It's NOT always as simple as a deficit



  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    It IS always as simple as a deficit. It may not always be simple to create that deficit, but a deficit is still the only thing required for weight loss.
  • kaylagaston13
    Ya, I guess it's different for everyone. I mean, I've seen weight loss eating junk, but I'm sure I didn't go over my calorie range and I have a very physically active job. In fact, this was before I was even trying to lose weight. Now, I realize how many calories I burn a day at work, and I've changed my diet a bit to make it healthier and the weight loss is just happening faster because now I know how many calories are going in vs going out.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    In for later
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    Everyone is unique and there are certainly people that do have medical issues that create problems.

    On the other hand, the point about people eating more than they think is valid more often than not. For instance, I know that when I pour a bowl of cereal in the morning, the serving size is 3/4 of cereal and 1 cup of milk. The reality is that is often closer to 1 cup of cereal and 1 1/4 cups of milk. By doing that, my breakfast is now 330 calories instead of 260. When I eat a banana for a snack in the morning, do I select the wrong one and end up with an extra 30 calories? When I'm eating dinner, do I write down 1 1/2 cups instead of the 2 cups of whatever I'm eating and underestimate by 100 calories? At that point, even though it's only minor differences, I'm off by half of my deficit for the day. Eat a snack because I was good all day and than I'm at such a small deficit that it will take months to notice much of a difference. Some people throw in a cheat day once a week and by doing that, they will never lose weight and they will say that they don't know why.

    The honest truth is that someone who is significantly overweight is that they have demonstrated a history of lacking discipline when it comes to food. It is incredibly difficult to break that cycle and they do need support, but it's important that they really look at what they are eating. Again, I say that knowing that some people are screwed by medical conditions that change the math completely.
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    Some people do have legit health reasons inhibiting any weight loss. The majority do not and are looking for an excuse other than their own inaccuracies in logging or calorie expenditure.


    I'm on hormone medication (which is really strong, usually used in the treatment of prostate cancer and shouldn't really be given to women but that's a WHOLE other story) that makes me gain weight like cray cray. Eat at around 1600-1800 cals with minimal exercise was making me gain about 5lb a month (I gained roughly a stone every 3 months I was on it). Occasionally they take me off of it because the weight thing and other side effects get out of control, but it's not long before they put me back on again. During those 'off' periods I could lose a fair bit of weight, but not everything I'd gained and the steady increase in my weight now puts me borderline obese and is creating new problems of its own. So. Kickin' it in the butt, or something.

    Anyway, weight gain is one of the main side effects of said medication although it seems to affect me more than the average (maybe related to the fact it's not meant for women???) . Presumably it's lowering my body's normal cal burn rate so I'm not burning as much as I should just by existing.

    Eating 1200 a day + eating back .5 or .75 my exercise calories (sometimes all of them) and working out for a half hour or so 6 days a week I'm losing about .75lb a week (rather than the MFP estimated 1.5lb)

    So yes, as other people have said, it is still a deficit but maybe not the deficit you think ;)
  • MaggieLoo79
    MaggieLoo79 Posts: 288 Member
    I hear you OP. I eat healthy, log, and get PLENTY of exercise every day. I've talked to my doctor about my sudden weight gain and how slow losing has been and he keeps talking to me about STRESS. High cortisol levels makes weight loss difficult. I've worked to manage stress better. I truly believe that it isn't as simple as calorie deficits.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Anyone ever notice all these people not losing on 700 calories a day have closed diaries?
  • piersonj
    piersonj Posts: 62 Member
    I think the folks who find that lower carb works when other things don't are probably insulin resistant (I am). You don't have to be diabetic to have problems in that area, and it's not very uncommon, particularly in people with extra weight. A lot of doctors don't check for those problems until your BG numbers actually flag you as diabetic, so it really is often undiagnosed.

    The fix for it, mainly, is to watch carbs :D So there ya go.
    I firmly believe we (especially women) can cycle in and out of insulin resistance as we age.

    That is a great you have scientific studies to show this?

    Do you have a scientific study to show that it doesn't? If not, all that means is there is no published study, either way, not that we do or don't cycle in and out of insulin resistance.

    Personally I tend toward agreeing on the insulin resistance cycling as the body has been proven to cycle in and out of many different things as we age. Allergies are the first thing that comes to mind. It has been proven that what you are allergic to and how strongly you react to it CAN change from childhood to young adult to middle age to elderly.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I think the folks who find that lower carb works when other things don't are probably insulin resistant (I am). You don't have to be diabetic to have problems in that area, and it's not very uncommon, particularly in people with extra weight. A lot of doctors don't check for those problems until your BG numbers actually flag you as diabetic, so it really is often undiagnosed.

