

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Our specialist just left. Not good news for hubby and his nerves. She told us all about the medicine he needs to be on. Bad thing for him is that he has to have 5 doses in his system before it is safe for him to go home. Twice a day medicine, first dose this evening, that's Thursday before discharge. This is if he tolerates it OK. She also told him that atrial fibrillation is common in patients with sleep apnea. I have told him several times that he should have a sleep study. I guess this means that his appointment with the nuerologist consult will have to be postponed.

    I ate BAD at lunch today. I was one bad lady. I was in need of comfort food, went down to the cafeteria for lunch and they had a ham/pasta/cheese casserole. I gave in and ordered it. Oh it was salty:grumble: So I really didn't enjoy my bad meal. We have walked 2 miles today though. I don't know what happened to hubbie today but he has been watching chick flicks today. Yesterday it was Fox news channel all day today chick flicks. I think he was trying to find something for me to watch.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I’m so definitely a stress eater! It doesn’t have to be major stress, either. Just a little bit of stress is enough to send me over to the dark side. I’ve been fighting the impulse for the past two days now, and it hasn’t been easy. I haven’t given in, but the urge is still with me.

    I couldn’t find where my last post is, so gave up and started on Page 17. I usually jot myself a note about where I left off, but seem to have forgotten this last time.

    Gloria – I’m so sorry to hear about your mother’s cancer. I hope that you can get her the care that she needs quickly. At times like this, you just have to do the best you can with eating/exercise, and don’t be too hard on yourself. Thinking of you and your family during this time.

    Joyce – I’m way behind on the posts, so don’t know what is going on with your hubby. Whatever it is, I hope that he is better and at home with you soon! When my father was in the hospital for so long, I spent a lot of time walking the hallways – it seemed to help with the stress.

    Carol – We all have days when we “fall off the wagon.” It won’t hurt you in the overall scheme of things if you just get right back on! Sending positive thoughts for your daughter’s surgery, and also your son’s appointment.

    YannieJannie – Good job on removing those 2 lbs.!

    Teral – I will check the calendar for March and get back to you. It would really be fun to set up a meeting!

    Jane in Colorado
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Good evening,

    Newcomers welcome:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


    Joyce My mom has had the same problem for twenty years. When she used the C-pap machine I forget its full name. It really helped her. He needs to do whatever it takes to get artial fib. under control. Sorry you are both going through this.

    Carol NC sorry about your children your daughter’s is an emergency.

    Pat Ohio do beans work well as a substitute for flour. I have heard of this but never tried it. It intrigues me. Is it a 1-1 correspondence?


    Sandy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Heather I am hungry now.

    Arios have you tried tart cherry juice before bed. It naturally raises your melatonin levels.

    Dr.Katie are you taking extra Vit. D as your bone heals?

    Went to a delightful concert at the conservatory last night with DH and friends . The group was called The Sudden Lovelys. Worked in another Kindergarten class. They were collecting 100 acts of Kindness. Great group.

    My friend’s daughter is home now. Thanks for your prayers.

    600\250 cal meals snacks
    20 min meals minimum
    Mindful breathing and posture
    Getting healthy is a marathon not a sprint. From what Are You Hungry For

    Word for the year contentment
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I've had a good day. I've been getting up earlier and doing a small workout before work then to the gym after work. I find that I move more during the day if I've done a workout before work. Trying to get more steps in each day. It's hard to do when I sit at a desk all day long.

    I'm watching the replay of the women's hockey game of the Finland vs Canada. DD didn't get to see it today. I was able to stream it on my tablet at work so I've seen it. I absolutely love watching the Olympics.

    I've gone back to chewing mint gum after dinner in order to get the night snacking back in check.

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • drlewando
    drlewando Posts: 12 Member
    I just heard about the book The Metabolic Storm by Emily Cooper
    Great advice..... The focus is getting out of the diet fog... and taking care of our bodies.

