplinatell
    IMHO meal timing is over-rated, although there are text and studies about the anabolic window, and the effect of feeding before and after an exercise, at the end of the day, different people have different preferences. Like the other guy said, listen to your 'own body'. If you can train hard on a fasted state in the morning so be it, I think the most important thing is CONSISTENCY, track your macronutrients, hit your numbers as close as possible, interpret and adjust according to your 'personal results' weekly or monthly, do the hard work, give yourself TIME and be patient, a little bit of science and knowledge goes a long way. Dont get caught up with too much science, if you are new to tracking macros focus yourself first on getting efficient at it, exercise regularly based on your comfortable lifestyle and you will be surprise with what you can achieve without worrying too much about the science behind, unless you are planning to compete in a bodybuilding show then all this science is just an added stress to an stressful journey of fatloss as it is.... GOOD LUCK...

    This^^^^. Following the anabolic "window of opportunity" just so happens to work in my schedule well. Whether it works or not, is one thing, but I can't work out fasted, and need to re-fuel afterwards, because that's what my body tells me to do...
  • Allurify
    I will be working out when I get off from work, around 1500. I will have lunch before then, mostly a salad &/or soup. Lunch time varies between 11am - til 1400. I think I shouldn't eat pre-workout, but post. I might do a shake if that's reasonable, but which kind? I know some have high calories and high sugars.

    But like the responses so far. Helps a lot.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Never saw a question or followup answer.

    What is the workout that you are basically doing fasted with potentially low liver glycogen stores?

    As so many commented, for lifting, who cares, your muscles are likely topped off from dinner night before, unless you did a whole lot of dreaming of lifting and moved alot during the night. Or lifting after dinner and ate nothing more before bed.
    Blood sugar may stay normal, but you may notice getting weak too during heavy lifts.

    Or if you do a cardio workout that isn't very long, such your blood sugar levels won't drop so bad you use up rest of your liver stores. Muscles stores is still fine, and that method usually gets you into the normal carb/fat burning ratio that might otherwise take 30 min to achieve.

    But if you do a longer intense workout, or endurance longer slower workout, with liver perhaps not having much glycogen to keep blood sugar where the body wants it, you would start using the available protein converted as fuel, along with lactic acid and some lipid conversion. But of those 3, the gluconeogenesis is the fastest to use, and with potentially available muscle mass to break down that is you aren't using ....
    Basically, you could be causing the state your body would normally be in after 1-2 hrs of endurance cardio on filled-up tank, to kick in within the 1st hr.
    But that has actually been used as a method to practice mid-endurance eating too, to confirm you can stomach and take in enough, without having to do a really long workout to reach that state.
  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    Just find what works best for you. There is nothing wrong with working out one empty stomach, although it's not for me. I prefer blending fruit with water, coconut water or almond milk and a scoop of protein powder 1-1.5 hrs before lifting. Works just fine for me. If I have a solid meal I will wait about 2 hrs.
  • chirosche
    chirosche Posts: 66 Member

    Erskine et al. “Whey protein does not enhance the adaptations to elbow flexor resistance training.” Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (2012), 44(9), 1791-1800.

    Excellent references. Interesting read.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    You should eat within 30-60 minutes before and after. Combing a protein source with a carbohydrate source.

    Sorry but what a load of bull. I do a brilliant workout on a fating day, nothing to eat for 40 hours & I'm doing more than fine.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    You should eat within 30-60 minutes before and after. Combing a protein source with a carbohydrate source.

    Sorry but what a load of bull. I do a brilliant workout on a fating day, nothing to eat for 40 hours & I'm doing more than fine.

    I was waiting for a post like this as soon as I saw your name. "I haven't eaten since that fateful day in 2008" in which I decided I would never sleep or sit down again, and I would act super edgy with no food while doing it. Yay for pacing on an empty stomach 20 hours per day!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    You should eat within 30-60 minutes before and after. Combing a protein source with a carbohydrate source.

    Sorry but what a load of bull. I do a brilliant workout on a fating day, nothing to eat for 40 hours & I'm doing more than fine.

    I was waiting for a post like this as soon as I saw your name. "I haven't eaten since that fateful day in 2008" in which I decided I would never sleep or sit down again, and I would act super edgy with no food while doing it. Yay for pacing on an empty stomach 20 hours per day!

  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    It depends on the person. I personally train fasted and do great. I have worked out a few times after eating and it's just not the same. I've read the body is busy sending blood to your stomach to digest food that the rest of your body decreases some in performance.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    If you don't want to you don't have to m8.
  • Amunimum
    Amunimum Posts: 9 Member
    if you want to burn storage fat, you have to do your workout with empty stomach. so the body will burn the storage fat not the meal you have eating. another secret if you want your body to burn storage fat while sleeping, you have to eat 3 hours before sleeping , so your stomach will empty and your body will not burn the meal but the storage fat. try keeping on these rules and you will see fantastic results as me. good luck.
  • tropicaltiger
    i have eaten before worked out-and when i do core i almost feel sick-so for me-i eat 1 hour before i am going to workout and i will eat some protein after-i prefer an empty stomach been doing that for 5 years and that's what works for me-i think everyone is different-so prefer not to eat before i work out-i feel it slows me down-
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member

    Quoting this again for anyone who missed it - absolutely wonderful article from two of the smartest fitness people you will ever come across.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    I cannot eat before a workout without wanting to throw up. But I will eat after for sure.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I usually eat a little something before and about 1 hour after. I just finished a Chobani plain greek yogurt, raisins and 1/2 handful Special K cereal on top to give it that crunch that I have to have.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    does not matter..

    I personally do not eat before I workout bc I do not like to work out on full stomach ...
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    There's no right or wrong answer (despite what some of the posts would have you believe). Personally I can't eat before as it makes me feel bleugh when working out but I always eat within 60mins of finishing. You can see my weight loss and I've gone from not able to walk a flight of stairs to running around 15 miles a week so wouldn't describe my workouts as 'a bust' despite not eating before hand. I've got fitter and lost weight (calorie deficit helped by exercise but the xercise is for fitness, extra food is a bonus) not eating before any of my workouts. But that's what works for me. The same may or may not work for you.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if you want to burn storage fat, you have to do your workout with empty stomach. so the body will burn the storage fat not the meal you have eating. another secret if you want your body to burn storage fat while sleeping, you have to eat 3 hours before sleeping , so your stomach will empty and your body will not burn the meal but the storage fat. try keeping on these rules and you will see fantastic results as me. good luck.

    yea, this whole post is a big no ..

    I do exactly the opposite and have no problem losing weight, burning fat etc…

    op ignore this.