Food posts on FaceBook- am I being mean?

So, I finally got tired of (some) of my FB friends who post almost nothing but recipes on FB. And not just ANY recipes. You know the kind I mean- bar cookies covered with half an inch of frosting, casseroles loaded with bacon and cheese, something called "millionaire spaghetti pie"... sadly, the people who post these recipes really need to eat less of this stuff- they're all overweight. And every one of these recipes starts with "Hit 'Share' so this will be saved on your timeline so you won't lose it." and they comply. Now I don't wanna get all preachy on FB, but about a week ago I decide to look up the nutritional info on one of these concoctions. Umm, if you really do divide the 13 X 9 X 5 pan contents into 15 pieces, one Banana Nut Brownie with cream cheese frosting has 459 calories and 48% of the recommended max for saturated fat. And who eats just one when the rest of the pan is staring at you and the first one was so good?

So, I posted that info, just as a public service and all... and did that for 2 more particularly egregious recipes I've seen since then. One friend got all defensive and said that it was OK as an occasional treat.. which is how she replied when I commented on some cheese/bacon/egg casserole thing she posted at Christmas.

Disclosure: I do like some of that stuff, but my tactic is to go to a place where I can get ONE serving (e.g., a good bakery), take it home, enjoy every single calorie and fat gram, then go back to my usual good habits. No way I'd let piles of that stuff live in my kitchen.

So- how do YOU deal with FaceBook Foodies?


  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    Drives me nuts when people post pictures of what they are eating too... I don't really care about what anyone eats but me.... haha I just hide what they are saying unless they post something "important"
  • CallMeBacon
    CallMeBacon Posts: 196 Member
    Honestly - I just ignore it. I never like it when others try to force their views on me - so why should others be any different with what they want to eat? I focus on myself, my food, and getting my workouts in. I refuse to discuss food and exercise with others unless explicitly asked - most people just honestly don't want to know how many calories they are eating, or why they're not losing weight by just hitting the treadmill a couple times a week.
  • Deanna_garnermommy
    Deanna_garnermommy Posts: 118 Member
    I remain friends, but "unfollow" them if i really don't like their constant posting about their garbage
  • difwiz
    difwiz Posts: 4
    Actually, I closed down my Facebook account quite a while ago. I found that it provided nothing useful in my life and was a huge time drain. I am so much happier now that I don't have Facebook in my life. The bonus is that I don't have to see, and am not tempted by, recipes people post.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I hate when people care what other people are eating/want to eat.
    Make your food choices, but you don't need to preach how many calories is in something to anyone else.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Oh wow. I'd hate to be your FB friend - I would unfriend you for telling me what kind of recipes I'm allowed to post and how they aren't up to your standards. Probably unfriend you in real life too. But when someone continually posts something against my views I simply un-friend them or just block those posts.
  • Mojoman02
    Mojoman02 Posts: 146 Member
    I deal with it two ways. First of all, I share healthy recipes...I "liked" pages like SkinnyTaste, etc., so I will repost recipes like that. Second of all, I do look at and repost the fattening recipes and it doesn't bother me. I guess as long as I know that I can have anything to eat as long as I stay in my daily calories, it's no big deal. But I also know I want to lose weight so I won't bake it and eat it on a routine basis. Let everyone else bake it and eat it! lol!
  • ravengal
    I don't think it's any of your business.
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    I don't restrict myself from eating anything, so I don't mind. The millionaire speghetti pie is actually amazing
  • michellerawrrr_72
    michellerawrrr_72 Posts: 14 Member
    Do you think you will change your FB friends minds about what you deem unhealthy by criticizing them? If it bothers you so much scroll past it and ignore it.

    How do I deal? If the post has bacon in it I hit share, because well......BACON!
  • doiexist1987
    doiexist1987 Posts: 6 Member
    I look at the ingredients, and since most contain things that are heavily processed I won't eat them. Also if I make goodies I make them at night when my motivation to eat is low. Take a small serving and then hide in microwave and let my husband need eat it or offer to who ever visits. I usually lose interest in junk food fast. I wanted cake bites the other night and only got as far as printing the recipe before being distracted and just not giving a damn.
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    Yeah, I think it's kind of mean to post the calorie count on someone else's page.

    If they wanted to know, they'd look it up.

    I often think to myself that some of the people posting recipes should go for a walk instead, but it's not my job to tell them.
  • MrsCurvyFab
    MrsCurvyFab Posts: 46 Member
    I agree its their facebook just as well as it is your facebook. I also post' here is my dinner picture' on instagram which are sometimes healthy.. sometimes not. Either way people have asked me to help them with recipe sites and ideas. some people even said it was gross looking lol oh well cant please them all!

    regarding FB you can unfriend them, or click on the 'hide' newsfeed i think it is called.
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    I don't really care about what others choose to eat. Or if they post about it on social networking sites. When it comes to food and fitness, I worry about me and my children.


    I was accused of being 'judgmental" this morning by one of my MFP friends when I commented on my own feed about people who post pics with dirty laundry and crap laying around in the background, or countertops covered with all sorts of crap.

    I suppose I reserve my judgment for some things and not others.
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I think this is only appropriate. And I would eat the hell out of this cheesey goodness.

  • Skarlet13
    Skarlet13 Posts: 146 Member
    You really shouldn't care so much. It's their Facebook accounts so they can post what they want. It's also kind of rude to post the calories for the items they're posting about. Just scroll past it. You'll feel better.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Oh wow. I'd hate to be your FB friend - I would unfriend you for telling me what kind of recipes I'm allowed to post and how they aren't up to your standards. Probably unfriend you in real life too. But when someone continually posts something against my views I simply un-friend them or just block those posts.
    This. Not everyone believes that restriction is the way to be healthy.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Two words: Food porn.

    I like looking at hot men too. Doesn't make me mad that I "can't have them" either. I enjoy looking at the recipies and to be honest, it's none of my business what other's post on their walls. If you don't like it, unfollow them. Easy as french silk pie.