Another stupid relationship post... Need opinions :/



  • SexKittenlovesitrough
    look....all of these things didn't bother you in the end....

    now they bother you a little bit...

    i've been there...and I can honestly say none of these issue are pet peeves...ALL of these issues are deal breakers...

    and what is a "bother" will turn into a screaming resentment....that takes over your lives.

    you know what you need/want/feel...I get the sense you are trying to get someone to say "give it one more chance" so that you don't have to be miss mean girl and break it up...

    the point need to be miss mean girl and break it up...

    he's settling....but even MORE are settling because you know he's settled and settled on you and you don't know how to break it to him that you deserve more from someone else

    I settled once....i wasted 5 years...

    it was horrible...

    now I have the most passionate, fiery, loving, supportive LOVE affair I could ever imagine...

    in fact when I woke my lover up this morning, he grabbed me by the hips rolled me over underneath him and said "My are just SO beautiful. how did I end up with you?"

    and he meant it.

    You deserve that.
  • JellyBelly1978
    JellyBelly1978 Posts: 22 Member
    Life is too short to be unhappy, end it and move on. You both want different things so go find a partner that has the same wants you do.
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    In the time it took you to write this... you could've found a new place to live, a new partner to have LOTS of SEX with, and for crying out loud... saved yourself the energy of typing out the fact that you're totally unhappy!!

    My momma's famous saying: NEXT!!!!

    Especially if the sex isn't there... forget that... bad sex life=end of relationship!
  • gdrmuzak
    gdrmuzak Posts: 103 Member
    - He's lied about something that isn't a big deal, what's to stop him from lying about bigger, important things?
    - He doesn't desire some of the same things you desire and think are important.

    1) Is that who you want to build a life and life-long marriage with?
    2) You're young, not married & do not have kids, knowing what you know now, is this someone who you'd start dating if you just met him? If not, why continue?
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    It's time to cut bait. This relationship is a waste of time that you could be spending potentially meeting the person that will actually fulfill your needs- for children, for sex, for marriage, everything.

    It was good while it was good. Now it's over. Take the lessons you've learned and value this relationship for those learning experiences, and use them to find the person that's right. This guy is never going to be right.
  • Tabithas_Transformation
    It might be a good idea to try talking to him about this. He could be entirely clueless to how you're feeling and if you aren't communicating with him then how is he supposed to know he's doing anything wrong?

    Otherwise, it doesn't sound like he puts your needs first. Everything from the way he seems hurt when you see your friends, to his total disregard of your sexual pleasure should be ringing alarm bells for you.

    Watch "When Harry Met Sally" - he says that you get to drop everything and go travelling if you want to because you don't have kids, but how often do you actually drop everything and go travelling?
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Hi all,

    I use another account on here regularly, and created this for a bit of anonymity. So, lovely people of the MFP forums, I need your opinions on what you might do if you were in my situation...

    The facts:

    -I'm a 26 year old girl, dating a 40 year old guy
    -Never been engaged or married, he has not either
    -Neither of us have any children
    -We have been together for 4 years, living together for the last 2 years. We both work full time, split living costs, etc.

    We met online when I was 22. At the time, he told me he was 32. All was well, I didn't think about the age difference that much, he's a great guy, and 3-4 months after we began dating - I found out he'd lied to me about his age... and was really 36. I found out accidentally, he didn't make the choice to tell me. A friend of his asked him how old he was, and his reply of "mid thirties" made me go :huh:. Not trying to make a scene in front of a group of friends, when we left that night, I asked him to tell me the truth.

    After I found that out, I was kinda iffy about whether or not I should continue to see him. He admitted that the reason he'd not been honest was because he knew how much younger I was, and figured I wouldn't even go on a date with him if he'd been honest. He also knew that just a few months after we met, I was planning on moving away (which I did), so he kind of assumed that I wasn't looking for a serious relationship when I tried the online dating thing. I didn't know what I was looking for either TBH, and did not expect to meet anyone that I really liked.

    So of course, I continued to date him, and he assured me he'd been honest about everything else he'd told me about himself (which was true, unless there's still an ex wife or a kid I've never heard about lol... KIDDING).

    Things seemed to be going well for the next few years, I moved back to the same area that he lived in, we moved in together, bought furniture together, got a pet together, and all of that other stupid *kitten* you do when you're in love and are seriously planning a future with someone.

    Now... there are a few differences between us that I used to not pay too much attention to, but now that we've been together for so long, I am questioning whether or not this is what I want for myself for the rest of my life. Not that I am trying to be totally selfish, but...

