WHy I follow a low fat raw vegan diet



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj-- help me understand here. Unhealthy relationship how?
    before I think I had an unhealthy relationship when I was 220lbs.
    Now I eat whatever I want. It's just that I've been eating clean food for so long that my tastebuds have changed. I love fresh food and I am happier than I have ever been in my life because of all the energy I have, the clarity of mind, my health, loosing weight, gaining more muscle, and just have an overwhelming sense of joy.
    So I just want to know- this idea- it comes from something I said in my post- or is it projection? Meaning you imagine what your life would be like on my lifestyle?

    eh IDK …labeling whole food groups "bad" and then completely restricting just does not sound like a unhealthy relationship with food. Food is just food, that we use for energy. IT is not evil, it will not make you fat, skinny, etc….wont make you depressed, or happy, it is just good.

    You could eat regular foods and have similar results…just saying.

    I eat all the foods that you have deemed bad and restricted and I have had great success…

    If I ate like you ate, I would be 1 - starving…2 - have horrible gym performance 3 - be miserable….

    Just my two cents...
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    ndj-- help me understand here. Unhealthy relationship how?
    before I think I had an unhealthy relationship when I was 220lbs.
    Now I eat whatever I want. It's just that I've been eating clean food for so long that my tastebuds have changed. I love fresh food and I am happier than I have ever been in my life because of all the energy I have, the clarity of mind, my health, loosing weight, gaining more muscle, and just have an overwhelming sense of joy.
    So I just want to know- this idea- it comes from something I said in my post- or is it projection? Meaning you imagine what your life would be like on my lifestyle?

    eh IDK …labeling whole food groups "bad" and then completely restricting just does not sound like a unhealthy relationship with food. Food is just food, that we use for energy. IT is not evil, it will not make you fat, skinny, etc….wont make you depressed, or happy, it is just good.

    You could eat regular foods and have similar results…just saying.

    I eat all the foods that you have deemed bad and restricted and I have had great success…

    If I ate like you ate, I would be 1 - starving…2 - have horrible gym performance 3 - be miserable….

    Just my two cents...

    I totally understand your perspective. Did you see my post on what I eat-- trust me it's alot - not starving by any means. What I want to say when I talk about "not eating certain foods" isn't because I won't keep loosing weight I did a high protein diet and had success with my first 30some pounds. I do this because of the ENERGY that I feel. I feel soooo alive! When I don't eat this way I don't feel the same-- THAT"S why I say that I don't eat other things.
    To be honest if I had to give someone else advice on what to eat - this would be it "cut out the highly processed junk and get your body moving"
  • My_Own_Worst_Enemy
    My_Own_Worst_Enemy Posts: 218 Member
    Ok guys - with all respect I get what you're trying to tell me. That a lot of you would not be able to thrive on this lifestyle, and guess what? You don't have to. This is just the lifestyle that works sooooo well for me. I personally know multi-marathon runners, bodybuilders, and people who have cured themselves from diseases on this lifestyle. Lifestyle is not just about what we eat.
    I'll share with you some before and after pics and then I'll share a pic of what I am planing to look like by the end of this year. You know what-- send me a friend request if you are curious to see if I'll get there. Even if you don't believe - let's see what's possible? I promise I won't make you eat Kale :P
    But let's see what this year has in store. I'm tracking EVERYTHING-- and well I guess we'll just have to see if I get there ;)

    My before and after... (now and wanting to loose another 30-45 lbs)


    This is what I want to get to (but picture a green smoothie instead...

    Have you started lifting yet?

    Sorry if you covered that in the previous 5 pages of walls of text.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    ndj-- help me understand here. Unhealthy relationship how?
    before I think I had an unhealthy relationship when I was 220lbs.
    Now I eat whatever I want. It's just that I've been eating clean food for so long that my tastebuds have changed. I love fresh food and I am happier than I have ever been in my life because of all the energy I have, the clarity of mind, my health, loosing weight, gaining more muscle, and just have an overwhelming sense of joy.
    So I just want to know- this idea- it comes from something I said in my post- or is it projection? Meaning you imagine what your life would be like on my lifestyle?

    eh IDK …labeling whole food groups "bad" and then completely restricting just does not sound like a unhealthy relationship with food. Food is just food, that we use for energy. IT is not evil, it will not make you fat, skinny, etc….wont make you depressed, or happy, it is just good.

