What is a good, healthy weight for a woman who is 5'2"?



  • taytaylynn3
    taytaylynn3 Posts: 601
    It honestly depends on your body type. I am 5'5 and about 135 and don't like the way I look.
    I could weigh about 110 and still look alright. However, some that height might look way too skinny at that weight. It really depends on you!
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    It sounds like it's time to ditch the scale, shift to maintenance, and work on some strength training for your BF% and body image.
  • Beautiful_disaster40
    I'm 5'4" and currently 113 lbs. I waver within a few pounds of that and have for years, this is a bit on the low side for me and friends start telling me to eat cheeseburgers but its a comfortable weight for me so I think as long as you're making healthy choices and feel good, weight is a number. It's more about how I feel in clothes but that's just me.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    You have gotten some good advice in here about frame size, a small deficit, strength training. When I joined mfp I ate at maintenance and strength trained. I may have been eating at a slight deficit, and did not know because I did lose weight and got fitter, so I slowly increased my calories.

    I like that people are understanding that there is a range of healthy weights depending on many factors.

    I am 5'2" and very small framed, but I do have a curvy shape. Before kids I was always at 98 pounds, and a professional dancer, and I never dieted and I ate a lot. After kids my weight went right back down to around 103. It seems my weight fluctuates between 100 to 104. But, usually pretty much around 102. If it goes up, I am fine with that. I focus on fitness.
  • eklavon84
    eklavon84 Posts: 9 Member
    Im 5'1" and my goal is 120, Google BMI calculator and it can show you a healthy weigh for your height, I think you should be right about in the middle if I remember(since your shorter like me). So the 119 should be good, our bodies will never be super model style, you cant air brush in real life :)
  • countscalories
    countscalories Posts: 418 Member
    Hi! I'm exactly 5" tall and I have a fairly small frame. I've been down as low as 104 lbs., but I looked and felt my best at 115-120 lbs. (most of my weight is in the boob dept.). Everybody's body is different. Someone else my height may be able to carry 130 lbs. You will know when you are at your right weight. And if you feel that even after weight loss and exercise that your tummy is still a bit full, or you've got a "problem area", liposuction or other procedures may be a great option. Bottom line-- always be happy and proud of yourself!
  • j3nn75
    j3nn75 Posts: 1,234 Member
    I am 5'2" and my weight fluctuates from 116-120, my goal was 110 but I'm happy with where I am at now!
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I was 100 pounds (at 5'4") and flabby, my body fat percentage was probably 25%. Now I'm 115 pounds and my body fat percentage is around 19% and continuing to improve/go down. The number on the scale means NADA. Same jeans size and my thigh size has actually decreased although I added 15 pounds to my frame. Lifting heavy works!
  • Linda916
    Linda916 Posts: 124 Member
    I also am 5'2" but I wouldnt go by weight at all. I wear a size 4 pants now. I've never worn a size 4- ever. (I went from children's to a size 7 in my early teens). My goal used to be 125 and a size 8. My current weight is 138 and a size 4. I would like to lose some more fat by replacing with muscle. I weight train 4x weekly and hiit cardio 1or2x and sprint 1x.
  • spara0038
    spara0038 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm also 5'2", currently 127lbs. 105-135 is pretty healthy for women of our height, but how you look and how you feel about yourself may be different. I'm still not totally happy with 127, but this is pretty much the lowest weight I've been at my adult height so I can't complain that much.

    My goal right now is 115-120lbs, based on my BF%. Right now I'm hovering around 24-26%, but if I don't lose lean mass but I lose body fat, I'd be 18-20% BF within that range. Doing some weight training and upping my food slightly (but still below maintenance) til I get there.
    EATINGTOLIVE77 Posts: 50 Member
    First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! What a great weight loss!

    I started my weight loss journey back in February with slow and steady success. Then I read that if you just diet, you will be a smaller you in the same body shape. Trust me I did not want to have the same body shape!

    Ten weeks ago I joined a gym call Farrell's Extreme Bodyshaping and I love it. M,W,F Kick boxing and T,TH, S strength training with resistance bands. 45 minute work outs and i have not missed a workout to date. I have only lost six pounds so far, yet I have gone down three sizes in my jeans. I have lost 4.7% of my body fat and I feel great! I have now signed up for an additional year! Sorry if I sound like I am bragging, I don't mean to, I just want to confirm that exercise does work.

    No matter what form of exercise you choose, be sure to use carido and strength training. Even 30 minutes a day will have a big pay off.

