My 600 lbs life



  • gurlygirlrcr80
    gurlygirlrcr80 Posts: 162 Member
    Does anybody watch this show..
    OMG.. I was watching it, last night, I really got pissed off..
    Silly husband, should have fed his wife rabbit food and let her starve.

    How does anybody gain 5lbs after surgery.

    She was insane...

    UGH YES!!! I wanted to throw something at the TV. She acts like she's a freaking victim that she's trying so hard etc etc etc and then she eats freaking fried wontons? Are you kidding me? The husband was equally as clueless but at some point you have to learn basics, like deep frying is not healthy. cake isn't healthy.

    She complained about not being given any direction when discharged. Are you kidding? I've NEVER heard a grown woman complain and victimize herself so much in my life. Her son is going to be paying for her actions the rest of his life. I was particularly outraged when she said that "all moms miss out on their child's activities." yeah, most moms aren't able to be at every event for their child. but you can bet your butt that if I miss an event it's not because I can't get out of my bed because I'm too busy eating fried wontons and cake and 8 pieces of ham and a pound of mashed potatoes.

    Not only does the husband enable her, but they are also on disability as he is her full time caretaker neither of them can work. Umm.... I am not always one to scream "who's paying for this?" but in this case i am as this is entirely preventable. The woman doesn't want help and is a drain on the people who even tried to help her.

    My husband usually does the grocery shopping and while I'm perfectly capable of shopping or getting my own junk food he doesn't even buy ice cream because he knows I'll eat that crap right up for breakfast lunch and dinner. Not having it in the house makes me have to go out and get it as an honest to God treat and not something to indulge in for 500 calories a night, every night.

    I can't even verbalize how mad I am...

    in any case the woman on the first episode is incredible. Absolutely incredible. She lost and maintained her loss and now helps other people considering the surgery. She knows the surgery wasn't the answer but used it as a tool in her arsenal to lead a healthy life.

    ^^^ this!!!
    I was yelling at the TV "LIAR!!!" every time she blamed someone else for her problems. I've had the surgery and I've done well with it and I know what food addiction is from my own personal experience...but i have NEVER seen or heard someone be so unaccountable for her own actions!!! SHE IS THE ONLY PERSON SHOVELING THAT FOOD INTO HER MOUTH!!! How could she STAND to eat that much food a few months after surgery...I even LOOK at a full plate of food and I am full. This woman deserves whatever she gets and I feel bad for her child. He has 2 parents who should NOT be raising a child because they clearly can't care for themselves.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    The Learning Channel.. making you stupider every minute you watch. used to be a lot better. Now it's all "reality" shows...

    Whoa whoa whoa, I've been informed we can't talk about this. Switching topics is apparently not allowed.

    haha I didn't dictate what can and can't be said but thanks for making me look like a total *kitten*.
    I said that's not why the thread was started and the derailment of topics like this is terribly frustrating. Say what you want. IT is an open forum. I dont' control what you type and don't care to. But thanks :)
  • MM_1982
    MM_1982 Posts: 374
    I've never watched the show but I've seen the previews. What I never really understood, like always perplexed me was the caretakers. Like, stop giving them so much food and only give them certain types of food. I mean, they a ****ing bedridden. What are they going to do? Waddle to the kitchen to make their own milkshake? Peeps can't even walk. The only reason that people can even possibly be this fat is someone feeding them like the livestock they are.

    Some of the caretakers can be just as sick. There are even some ppl who have "feeder" fetishes. There's even a website called "Fantasy Feeder" and I'm sure many more like it. It's a sickness...

    I agree with this. I don't view this as a sickness, but more of a fetish. Everybody has their "things" that just do it for them.

    At the end of the day, these women have men that will love them (and feed them).
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    I stopped watching after the episode with the Chubby-Chasing husband. He didn't want her to lose the weight.

    As soon as she was discharged from the hospital, on the ride home, he stopped at the drive-thru. Asked her what she wanted, she declined. Then he asked her to hold his french fries so he could eat and drive.

    I stopped watching, that made me sick.

    He was a complete and totall *kitten* and a jerk..
    I get he likes chubby ladies. but they way he was acting..!!!!!!
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    I just don't get it..
    How do they get to the point of being Bed ridden?
    What snapps in their mind that says 500lbs or 400lbs or 300lbs is O.k...
  • MuscleAndMascara
    MuscleAndMascara Posts: 1,259 Member
    I did not feel sorry for her when she cried. I only saw previews, but you are they reason you got there...