    You could eat regular foods and have similar results…just saying.

    I eat all the foods that you have deemed bad and restricted and I have had great success…

    If I ate like you ate, I would be 1 - starving…2 - have horrible gym performance 3 - be miserable….

    Just my two cents...

    I totally understand your perspective. Did you see my post on what I eat-- trust me it's alot - not starving by any means. What I want to say when I talk about "not eating certain foods" isn't because I won't keep loosing weight I did a high protein diet and had success with my first 30some pounds. I do this because of the ENERGY that I feel. I feel soooo alive! When I don't eat this way I don't feel the same-- THAT"S why I say that I don't eat other things.
    To be honest if I had to give someone else advice on what to eat - this would be it "cut out the highly processed junk and get your body moving"

    You have more energy because you're losing weight. Wait until you get lean and learn the value of a good bowl of ice cream or a couple of donuts on squat day. Just wait. Too much is made of what food rather than how much, and the importance of exercise.
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    Ok guys - with all respect I get what you're trying to tell me. That a lot of you would not be able to thrive on this lifestyle, and guess what? You don't have to. This is just the lifestyle that works sooooo well for me. I personally know multi-marathon runners, bodybuilders, and people who have cured themselves from diseases on this lifestyle. Lifestyle is not just about what we eat.
    I'll share with you some before and after pics and then I'll share a pic of what I am planing to look like by the end of this year. You know what-- send me a friend request if you are curious to see if I'll get there. Even if you don't believe - let's see what's possible? I promise I won't make you eat Kale :P
    But let's see what this year has in store. I'm tracking EVERYTHING-- and well I guess we'll just have to see if I get there ;)

    My before and after... (now and wanting to loose another 30-45 lbs)


    This is what I want to get to (but picture a green smoothie instead...

    Have you started lifting yet?

    Sorry if you covered that in the previous 5 pages of walls of text.

    Yes I have. I will candidly admit that I am clueless when it comes to this, but like everything else in my life I am a tenacious learner. Will get a trainer soon. Also I was told - muscles are build in the gym and abs are built in the kitchen.
    I am telling you I WILL DO THIS!!!
  • My_Own_Worst_Enemy
    My_Own_Worst_Enemy Posts: 218 Member
    Ok guys - with all respect I get what you're trying to tell me. That a lot of you would not be able to thrive on this lifestyle, and guess what? You don't have to. This is just the lifestyle that works sooooo well for me. I personally know multi-marathon runners, bodybuilders, and people who have cured themselves from diseases on this lifestyle. Lifestyle is not just about what we eat.
    I'll share with you some before and after pics and then I'll share a pic of what I am planing to look like by the end of this year. You know what-- send me a friend request if you are curious to see if I'll get there. Even if you don't believe - let's see what's possible? I promise I won't make you eat Kale :P
    But let's see what this year has in store. I'm tracking EVERYTHING-- and well I guess we'll just have to see if I get there ;)

    My before and after... (now and wanting to loose another 30-45 lbs)


    This is what I want to get to (but picture a green smoothie instead...

    Have you started lifting yet?

    Sorry if you covered that in the previous 5 pages of walls of text.

    Yes I have. I will candidly admit that I am clueless when it comes to this, but like everything else in my life I am a tenacious learner. Will get a trainer soon. Also I was told - muscles are build in the gym and abs are built in the kitchen.
    I am telling you I WILL DO THIS!!!