    Your weights lost is inspiring, thanks for sharing with us.
  • kvenable8
    kvenable8 Posts: 15 Member
    Having read many of your goal weights, I'm starting to think perhaps mine is a bit higher than it should be?
    I'm just under 5'3, with a small build, but at my heaviest was 152. I've only started focusing losing the weight in the past two months and am currently at 139.

    My goal weight has been 122 with 118 ultimate goal weight.
    Should it perhaps be less if I've got a small build?

    (FYI my profile picture is an old one...inspiration, rather than what I actually look like!)
  • whiskeyhoneygal
    Hmm..It really all depends I'd say? I'm 5'2" bordering 5'3", my weight fluctuates constantly between 130-140, however I'm always told that I look like I am 115-120. I have a naturally athletic build, and have always been naturally muscular, though. So really, when it comes to BMI I pay almost no attention, because according to mine I am bordering over weight which to me, is ridiculous.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I do have a small frame. This may be a stupid question, but how do I focus on fat loss instead of just weight loss? I do have some weights here but I don't really know what to do with them. Honestly, I'm mostly happy with my body at this point. It's just that my stomach is still bothering me. And yes, I have 7 kids. Life is crazy here.

    First, retain your muscle by eating 1g protein per pound of lean body mass. Then maybe look into some at home body weight lifting programme ( maybe use the kids as dumbbells!).

    Then eat like 100 cals under your calorie requirements per day. Melt the fat off slowly slowly.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    I say forget body weight... get thee to the gym and start picking things up and putting them down.. then add weight when the current weight no longer makes you sweat and grunt... then stop when you start getting scared about how much weigh you are holding above your head... MOST folk think lifting weights is just for adding muscle and definition... totally untrue... lifting weights is for increasing strength... and within that context and through that process lifting weights also improves and activates the endocrine and exocrine systems of the body... in essence strength training excites our internal chemistries so that every gland, every mucous membrane begins to work the way it was meant to... and once you get that happening... your physical and mental states begin to harmonize and you begin to discover a more balanced attitude... SO... off to the gym with you... lift heavy... and in 6 months or so.. you will not recognize that person in the mirror BUT you will be so in love with her.. you won't be able to stand it.

    I'm in love with this post!!
  • jemilovato07
    I am 5'4" and i weight 133 pounds. My goal is 114 because i am a small frame so that it were i should be.
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    Beautifulbridgittlee7 Posts: 352 Member
    My grandma's 5'2 and 115 and she's happy with that.
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Congratulations on your amazing weight loss. I do understand how you feel. Only my area of discomfort is my stomach. I went from 164 to 119 and really felt that to be too little weight for me at my age. I'm 5' 1" and have a large frame but I'm 70 years old. My doctors told me that 130 to 132 was a good weight for me. Well, I didn't think so. I also felt 120 to be a good number.

    But frankly, were I younger (and I think you are probably young) I'd shoot for about 113 to 115 but you need to make sure that's right for your frame and general condition.

    Now you need to muscle up your upper body so it matches the rest of you and you'll be happier with yourself. I also had to do that and now my shoulders are slightly wider than my hips. You do not have to settle for a small upper body.

    But there is no magic number as to what you should weigh. Strictly from a weight stand point, you're about perfect now. Perhaps all you need is more muscle. And look, don't go through life unhappy with how you look. Too many women expect perfection and it's not going to happen. We need to learn to be happy at some point with our bodies and not expect more of ourselves than we can deliver. Being fit and healthy should be our goal. Not being at a specific weight.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Im 5'2 and 120-ish..

    I was 108 and being of medium build, I looked skeletal..I would love to get back down to 117-ish..but after completly stripping myself to 108..I started encorporating strength into my HIIT and I feel better..put weight back on, but feel alot of it is muscle versus flab.
  • vitalvision
    vitalvision Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 5'2 and 42 y.o. and very curvy...Natural D breasts with an athletic/muscular build. My goal is 135 because anything under is not sustainable for me without disordered eating...and ppl freak out that I am too skinny...also, even at 174, my BFF% is 29 (measured by bioelectrical impedance, not simply calculation) ...so you really need to pay attention to that # as well...it is possible to be 120 and be unfit/unhealthy...my bestie has a tiny frame (wears size 0-2), we are the same height, and at 120 she looks positively pudgy whereas I would look skeletal. Remember body builders, if just assessed by calculation height/weight, would measure as "obsese" but clearly they are not. Here is a chart from Fitday.com:
    Women Body Fat Percentages:

    Ages 20-39: 21% to 32%
    Ages 40-59: 23% to 33%
    Ages 60-79: 24% to 35%

    I agree with everyone else...you are probably in a healthy range now, and if you still feel "soft" I would focus on weight-bearing/resistance exercises as opposed to diet and the scale. :wink: