2000 reasons why GMO foods are safe



  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    I don't want to...but i'm in.


    Me too!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    You go ahead and eat them then. I don't want to eat them!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Well, I was not trying to convince anyone of anything. I am simply posting an article i felt would be of interest.
    "Interest" or you just wanted some "lively" forum action.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    in…because everyone else I know is in ….I am such a follower...
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    You go ahead and eat them then. I don't want to eat them!

    Don't worry, I do.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Tagging to come back later. These debates are always interesting [read: amusing]
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    A little late, but in.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    I'm sorry but you can't talk about GMO foods here.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    GM foods are safe and predictable. The alternative breeding method is to wait for random mutations to improve food, and then you have no idea what you are getting. With GM you know exactly what you have added and what, if any, safety concerns might be present.

    So you're saying science trumps mother nature..

    Do you have a pet? Bred by humans to be domesticated. Defying Mother Nature.

    Organic food? Bred by humans to be as plump and tasty as possible. Defying Mother Nature.

    This argument is centuries old. I don't know why people think it's something new...

    A lot different than splicing something like fish dna into food to deter pests.

    And yet still very much the same.

    Also I like fish. As far as I know eating fish doesn't hurt me any. Why do I care if my produce is part fish?

    Mmmmm Fishmato

    IN for fishmato


    I'd try it. I mean I like to put fish, tomatoes, sugar snap peas, and a little butter in the oven and let them get all.. Tasty and flavorful together. And then eat over rice.

    This would cut down on 1/4 of the work!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I'm sorry but you can't talk about GMO foods here.

    you can't ..why not? I thought that is what this thread was about?
  • sarahmichel101
    sarahmichel101 Posts: 158 Member
    Thank god for the.....Grapple?
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Thank god for the.....Grapple?

    Grapples are actually really tasty.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    GM foods are safe and predictable. The alternative breeding method is to wait for random mutations to improve food, and then you have no idea what you are getting. With GM you know exactly what you have added and what, if any, safety concerns might be present.

    So you're saying science trumps mother nature..

    Do you have a pet? Bred by humans to be domesticated. Defying Mother Nature.

    Organic food? Bred by humans to be as plump and tasty as possible. Defying Mother Nature.

    This argument is centuries old. I don't know why people think it's something new...

    A lot different than splicing something like fish dna into food to deter pests.

    And yet still very much the same.

    Also I like fish. As far as I know eating fish doesn't hurt me any. Why do I care if my produce is part fish?

    I am going to throw my two cents in, whatever it's worth. I am a microbiologist/bio technologist. I understand these concepts very well. Yes, humans have been altering plants and animals for centuries. But to tell people that GMOs are similar is not accurate. One change we make is to introduce a bacterial gene into plants to make them resistant to certain insects. No matter how many years we bred these plants, this change would not happen in a normal evolutionary setting, at least not using this gene.

    Am I afraid of eating GMOs....no. We've been eating them for quite a while now. I am not afraid of any human safety aspect, although with some of them I do worry about an environmental impact (round up resistance). But when we lie, it looks like we are hiding something.

    Biotechnology has the capacity to accomplish really great things. Insulin production is a great example. We can use bacteria to produce human insulin, rather than relying on swine or bovine insulin like we did in the past. Everyone should educate themselves to know how these changes truly affect us, and which ones are useful and which ones are not.

    The more you know....
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    I'm sorry but you can't talk about GMO foods here.

    you can't ..why not? I thought that is what this thread was about?
    It's okay, I was just kidding:)
  • sarahmichel101
    sarahmichel101 Posts: 158 Member
    Thank god for the.....Grapple?

    Grapples are actually really tasty.
    Then you can see why thanking; maybe Monsanto rather than god, is in order?
  • sarahmichel101
    sarahmichel101 Posts: 158 Member
    Thank god for the.....Grapple?

    lol that's an apple soaked in grape juice isn't it :D
    Holy crap, a apple soaked in wine. Best treat ever...no genetic modification required!
  • GM foods are safe and predictable. The alternative breeding method is to wait for random mutations to improve food, and then you have no idea what you are getting. With GM you know exactly what you have added and what, if any, safety concerns might be present.

    So you're saying science trumps mother nature..

    Do you have a pet? Bred by humans to be domesticated. Defying Mother Nature.

    Organic food? Bred by humans to be as plump and tasty as possible. Defying Mother Nature.

    This argument is centuries old. I don't know why people think it's something new...

    A lot different than splicing something like fish dna into food to deter pests.

    And yet still very much the same.

    Also I like fish. As far as I know eating fish doesn't hurt me any. Why do I care if my produce is part fish?

    I am going to throw my two cents in, whatever it's worth. I am a microbiologist/bio technologist. I understand these concepts very well. Yes, humans have been altering plants and animals for centuries. But to tell people that GMOs are similar is not accurate. One change we make is to introduce a bacterial gene into plants to make them resistant to certain insects. No matter how many years we bred these plants, this change would not happen in a normal evolutionary setting, at least not using this gene.

    Am I afraid of eating GMOs....no. We've been eating them for quite a while now. I am not afraid of any human safety aspect, although with some of them I do worry about an environmental impact (round up resistance). But when we lie, it looks like we are hiding something.
    I'm not sure about the lies of scientists involved in this type of technology but I do know that the antiGMO movement is full of lies and scare tactics. I wonder whether it's out of ignorance or genuine concern.

    I believe that both viral and bacterial DNA has been found in our genome, so prokaryote to eukaryotes gene transfer is not such a stretch IMO. Considering that the endosymbiosis theory proposes that eukaryotes evolved by engulfing prokaryotes, for me, the whole concept of transferring a bacterial gene to a plant is not such a foreign thing and certainly plausible from an evolutionary perspective.

    Like you, my only concern is the potential environmental impact. From a health perspective, I don't really see a problem.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    GM foods are safe and predictable. The alternative breeding method is to wait for random mutations to improve food, and then you have no idea what you are getting. With GM you know exactly what you have added and what, if any, safety concerns might be present.

    So you're saying science trumps mother nature..

    Yes. Thank you deodorant.
    THIS! And birth control! :laugh:
  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member
    oh hell yes