    Sweet. Sounds like a plan!! You're already well on your way. Hope you keep it up and make it all the way.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I may have missed it, but how much protein are you getting per day?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Ok guys - with all respect I get what you're trying to tell me. That a lot of you would not be able to thrive on this lifestyle, and guess what? You don't have to. This is just the lifestyle that works sooooo well for me. I personally know multi-marathon runners, bodybuilders, and people who have cured themselves from diseases on this lifestyle. Lifestyle is not just about what we eat.
    I'll share with you some before and after pics and then I'll share a pic of what I am planing to look like by the end of this year. You know what-- send me a friend request if you are curious to see if I'll get there. Even if you don't believe - let's see what's possible? I promise I won't make you eat Kale :P
    But let's see what this year has in store. I'm tracking EVERYTHING-- and well I guess we'll just have to see if I get there ;)

    My before and after... (now and wanting to loose another 30-45 lbs)


    This is what I want to get to (but picture a green smoothie instead...

    Have you started lifting yet?

    Sorry if you covered that in the previous 5 pages of walls of text.

    Yes I have. I will candidly admit that I am clueless when it comes to this, but like everything else in my life I am a tenacious learner. Will get a trainer soon. Also I was told - muscles are build in the gym and abs are built in the kitchen.
    I am telling you I WILL DO THIS!!!

    pick up starting strength and new rules of lifting for woman..

    start a program of compounds - squats, deadlifts, overhead press, bench press, rows, pull up/chin up,etc…once you have the form down develop a program where you are lifting heavy three days a week to start and working in 6-10 rep range…do some cardio on off days…as you progress back off cardio and go to four day upper/lower split.

    I will say that if you are going to do this you are going to have seriously reexamine your diet…recoup requires eating a lot and hitting macros and IMO you are going to need more than raw veggies to get to your desired picture...
  • topazora
    topazora Posts: 82 Member
    I'm glad you found a diet that works for you and helps you live a better quality of life. I hope the best for you.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I'm sorry, when you say 80/10/10, is that your macros setup? Because that is far from a healthy and balanced diet. Your way of eating is taking over your life. If that's not an unhealthy relationship with food, I don’t know what is...

    Yup. Disordered eating, revisionist thinking, obsession with eating seriously affecting her personal life, progression from one fad diet to another, unhealthy diet, etc. I'm seeing things like this on her pre-vegan high-protein diet:

    "My body does really gravitate towards Dukan naturally. I don't crave carbs at all, but I do crave protein"

    "I was really craving bad carbs this weekend, pad thai, lo mein, pizza, but it's the one thing I won't let myself have. I feel like even having one small carb will be a very slippery slope. "

    "I am a VERY happy Dukaner this morning!!!! I am so glad I started my fitness plan last night!"

    "I need to loose 15 lbs in a relatively short period of time (less than a month) and [Dukan] is the only way I know how"

    This is really all over the place and more than a little worrisome.

    I'm vegan and commend the OP on her journey to veganism and the HIGH CARB life. I understand that most of you here on a SAD diet will resist and not understand the way of thinking of veganism, high carb or why people eat raw.

    I'm not denying the OP may have orthorexia- an unhealthy obsession with eating healthy.
    80/10/10 IS HEALTHY MACO RATIO. Human breast milk- which is a food that one can live on for the rest of their life, only contains 5% calories from protein. This is a time in your life which you are developing the most. Think about that.
    High fat, disguised as high protein diets such as paleo, atkins, etc are the reason most Americans are fat, overweight and sick.

    I'm honestly not expecting anyone to get this at all- and expecting to receive backlash if anyone reads this.
    A high carb diet doesn't require calorie restriction. So 10% of calories from protein actually ends up being a lot- if you're eating 2,500 or more calories a day.

    Macro ratios are pointless. Macro intake, such as protein, should be looked at on a per-gram basis. Science shows over and over that adult human beings require much more protein than you'd expect to simply maintain muscle mass while losing weight.

    Remember: OP is not a baby full of growth hormones on a calorie surplus. OP is a grown adult woman on a calorie deficit. Protein requirements go up significantly on a gram-for-gram basis in a calorie deficit to maintain muscle mass.

    OP clearly wants to be lean and muscular. A low-protein diet will make this much, much harder.

