80 day pre- holiday challenge



  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    10/21/10 (day 47 of the challenge?) Done!

    Getting back on track, now. Took a couple days to get my head back on straight, but I'm back!

    Started Bob Harper's "Inside Out Method" DVDs this week. They make me as sore as a class at the gym, which is not something I can say of ANY other workout DVD I've done.
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Day 47 was pretty good as it was my first day back at the gym after 3 weeks, so
    today...day 48 I'm feeling pretty sore, but I managed to squeeze in a very long walk after work. I will most definitely feel it more tomorrow probably. Didn't really eat my exercise calories today, but to be honest, I wasn't feeling that hungry.

    Keep on going !!
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    Day 49 in the books. Thank you DJ for starting this, btw--you describe yourself as a dude who like to encourage others and THAT is a major understatement. lol! thanks, friend! good luck everyone!:heart:
  • DJackson230
    Day 50... 30 days until Thanksgiving... I am so blessed to be surrounded by such good and positive people...
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Whoo hoo Days 48-50 have been good. Ok over ate again by a little bit on one of the days but I'm still maintaining my weight and haven't gained. WIN.

    Day 51. Had a great day. Didn't overeat and getting back on track at the gym. I've been stuck on Couch to 5K - Week 7, Day 2 for a few days since my "three week intense workout break". So trying to get my stamina back up on that.

    Not long now everyone!
  • DJackson230
    day 51 - did not eat late!
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    Day 55 in the books!
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    Sorry, I've been neglecting this thread.

    I've been away for work and have lost my way in eating. The chocolate sweetie monster came out for a few days. Couldn't keep control and being away from home didn't help keep oneself on track when work got too hectic to find something healthy to eat. So I now have gained back just over 1kg (nearly 3lbs).

    Anyway, tomorrow is Monday and I am determined to work my butt off at the gym especially this week.
    [hmm...this 80 day thing is not going so well for me]
  • DJackson230
    Congrats to three ladies that absolutely mastered this challenge... kerid,elmct57 and goldspaula... My hat is off to you for your super dedication to this thread...
    I hope to end by fulfilling 75 of the 80 day committment... but you folks are so impressive to me.

    I am better for knowing you... If I missed someone who was as dedicated please let me know...
    Be good,
  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    Thanks DJ--i give you all the credit since it was your post that got me going. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  • DJackson230
    I have challenge I am giving myself and want you to join if you please...
    From the day before Labor Day, (Sept 5th) to the day before Thanksgiving (Nov 24th),,, 80 DAYS!
    1. Log in every day
    2. Exercise every day.
    3. Stay under your calorie budget (I'm not eating any of my exercise calories.)
    4. To keep track of your committment to the 80 days... Comment on your completed diary post...
    For Example..." Day 1! in the books"

    I figure this is away for me to make a pre-holiday push... so I can be in great shape going into the holidays...
    Join me if you want to...

    Omygoodness... this was atough challenge, but it comes to an end with me at my lowest weight ever... I was able to accomplish most of my daily goals but hats off to Elmct, Kerid and Goldspaulafor staying the course...
    As previouslysaid, it was all about establishing good habits.
    I salute you ladies... May God bless you!