February Cycling Challenge 2014



  • IanFattyHook
    IanFattyHook Posts: 1 Member
    644 miles so far this year. Aiming for around 80-90 per week. Commute + recreation (MTB). Just wish this wind & rain would go away!
  • jjking54
    jjking54 Posts: 113 Member
    2/3 - 16 miles
    2/4 - 12 miles
    2/6 - 16 miles
    2/10 - 16 miles
    2/11 - 18 miles
    2/13 - 16 miles
    2/17 - 10 miles
    2/18 - 19 miles
    2/20 - 20 miles
    2/23 - 20 miles

    Total - 163 miles
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    February 1 - rode 29.8 miles for a duration of 91 minutes
    February 2 - rode 47.2 miles for a duration of 150 minutes
    February 3 - rode for 30 minutes recovery spin (not counting for miles) and did weights
    February 4 - rode for 19 miiles for a duration of 60 minutes
    February 5 - rode for 10.1 miles for a duration of 30 minutes and did weights
    February 6 - rode for 29.6 miles for a duration of 90 minutes (included 5 x 6 minute L4 intervals)
    February 8 - rode for 28.4 miles for a duration of 90 minutes
    February 9 - rode for 40 miles for a duration of 120 minutes
    February 10 - rode for 3 miles for a duration of 10 minutes and did 60 mintues of weights
    February 11 - rode for 18.6 miles for a duration of 60 minutes
    February 12 - rode for 10.4 miles for a duration of 30 minutes and did weights
    February 15 - rode for 28.2 miles for a duration of 90 minutes
    February 16 - rode for 8.6 miles for a duration of 30 minutes
    February 17 - 21 - Got SICK!!! Took 5 days off the bike, but did short weight lifting sessions instead.
    February 22 - rode for 9.9 miles for a duration of 30 minutes
    February 23 - rode 22 miles for a duration of 60 minutes

    **Total for month of February: 304.7 miles/15:40 hours

    **I am training for the 2014 XC Mountain Bike Racing Season. Goal is to increase my 2013 monthly duration by 10% (and get a bit more lean and mean to improve my power/weight ratio).
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    2/16 - 1.4 miles outside. The weather was amazing.
    2/18 - 0.5 miles outside. Woot.
    2/19 - 1.9 miles outside in three separate rides. Also did 75 minutes of gardening. Yay! Pain is an issue as always, but I move slowly and keep moving.
    2/20 - 0.9 miles outside.
    2/21 - 0.4 miles outside. Chillier than I thought.
    2/23 - 1.6 miles outside, listening to some Motown hits.

    Goal - none.
    MTD - 6.7 miles.
  • blanphere
    blanphere Posts: 82 Member
    2/2 - 18.39 spinning
    2/6 - 21.54 spinning
    2/9 - 19.51 spinning
    2/10 - 14.51 spinning
    2/13 - 22.54 spinning
    2/16 - 21.53 spinning (with new shoes!)
    2/18 - 15.60 spinning
    2/ 20 - 25.54 spinning
    2/23 - 20.15 spinning

    Total for week - 20.15
    Total for month - 158.31

    Goal - 275/mo (not sure i am going to make it at this pace...but I have new shoes!!)
  • Bocch
    Bocch Posts: 191 Member
    February 4: 4.70 mi spinning (got sick, cut it short)
    February 8: 11.0 mi spinning
    February10 11.1 mi spinning
    February11 11.2 mi spinning
    February16:11.2 mi spinning
    Fenruary17:11.3 mi spinning
    February24 11.6 mi spinning
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I am one of the newbie amateur bicycling people. But today I went on a local trail and had so much fun. I usually stick with a cruiser and this time I braved it with the hybrid and experimented with speeds. It was glorious to feel like it finally "clicked" for me! I also went much further than last time I was on the same trails, and felt more confident. I surprised my husband by catching up with him on a trail I did not venture onto last time we were there. Overall just a very fun day for me!
  • GenoPrice
    GenoPrice Posts: 477 Member
    03/02 - 19 miles spinning
    04/02 - 20 miles spinning
    05/02 - 20 miles spinning
    07/02 - 12 miles
    10/02 - 20 miles spinning
    11/02 - 20 miles spinning
    12/02 - 30 miles
    13/02 - 26 miles
    17/02 - 20 miles spinning
    18/02 - 20 miles spinning
    19/02 - 30 miles
    21/02 - 30 miles
    23/02 - 25 miles
  • Bocch
    Bocch Posts: 191 Member
    February 4: 4.70 mi spinning (got sick, cut it short)
    February 8: 11.0 mi spinning
    February10 11.1 mi spinning
    February11 11.2 mi spinning
    February16:11.2 mi spinning
    Fenruary17:11.3 mi spinning
    February23 11.6 mi spinning
    February24 11.6 mi spinning
  • imjolly
    imjolly Posts: 176 Member
    Feb 2 - 10 miles
    Feb 11 - 15 miles
    Feb 22 - 10 miles
  • Leanz
    Leanz Posts: 2,025 Member
    20 Feb 4.72 miles
    21 Feb 5 miles
    22 Feb 11.6 miles
    23 Feb 10.1 miles
    24 Feb 7 miles
    25 Feb 1.3 miles, small run today as well :bigsmile:

    MTD 102.5 miles
  • jjking54
    jjking54 Posts: 113 Member
    2/3 - 16 miles
    2/4 - 12 miles
    2/6 - 16 miles
    2/10 - 16 miles
    2/11 - 18 miles
    2/13 - 16 miles
    2/17 - 10 miles
    2/18 - 19 miles
    2/20 - 20 miles
    2/22 - 20 miles
    2/24 - 21 miles

    Total - 184 miles
  • faugsu
    faugsu Posts: 330 Member
    Greetings, I'm back!! Make that GLAD TO BE BACK. I see many familiar faces posting, along with many new ones. Thanks Cricket for keeping it going.
    My December hip replacement went well. So, yesterday I rode 7 miles, and 7 more today. My "plan" was to take it easy for 4-8 weeks. Forget that! I'm going to go at least an hour effective immediately. I still don't think I'll ride much the next few weeks due to the rain so I wont be overdoing it.
    I log outside miles [all on a road bike]. I don't have any mileage goal. My goal is to be safe!
  • barbhat13
    barbhat13 Posts: 725 Member
    Long urban ride while car in shop. Heavy traffic to beach county park connecting to U road connecting to Courtney Campbell trail. About two hours worth.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    February 1 - rode 29.8 miles for a duration of 91 minutes
    February 2 - rode 47.2 miles for a duration of 150 minutes
    February 3 - rode for 30 minutes recovery spin (not counting for miles) and did weights
    February 4 - rode for 19 miiles for a duration of 60 minutes
    February 5 - rode for 10.1 miles for a duration of 30 minutes and did weights
    February 6 - rode for 29.6 miles for a duration of 90 minutes (included 5 x 6 minute L4 intervals)
    February 8 - rode for 28.4 miles for a duration of 90 minutes
    February 9 - rode for 40 miles for a duration of 120 minutes
    February 10 - rode for 3 miles for a duration of 10 minutes and did 60 mintues of weights
    February 11 - rode for 18.6 miles for a duration of 60 minutes
    February 12 - rode for 10.4 miles for a duration of 30 minutes and did weights
    February 15 - rode for 28.2 miles for a duration of 90 minutes
    February 16 - rode for 8.6 miles for a duration of 30 minutes
    February 17 - 21 - Got SICK!!! Took 5 days off the bike, but did short weight lifting sessions instead.
    February 22 - rode for 9.9 miles for a duration of 30 minutes
    February 23 - rode 22 miles for a duration of 60 minutes
    February 25 - rode 20.1 miles for a duration of 60 minutes

    **Total for month of February: 324.8 miles/16:40 hours

    **I am training for the 2014 XC Mountain Bike Racing Season. Goal is to increase my 2013 monthly duration by 10% (and get a bit more lean and mean to improve my power/weight ratio).
  • GenoPrice
    GenoPrice Posts: 477 Member
    03/02 - 19 miles spinning
    04/02 - 20 miles spinning
    05/02 - 20 miles spinning
    07/02 - 12 miles
    10/02 - 20 miles spinning
    11/02 - 20 miles spinning
    12/02 - 30 miles
    13/02 - 26 miles
    17/02 - 20 miles spinning
    18/02 - 20 miles spinning
    19/02 - 30 miles
    21/02 - 30 miles
    23/02 - 25 miles
    25/02 - 20 miles spinning
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    2-1 -0
    2-2 - 11 mile , 39 minutes
    2-3 - 13 mile, 44 minutes
    2-5 - 15 mile, 53 minutes
    2-6 - 0
    2 - 7 - 0
    2-8 - 31 miles, 107 minutes
    2-9 - 14 miles, 43 minutes
    2-10 - 0
    2-11 - 16 miles, 47 minutes
    2-12 - 20.0 miles, 66 minutes
    2-13 - 17.0 miles, 59 minutes
    2-14 - 0
    2-15 - 19.0 miles, 62 minutes
    2-16 - 25.1 miles, 85 minutes
    2- 17 - 12.0 miles, 38 minutes
    2-26 - 12.0 miles, 42 minutes

    Total so far -201.1 miles
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Awesome job Steve :)

    And I see lots of great rides from everyone!

    Snow has kept me from riding this month. Those few miles I did on the first few days are all that I have for February. Hopefully next month I will see some clear roads.
  • jjking54
    jjking54 Posts: 113 Member
    2/3 - 16 miles
    2/4 - 12 miles
    2/6 - 16 miles
    2/10 - 16 miles
    2/11 - 18 miles
    2/13 - 16 miles
    2/17 - 10 miles
    2/18 - 19 miles
    2/20 - 20 miles
    2/22 - 20 miles
    2/24 - 21 miles
    2/25 - 15 miles

    Total - 199 miles
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    I am going to have to join the March Challenge! I just got myself a bike a few days ago and got a cart to pull my son (2yr) in! Even though I haven't ridden a bike in over 10 years, just in the past 2 days I have done 6.2 miles! My son loves it and I do too! :D