    Also: OP is not a gorilla.
  • castlerobber
    castlerobber Posts: 528 Member
    I'm honestly not expecting anyone to get this at all- and expecting to receive backlash if anyone reads this.
    A high carb diet doesn't require calorie restriction. So 10% of calories from protein actually ends up being a lot- if you're eating 2,500 or more calories a day.

    No, it isn't a lot of protein. Ten percent of 2,500 calories is 250. 250 divided by 4 cal/gram of protein is 62.5 g.
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    Ok guys - with all respect I get what you're trying to tell me. That a lot of you would not be able to thrive on this lifestyle, and guess what? You don't have to. This is just the lifestyle that works sooooo well for me. I personally know multi-marathon runners, bodybuilders, and people who have cured themselves from diseases on this lifestyle. Lifestyle is not just about what we eat.
    I'll share with you some before and after pics and then I'll share a pic of what I am planing to look like by the end of this year. You know what-- send me a friend request if you are curious to see if I'll get there. Even if you don't believe - let's see what's possible? I promise I won't make you eat Kale :P
    But let's see what this year has in store. I'm tracking EVERYTHING-- and well I guess we'll just have to see if I get there ;)

    My before and after... (now and wanting to loose another 30-45 lbs)


    This is what I want to get to (but picture a green smoothie instead...

    Have you started lifting yet?

    Sorry if you covered that in the previous 5 pages of walls of text.

    Yes I have. I will candidly admit that I am clueless when it comes to this, but like everything else in my life I am a tenacious learner. Will get a trainer soon. Also I was told - muscles are build in the gym and abs are built in the kitchen.
    I am telling you I WILL DO THIS!!!

    pick up starting strength and new rules of lifting for woman..

    start a program of compounds - squats, deadlifts, overhead press, bench press, rows, pull up/chin up,etc…once you have the form down develop a program where you are lifting heavy three days a week to start and working in 6-10 rep range…do some cardio on off days…as you progress back off cardio and go to four day upper/lower split.

    I will say that if you are going to do this you are going to have seriously reexamine your diet…recoup requires eating a lot and hitting macros and IMO you are going to need more than raw veggies to get to your desired picture...

    I'm running at least three times per week. I do strength training 3 times per week ( I need to do as you recommend though). I also do classes like boxing, spinning and yoga through out the week. I started out not even being able to run half a mile without stopping, but now I'm up to almost 2 miles and cutting my time every time.

    I have a blog where I'm tracking my progress.

    THANK YOU for the advice!!!
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    Ok- very ignorant question. Why am I being referred to as OP?
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Ok- very ignorant question. Why am I being referred to as OP?

    Original Poster.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Ok- very ignorant question. Why am I being referred to as OP?

    OP means "original post" or "original poster."
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    Ok, I need to get ready for bed. BUT I will leave you with this -- google jim morris vegan body builder.
    You HAVE to check out this man's body.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Ok, I need to get ready for bed. BUT I will leave you with this -- google jim morris vegan body builder.
    You HAVE to check out this man's body.

    Jim Morris is roided out of his mind and I assure you he gets more than 10% of his calories from protein while cutting.
  • MadameLAL
    MadameLAL Posts: 108
    I enjoyed reading your story, especially your insight into LIFE being the party. Maybe some of your old friends will come to that realization in time. When I used to go to clubs in my 20's, it was sad to see older, lonely people nursing their drinks alone at the bar. At some point in my 30's, I decided I didn't want to become that sort of person, and developed a whole new life which revolved around fitness and the outdoors.

    I am a vegan, but not a low fat, raw food vegan. Still, I see your point in wanting to make foods with optimal nutrition your mainstays. I wish you continued success. It's not an easy road, but increased health and energy are worth it.
  • elfo
    elfo Posts: 353 Member
    Madame-- Love your post! Thanks!
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    OP;are you supplementing with Vitamin B12? It's very difficult to get enough on a vegan diet. I think that your body will use reserves for a few years, but if you continue a vegan diet without B12 supplements you can develop pernicious anemia.