    The fix for it, mainly, is to watch carbs :D So there ya go.
    I firmly believe we (especially women) can cycle in and out of insulin resistance as we age.

    That is a great you have scientific studies to show this?

    Do you have a scientific study to show that it doesn't? If not, all that means is there is no published study, either way, not that we do or don't cycle in and out of insulin resistance.

    Personally I tend toward agreeing on the insulin resistance cycling as the body has been proven to cycle in and out of many different things as we age. Allergies are the first thing that comes to mind. It has been proven that what you are allergic to and how strongly you react to it CAN change from childhood to young adult to middle age to elderly.

    Here ya go, first result on the google search:

    CONCLUSIONS Our data suggested that insulin sensitivity in men until around 60–70 yr of age appears to be determined more by body fat than by age.
  • edwardkim85
    edwardkim85 Posts: 438 Member
    For EVERYBODY it's as simple as a calorie deficit.

    Calories out > calories in.

    There is NO exception let it be a morbidly obese person, body builder, crossfitter, martial artist, navy seal, wtv.

    Sorry OP but you haven't been counting calories properly with a scale or over estimating the calories burned from exercises...
  • angelsforme5386
    I agree everyone does not fit in the same category, what works for some may not work for others. When you do find that nich it is awesome! I am finally losing weight this time around, the only thing I fear is when the plateau comes, hate that! Good luck with your goals!
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member

  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    And every single one of you has missed the point of the post.

    There ARE people where this isn't the case. Medical issues? Maybe! Other issues, perhaps. EITHER WAY, they (we) need support and motivation too.

    I am another of those who calories in calories out does not work till I tweak it and tweak it and tweak it But I hold my breath everytime I see everyone on these boards that disagree …Because of the science .. well my body doesn`t seam to give a hoot about Science ! It has its own mind and I actually did a little experiment on me right before I decided to change my way of life and to better my health. My doctor says my sugar levels are fine yet If I add 1 tsp of sugar in my morning cup of coffee and not change anything else, Guess what ? I GAIN 1 LB !!! How does a tsp of sugar equate to 1 lb? I did this for 1 week and gained 7 lbs!!! WHY??? I don`t know why ! My doctor doesn`t know why ! SCIENCE DOES NOT KNOW WHY!

    Do what works for you and the heck with the SCIENCE
  • JohnDowding
    JohnDowding Posts: 46 Member
    And every single one of you has missed the point of the post.

    There ARE people where this isn't the case. Medical issues? Maybe! Other issues, perhaps. EITHER WAY, they (we) need support and motivation too.

    You are not an exception to the second law of thermodynamics. That's what "law" means.

    I hear this a lot on MFP, never made much sense to me. Humans are not thermically closed systems. 2nd law only applies to closed systems.
  • chachicopley
    In terms of weight loss, it still is calories in < calories out, but yes, source of calories does affect that equation. That is why I prefer use low calorie but nutrient dense foods, like seafood and veggies, as the basis of my diet.
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member


    Wish granted!

  • SophiaWright7
    I think you are bringing up a great point.

    I always believed calories in = calories out... I mean it makes sense, right?!

    Maybe that's just me, but I find my body doesn't process carbs and protein the same way.

    I'm not sure, but it's interesting food for thought.
  • GEMMA_2014
    Unfortunately, there is no one formula for everyone. I had a difficult time losing weight. The deficit did not work for me. I had to double my exercise with the deficit. I am now losing weight. My body apparently needs 8 small meals a day , I need twice the exercise as a normal human and large deficits. It probably genetic. I blame my skinny ancestors. Now that I know what I need to do. I will do it and lose weight. My husband can eat anything he wants. If he decides he want to lose 7 lbs he can lose it in a week. I did not win the genetic lottery for weight control. But I am smarter than him because I figured out what I need to lose weight (LOL)
  • JohnDowding
    JohnDowding Posts: 46 Member
    While googling this, I enjoyed this link:

    Expanding on his point, it's not true that all calories are either burned or stored. I expel them in my feces, urine, and gases, I exhale, I radiate heat (especially when working out), and I have a host of bacteria in my gut that consume them for me.
  • Synamin
    Synamin Posts: 80 Member
    It's pretty simple. Sugar makes you retain H20. That's why people on very low carb diets have a huge weight drop in the first two weeks..