    -Children. I want at least one kid at some point, no rush, but I definitely do. Whether it's pregnancy or adoption, I want a child. He kind of used to joke about how he was sure he'd probably be a horrible dad and wouldn't know how to care for a child. Now that we've been together for a decent amount of time, it seems crystal clear to me that he does not want children, ever. He says things like "isn't it just so nice with just me and you here? We can travel or go anywhere we want", and "Are you really sure you seriously want to have kids?". He has also asked me if having children is a non-negotiable, and I said "yes, I want a child/children. Not negotiable," and that sort of ended the conversation, neither of us have brought it up since.

    -Marriage. He's been saying for like a year now that he's going to propose to me. In November, he said "what if I proposed to you around Christmas?", my response was jokingly "I think it's supposed to be a surprise so... I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that". Christmas came and went, and now he's like "maybe Valentine's Day...". It's starting to aggravate me as I know he's not going to, and it's just kind of annoying me that he keeps saying *kitten* like that if he has no intentions of doing so. Even if we were engaged, I'd have no interest in planning a wedding any time soon, but it's kind of now become a joke to his parents every time we see them on holidays (they'll say stuff like "seriously XXXXXX... we're 78 years old. How long are you going to make us wait?").

    -Sex life, or lack thereof. He's always been kind of vanilla / sex only in the bedroom / once or twice a week before bed type of guy.... I am the exact opposite, and have been the entire time I've known him. He jokes that I want to have sex way too often. He also is not open to trying anything new, and the sex is decent at best. He's never actually given me an orgasm (other partners certainly have... he just genuinely doesn't seem to care, or is not interested in learning how to please me). Lately, he has not initiated sex at all, and when I initiate, he's not really interested most of the time. I've thought that it might be low testosterone, but this is a guy that has not been to a single doctor/dentist appointment in the entire time I've known him... he doesn't even have a primary care physician. He's also quite stubborn and not open minded when it comes to a LOT of things, so I know that even if I tried to gently bring it up to him, it would cause some sort of crazy fight between us and I'd hurt his feelings.

    -Social life. I have a few close friends (all girls), all of us work in different fields on different work schedules, and we don't see each other too often. Maybe once or twice a month for dinner, drinks, brunch, hiking in the summer, etc. when we can all find a day to get together. About half of them are single, and so as to eliminate any third wheel/etc. nonsense, we generally just go out on our own without our SO. Over the last few months, he's made remarks like "you're going out and leaving me at home by myself so you can go have fun with your friends?" kind of acting like he's hurt by the fact that I want to see my friends once in a while. He, on the other hand, has not seen ANY of his close friends in about a year. They all live an hour away where he used to live, and he's made no attempts to go hang out with them (I've even offered to DD for them once in a while and let them go out to do their thing without their girlfriends/wives). About half of his friends are married, none have kids (sensing a pattern here...). He'll say things to me like "I don't feel like I need to go out to hang out with anyone. You're like my best friend". I don't think that's healthy, and I've said that to him.

    So, I feel like I'm at a point where maybe this isn't working, maybe we're growing apart, and maybe this isn't how I want to live the rest of my life. He's sweet and I love him, but I'm not sure what I want to do. I hope this post doesn't make me seem like an awful selfish *kitten*, but it's been bugging me lately.


    TL;DR: In a 4 year relationship with a guy 14 yrs. older than me. Sensing that some differences between us aren't going to work forever. Need some help...

    To sum up:
    You're with a guy who lied to get you to go out with him, he doesn't want kids when you do, is jerking you around with a marriage proposal, is lackluster in the sack, and may be trying to keep you from seeing your friends.

    And you want to know if you should stay with this gem?
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    I feel like you'd be wasting your time if you continue spending it with him.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    You are 26 and want some very reasonable things out of a relationship. It doesn't sound like you are getting any of those things with the guy you are with. Can you seriously look into your future and think to yourself that you can totally see yourself with this guy and be happy 20 years down the road? I know if I were in your shoes, I sure couldn't.

    Good luck. I know this is going to be a very tough decision for you.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i think you've gotten some great advice here. anything i say would just be superflous. that being said, i'll say it anyway :)

    you sound like you have a great, mature head on your shoulders. he doesn't. also, you want things that are non-negotiable. you want to be a mom, and he doesn't want to be a dad. a reluctant parent is not the best way to start parenthood. also, he seems rather co-dependent, and you'd rather be with an interdependent partner. to top it all off, are you going to settle for a bland sex life? i think you know what to do. it's hard to to do it, because you've been together for so long and share a lot of material things (house, pet, furniture) and not so tangible things (time, memories, etc.). but it sounds like you need to really live your life for yourself...and one day (i'm told!) you'll find someone equally full of life and ready for the adventures you're ready for. <3. best of luck to you.
  • Maktub40
    :( sounds like I wrote this post.

