Coalition of Healthy Geeks and Gamers Thread



  • vauleese
    Wow is actually bringing back pvp ranks and Molten Core will be Heroic lol...all this is comming out in Cata!

    Heroic VC is insane Can't wait

    You must be one of the lucky one's who get's to Beta Test.

    Gtrigg~ I used to play D&D Old School with my Hubby before we moved to Germany. He had a whole group of friends who were doing it and so I joined in. After we moved to Germany tho the grp kinda broke up, sad really I was enjoying playing my caster lol.
  • vauleese
    Double Post Sorreh!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Wow is actually bringing back pvp ranks and Molten Core will be Heroic lol...all this is comming out in Cata!

    Heroic VC is insane Can't wait

    You must be one of the lucky one's who get's to Beta Test.

    Gtrigg~ I used to play D&D Old School with my Hubby before we moved to Germany. He had a whole group of friends who were doing it and so I joined in. After we moved to Germany tho the grp kinda broke up, sad really I was enjoying playing my caster lol.

    Awesome! Yeah, you do kinda need more than you and hubby to really play a decent game! And, what, no D&D nerds in Germany? What's wrong with those ppl? :laugh:
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    So for all you WOW players how are you liking 4.0.1???
  • fit2sit
    fit2sit Posts: 82 Member
    So for all you WOW players how are you liking 4.0.1???

    I went to play it last night after my jog...and I had to download 1.4 gigs /sadpanda

    My friend who downloaded the rest of it during his lunchbreak was texting me the whole night about it. I guess I'll have to see how it is when I get home tonight.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Console player here. Just finished Halo Reach, waiting for Assassin's Creed and really biding my time until Gears of War 3 is released. I don't play as often, but I am binary jester on xbox live.
    I only use my laptop for the internet and photoshop. I used to play Mafia Wars on Facebook, so much so I started my own clan. Not really into board games.
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    So for all you WOW players how are you liking 4.0.1???

    I went to play it last night after my jog...and I had to download 1.4 gigs /sadpanda

    My friend who downloaded the rest of it during his lunchbreak was texting me the whole night about it. I guess I'll have to see how it is when I get home tonight.

    i took off work to fix my addons. So I can raid tonight. This should be interesting...
  • ElvenMother427
    I am a big time BioWare junkie. I love all of their stuff....especially Dragon Age & Mass Effect. I also love the Fable series, Assassin's Creed....anything Final Fantasy....Fallout....lots and lots. Puzzle games like the Myst series, Portal, etc. are great too. I want to get Alan Wake, but have yet to do so. Thee are these old games for PC that I loved forever....7th Guest and 11th Hour...they were spooky story based puzzle games.

    Let's see....a friend of mine got me into Warhammer 40K....I am building an Eldar army at the moment....painting.

    I also have done D&D in the past, though most of our crew is back in CA....we have not found many people to play with here in WA. The only other dice based table top I have played is the Lord of The Rings one. I think it was discontinued, but it is awesome for a Tolkien nerd like me....I have almost all the books and it is D6 based. Hmm....I think that about covers it. :):)

    Glad to see more like me on here :)
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    *tears up* why did it take so long for me to find you all. PC gamer, D&D 3.5, Sci-Fi. lastest games played: Fallout 3, replayed orginal Half Life, Civ 4 colonization and Mount & Blade.

    and of course I kind of a Star Wars geek along with all my other geekness.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    *tears up* why did it take so long for me to find you all. PC gamer, D&D 3.5, Sci-Fi. lastest games played: Fallout 3, replayed orginal Half Life, Civ 4 colonization and Mount & Blade.

    and of course I kind of a Star Wars geek along with all my other geekness.
    Getting Civ 5?
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    only if I get a new computer first. Mine current one was on the self when TRS-80 were in style. JK, but it is old and had issues with graphics and speed.
  • Sara1978
    Sara1978 Posts: 213 Member
    Bump! How's everybody doing? I've been neglecting MFP message board cruising in favor of playing Minecraft. ;)
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I'm now convinced that for anything other than "cute" games and a few exercise games that don't rely on any graphics what so ever, the Wii sucks compared to all the other consoles.

    I got The force unleashed 2 for the Wii last week, played it for a while, and it's jerky, hard to control, and the graphics suck. And when I went to the net to see how someone else figured out a section, I saw the Xbox 360 version and I felt ripped off. It's a million times better. That's the last straw, I'm going to get an Xbox with Kinnect.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    My heart skipped a beat when I saw this thread.
  • marix27
    So this thread kind of died but what the hey, i'll post again.
    I'm BACK into WoW... damn you cata!
    i stopped playing for about 5 months due to low funds and boredom but since Cata came out it's almost all i do.

    i did find something interesting, i can't find the link anymore, but WoW Work-outs.
    just little things to do, like when you're flying, instead of watching yourself fly for 5 minutes, get up and do some jumping jacks or when you turn in a mission, do 10 sit ups before taking any more. Little things like that will add up:)
  • vauleese
    So this thread kind of died but what the hey, i'll post again.
    I'm BACK into WoW... damn you cata!
    i stopped playing for about 5 months due to low funds and boredom but since Cata came out it's almost all i do.

    i did find something interesting, i can't find the link anymore, but WoW Work-outs.
    just little things to do, like when you're flying, instead of watching yourself fly for 5 minutes, get up and do some jumping jacks or when you turn in a mission, do 10 sit ups before taking any more. Little things like that will add up:)

    Sounds like a plan for me although after getting the ability to fly around Azeroth I tend to fly everywhere myself, except for when it's between long distances.

    I went MIA for a bit with my DH deploying and CATA and the holidays. So now I've got my 85 Pally, an 82 boomkin and a 62mage but I've also got my weight back to where I dont want it....time to start dropping the lbs again.
  • marix27
    marix27 Posts: 28
    I lost my job a while ago and therefore I can't afford to play WoW. It's kind of killing me inside D:

    On a side note: I'm re-starting my weight loss goals and Sylvanas is my muse!
  • Megrollz
    Megrollz Posts: 6
    oooo i've seen no one mention counterstrike? and counterstrike source. Portal is one of my favourites, cant wait for portal 2.
    ohh and for casual gaming, cant beat a bit of Plants vs. Zombies (one of the best games ever made) anything by popcap tends to be good anyway =]

    I still need to buy portal 2. :(

    Anyways, I love all kinds of games! Just to name a few... Penumbra, WoW, TF2, Amnesia, Minecraft, Cave Story, League of Legends, L4D (1 and 2 :D), Pokemon, Street Fighter, Legend of Zelda, The Sims, Assassins Creed II (Ezio is so delicious..), Dead Rising 2, Portal, Gary's Mod, OBLIVION!!!!! (I cannot WAIT for Skyrim!!), Warcraft III.. and Yeah! a bunch more, haha!

    Unfortunately, all this gaming has led a bit to my downfall.. thus why I am here ;)