    One statement she makes "An obese person's brain is essentially blind to the excess weight the body is carrying, and this can lead to preoccupation with food and impaired satisfaction after eating." When hit my highest weight on the scale,,, I did not see myself
    morbidly obese when I looked in the mirror. However, when I saw a photo,,,, I didn't know who that woman was. This books make a lot of sense.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello all! I had a great day in Kansas City today. The roads were a little bit snowy close to home, but when I got about 30 miles north the roads were all clear. No trouble at all. My cardiologist appointment went well. He agreed that I'm doing very well, so he says I can stop cardiac rehab and go back to the Y instead. He also says I can lift 25 pounds now, so I can really get back to my pottery. And I don't have to make another appointment now, just wait and call them if I have any more trouble down the road. So, I feel like I have graduated!

    Then I went to the new ceramic supply store, which I had not been to before. It turned out to be a nice store, but it is connected to a gallery and a large community studio. He gave me a tour of the place and I was ready to move right in. It is a HUGE space with gigantic windows that overlook a big industrial area and railroad tracks with graffiti all over the brick retaining wall. It was really beautiful! The gallery was full of wonderful ceramic works. I was there about an hour and a half. Then went to Trader Joes and got fruit for my lunch and three different dog treats - all made in the US.

    The roads coming home were even better than they had been on the way there, so I got home in plenty of time to go out to supper with hubby and his chemistry group. Now I'm home resting. It's been a long day.

    I forgot who asked, but yes, that is Bruno in my profile picture. I'll try yo put up another one of him, and one of Molly if I can figure it out.

    Drlewando, I understand about the self image not matching what you see. When I look in the mirror I still see the same person I've always seen. There is no fat or thin attached to my mental image. I never liked the way I looked and always considered myself to be ugly. Of course, I don't look at myself all that often. But when I see photos I am mortified by how fat that person is.

    Joyce, hubby goes in tomorrow for his sleep test to see if he has apnea. His sister has apnea and there is some question as to whether that is what killed their father. I'm pretty sure he has it though, because he doesn't sleep well, and frequently he stops breathing so long that I have to nudge him. Then he snorts and wakes up. So, I don't sleep well either. I'll be glad to get a firm diagnosis. I hope he doesn't have AFib like your hubby.

    Welcome to the newest ladies! Tell us more about yourselves, and come back often! Now that you've posted you can find the thread again by going to the "my topics" tab under Community.

    Good night ladies!

  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    Molly: Yay for lifting:). And ceramics is a fabulous and heart healthy activity, so relaxing and artistic.

    Sandy: great way to start the day, I've been thinking about this for years!

    I'm on the right track (at last!)

    January: gain mobility in upper body with physio...✔done:)
    Start lifting...✔done:)
    February: gain strength in upper body...✔definitely getting there!!!:). (Yay!)
    Run three times a week.... ✔Yep
    Belly dancing..... Working on it.

  • drattedfatbody52
    Dear Wonderful Women over 50,

    I just started on February 1 and I'm liking this MFP pretty good. Last week I had lost 5 lbs and today I found them all but I think it is my wretched cycle (I am HATING perimenopause.) and not what I'm really doing since I've only had one day over my calories and I exercised more than I expected to be able to do in a week and I am determined to be a better version of myself in the future than I am now.

    Please may I be in this group? I need to lose half my body weight, 140 lbs.
  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Hello everyone,
    This as a chatty group, I enjoy reading about everyone and how things are going.
    I am hoping that soon I can get more personal, right now I'm trying to get to know
    Your stories. There are a few of you going through some tough times with your spouse's
    and parents. I lost my mom and mil within 6 months of each other 7 yrs ago and my
    Dad 2 yrs ago in Dec and this week will be a year since my f-I-l passed. So I
    understand how hard it is to take care of yourself while helping them. I miss them, but I
    know they are together and in a better place and not suffering.

    Barbie, I see you are from (NW) Washington, not sure exactly where that is but I've been
    to the Seattle area 3 times so far. I'm in love with your state, I have a friend in Mulkelteo
    (spelling?) So I stay with her when I visit, I'm from the east coast and I thought we
    Had nice mountains until I visited Mount Baker and Rainier they are beautiful.

    Have a Good evening everyone,
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    drlewondo, I can certainly agree with you about how we see ourselves. I see women walking around, even shopping in the same store as me and we are looking at the same size. To me they look super obese. To me, I'm just really overweight. Surely I don't look like them. But to see myself in a picture I am disgusted. Now as I see myself wearing a size 12 jeans, down from a 22, I just want to take that other obese woman and shake them and say 'you can do this! Here I am 63 years old with MS and I did it.' My journey is not done, it will never be done but I never want to be like those other women. I hope in the future I will look at all my pictures of myself and they will be filled with smiles. I can hand the camera over to some one else now so I can be in the picture with my grand children.

