7 day weight loss pill success!



  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    hey there might not be a "magic pill" as such - but if it helps in the way of reducing appetite or helping u to have a good sleep so you're not raiding the fridge in the middle of the night or stabilises your blood sugar levels so you no longer have this overwhelming craving for cake! along with exercise and healthy eating - then it is like an "assistant" to help u reach your goals. If it works, I say go for it! GC helps me and it's not a drug, it's a supplement.
  • boxpunk
    boxpunk Posts: 52 Member
    sorry, I haven't read the entire thread, but my first week, I went to the vitamin shoppe, and after an hour of the employee taking me around and explaining everything to me, I got the 7 day cleanse for women. I lost 10 pounds. That 10 pounds was just backed up ****. literally. It did it's job. it cleaned me out and my stamina increased. I started riding my bike again and even I haven't lost weight, my endurance and strength have improved.

    The point to all that, there's no magic pill. be happy about the weight loss, but don't focus on what caused it. The herbal life helped clean house, now go do something. Even if you don't lose weight or inches, it's a slow process. I've done three bike rides since my week ended. 33 min for 3.5 miles, then the next 28 min 43 seconds and tonight's 28 min 35 seconds. Haven't lost any weight but I've been doing 3.5 miles faster.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I really don't have any thoughts on this pill, I mean I wouldn't take it, I prefer the natural way.
    However, there are some harsh people in the house today.
    Completely destroying each other is not going to help anything.

    Life is harsh.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Firstly I didn't think OP's original response to the question posed was rude and then she was provoked into rudeness (just my opinion) ... OP were you exercising before the magic pill or is the exercise a new thing so I am wondering if that could be why you lost the weight in the first place?
  • CynthiaElise
    CynthiaElise Posts: 262 Member
    wow-so much for community support. Just a bunch of haters. done

    I don't support needing to take pills, but you did say that you are now working out 5 days a week. THAT IS GREAT!!! Continue to do that OP, I'm sure you will continue your weight loss even on the off week. Honestly, like everyone else here is saying (I will try to state it a bit more eloquently), if you continue to work out and eat in a deficit, you will lose weight... you won't need some magic pill! Save that money and reward yourself with some new workout clothes when you drop a size :)

    Check out IIFYM.com for a TDEE calculator if your weight loss stalls, and don't be afraid if the scale goes up a few pounds. Probabyl just your body storing a bit of water to protect your internal organs because you started working out and to replenish those lost from the herbs in the pill.

    You win. I like you.
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    A diet pill, in conjunction with diet and exercise, and watch the weight fall off like magic. ;)
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    wow-so much for community support. Just a bunch of haters. done

    I don't support needing to take pills, but you did say that you are now working out 5 days a week. THAT IS GREAT!!! Continue to do that OP, I'm sure you will continue your weight loss even on the off week. Honestly, like everyone else here is saying (I will try to state it a bit more eloquently), if you continue to work out and eat in a deficit, you will lose weight... you won't need some magic pill! Save that money and reward yourself with some new workout clothes when you drop a size :)

    Check out IIFYM.com for a TDEE calculator if your weight loss stalls, and don't be afraid if the scale goes up a few pounds. Probabyl just your body storing a bit of water to protect your internal organs because you started working out and to replenish those lost from the herbs in the pill.

    You win. I like you.

    ^^Awwww, squeeeee gif!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    not sure if I want in or not....but here I go................................................
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    wow-so much for community support. Just a bunch of haters. done

    I don't support needing to take pills, but you did say that you are now working out 5 days a week. THAT IS GREAT!!! Continue to do that OP, I'm sure you will continue your weight loss even on the off week. Honestly, like everyone else here is saying (I will try to state it a bit more eloquently), if you continue to work out and eat in a deficit, you will lose weight... you won't need some magic pill! Save that money and reward yourself with some new workout clothes when you drop a size :)

    Check out IIFYM.com for a TDEE calculator if your weight loss stalls, and don't be afraid if the scale goes up a few pounds. Probabyl just your body storing a bit of water to protect your internal organs because you started working out and to replenish those lost from the herbs in the pill.

    You win. I like you.

    The cat's just like "I don't even care, bro"
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member

    Secondly, what the pills do it increase your metabolism naturally and so cause weight loss. They also get rid of all the junk and toxins in your body to get your body clean and clear and your weight loss ff on the right track.

    The only thing that increases your metabolism is lean muscle mass and they don't get rid of toxins, your liver & kidneys do.

    OH, and by the way the name is in the title: 7 day weight loss pill and is sold on supplements and is highly rated as one of the top ten weight loss supplements.

