Food posts on FaceBook- am I being mean?



  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    My very sweet but morbidly obese friend who speaks out openly about how she's trying to lose weight just updated her Facebook status with a location of Chick-fil-A. *smh*

    What's your point? :huh:
  • patols1
    patols1 Posts: 108 Member
    I don't mind at all I found 2 healthy treats for Christmas because people posted recipes. they were amazing!!! however when I share it I share it to me only so that others don't have to see it.
  • Rien5
    Rien5 Posts: 51 Member
    That's part of the reason I have pinterest. For recipes and for workout routines.
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    I use the Facebook Purity add-on to automatically block all shared links, shared pictures, uploaded pictures, whatever, from people who endlessly spam tons of crap into my news feed every day. Installing that add-on made my life drastically better. Suddenly all I see on Facebook are the actual status updates posted by my friends and family, which are why I'm on Facebook in the first place.

    Thanks for this- will definitely check it out first thing tomorrow . Maybe it will keep me out of trouble!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Just had great leftover pizza for breakfast.
  • amandakev88
    amandakev88 Posts: 328 Member
    don't make it sound like you were doing a 'public service', unless you really were being totally nice.. but yeah if you pointed their weight out and dictated to them the calorie content and fat content i'd say for sure it was kinda mean and inappropriate. unfortunately when people post stuff like that on a public forum like facebook, they open it up to stuff like that.

    i honestly just ignore it unless its something useful--the other day somebody shared a casserole dish that was actually decent. i couldn't make it.

    it drives me crazy that people believe 'sharing' it will SAVE the recipe. you'd be better off clicking the link and bookmarking it. i'd be more pissed at the stupidity.

    honestly people who are already obese don't care that they're sharing ridiculous recipes for cronuts and ****. meh. who cares. if they want to be huge let them be huge. just click 'hide all from this poster'
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    don't make it sound like you were doing a 'public service', unless you really were being totally nice.. but yeah if you pointed their weight out and dictated to them the calorie content and fat content i'd say for sure it was kinda mean and inappropriate.

    It was something on the order of..." Funny these recipes don't include nutritional info, but I found that this is 459 calories per serving with 45% of your daily saturated fat allowance, 91 g carbohydrates,,," I may even have added a smiley face. I NEVER refer to the shape the person is in. I don't want to make people feel bad about themselves; I had an Ex who did that so I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end. I wanted to let them know what that recipe might do to their bodies.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Just had great leftover pizza for breakfast.

    hot or cold?

    Cold leftover pizza for breakfast tastes the best. I didn't believe it until I tried it. I thought the friend who recommended it was a few sandwiches short of a picnic. But really it does!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    don't make it sound like you were doing a 'public service', unless you really were being totally nice.. but yeah if you pointed their weight out and dictated to them the calorie content and fat content i'd say for sure it was kinda mean and inappropriate.

    It was something on the order of..." Funny these recipes don't include nutritional info, but I found that this is 459 calories per serving with 45% of your daily saturated fat allowance, 91 g carbohydrates,,," I may even have added a smiley face. I NEVER refer to the shape the person is in. I don't want to make people feel bad about themselves; I had an Ex who did that so I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end. I wanted to let them know what that recipe might do to their bodies.
    That's actually an incredibly passive aggressive way of posting, which I find highly rude and obnoxious. It's an excellent way of trying to make people feel guilty.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Just had great leftover pizza for breakfast.

    hot or cold?

    Cold leftover pizza for breakfast tastes the best. I didn't believe it until I tried it. I thought the friend who recommended it was a few sandwiches short of a picnic. But really it does!

    YES! Cold pizza is the best! Sometimes I make and bake a pizza just to stash in the fridge for later. :drinker:
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    don't make it sound like you were doing a 'public service', unless you really were being totally nice.. but yeah if you pointed their weight out and dictated to them the calorie content and fat content i'd say for sure it was kinda mean and inappropriate.

    It was something on the order of..." Funny these recipes don't include nutritional info, but I found that this is 459 calories per serving with 45% of your daily saturated fat allowance, 91 g carbohydrates,,," I may even have added a smiley face. I NEVER refer to the shape the person is in. I don't want to make people feel bad about themselves; I had an Ex who did that so I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end. I wanted to let them know what that recipe might do to their bodies.

    Change "your" to "my" in the above sentence and it is very slightly better. You have a right to say that those calories do not fit into your daily goal. It crosses a line to say that they do not fit into someone else's.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    don't make it sound like you were doing a 'public service', unless you really were being totally nice.. but yeah if you pointed their weight out and dictated to them the calorie content and fat content i'd say for sure it was kinda mean and inappropriate.

    It was something on the order of..." Funny these recipes don't include nutritional info, but I found that this is 459 calories per serving with 45% of your daily saturated fat allowance, 91 g carbohydrates,,," I may even have added a smiley face. I NEVER refer to the shape the person is in. I don't want to make people feel bad about themselves; I had an Ex who did that so I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end. I wanted to let them know what that recipe might do to their bodies.

    Change "your" to "my" in the above sentence and it is very slightly better. You have a right to say that those calories do not fit into your daily goal. It crosses a line to say that they do not fit into someone else's.

    ^^^ this is a good point, as it makes a difference, i.e. it starts being about what *I'm* eating, not about what other people are eating.

    OP you asked if what you did was mean, well we don't know your intentions, but what you're posting does come across as judgemental and a little condescending.

    Regarding the part of your post that I put in bold............. these recipes won't do any harm to their bodies. Not eaten once in a while. Yep, eating them day in day out then they may well contribute to obesity and related problems, but you can't assume that just because someone has posted a recipe on facebook that they eat like that constantly.