    My husband called me this evening and I was totally expecting to hear him cursing at the world, being the angry man he is a lot. But he wasn't. We had a pleasant conversation, his tone of voice was nice, loving. One of the lab tests they did today was checking kidney function and other chemistries. His magnesium is low so he was getting a magnesium infusion. He has had the first dose of his new pill. I told him to think about that sleep study. Maybe he will think about it during the many times he wakes up during the night. Tomorrow is another day.

    I am almost to my 10,000 steps today. haven't been able to do that in a good while.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: At 3:30 AM the weather was perfect for the before breakfast dog walk…….at 4:45 when I headed out with the first dog for our long walk, it had rained, the temperature had dropped and the roads and driveways were terrifyingly icy…..it was a challenge to get from one grassy area to another without slipping.

    :flowerforyou: In between my many desk and computer projects, watching the Olympics, and waiting at the dermatologist’s office with Jake, I managed a fair amount of dog walking, squats and some other exercise. Jake got good news from the dermatologist then I came home to the need for more phone calls to two medical insurance companies and another doctor to attempt to clear up some claims.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 21,000 steps today

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did 15 minutes of yoga this morning, held my plank for 2 min 15 sec and then took the extreme pump class. The PLAN is that tomorrow I'l go to the Y and do this 20-40-60 workout. What it is is basically running for 20 seconds, briskly walking for 40 and then recovery walking for 1 minute. However, depending on the weather, I may switch things up and do a step DVD at home. I was planning to do that Wednesday but I think the Newcomer general meeting will be cancelled (as will our bowling). In that case, I'll do the Jillian Michaels Strong Buns and Thighs DVD on Wednesday and do this 20-40-60 on Thursday. We shall see how it goes.

    when I take the extreme pump class, I usually use a 2-1/2kg weight along with a 1kg weight on each end. Today for some of the exercises I added an extra 1kg. Not so much when we were working biceps. I tried it, but my form wasn't right so I dropped down. But I used the heavier weight for lunges, squats, deadlifts, overhead presses, chest, but not triceps.

    I wasn't planning on a dinner for tomorrow as Rummikub is scheduled. Only the gal who is hosting it has cancelled. Well, I have some cod in the refrig that's defrosted, I need to cook it before we go to FL anyway, so I'll make it for tomorrow. I was going to have cod on Wed but we may wind up having Thursdays dinner on Wednesday and Wedesdays on Thursday.

    Patty - what a wonderful service! It warmed my heart just reading all about why it's done.

    Kay - I hope you feel better fast

    katla - before moving to NC, we lived in Kennett Square PA (southeastern part of PA), before that we lived in the Poconos in PA. I always take my own magazines to docotrs offices or hospitals. I've heard that the ones they have in their offices carry a lot of germs and I have no desire to get even more sick.

    Stopped at Aldi earlier since I wanted to get more veggies and a few other things. The number of people who were there! I usually park out in no-man's-land, but even there it was packed. I didn't buy much, but by the time I took my cart back, there were only three more carts! As I was walking out, this one man says to me "it's snowing". No it wasn't, it was raining and it was cold, but that's all.

    yanniejannie - I don't remember if I congratulated you on the award, but if I forgot -- congrats!

    Heather - I'm sorry, I just had to skim over the part when you were talking about all that food. It just is too too tempting.

    dvorah and eatingtolive - welcome! You joined just by posting! Come back often

    Carol in NC - I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and wish you all the best. It's so tough when you're torn in two directions, BTDT. and how I hate it.

    Joyce - how I wish I could make things better for you and Charlie. I can understand why you'd stress eat. but isn't it weird, even when we need not-good-for-us-food, it just doesn't taste good any more. Thank you so much for keeping us updated on charlie

    Sylvia - so glad you had such a good day. Great news from the cardiologist!

    drattedfatbod - pull up a chair, pour yourself a no cal drink, and jump right in

    Michele in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Joyce I reread my post. I realized I failed to explain that my mom has sleep apnea too and using that breathing machine really helped her. Because I nagged her to use it she named it Margaret. LOL. She too suffers from atrial fib. I do think there is a connection between the two. Hopefully your DH will get in to check out his sleep apnea. Getting treatment for it will improve his life.