    Same thing with the hoarders. I do not pitty people who chose food, object, drugs or anything over the health of themselve and most of all their children!

    so gross..
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Do you know her husbands name, the idiot that kept pumping her with food? They have 3 videos of the series, but dont mention her name.................They do seem to label the husbands name,..........strange though

    is this the series, some one mentioned she was a model?

    Zsaylnn, once known as the "Fat Girl Rock Star" - married a man who loves large women. Now weighing over 600lbs, she urgently needs to lose weight to be the mother her daughter deserves. Can Zsalynn succeed with a husband who doesn't support her goals?
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Do you know her husbands name, the idiot that kept pumping her with food? They have 3 videos of the series, but dont mention her name.................They do seem to label the husbands name,..........strange though

    I don't know why the husband could not put 2 and 2 together and do something..
    but I will give him koodoos' for quiting his job to take care of his wife...

    but he needed to put his food down.
  • pmuscarello
    Does anybody watch this show..
    OMG.. I was watching it, last night, I really got pissed off..
    Silly husband, should have fed his wife rabbit food and let her starve.

    How does anybody gain 5lbs after surgery.

    She was insane...

    I'm right there with you. I don't think I've ever rooted for somebody to die from obesity until last night. The worst part was that she took donations from her family and community to get the surgery and treatment. Sometimes you just need to walk away from a bad investment.
  • asimmons221
    asimmons221 Posts: 294 Member
    I just don't get it..
    How do they get to the point of being Bed ridden?
    What snapps in their mind that says 500lbs or 400lbs or 300lbs is O.k...

    I ask the same thing...

    My girlfriend's cousins aunt comes to family functions, she's easily 500 plus and was even hospitalized. I forget why she was there I think it was a stroke or heart attack, but they had to remove a huge infected chunk out of her leg also and she's now in a wheel chair most of the time. The Hospital kept her for a little cause she needed to lose weight, she lost 40 lbs and all she would do is complain about how hungry she is. She was even offered gastric bypass, and refused. She eats like she's a family of five and shows no interest to stop. I imagine she'll be bed ridden shortly, and it's quite disgusting that she has no interest to change her lifestyle after be given so many options.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    I went to UTube, they have them there, you can buy it for 1.99.......Ill pass

    check out this one, its of Patrick Duel, he weighted 1098 lbs and had to go to the hospital...........

    Fast Forward to 15 35, it shows how he has no will power and is really being a jerk as well

    I think some people are addicted to food, just like crack, cigarettes, drugs, etc.........they just don't realize how unhealthy it is

    also, this Patrick has a really nasty attitude and he seems to control his wife into doing things that she doesnt want to do.......really sad
    this is the video that deals with Patrick and his dilemma
  • michelefrench
    michelefrench Posts: 814 Member
    I had to turn it off after the whole fried won-ton part - that they tried to justify as being somehow healthy????
  • melkhamilton

    Is that a real question? Oh I see TLC has already had an effect on you.

    What an absolutely mean way to reply to the poster. I always wonder how cowardly some people are that they have to wait until they can get their rocks off snipping at and attempting to hurt other people anonymously. The armchair-psych part of me is a little bit fascinated in what's behind that and how helpless a person's life might be; the humanitarian part of me is just kind of disgusted.

    That said, the poster who asked "Why?" really might not know. She might not watch any other TLC shows. Or she might enjoy some of the shows. Who knows? Not every entertainment pursuit is an intellect-builder, nor should it be. Personally, I don't watch any of the shows on TLC except this one (and after the Penny episode I'm not even so sure about that any more), but that's just my preference.

    I mean we just had the "some people like some things, and others like other things, and that's okay" talk this morning with my 7-year-old and intellectually disabled 10-year-old (who was offended that his brother didn't like the same cartoon he did) and they got it. Perhaps if you sit down and think about it for a while like they did, you will too.


    ETA: For the poster who asked, "Why?", I'm assuming it's because TLC seems to play primarily "reality" shows. I'm not sure which exact ones are TLC as I see the cross-commercials from other channels, but I *think* such shows as "Dance Moms" and "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" are on TLC. The station definitely no longer lives up to its name. It was supposed to be the learning channel, after all. We're not learning much (if anything) any more from TLC.

    HOWEVER, in my opinion only, the original people in the first My 600-Lb. Life - the ones who were followed over the course of seven years - provided some actual, usable information from TLC. They definitely showed the ups and downs of gastric bypass surgery, and proved that it really isn't an instant fix - and that even after (or if) the weight issue IS fixed, it often isn't permanent (only Melissa ever got down to even a normal weight, IIRC, and she didn't stay there).