    If you really believe that eating something like this just once is going to harm someone, then your own attitude towards food needs some consideration. If you're assuming that the people posting the recipes eat like that constantly to the point that they're damaging their health, then that's a presumption, and quite a judgemental one. Even if the person posting it is obese, the same applies, because this may be a treat/cheat/free meal as part of a fat loss eating plan. You can't assume you know everyone else's business (e.g. whether they're on a fat loss eating plan or not, or what they should be eating if they are) or that because they ate one high calorie food one time that they're in a downward spiral of overeating and obesity. It's these assumptions that really annoy people and make what you post come across as judgemental. Even if it wasn't intended that way. (and as I said, if you really believe that eating something like that once can harm someone, then your relationship with food is off, not theirs). And even when someone is in a downward spiral of obesity and overeating, well-meaning posts on facebook criticising their eating habits isn't usually what makes them decide to become healthy.

    Sometimes in life there's no nice way to give unsolicited advice, especially when there's a bunch of assumptions that go along with that unsolicited advice. So it's often better to wait for someone to ask for advice before you give it. Then if they don't like the advice they get, it's their issue to deal with.
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    My Pinterest "foodie" stuff is FULL of fattening droolicious recipes lol. There's even a recipe for chocolate chip cookies stuffed with oreos. Yep. I made them for a kids party we were going to and the kids (and moms) LOVED them! Nothing wrong with things in moderation!

  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    My Pinterest "foodie" stuff is FULL of fattening droolicious recipes lol. There's even a recipe for chocolate chip cookies stuffed with oreos. Yep. I made them for a kids party we were going to and the kids (and moms) LOVED them! Nothing wrong with things in moderation!


    give me the recipe!!!
  • melindafritz1976
    melindafritz1976 Posts: 329 Member
    yes you a re being mean
    deal with it
    you are th e one doin g healthy lifestyle not them
    eat some freaking chocolate-
    exercise it off
    i am doing healthy lifestyle annd post all kind of recipe and food posts
    that doesnt make anyone a foodie either
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    My Pinterest "foodie" stuff is FULL of fattening droolicious recipes lol. There's even a recipe for chocolate chip cookies stuffed with oreos. Yep. I made them for a kids party we were going to and the kids (and moms) LOVED them! Nothing wrong with things in moderation!


    give me the recipe!!!

    Here ya go:
  • mjsmamma
    mjsmamma Posts: 137 Member
    I would really like to see people posting healthy recipes!!!! I see a lot of 'check out this site' or 'this site for healthy recipes', but those sites have so many recipes and who knows which are good? I would be thrilled to see a healthy recipe post, say around 4pm each day so I wouldn't have to decide what's for dinner tonight or tomorrow night, as I try to plan my meals for the day.
    PS Those eclair bars....NOM NOM in my dreams right now ;-)
  • LRoslin
    LRoslin Posts: 128
    It would have been different if they had asked "Does anybody know what the nutritional facts for this recipe would be?" or "I wonder how many calories are in this?!" But since nobody asked, and you volunteered without them asking, you're pushing information on them they probably didn't want. I'm sure they knew at a certain level that the recipes weren't healthy! Nobody can look at a casserole laden with cheese or a really decadent dessert and think it's diet food. So yes, you were being somewhat rude and insulting.

    Much like when my seven year old was taking the candy out of his Christmas stocking and my mother in law (who thinks he is heavy) declared, "Oh my, XX, if you eat all that candy, you'll gain weight!" For the love of Pete, it was Christmas, kids get candy in their stocking for Christmas, and he is bright enough to know he's not going to get to eat it all at one go. She was just being rude and insulting.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I learned early on that if one is successful for any period of time with a healthy lifestyle, I needed to wait to be asked if anyone wanted health advice. I actually enjoy seeing the different foods /recipes people post. It really doesn't bother me. But if it did, I would just unfollow a friend without blocking them. You can also hide posts by friend from timeline so you don't have the overzealous foodie/politiker/whatver showing up on your news lead.

    To each their own. But I am definitely going to make that chocolate eclair pie fro my family for a special occasion
  • amandakev88
    amandakev88 Posts: 328 Member
    don't make it sound like you were doing a 'public service', unless you really were being totally nice.. but yeah if you pointed their weight out and dictated to them the calorie content and fat content i'd say for sure it was kinda mean and inappropriate.

    It was something on the order of..." Funny these recipes don't include nutritional info, but I found that this is 459 calories per serving with 45% of your daily saturated fat allowance, 91 g carbohydrates,,," I may even have added a smiley face. I NEVER refer to the shape the person is in. I don't want to make people feel bad about themselves; I had an Ex who did that so I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end. I wanted to let them know what that recipe might do to their bodies.

    Change "your" to "my" in the above sentence and it is very slightly better. You have a right to say that those calories do not fit into your daily goal. It crosses a line to say that they do not fit into someone else's.


    they didnt ask for it. i have personally been at the other end of it when my cousin [i told him what it sounded like when he offered up unsolicited food advice... he is a nurse though and was blabbering on about a study. i had also previously expressed interest in learning about stuff.. whatever] and it feels very very crappy to be offered up food advice you didn't ask for. i hadn't even posted a recipe! its very hurtful, and gets the mind racing.

    but yeah if you were trying to do a 'public service' say 'oh *i* would never be able to eat that. it'd never fit in my calorie goals.." takes the emphasis off them while still getting to say what you want to about the high calorie content.

    i get what you were aiming for with this, that it probably wasnt as bad in your head as it sounded in theirs.. just having had it happen to me in the past, its never as 'friendly' as you think it is.

    im sure they forgot about it shortly thereafter, but regardless. having a junky treat every once in awhile isn't really going to hurt anybody.

    and like the pinterest foodie said.. ive pinned a few insane recipes to my board. never made em but boy do they look fun for a cheat day!