    Highly rated by whom? I didn't see any double blind clinical trials quoted on their website and , of course, they have the ever popular disclaimer used by all the best snake-oil salesmen......"These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration."
  • CynthiaElise
    CynthiaElise Posts: 262 Member
    I really don't have any thoughts on this pill, I mean I wouldn't take it, I prefer the natural way.
    However, there are some harsh people in the house today.
    Completely destroying each other is not going to help anything.

    ^^ Yup..

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I really don't have any thoughts on this pill, I mean I wouldn't take it, I prefer the natural way.
    However, there are some harsh people in the house today.
    Completely destroying each other is not going to help anything.

    and to that I say


    there was nothing mean here just truth and if she wants to believe a magic pill exists that helped her lose weight we are not going to enable that....

    Now that would be mean.
  • WontShareChocolate
    Cocaine and Ex-Lax work better ....


    Lmfao omg
  • 4daluvof_candice
    4daluvof_candice Posts: 483 Member
    You cant help everyone MFPals!:wink:
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    hey there might not be a "magic pill" as such - but if it helps in the way of reducing appetite or helping u to have a good sleep so you're not raiding the fridge in the middle of the night or stabilises your blood sugar levels so you no longer have this overwhelming craving for cake! along with exercise and healthy eating - then it is like an "assistant" to help u reach your goals. If it works, I say go for it! GC helps me and it's not a drug, it's a supplement.

    If you want lose weight and keep it off then you need to deal with the mental issues that make you raid the fridge in the middle of the night and crave cake to the point you can't resist. If you don't do this then be prepared to pop pills for the rest of your life and yo-yo diet. Pills are not the answer for weight loss, they help mask the real reasons for being over weight in the first place. Believe me, I'm speaking from experience. Now I've addressed my food issues, am eating healthily and also have learned to control portion size for less healthy food plus exercise most days the weight is coming off steadily and I have a lifestyle I can sustain.
  • SCV34
    SCV34 Posts: 2,048 Member
    not sure if I want in or not....but here I go................................................

    I think OP dropped out a few comments back.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    hey there might not be a "magic pill" as such - but if it helps in the way of reducing appetite or helping u to have a good sleep so you're not raiding the fridge in the middle of the night or stabilises your blood sugar levels so you no longer have this overwhelming craving for cake! along with exercise and healthy eating - then it is like an "assistant" to help u reach your goals. If it works, I say go for it! GC helps me and it's not a drug, it's a supplement.

    If you want lose weight and keep it off then you need to deal with the mental issues that make you raid the fridge in the middle of the night and crave cake to the point you can't resist. If you don't do this then be prepared to pop pills for the rest of your life and yo-yo diet. Pills are not the answer for weight loss, they help mask the real reasons for being over weight in the first place. Believe me, I'm speaking from experience. Now I've addressed my food issues, am eating healthily and also have learned to control portion size for less healthy food plus exercise most days the weight is coming off steadily and I have a lifestyle I can sustain.

    Mental issues, oh please. It's my taste buds & blood sugar levels that make me crave cake or white bread (bad carbs) - which I control with eating the right foods - protein, fruits, drinking plenty of water blah blah we all know what's good for us - and also taking GC which actually helps me to sleep because lack of sleep was the main cause for my weight gain i.e. eating late at night & no energy the next day for exercise. It's also an appetite suppressant, I still get hungry but not ravenous hungry. What works for you is great but it doesn't always work for everyone and if a pill that is preferably not a drug but a supplement is not a bad thing if it HELPS in our journey of weight loss and being healthy. People take vitamins all the time yet if they try GC or some other such supplement which promotes weight loss which I personally dont expect to perform miracles for me as I dont believe there is a "magic pill" - it is only me who puts in the effort to gain results - but it definitely helps - then what's the big deal?
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Mental issues like making excuses such as taste buds and blood sugar (which you can control through diet unless you have medical issues). And a herbal pill that has an effect on the body is just as much a drug as cocaine. The big deal is once you stop taking the pills then the weight will come back and probably more on top (and I am speaking from experience).
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    I feel you OP. Once I thought I could lose a few pounds by lighting myself on fire in the street. I was trying it, and all these totes jelly haterz came up to me and told me to stop! The nerve! Keep doin' you!
  • tallgirlshelley
    tallgirlshelley Posts: 108 Member
    Ypu want to lose 70 pounds taking dieuretics?? Good luck with that. One saturday morning I mixed up a batch of buttermilk pancakes with what turned out to be SPOILED buttermilk. I spent the rest of the weekend on the toilet with a bucket.

    I lost 10 pounds that weekend. By the next weekend, I put 9 of it back, because I started eating food that wasn't going to take everything out with it at both ends.

    Enjoy the dehydration.

    hahaha! I did the same thing, pretty much, with moldy birthday cake last night. Was going to just eat a tiny little sliver. Ended up barfing it back up in the sink and my stomach was wonky til this morning. Awesome way to curb those evening snack urges. Food poisoning rocks!