    Sorry YannieJannie for misspelling your name. I am not always the best typist.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Joyce: With sleep apnea the sleeper does not realize how many times a night they are waking up. Often times they snore so loudly they disturb others. You will also hear the person snore with a loud snort that may or may not wake them up. What often happens is they fall asleep during the day, and they feel tired. It makes it much more difficult to lose weight. If DH needs another reason to be convinced to get it treated, without treatment he increases his odds of heart attack, stroke, and accidents. . His current medical crisis might be the wake up call he needs to seek this life saving treatment. Being overweight especially around the neck increases your chances of having sleep apnea. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,756 Member
    morning ladies,
    lord I feel so so bad, another morning without going to the gym,1- because I am very sore.. I shoveled for an hr yesterday morning, then came home and shoveled again for an 1/2 hr.so now I can barely move..
    Thursday we are supposed to get a Nor' easter really like we havent gotten enough, and you know the DH will probably try and drive through it to get to work..
    and guess who will be snow blowing and shoveling. well I guess that is some good exercise,I just hope our power doesnt go out..
    I cant wait for the warm weather, I think it will help with the exercise...
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    @Grandmallie: shoveling IS exercise!:flowerforyou:

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning ladies!!

    I can't tell you how much this group has helped me stay motivated. Although I can't find time to post very often, I do read all posts every morning and evening. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you with struggles. You are handling some serious situations with grace.

    Again, I am running late and need to get ready for another work day.. Will try to get back to comment more this evening if possible.

    Have a great day!

    Deb A in beautiful, snowy CNY
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies from a grey and wet London town (what a surprise!)

    I just cannot keep warm at present. I wear high waisted proskins under my clothes as a first layer (mainly because they soften my skin, but I like the high waist ones because they keep my tummy warm!) Even with the heating on full in the gallery, I am still chilled to the bone. It doesn't help that much of the gallery is open plan with stairs going up and down. Roll on summer!

    Before I left for work this morning, I facetimed with DD#2. Her miracle baby is due next week. It's really hard for me not to be over there with her right now :sad: Still, she looks well and is happy.

    DS is coming to stay with us for the next two nights - mainly because of the tube strike, but also because he is filming not far from where we live (he is an actor). We won't see much of him as we won't get home from work until late and I'm only fit for bed once I get home!

    I had sleep apnoea for many years before I lost weight. The cpap machine was not pleasant but it certainly helped. The day I was able to stop using it was a VERY good day, but it didn't happen until I'd lost almost 100 pounds.

    Time to do some work now.

    Have a good day my friends.

    Love to all.

    Amanda x
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hi Amanda, I'm wearing thermal pants and a thermal shirt almost all the time under my regular clothes. I also discovered that dry skin makes me feel colder, so I've started using jojoba oil and raw shea butter. That helps too.

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the new ladies:flowerforyou: , hope you`ll be back often and chat with us! This is a great group of kind, supportive women!

    Margaret:smile::drinker: Sharing my coffee and water with you this morning:bigsmile: !

    Yanniejannie:smile: I think I also failed to congratulate you on your award:embarassed: , congrats:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: !!!! Are you ready for the snowstorm? I`m ready for it to be over before it starts:sad: !

    Alison:smile: I would think shoveling snow would be a real workout! I may doing some of that very soon too:frown: !

    Amanda:smile: Hope you get warm!!!

    Cynthia:smile: I`ve never heard of dry skin making you feel colder. I slather moisturizer all over myself all the time, I love the shea butters!

    Deb:smile: It`s always nice to see your posts:happy: !

    Michele:smile: Are you ready??? I think you`re supposed to have more snow than we get here.....not looking forward to it at all:frown: !

    Carol:smile: Will be thinking of you and your daughter today, hope everything goes well:flowerforyou: !

    Time to get busy, I`ve got lots of things to get done before the snowstorm:grumble: ! I have a dentist appt. on Thursday and have a feeling it will be canceled, and I scheduled myself a pedicure for Valentine`s day, a nice gift for myself, not sure that will happen either:grumble: !

    Have a great day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in NC waiting for the snow