    Well, I think that now that you are older you know more of what you want and what you do want out of life and it seems like the things you want he is not able to provide. Consider it a learning experience for your next relationship. You're 26 and have your whole life ahead of you. If you stay with this man he will continue to hold you back from the things you want out of life and one day you will grow to resent him and be unhappy. I know it hurts, but you need to look out for yourself and your future. You only have one life to live- make it count! Much luck to you!
  • GEMMA_2014
    I do not think you know what you want so you are making him the bad guy. You are the one making the decision to go along with his plan and then you want to blame him. Set your own agenda. If you want to get married tell him in specific terms when where and how, If you want a child tell him when , where and how. If you want better sex tell him when, where and how. You act like you are a passenger on the ship and you are blaming the captain for going where he wants to go.

    You need to stop being a relationship wimp and tell the man what you want and put a time limit on it;

    1. i want to marry you by DATE
    2 I want to have a child by Date
    3. I want to have more fun with you sexually so I want to do : give him specifics acts and places.

    If he does not want what you want, then leave. But do not leave until you give him a chance to know in no uncertain terms what you want and need to stay in the relationship. If you do not start telling men what you want and need you will continue to run from one relationship to another blaming the man. If you want to know I am married and happily so because my husband knows what I want and need and I know what he wants and need. if you are afraid to talk to him you do not need to be in a relationship until you are able to became a full partner and not a passenger.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    So, you've given us a lot of reasons you should end it. Can you balance them out with any reasons why you shuold keep the relationship? Does he have anything going for him?
  • rondogmc
    rondogmc Posts: 1 Member
    I have been married for 22 years and have been with my husband for 28 yrs. We are eachothers best friends, lovers, supporters and fans. We don't have to do everything together... We love eachother more today than 28 years ago and are still wild about eachother.. I wish that for everyone...

    The biggest reason I responded to this is if you want kids and he doesn't he may become a great father that couldn't imagine life without a kid or he could resent the kid. A child being raised in a resentful home, especially if it is because of them is not a great place to grow up.

    I think you are going to have to think long and hard about what you really want and what will make you happy... Cuz you get married for a lifetime and have kids for a lifetime... You might want to have a serious talk with your boyfriend about what he wants for his future and what you want for yours and go from there. I know it will be hard if you decide to breakup but you will get past it if you have to...

    I hope this helps you...I have a neice that is your age and I would tell her the same thing... You want you to have a happy life, there are always bumps in the road, but generally happy!
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    The problem could be you as well. I highly doubt all the issues are on this guy.


  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    it really seems like you're just not that into him anymore. You guys have been together for 4 years and you've grown up and probably, sadly apart. You are still discovering yourself and your wants and desires. He already has and most likely won't be willing to change, even if its what will make you happy or to keep you guys together.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I do not think you know what you want so you are making him the bad guy. You are the one making the decision to go along with his plan and then you want to blame him. Set your own agenda. If you want to get married tell him in specific terms when where and how, If you want a child tell him when , where and how. If you want better sex tell him when, where and how. You act like you are a passenger on the ship and you are blaming the captain for going where he wants to go.

    You need to stop being a relationship wimp and tell the man what you want and put a time limit on it;

    1. i want to marry you by DATE
    2 I want to have a child by Date
    3. I want to have more fun with you sexually so I want to do : give him specifics acts and places.

    If he does not want what you want, then leave. But do not leave until you give him a chance to know in no uncertain terms what you want and need to stay in the relationship. If you do not start telling men what you want and need you will continue to run from one relationship to another blaming the man. If you want to know I am married and happily so because my husband knows what I want and need and I know what he wants and need. if you are afraid to talk to him you do not need to be in a relationship until you are able to became a full partner and not a passenger.

    Honestly, I appreciate the advice you have given the OP. But he lied to her about his age, he has intentionally dodged the marriage/kids discussion. If she sat down with him and had this conversation, he would promise her all those things, and then conveniently find ways to avoid them. The pattern of behavior has already been established. He will say whatever he needs to to hold on to her, but will likely fail to follow through.
  • bearkisses
    bearkisses Posts: 1,252 Member
    i have a feeling this is what you are going to continue finding out about him:
  • GEMMA_2014
    If men dumped every women who lied no lone would be in a relationship. If women dumped every man who lied no one would be in a relationship. I can forgive a lie about his age. I can not forgive boring sex.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    It looks like he did you a favor by postponing marriage. Many of the things you want out of a relationship don't intersect with what he wants.

    You're probably both very nice people who should stay friends instead of in a relationship.

    Good luck.
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