How do you say NO to the bad foods!



  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Just don't eat one every day or every meal.

    everyday ok, IMO, not every meal tho.

    Ice cream and or candy bar EVERYday
    Keep your hands off my pints! ... Of ice cream... and beer! You can keep the candy, though. :P
  • MNgal43
    MNgal43 Posts: 29 Member
    Wow great ideas just keep coming! Thanks guys!
  • rocketblaster
    rocketblaster Posts: 50 Member
    I am a salt fanatic, I really enjoy salty snack. When I decided to recommit to getting healthy I had to decide to just avoid them because even if I eat a few within my calories I will want more. In the past I went cold turkey like this and then I was able to have one or two - at some point I just gave up and gave in so we'll see how I manage integrating that (if at all) as I move forward. Having said that, I've been incorporating a treat every night into my allowance, generally about 15-20g of either pistachios or dry roasted almonds, 15 g of wasabi peas and the last few nights because my overall calories were low the same amount of chocolate chips. This with a cup of tea is such a treat. Because I'm measuring and weighing everything I know it's within the limits for the day (if I were just mindlessly eating this mix I'd easily eat 2-3x as much as I do now).

    This little snacky treat feels "undiety" but I think that this is the point, I'm not ona diet but changing my eating habits. Having this treat to look forward to helps me avoid other stuff during the day. And as it turns out, some nights I just don't even feel like it.

    Hope that this helps?
  • Zaftique
    Zaftique Posts: 599 Member
    I run upstairs and look at my bathing suit. Do I want that Little Debbie as bad as I want to look hot in the suit? That Little Debbie is a kid treat and I'm an adult, if I eat that I certainly won't be "Little" very long. I have snacks in the house for the kids, but I'm not going to eat them...Good luck to you in your quest! :flowerforyou:

    I still don't understand this rationale. Why can't you have the treat and still look hot? There is a happy medium. People who figure that out are the most successful at losing weight and keeping the weight off. Deprivation leads to failure. Have one little snack and really savor it, but make room for it in your overall daily calorie count. Just don't eat one every day or every meal. Youl'll enjoy it all the more because it's an occasional treat.


    Don't you know that losing (or loosing) weight has to be an arduous process full of woe and deprivation?


    I'm size 16 and dagnabbit, I look hot in my suit right now. ;) In all honesty, I don't want to go below a size 10, cuz then I'll look like a toothpick with grapes attached to it. No thanks.


    Which is longer than a NO, but perhaps more accurate.
    Ugh. At times, I know a food is bad for me other times I can't wait to dive in. How do you find the willpower or wontpower to not eat these bad foods. My temptations are my son's Little Debbies (my hubs buys them for him and my son), snacky foods cheetoes, fritoes, doritoes. yuck. I have done gum before that works and takes my mind off the bad foods that are not good for me. Any other suggestions???

    There is NO SUCH THING AS BAD FOOD; many tasty substances we put into our bodies are not food. None of the substances you mention even remotely qualify as food.
  • kiittenforever
    kiittenforever Posts: 479 Member
    Ugh. At times, I know a food is bad for me other times I can't wait to dive in. How do you find the willpower or wontpower to not eat these bad foods. My temptations are my son's Little Debbies (my hubs buys them for him and my son), snacky foods cheetoes, fritoes, doritoes. yuck. I have done gum before that works and takes my mind off the bad foods that are not good for me. Any other suggestions???

    You could substitute these items by buying yourself stuff for those cravings...
    Skinny Cow has bars that are 120 calories.
    I came across these bars you can make too with a bunch of different recipes less processed and really hits the spot for dessert cravings:

    Special K has those chips that are lower cal and less fat then regular chips. There are also those quaker rice cake minis that resemble potato chips. I like the cheddar ones for Cheetos cravings. Air Popped popcorn is the best imo for my snacking chip cravings because you can eat so much of it. I like salt and sprinkle some on top.

    For sugar cravings I like to make myself banana ice cream:
  • kiittenforever
    kiittenforever Posts: 479 Member
    I just don't eat them cause they are addictive I was depressed a couple months ago and i gain 1 size after i got out of that circle I returned to the gym was a little ashamed cause i gain weight and It was hard to start again cause of the weight It takes a toll on you this is when I said to me that is not worthed to compromise your own health for that kind of food but that's just me I know you can control them I just prefer to avoid them.

    I agree I can't eat any Cheetos, Doritos, desserts, ice cream or any snack foods at all because they really are addictive and I got hooked on them big time. I just don't touch them and ignore them. I substitute a lot. Starting exercising the cravings subsided.
  • norcalskater
    norcalskater Posts: 194 Member
    I don't say no to them I just use moderation. It's easier said than done but if you can practice doing that it really helps.
  • beaches61
    beaches61 Posts: 154 Member
    Who are you to tell OP what qualifies as food? That's pretty nasty, from someone who eats a lot of protein powder. I'd hardly call THAT food.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Ugh. At times, I know a food is bad for me other times I can't wait to dive in. How do you find the willpower or wontpower to not eat these bad foods. My temptations are my son's Little Debbies (my hubs buys them for him and my son), snacky foods cheetoes, fritoes, doritoes. yuck. I have done gum before that works and takes my mind off the bad foods that are not good for me. Any other suggestions???

    Don't say no; just eat less of them.
  • Zaftique
    Zaftique Posts: 599 Member
    At this point, it's how do I say no to the -tasty- foods?
    I made an AMAZEBALLS salmon filet that I split into six 100g portions, and a day later, I WANT TO EAT THEM ALL IN ONE GO NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM.
