(LADIES) Working Out on Our Periods? Limits?



  • Brown523
    Brown523 Posts: 112 Member
    That is the silliest thing I ever heard. The only time there are restrictions are if you are doing yoga. There are positions they recommend you do not due if having your period or if pregnant. Working out actually is supposed to help reduce various PMS symptoms. I grew up near a beach and would spend all summer at the beach, in the water. The pressure of the water somehow reduced my cramps. So I spend all my period days at the beach until the weather was too cold to go into the water.

    OMG!! You went in the water...with your period.... and the sharks didn't get you??? I can't even believe it!
  • greshka
    greshka Posts: 33 Member
    Periods are no exception. If we know by now how the female body works (which I sure hope we do;), that blood has already been separated from the rest of our functioning organs so you're not going to bleed out (always check with a physician if you are having issues like that. Not a good thing if you do and you should not workout unless otherwise told). If you do crunches or sit-ups, or bounce up and down on a trampoline, you'll be fine. Then, when your done, eat that choc bar. YOU DESERVE IT;).

    ~People diet to look good in their clothes. I work out to look good naked;)~

  • Makes mine heavier but I don't let that stop me from working out. I don't work out the heaviest day (TMI) because I would go through a super tampon and a pad in an hour.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    If I didn't work out while PMSing or during TOM, I would lose 10 days of 28. And I have KILLER TOMs after getting a copper IUD. I "man up" and get *kitten* done.
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    I only avoid it on day 2 & 3, I have anemia and sometimes the extra blood loss is enough to make me almost pass out, so I'll skip on gym but try to get extra walking done. I pushed myself a few weeks ago and scored a really intensive lifting session, other than (TMI) using a "overnight" pad + softcup, nothing else happened.
  • that blood has already been separated from the rest of our functioning organs

    Not how it works. The uterus doesn't fill up with blood throughout the month and then expel it at the end.

    OP: If it's PMS you're worried about, work out. It's a great way to channel your energy. If it's cramps and they are severe enough to prevent you from doing anything else that day (work, school, taking care of kids) then yeah, working out isn't going to help DURING your period. Working out regularly all the time is supposed to help decrease the severity of cramping when your period comes, though. That said, if those are the kind of cramps you're getting all the time, call your doctor. If it's the flow you're concerned about, like I said before double up and use a pad and a tampon. If you're bleeding through a pad every hour or a super plus tampon every 1.5 hours for more than a day, you need to call your doctor. Try working out at home and see how you do in terms of flow. That way if you leak it's no big deal.
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    Whatever works for you :) Listen to your body and if you feel like you need to stop, then stop. I know for me working out when I'm on my period just makes me more irritable and sore even if I'm not doing anything strenuous. I tend to just ease off and try and make the best eating choices I can when I actually feel like eating that is. That being said I used to do Aqua aerobics (with a tampon obviously) and it really helped.