    In addition, it showed some interesting dynamics in what got the people there (information we can all surely use), what kept them there (that's always more of a puzzle), who helped them and why, and the way relationships change, or sometimes end, after the weight goes off. TLC took its time with these - seven years is quite a while. So again, IMO, at least the original season of this series was a quality departure.
  • melkhamilton
    Okay, so, that said...

    1. Yes, they have people bring them their food. There is no other way they could get that large and that disabled otherwise, as the majority of them (as far as I've seen) are physically unable to get their own food. Often, in families of super-obese people (and you'll notice that there are generally other family members who are very very large), there's a psychological dynamic going on there. The mother overstuffs the son or daughter in order to keep him/her dependent. In the case of a spouse, it seems like the same thing. "Well, as long as she needs me just to eat, she can't leave me."

    2. Penny's episode absolutely infuriated me. She refused to comply to ANY recommendations given to her by the doctor, the nutritionist or the physical therapist. I'm not a psychiatrist, but I'd have to guess that Penny wants to stay disabled permanently.
  • fishnbrah
    fishnbrah Posts: 550
    the dude that was on that 600lb virgin show worked at the gym i went to. great guy. lost a ton of weight but then gained it all back plus some. havent seen him in a few years. hope he is ok.
  • melkhamilton
    the dude that was on that 600lb virgin show worked at the gym i went to. great guy. lost a ton of weight but then gained it all back plus some. havent seen him in a few years. hope he is ok.

    I hope he got the weight off again - I thought I heard an update at one point that he did? Not sure, though. It was just something I read briefly somewhere.

    Good luck and good health to him.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    These new episodes are frustrating because the ones before followed people for 7 years. Definitely shows the surgery is no easy way out or a quick fix. And as this last episode showed, if you aren't somewhat in touch with reality when it comes to your eating, it isn't going to work for you.

    I'm tempted to view bariatric surgery as a very expensive, painful placebo after last night's episode, but I'm sure some people literally can't eat like she did in the first weeks and months after surgery. So in a way she got unlucky because it didn't even seem to slow her down, but she is also obviously living in some alternate universe. I feel sorry for her. But not as sorry as I feel for the woman whose husband is such an *kitten* about her weight loss. Maybe these two women should just swap husbands.

    And maybe I should ease off a tiny bit on obsessing about my piddling ten pounds of extra that won't stay gone and how that will affect my romance chances. I guess it must be my sparkling personality that scares off the mens instead.
  • melkhamilton
    Jestina, at the beginning of the show it said that 5% (or fewer than 5%? Can't remember exactly) of these procedures work long-term.

    I'm actually shocked, based on that, that any insurance companies cover it. I always wonder where the money comes from for these people to have the surgery. It is NOT a cheap procedure and many, if not most, of the families seem to live in lower middle-class conditions or less than that (I believe Melissa lived in a trailer when she had her surgery). Perhaps TLC pays for it?
  • melkhamilton
    Has anyone else noticed that the doctor seems to be really short-tempered with the patients this season as compared to last season? (With the exception of Penny; I'd have been short-tempered fact I had a fleeting fantasy of jumping through the television set and kicking her.) But it seems like he was really encouraging the first go-'round and this time he's worrying a bit more/is less optimistic, especially pre-surgery. "She is seeing this as a quick fix," etc. He's also way less happy about the losses even when they're large. "You should have lost more."

    I wonder if even he is seeing that this procedure just doesn't work.

    It also makes me think perhaps people should have counseling pre-surgery to make sure they're going to comply and that their goals are realistic.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Jestina, at the beginning of the show it said that 5% (or fewer than 5%? Can't remember exactly) of these procedures work long-term.

    I'm actually shocked, based on that, that any insurance companies cover it. I always wonder where the money comes from for these people to have the surgery. It is NOT a cheap procedure and many, if not most, of the families seem to live in lower middle-class conditions or less than that (I believe Melissa lived in a trailer when she had her surgery). Perhaps TLC pays for it?

    I would hope TLC pays for it, especially in the episodes that lasted 7 years. My favorite is the woman who ended up working with the doctor, counseling his patients. I cried my way through her story. Hope she's still having a great life.

    I noticed he seems a bit shorter tempered as well. Maybe he has his own problems, personal or health. Doctors are humans, too. I hope it's not because he's seeing so many people fail longterm. I wasn't sure if the five percent was with surgery or without it or in total. I'll have to listen to the intro more closely next time!